Happily home early from work. Now going to sit in the back garden with MacBook and play catchup with stuff-to-do list. Lebanese later :)
Valiantly battling with Java at L:work=Victoria Street, Bristol
Just signed up for novel-writing course
Taking the first little steps towards replacing my kitchen…
Watching Ideal at l:home.
Making a website and feeling vaguely guilty about not having practised guitar since my last lesson
Putting a website together at l:home
Fooling about with Garageband. L:Bristol, England
L:home=Bristol, UK:
Off to bed. No guitar practice tonight. Bad Matt!
Sitting at home with a headache :( listening to the Mac Roundtable podcast
Pondering writing a spoof Leo Laporte website :)
Testing some file recovery utilities…
Practising guitar…
Playing with a GIMP tutorial
Playing with a GIMP tutorial and trying to get Twitter to work over IM.
Nattering on Skype with Caz.