Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 2009

Yowzer! Think ‘sun hat’ just jumped to the top of my shopping list.

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Now on Brandon Hill, field-testing new sun hat :)

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Have bought all I need to replace rotten skirting in hall. Now sitting under tree on Downs carefully not doing said job.

via Twitter Web Client - Morning all! In an unusually pleasant start to my day, am sitting in sun waiting for team pub breakfast.

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@geekpop Nope. Team wanted beer! We’re at the Knights Templar.

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@geekpop Don’t look at me - I don’t drink! Also, seems less criminal when boss is buying, I’m sure…

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Unfortunately, most hits for gentleman’s clubs on the web are for strip joints. It’s like trying to find a real masseuse in the classifieds.

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(via @alandavies1) If you’re into The Apprentice, I can highly recommend this rather smutty remix by cassetteboy:

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@talkie_tim I’m no great fan of pubs. Think I need to find myself a gentleman’s club.

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Taking a deliberate evening off. But finding it difficult to relax in the mess that is my flat at the moment.

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@Narshada Well, it’s not obvious. Stupid way of setting it, really, there should be a “shuffle songs” under each playlist, like in Front Row

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@Narshada ? Turn shuffle on in settings, play playlist?

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Product idea: the iPod Alternator. Plug in multiple iPods and it shuffles tracks from each in turn. Great for gatherings!

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@hayles What’s this Facebook thing? Is that a new thing on the Internet?

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Just spent two solid hours painting a room pure white while listening to Buddhist podcasts. Think I may be brainwashing myself.

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Related: If I try to make you join a cult in the next couple of weeks, tie me up and play Fields of the Nephilim to me until I recover.

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@hayles That tweet didn’t continue in the way I expected after such a promising start :)

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@Lillput @Swishrelic Not bad, not brilliant. I laughed a couple of times, but there was no great emotional involvement for me.

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@Narshada Didn’t really do much for me, sadly. Still, was better than my alternative of literally watching paint dry.

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Thank you, Showcase Cinema de lux, for showing the first 15 mins of Star Trek in the wrong aspect ratio. Muppets.

via Twitter Web Client - Am going to the pictures in style :)

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Glad to be out of my windowless hall. Of course, am now off to windowless cinema…

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Hallelujah. An enforced three-hour break from the decorating while I wait for stuff to dry. Maybe I should go see Star Trek.

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If you’ve not heard of either Basic Instructions, or the Rut/the Urf, you should probably check them out.

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@Commanderd Burns? With you, I’d expect a nuclear explosion.

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@KaveyF Unfortunately deflated and packed away for the decorating.

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Right, that’s my sofa Freecycled. Now I just have to find something to sit on to watch the last half of this Green Wing episode…

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@hayles Whiteladies, a little further up from Richer Sounds.

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They don’t get any less surly at Cafe Cosmopolitan. Don’t think I’ll be trying again.

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Relieved to see that the MP I voted for has generally claimed for things like a £35 microwave, rather than a moat and duck island.

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Gah. No lie-in for me today. Have flooring guy coming round at 8:30 to see what he can do with my uneven concrete…

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Microsoft development help systems get much bigger, much more complex, and much less helpful with every release.

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Mmm. Heading home from Mud Dock, full of lamb and cheesecake.

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The new Star Trek film must be good. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen non-geeks make the “live long and prosper” sign…

via Twitter Web Client - Lovely bit of timely marketing by the Futon Company :)

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When I’m Freecycling stuff, I wait for a reply that uses punctuation and some capital letters. Does that make me a snob?

via Twitter Web Client - Taking advantage of the break in the rain for a lazy sunshine commute.

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Why are there fourteen pounds to the stone? Losing weight is like having to pay for something in guineas.

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Twice today I’ve been late for the boat and the boat has been fortuitously late too. Nice.

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At the Affordable Art Fair. Pretty sure I can’t afford anything.

