@ahnlak It may not be helping that the top-left diagonal half of the main map is, in reality, just about due south of the bottom-right half, as you can just about make out in the Key section. But you’d probably have to know the area quite well to work all that out…
@ahnlak I believe that (a) you are correct and that (b) they both accurately point to the same North.
Certainly gets my vote for most-baffling-laid-out-at-first-glance map of the year, and it’s 31st December… twitter.com/NickHowes13/stβ¦
@behlingdj (I suppose I think of the Chocolate Path as kind-of-a-bridge, maybe?)
@behlingdj The last time they worked on a bridge near me it was the Ashton Avenue renovation for the Metrobus, and I seem to remember that went a couple of *years* over schedule…
@behlingdj I haven’t, and I have no eye for civil engineering either, but I might be prepared to bet someone that it’s not open before July.

xenoindustrial my prediction is that 2023 will see the emergence of this decade’s Yellow Guy pic.twitter.com/1yR4fE5alG
Every other newsagent seems to be an incompetent parcel handler these days. I wonder if they’ve considered pooling their resources, streamlining the operation and making it a full-time business? They could call them Offices For Posting Stuff, or something. I’m bad with names…

@Beathhigh Much as I like the dust jacket, I’m very glad that an accidental peep behind it led me to the drop-dead gorgeous actual cover..pic.twitter.com/raQjfHN40808

clesliephoto Red Red - 30th December 2014
#Glasgow pic.twitter.com/2uFuz9Og71
@CubeApril I like other people to use them as an ingredient and then give me the results.
Wordle 559 5/6
Wordle 558 4/6
@JulietCObodo I have no idea what you mean. Sincerely, m@ttgibson.com.
GaryDelaney I bought a Russian advent calendar. Every time you open a window an oligarch falls out.
Wordle 557 4/6
Favourite Photo of the Month 2022 gothick.org.uk/2022/12/28/fav⦠#Blogging #Photography
@MrRayNewman His name keeps coming up for me at the moment. I would take it as a hint, but I’m going to need to move house soon just so I have more room for the “unread” pile…
@dawgofthesouth @GrammarTable That was my first thought. I have about a thousand pages of my old “morning pages” scanned in, just waiting for AI to get better at transcribing them than I am…
Wordle 556 4/6
@RosaEaton @Bristol_People I bookmarked this a while back; one of those rare journal papers that actually makes me want to keep on reading with the first page… jstor.org/stable/2403916β¦

@outonbluesix Breakfast at Tiffany’s versus Mickey Rooney. pic.twitter.com/p25jVZA7xr

TeamBraidman With great sadness we announce the death of our wonderful client Stephen Greif.
His extensive career included numerous roles on screen and stage, including at the National Theatre, RSC and in the West End.
We will miss him dearly and our thoughts are with his family and friends x pic.twitter.com/sYcwILCvNr

AS0151 Christmas miracle. pic.twitter.com/HI24Qaxn4G
Down to the wire.
Wordle 555 6/6
@4r7hr Took me bloody hours!
NotABigJerk For everyone visiting their parents this week:
LG tvs call it TrueMotion
Roku/TCL calls it Action Smoothing
Samsung calls it Auto Motion Plus
Sony calls it MotionFlow
Panasonic calls it Intelligent Frame Creation
Amazon Fire TVs call it Motion Processing
@4r7hr I think, *think* I’ve finished the bastard.
I’ll take it.
Wordle 554 3/6
Wordle 553 5/6
@Glassworks18 @SoVeryBritish Magdalene H Scones and the Pronunciation Controversy of Doom
Wordle 552 4/6

NickHowes13 College GreenοΏΌ 1930, raised 4’6” above the Surrounding 3 streets bearing the same nameοΏΌ; a secluded oasis of railed in gravel walks with lamps & benches & Norton’s replica 1851 civic high cross, all destroyed in an act of vandalism for Vincent Harris’ billiard table in 1950 pic.twitter.com/ukoegemxw0

