qikipedia If you’ve ever wondered what happens if you store a parabolic mirror in the boot of your car, science teacher Zeke Kossover (@zkossover) has (accidentally) done this experiment for you. pic.twitter.com/crWqPxrDij

Much as I’d like to fix the focusing system on the Haynes kit camera, the random brokenness of its current state is actually rather cool. (@andybeebristol @rbrwr @_pigeons_) pic.twitter.com/Tgda2mOcqK

WeirdBristol Born in #Bristol in 1902 Allen Lane founded Penguin Books in 1935 with the aim of bringing literature to the masses at an affordable price. The company’s policy that their books should never cost more than a packet of cigarettes still stands - and they’re now considerably cheaper pic.twitter.com/LPa42VXo5P

alienated After the rise of the cloud and the decline of Microsoft, Clippy fell on hard times pic.twitter.com/0fcqWg2WNX

Avon_Stories Today’s walk, with @Bingo_Little & @gothick, was along the riverbanks, traffic islands, bridges and functional spaces along the Avon around Bedminster, Redcliffe & Temple Meads.
We started at God’s Garden pic.twitter.com/MiucCqH6En

Avon_Stories The Tower Belle on the Feeder, definitely a party boat today pic.twitter.com/mgmmcARjlu

Banana spikes. pic.twitter.com/dhi1WUMAEp

Got caught in the rain on our way home. But it’s not like nature hadn’t been warning us that would happen..pic.twitter.com/1FrgXjr8MVMV

Canyon Patrol. From my walk today with @_pigeons_ and @Bingo_Little. Thanks for dragging me out! #bristol pic.twitter.com/RZYh4my6UC

njj4 Er… Well, yes, if I’d wanted a weird creationist tract hidden in my new oven gloves, I’d probably have asked for one, I expect. pic.twitter.com/Yua1eyhyJY
Botanygeek The smell of the air after a storm is caused by Geosmin: A chemical released by dead soil bacteria.
Humans are hyper sensitive to it, capable of detecting at a concentration of 5 parts per trillion.
It’s theorised in our evolutionary past this helped us seek out water.☔️⛈️
@benjohnbarnes @MrFlabyo I’m usually anal enough to squash the fixing commits down into one single final commit (usually with interactive rebase.) But it’ll depend on the rest of the workflow.
PARKLIFE twitter.com/quantick/statu…

K_47 Three years ago, I married the love of my life and my sister fell over pic.twitter.com/9jaSazmiir
“Two histories of Myst” by John Gabriel Adkins medium.com/picking-up-the…

MakingBlakes7 Filming on the second series of Blake’s 7 began on 31 July 1978. 40 years later, I’ll be revealing the FULL story of Series B with a minutely detailed production diary and hundreds of rare and unseen photographs. See you next Tuesday?
#Blakes7 pic.twitter.com/hdG3NI0rFP
@Bingo_Little Teensy problemette, dear?
@hayles That is basically my memory of how Snappy’s arrived at university. It’s possibly there’s some nostalgia filtering going on 😁
bphogan I’ve had some toxic jobs. Lesson learned:
When things go bad, good people leave, eventually followed by people who thought they could change things but got buried because too many good people left. Those left are bad people or hostages.
The good people are your canary.

phillipmhughes And I thought it was a great idea to buy 5000 ‘bone shape’ paper clips for out veterinary clinic… #WorstIdeaEver pic.twitter.com/qwIt19NFhr
oliverburkeman It took millions of dollars and years of research but Elon Musk has finally developed the thinnest skin the earth has ever seen
rahman_afzal The best word in this tweet is the ‘early’ in front of the 2030 twitter.com/centralline/st…

RoyalFineArt A pillar box partly enveloped by a tree in Cardiff. Unfortunately, and rather unnecessarily, Royal Mail has just taken it out of service after 120 years for health and safety reasons.
telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/07/2… pic.twitter.com/RRrwVzhuHV

peter_watts We are living in John Christopher’s 2018. pic.twitter.com/ocSeacuEuG
@drwave It’s especially impressive with the cellular Kindles, where Amazon seem to have roaming agreements in around a hundred different counties. You should be fine.

soapachu I feel judged pic.twitter.com/GnnbUultVQ
Just because you *can* do something..twitter.com/peterwallhead/…TV

debecca RT if you were a member of the Dennis the Menace fan club! 🤘 pic.twitter.com/V93VEbr1r4

Those ones you only ever use for housework and DIY. pic.twitter.com/DHnpvZpsTU
@antimitch Thanks! That’s the Canon 70-200 f/4 L. (Even if I had the money I wouldn’t have the muscle to drag the f/2 version around with me!)