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Police have closed Jacob’s Wells Road and Hotwell Road outbound. Very glad I’m walking.

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@hayles But how did the Young Ones get in your bath? And isn’t Vivian scratchy?

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Ah, DIY, where marketing meets reality. Am just sanding my no-sand filler, in preparation for two coats of one-coat gloss.

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@nmg Ta. Will try that when I do the hall and kitchen!

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OS X 10.5.7 installed on both machines, and so far I’ve noticed one fix and no problems. Smooth.

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My iPod is just too damn quiet for some songs :(

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@AndyCarolan Yup. It’s an EU one. Didn’t know they were capped. Bloody French :) Will look into hacks when I get home…

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@goswoppit And if my wall slides away, it ain’t Polyfilla. Gotcha.

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Bloody Tesco. Just took ten minutes to check out (twice) because none of their onions were barcoded and their tills couldn’t cope.

via Twitter Web Client - Not just a random act of kindness, but colour-coordinated, too!

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Scary. Just stumbled across — pictures of food with representative stacks of sugar piled prettily in front!

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In terms of container, colour and consistency, Greek yoghurt and Polyfilla are indistinguishable. Will have to be careful making dinner.

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Fab! Fat Face exchanged my faulty bag in seconds. Now sitting in Boston Tea Party’s window, having lunch.

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@bristol_running No prob. Took a lot with my big camera, too; will send you a link when they’re processed!

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Well, I was meant to be decorating, but now I’ve got all these photos to process. Must… resist…

via Twitter Web Client - Out taking pics of the Bristol 10k

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@shezza_t Some Caitlin, but she never hugely annoyed me. I’m saving my favourite episode (Moffett’s Ghost) to last :)

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Just been politely berated by a sash window repairman for my lack of maintenance. Annoying that he was perfectly right, too :)

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Guessing it’s called “Dulux Once” because “Dulux Gloopy Too-fast-drying Easy-rip Twice-if-you’re-lucky” was eliminated by early focus group.

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Curses. My nice Fat Face rucksack has started coming apart at the seams. And it’s only a few months old, dammit.

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There’s nothing like Donald P Bellisario fodder to keep you company while you decorate. Have watched an NCIS & four Airwolfs while painting.

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@nmg Don’t know about the other factors, but I found adjusting to auto surprisingly easy.

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Reading Cloninger’s Fresher Styles for Web Designers on the morning ferry. Great book.

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Wow. Up early, walk to work, work, walk home, decorate, walk to songwriting lesson, lesson, walk home, decorate more. Just a tad tired now.

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Currently unfolding large polythene dust sheets by draping myself with them and flapping. Feel like a new ghost, practising.

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@hayles That would certainly explain the taste. And yes, I made it up from dry, and it did look like it would go well in tea.

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Decorating fact of the day: sugar soap tastes more like soap than sugar.

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Streaming my decorating entertainment via AirTunes. This morning, I’ve been sugar-soaping to stories from the Escape Pod podcast.

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Doing some of my songwriting homework before I head out to get decorating supplies.

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Ah, the sartorial joy of decorating clothes. Currently wearing a bright yellow “The Goodies” t-shirt with combats with a big tear up the …

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…leg. Sorry, don’t know why that appeared at two tweets, apparently I can’t work TweetDeck.

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@Glinner They’re tactile paving; helpful user interface hint for people who don’t see so well.

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It strikes me that the main problem with the re-make of Reggie Perrin is that Reggie Perrin didn’t need remaking.

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It’s been a long two weeks, and I’ve been cooking healthy food almost every night. _Tonight_, I’m going with pizza and chocolate.

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In the process of doing my very first piece of design work for someone else. And already experiencing client-related pain ;)

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@Narshada Yes, absolutely am, but annoying busy over next couple of weeks. Hopefully things will relax a bit after that.

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@iphonefool Am designing new banner for renamed company magazine (the whole company just re-branded.)

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