MajorTomCom I’m going to start a thread of films/tv that belong in the DGU (Dressing Gown Universe). Rules are simple - a major character must wear a dressing gown in more than one scene. I’ll start with the classic tv version of HHG2G. Please add. #DGU #FilmTwitter #screenwriting pic.twitter.com/3lCSEZ2uR1
@Swishrelic I agree. Has a lot in common with all my experiences of suddenly falling in love with a band I’d never heard of before who turn out to have released a solitary album in 2002…
Currently wondering if Robert Carlyle or one of the writers was a Blake’s 7 fan, as someone definitely seemed to be asking “What would Avon do?” for Rush’s part…
In “very late to the party” news, Stargate Universe really wasn’t half bad. I tried it at the time but I think I needed a little distance from the more-upbeat rest of the franchise to really appreciate it.
@iamtheshunt1 I would much rather eat pickled onions than turkey. Clearly the lurgy I had has fogged my brain. Will need to make emergency pickled onion trip.
@AthanSpod @hayles I may or may not be currently eating a mince pie and drinking Baileys. At this rate I will probably be having a 2008-vintage tin of spam from the back of the cupboard for Christmas dinner.
Timeless tweet @hayles. twitter.com/gothick/statusβ¦

thespecials It is with great sadness that we announce the passing, following a brief illness, of Terry, our beautiful friend, brother and one of the most brilliant singers, songwriters and lyricists this country has ever produced. (1/4) pic.twitter.com/qJHsI1oTwp
@CoenKrom @NoContextBrits “Then you’re British by birth?” “Birth, nature, and inclination.”—John Steed, _Quick-Quick Slow Death_, 1966.
edent YOU DON’T NEEDΒ HTML! shkspr.mobi/blog/2022/12/yβ¦
skdh photon approaches a beam splitter

kenshirriff The Bendix Central Air Digital Computer (CADC) was introduced in 1955. It was a critical component of fighter planes, using tiny gears to compute parameters such as airspeed and altitude. It contained 46 synchros, 511 gears, 820 ball bearings, and a total of 2,781 major parts. 𧡠pic.twitter.com/yD6D3NUEB3
Wordle 547 3/6
rstevens horse walks into a bar

Anyway. I’m off to the library to pick up my reserved copy of _A Celebration of the New Cut_ which will at least give me something to do while I’m waiting for the path to re-open. #Bristol 4/4 pic.twitter.com/CG8nkj5sjs

The five-year anniversary of the closure seems to be particularly pointed, given that the entire New Cut was dug in five years, with work starting 1 May 1804 and certified complete 1 May 1809. Then again, I suppose Bristol can’t afford thousands of navvies these days… 3/4 pic.twitter.com/SroXhZSQCV

Work continues to restore the Chocolate Path. For those who don’t know #Bristol, it’s called the Chocolate Path because its paving looks like a bar of Dairy Milk. It runs alongside the artificial “New Cut” of the Avon. 2/4 pic.twitter.com/g0k2QQ64AC

On the five-year anniversary of the closure one of my favourite walking routes, #Bristol’s Chocolate Path, here are a few photographic reminders of why I miss it. 1/4 pic.twitter.com/mSxPJagmm1

WillyRyFry New cristal baschet in the studio pic.twitter.com/HL9v7tOBBP
JamesTophamWord or the spiders have learned to use the printer twitter.com/chicobo329/staβ¦
@dangusset This is why I eventually ended up with a simple black & white laser printer.
@janbobrowicz @2rista @GrammarTable Having refreshed my memory of it, that whole first verse really feels like it was either done for a bet or needed another couple of edits…
@davelovemartin @LukesBeard Same here. I like flowstate.fm for regular recommendations, saves me from listening to the same old stuff all the time.

pmig96 Word size problem sorted, endianness fixed, now figures are good and rotation angles work. #Elite on #PumpkinOS. pic.twitter.com/i1XgoWSeJ2
@2rista @GrammarTable Yeah, I feel like the whole of the UK was all “wait—his scarf was *what* now?” when _You’re So Vain_ hit the charts.
BacklistedPod As is now traditional, the new episode of Backlisted will be with you on Christmas morning and it’s very special indeed. In the meantime, here’s a thread featuring our previous festive extravaganzas… πππ

RodneyMarshall1 Nightmarish dreams and hallucinations, usually delivered by diabolical scientists, seemed to occur in almost every mid to late-60s action-adventure. Great fun for the set designers and directors, creating a surreal, almost psychedelic, oneiric landscape. A short thread… pic.twitter.com/HhpcNq7X9r
Not bad.
Wordle 546 3/6
Wordle 545 3/6