Leigh leaves. #leighwoods #bristol pic.twitter.com/wpNJusjiUZ

So, apparently @Bingo_Little is entirely and completely confident in @_pigeons_’ swing-pushing ability..pic.twitter.com/mE1Av7KBeMeM

“Bloody paparazzi. Can’t even have a drink in peace.” #leighwoods #bristol pic.twitter.com/D6vhB3gOl1
‘Midnight Run’ at 30: In Praise of the ‘Casablanca’ of Buddy Comedies rollingstone.com/movies/movie-f… via @RollingStone

lukejerram .@TNTUKOfficial have lost the Moon!! by @lukejerram traveling from Bristol destined to Austria. Consignment no: 144940633 @BBCWorld @bristol247 How is this possible? pic.twitter.com/G1ovj7Vock
DarmonRichter Over the past 10 years I must have photographed more than 1000 Modernist buildings & monuments (mostly) across Eastern Europe. I decided it’s finally time to put all my cards on the table: monumentalism.net
Click EXPLORE for maximum fun.
220 locations so far. More coming.
@slicknic Yowzer. That would be significantly more than my car.
I suppose it’s not terribly surprising that everything goes pete tong with a modern(ish) car once the voltage drops below a certain level. It’s basically a complex computer network that happens to have wheels.
@slicknic Ooof. Sorry to hear that. Not so unexpected in my case, as the car’s more than 15 years old! (Incidentally, if you ever need an independent specialist, Clayton Cars, over Ashton way, are very good.)
Okay, new alternator got put in on Wednesday, and all is lovely again with the Mini.
seanjonesqc A group of people on the train is sharing the pain they feel as their birthdays approach. Now in their mid-20s they simply feel *so old*. Their conversation is interrupted by an elderly barrister sobbing.
Flashback Friday to Harbour Festival 2014 :D Looks like the weather will be better this year! twitter.com/gothick/status…

musalbas So British Airways is asking for people’s personal data over social media “to comply with GDPR”, and some people are even replying directly in the public feed.
uwotm8 pic.twitter.com/yUvCQ5Gti9
@maureenjohnson The laser cannon?
@OliverMediaUK Yeah. Auto-correct’s a complete aunt.
richardpbacon Just watched the first series of Unforgotten. 1) it’s really good 2) if I was studying acting I’d watch Tom Courtenay in very scene he he performs over and over again. He’s our Brando but everyone forgot to notice.
Gosh. I never knew Natalie Merchant had performed Misguided Angel along with Margo! Two of my favourite voices… Cowboy Junkies - Misguided Angel. youtu.be/N3TVgEpMyhI
@csoanes They probably up your licence fee if you start port-scanning the servers.
benjohnbarnes You could eat that big fat frog first thing in the day. Or you could take my advice: enjoy your preferred breakfast and ignore it. It’ll probably hop away by brunch and plop back in its pond. – habits of not unsuccessful people.
boobygraffoe The Tories are on the ropes. Time for the Labour Party to take the initiative and kick themselves squarely in the bollocks.