@CasJam If it looks like this and the fan runs really loud, you may have fallen victim to a scam. pic.twitter.com/f6oUHVZf4Z

drdan_o A favourite for #FindsFriday - a gold ring with a skull on the bezel, encircled with the words ‘respice finem’ - ‘think to the end’. The colourful enamelling has survived in some places. Found in Suffolk.(@findsorguk SF-9977A7) #mementomori pic.twitter.com/d7I8P3QFXf

@drdan_o @SaveRedlandLibr Odd coincidence! pic.twitter.com/FO25XYBOZh
SnellArthur I live down a narrow lane at the bottom of a steep hill that doesn’t get gritted. When it snows, getting down is slippery. Leaving (uphill) is impossible unless you have a 4x4. So people get stuck. Yesterday this delivered a lesson in the social costs of Neo-liberalism. 1/7
@corylus Ta!
Current sniffle status: emerged from bed. Firing up another episode of Columbo.
@corylus *bed
@corylus Which one did you get? I and my cold have just emerged from our electric-blanketed bad to our 14Β°C lounge and may be in the market for an impulse purchase.
@GreatDismal @jwomack It means that verification was already here, but now it’s not evenly distributed.
@Kavey *hug*
Not saying I’m ill but the highlight of my day has been Patrick McGoohan turning up in #Columbo.
@daycoder I have a SQL script that in some cases returns a single column, single row result: A column named “D’oh” with the value “It helps if you run this on the right server, you muppet”.

tomroyal Some Personal News: excited to announce that I will be taking a leave of absence from work to pursue new academic research in.. uh.. pic.twitter.com/FtVuNpmEW6
Wordle 542 6/6
Delighted to find that there’s a “poorlysick in bed” genre of Spotify playlists. Lemsip time.
@shanselman At some point version 8 might even be able to display dates in my OS’s configured date format (i.e. normal UK dd/mm/yyyy). Yeah, I’d stay with 7 if I were you; it doesn’t seem to be getting better quickly, even in the very, very basics.

How to Be Kind to Yourself basicinstructions.net/basic-instruct⦠pic.twitter.com/LCeM7uIuqr

@bristol_pip As I observed a couple of months back on Instagram… pic.twitter.com/iUgDkjiz2I
ronnui_ It honestly feels like something out of ancient Greek mythology, that a guy was cursed as a child and no matter how much wealth they acquire they can never truly experience the gift of being funny

postsecret The contest for best holiday gift of 2022 has now ended. pic.twitter.com/JNucO8K41O
@TheNewsAtGlenn I had a similar feeling the first time I tried to turn a lightbulb on but couldn’t because it was doing a firmware update.
MaximumPowerPod The Maximum Power team are really sad to learn Chris Boucher has died. We are all huge fans of his work on Blake’s 7 and only today we celebrated his episode Trial. twitter.com/TobyHadoke/staβ¦

unamccormack Chris Boucher, 1943-2022. Your stories made me. pic.twitter.com/pj9g0th3O3
@fourfoot After Hudson Hawk, obvs.

Morning #Bristol 2/2 Thanks for the coffee, @underfallyard :) pic.twitter.com/L2Lu6LfxpS

Morning #Bristol 1/2 pic.twitter.com/sGNKnIpG7a

TechAmazing Amputee elephant gets a new lease of life with prosthetic leg made just for her
π₯: jungle_doctor
Source @TheSun pic.twitter.com/xwW2jemFeT
@benjibum16 @RecDiffs @hotdogsladies @siracusa Yup. I answered John’s question in my head in real time as I was listening, and my first thought was “forehead”, my second was “eyes”, and when you said “mouth” I thought, “oh, yeah, maybe a bit.”
@dhustone @NickHowes13 Seconded. Really wish there was still a vantage point up there—it’s a lovely view and I’ve seen more than one historical scene from this vantage point.