WeirdBristol Though it’s often assumed that Snuff Mills is so named as it was a mill for snuff powder, the mills were only ever used to make flour. The area takes its name from a former millworker “Snuffy” Jack - famous for being such a heavy user of snuff his jacket was always covered in it. pic.twitter.com/cg9s03pwH6
Being still mildly annoyed that “news.bbc.co.uk” isn’t an NNTP server. #aginggeekproblems
@David_on_a_bike @MrGreenGus Pretty sure I saw someone doing the Nelson Street Wriggle in a club last night.
Ooh! Extra bonus for this season of Unforgotten: half the locations are just around the corner from me ;) #Bristol #spottheshop
RellyAB Okay, the X-Files but both Mulder and Scully stay in. He’s convinced there’s a Muppet Caper afoot, she’s not. Every time she looks a Muppet ducks under a table. twitter.com/CoryjTaylor/st…
@_DavidSmith NSURLSession? I wouldn’t necessarily trust that details like that were actually in the documentation back then…
What, no eight-track? Amateurs. twitter.com/SuperRetroid/s…
ibogost Everything’s fine. twitter.com/USArmy/status/…
lazerdoov My mom has a podcast but you can only hear it if you have the password to my voicemail
AI goals: algorithms that are smart enough not to shuffle Christmas songs into the mix in July.
@csoanes The plot thickens. AA turned up, tried the car and it didn’t start. Jumped it and the alternator’s not charging the battery, so it’s probably all electrical after all. (Unless I’ve had two things go wrong at once, which is always possible on a 15-year-old car :D)
Okay, oddly, despite the red herring of the PAS fluid being low, the AA reckon it’s the alternator that’s died. Ah well. Let’s hope that’s all it is. Thanks to @TheAA_UK for turning up quickly! They’re now hoiking my car off to a local garage…

@csoanes @benjohnbarnes Yeah. “It says ‘E’, and that don’t mean ‘enough’…pic.twitter.com/tRsUHG6Oy4y4
@csoanes @benjohnbarnes I’ve looked up where the PAS reservoir is and it’s got a built-in dipstick so I can have a look in a bit. Was recharged at service 3 months ago, so if there’s none left I’ve probably blown something…
@csoanes @benjohnbarnes There was a noise like ABS, though the ABS light was also flickering on sometimes (though the brakes were working perfectly all the way through.)
@csoanes @benjohnbarnes I think there was hydraulic fluid dripping out of the engine bay, but I’ll check the fuse before I call the AA, ta ;)
@Kavey Assuming I have a car to get there with :D
@benjohnbarnes I could have done with more lights lighting up to give an idea of the severity! Very lucky the power steering failed as I was parking, not taking a roundabout…
@Kavey Well, at least it’s not unexpected in an elderly car. And I’ve got a savings account earmarked for it! My sympathies on your terrible Skoda troubles, by the way.
@benjohnbarnes Nah, I reckon it’s the hydraulics. And though it could be errant rainwater, there’s something dripping from underneath the engine compartment… If I’m lucky someone’ll just need to stick a new hose on it.
Curses. The power steering just died in the Mini. Bet that’s going to be pricey 😟

RealSardonicus Abandoned manhole covers in Milan, turned into miniature rooms by installation artist Biancoshock. pic.twitter.com/gFiUShWAVt

dotMorten To use my oven I have to accept terms and conditions @internetofshit pic.twitter.com/Y6nHddV8rK
@mandapen I am also looking forward to getting down to merely “overweight”. One day at a time 👍
@mandapen That’s amazing, is what it is.
@CoryjTaylor @FilmCritHULK Beverly Hills Cop; Bronson Pinchot.
I’ve been tempted by that idea a few times during the heatwave. twitter.com/DazeEnd/status…
Ghost. Whoopi Goldberg. twitter.com/CoryjTaylor/st…
Hoping they have a stat about the number of times players bounce the ball before serving. #Wimbeldon

jephjacques Oh good its linkedin for bitcoin assholes pic.twitter.com/BHeShQKFtK
@_pigeons_ @Bingo_Little “Chemisette” and “quoin” were today’s words I couldn’t remember. *adds to revision list*
@_pigeons_ Two years ago today! twitter.com/gothick/status…
@caldersidecook I think I may just chuck it, then! Ta for the warning!