NickHowes13 Bartlett, autocoloured, from Findens Ports and Harbours. Cumberland outer locks from Rownham Hill. Yes myheritage.com also effectively colours b&w and sepia drawings. pic.twitter.com/Otol7egUYF
rablivingstone To give you an idea of how cold it is here this morning, my postman is wearing his fleecy shorts.
TwitterSupport Not all moments last. As of today we’re removing the option to create Moments for most users as we focus on improving other experiences.
Don’t worry, you can still see past Moments and follow Live events on Twitter.
mikemaletic Digital Stamps in Ireland. The implementation is cool: a 3x4 grid of letters and numbers hand written in the upper right hand corrner. rte.ie/news/business/β¦
beardedjourno Sad news from one of the Bristol area’s most innovative breweries bristol247.com/food-and-drinkβ¦
Snarls_Dickens Every Victorian novel should come with a set of fabric samples bound in at the back. Then when we read about worsted or crape or cambric or bombazeen we could flip to the textile glossary, run our eyes and hands over a little swatch, and actually grasp the textures of that world.

memorialdevice The spirit of Christmas past 8.
The desperate search for 2p coins. pic.twitter.com/dJNikjw38w
@so_treu He’s my favourite character and my favourite character arc, I think.
FelicityMorse If you enjoy putting stuff on your ‘to do’ list but don’t enjoy doing it, there might be a place where a part of you confuses productivity with purpose and something is asking for curious compassionate attention there

ahistoryinart This painting of architecture is a superb example of John Singer Sargent focusing on whatever pleased his eye; the finished study echoes contemporary photography with a cropped, close-up view of a finial on a balustrade. pic.twitter.com/b3v6VvSUK4
@Fawful81 Well, no. But I think the full answer might be a flowchart starting with “Is the person Peter Sellers?”
@johnfbraun Yeah, the ML is rechargeable; not sure what happens if you try to recharge a standard cr2032 but I bet it can go badly. I got an ML2032 from Amazon for Β£7 and replacing wasn’t too hard. Toughest thing is prying battery compartment open. youtu.be/RFIOEEf88fI
12MileGeo @doctorow Ars Technica is reporting Samsung has had its Android app signing key leaked.
That seems very bad.
Happy enough with that.
Wordle 532 4/6
@johnfbraun Had a K750 for some years now. Long enough to have replaced the storage battery once, even. Surprisingly decent.

Ashton Court pic.twitter.com/ZxiBE0oGzh
@holly Welcome!
@holly You had them Myers-Briggs tested?

Furmadamadam THREAD The awesome, perfectly preserved & unparalleled Alban Gate by Terry Farrell in the City of London, 2gether with No1Poultry the most important Postmodern office building by a British architect, here are some pictures showing it in its current state pic.twitter.com/QFPjz6KUNc
@hubbs I do not pretend to understand jazz. I think I may have heard of him through one of Michael Connolly’s Harry Bosch novels at a time when I’d done Miles Davis to death for my morning crossword slot…

BBCArchive #OTD 1976: Auditions are open for BBC Archive’s kaleidophon player.
You must be this good and have your own kaleidophon. pic.twitter.com/MA5kZtWUOp
Wordle 531 2/6
@ttscoff I always knew there was a secret to the productivity. HOW MANY OF YOU ARE THERE ALREADY?!
Anyway. This year I have (really) mostly been obsessed by Life Without Buildings, Wolf Alice, Julien Baker, The Duke Spirit and Billie Marten.

As usual, my Spotify roundup thingy astoundingly revealed that I listen to the same jazz every morning when I do the crossword and virtually nothing about the rest of my year in music. Maybe I should just play it on CD or something. pic.twitter.com/wfAunhYTo8
outonbluesix Around this time of year in the seventies and eighties, the BBC would start showing a spooky children’s serial that ran through to Christmas. From The Box Of Delights to Aliens In The Family, here’s my guide to the whole otherworldly lot of them.
HaggardHawks The opposite of surveillance is SOUSVEILLANCE—the use of monitoring equipment on a personal level, or the monitoring of those in power by ordinary citizens. While surveillance literally means to watch from above, sousveillance means to watch from below.

hels r/askhistorians continues to be the absolutely best subreddit pic.twitter.com/Zn613hz1Bj
banalyst Should’ve stopped at a T-junction twitter.com/bbcnews/statusβ¦
@Dru_Marland Jealous of the pen wallet!

The Lurker in the Dark #bristol #photography pic.twitter.com/E6L0PoxszI
Skin of my teeth again…
Wordle 530 6/6