Ah. Looks like I’ll be taking this potentially listeria-strewn veg back to Aldi, then. Do check your freezers, folks. food.gov.uk/news-alerts/al… pic.twitter.com/k4IGk8eGVM
@quellist1 That may be the quickest I ever pre-ordered a book.

quellist1 Look what showed up in the post today 🙂 pic.twitter.com/R4zJwGItt7

artinsociety Great example of a “secret” painting on the fore-edge of a book’s pages, which appears only when the book is opened and the pages are slightly fanned. This short video is of a 1925 copy of Kipling’s ‘Kim’
cornell.edu/video/cb-curri… pic.twitter.com/U2VpjnHU5Z
sevensixfive This is called a cat. You’ve invented a cat. twitter.com/jjvincent/stat…
Visiting a website is the new sitting through the FBI warnings at the start of a DVD.
@macworld But where’s the matching bag to keep all the dongles?

WeirdBristol Hidden away in a Bedminster alleyway (just off of North Street) this manhole cover is believed to be one of the earliest designs by sanitation/toilet expert Thomas Crapper. Thought to date to 1861, it’s alleged to be manhole cover enthusiast Jeremy Corbyn’s favourite design. pic.twitter.com/wDft5oYb6t

simongerman600 Street Orientation for Various US Cities. Source: buff.ly/2JgKnyG pic.twitter.com/ae1ZGm3j5U

The alcove re-org continues. I have reached the art supplies layer. pic.twitter.com/xQDOfukWlp

atlasobscura The first known photographic sequence ever taken of Stonehenge was recently made public by the photo research company TimePix. The photos were taken in 1867, featured in a book called “Plans and Photographs of Stonehenge,” which was released by the U.K.’s Ordnance Survey. pic.twitter.com/jGUFLtk01A
Christ. I’d forgotten what advertising was like.
Not entirely convinced these teams didn’t just swap shirts at half time. #ENGCRO
TNeenan Hard to believe that the last time England won a knockout game in the World Cup, Boris Johnson was foreign secretary.
Jesus. How much must they be paying to show us this baffling, awful HDAC ad? #insaneintheblockchain

Luckily, this house was never a signatory to the 2006 Cable Proliferation Treaty. pic.twitter.com/Qra0uR3tlW
ChrisCaesar what’s your most insane boss story? extra points for shit that seems unbelievable but Actually Happened
@bexxi *Waves as much as the tangle of cables will let him*
@AndyCarolan Just experienced exactly the same thing. I don’t think it helps that the app’s name doesn’t seem to have anything to do with what it does, in my mind…

“I know,” I thought, “I’ll just make a small start by decluttering that alcove in the lounge.” If you don’t see me for a few days, tell the rescuers to look somewhere near the art supplies. pic.twitter.com/j69z70Z26Y
Millennials develop perfect cannonball to fire at people who make tired millennial jokes. twitter.com/guardian/statu…
garethlpowell Best. Gif. Ever. twitter.com/Massawyrm/stat…

painthands Remember Kiwi & his goth gf? Well now she’s his goth wife and they have 4 beautiful half goth babies 💚💙🖤 pic.twitter.com/vX21428mk0

Odd-job day. pic.twitter.com/rZbRUtny2I
All hail mighty cthu u. twitter.com/ctrlcreep/stat…
nedwards NOW: this is Suze, a traditional Alpine liquor brewed with mountain flowers. How charming!
THEN: I live on a mountain and I need to get blisteringly drunk but all I have are these fucking flowers
dangusset Legoland¹ opens near Bristol²: Everything you need to know, via @BristolLive³
1. It’s a Discovery Centre, not a Legoland
2. It’s in Birmingham, only 10 miles closer than Legoland Windsor
3. Fucking cretins bristolpost.co.uk/whats-on/famil…

New media. pic.twitter.com/nPHDpWvGoD
mutablejoe Difficult to see how May can replace the knowledge and wisdom of both David Davis and Boris Johnson unless by some stroke of luck Tesco have got TWO pineapples
Oh crap. Ocado have signed up Paperchase, and now I need to be very careful not to blow the grocery budget on stationery.
I’m just surprised he managed to negotiate his way out of the office.
jackbern23 EGGS: Tee hee! You may look, fair customer, but you will never find me! Am I next to the bread? Or perchance by the milk?
ME: *goes to the milk*
EGGS: No! I’m by the binliners, inexplicably!
ME: Goddammit
ME: Now I’m by the coffee! All hail Eggs, The Scoundrel of the Supermarket!

Birdyword This is so cool. The UK’s current heatwave is exposing the outline of ancient hill forts and settlements. Soil quality today is still affected by iron age construction, so the grass on top changes colour at a different pace in the sun. HT @holland_tom rcahmw.gov.uk/cropmarks-2018/ pic.twitter.com/MaM5GdxV6b
@johnfbraun Entirely-imaginary-season-9-five! 🖐
It’s a good job Scrubs ended at season eight and there wasn’t some kind of awful ninth season that we’d have to erase from our memories.

2/2 Some of the creatures spotted on the @BristolFerry Gorge & New Cut trip on Friday. pic.twitter.com/QDNbgvJAi4

1/2 Some of the creatures spotted on the @BristolFerry Gorge & New Cut trip on Friday. This batch includes the lesser-spotted theodolite-wielder. pic.twitter.com/8c10BnCvWV

2/2 Looks like I fixed the light leak on the Haynes kit TLR. I, er, may need to work on the focus next..pic.twitter.com/QrpYw7Vpaxax

1/2 Looks like I fixed the light leak on the Haynes kit TLR. I, er, may need to work on the focus next..pic.twitter.com/rXe2CoyYDEDE
Serendipity: halfway through scanning dusty negatives and an episode of @chrismarquardt’s TFTTF devoted to Lightroom’s healing tool cycles in…
@adambanksdotcom Yeah. Bit scared that while there are a few left in stock, they’re the ones with no reviews and the product description in Norwegian, or something…
Trying to erase the mental image of Will being faced by custardy stuff. #thearchers
@VeraR2010 I was thinking it could be the perfect way to end the heatwave, at least.
It’s probably quite lucky that by the time I decide I might actually buy an air conditioner during a UK heatwave, they’ve pretty much all sold out.
stepickford Who says advertising doesn’t work? Just bought myself 24 Hdac blockchains. Can’t wait to find out what they do.

2/2 A few more shots from a recent wander with @_pigeons_ and @Bingo_Little (Ilford FP4/Praktica MTL-3/Carl Zeiss 50mm) pic.twitter.com/yFCjQclbbc

1/2 A few more shots from a recent wander with @_pigeons_ and @Bingo_Little pic.twitter.com/8L8ZHMHTvi
I am now going to stay in my nice cool basement drinking beer and watching footie. #hardlife

wendy_tippett Todays fantastic adventure down the Avon Gorge & the New Cut on @BristolFerry - with @Avon_Stories @gothick @WeirdBristol & @GromitUnleashed - a brilliant way to explore #Bristol pic.twitter.com/lvW5Hpm6Gs
While going on @BristolFerry’s New Cut trip was absolutely lovely today, it did involve leaving the house, and now I have melted. Melted. Christ.
_pigeons_ Pretty much the only part of my body I’m unequivocally happy with is my heart-shaped birthmark. People ask me if it’s a tattoo, & I do think about getting a matching tat on my other arm twitter.com/gothick/status…

She wears her heart upon her sleeve. pic.twitter.com/s2iN8UmSId

Aaah the beautiful banks of the Avon. pic.twitter.com/atH15xYl2p
Avon_Stories On 23rd June, I walked part of the Strad Brook, the stream that’s a historical boundary between Bristol & South Gloucestershire. I walked with @Bingo_Little & @gothick, & here are some things we saw, taken with my film camera….
travelwestEng Brunel Way southbound is open again now and traffic is beginning to move through this junction. #twTraffic #Bristol PM
@krooes @cycle_action Technically, I believe that’s a tricycle now :D
@jakepjohnson I think they managed, somewhat ironically, to mount the left-hand curb and flip around on the sign that warns you of the right-hand bend. But I wasn’t there at the time.
@MrAlexWood @BristolLive Yup.
@Metatarsals_ @CharlieVivante I have taken a photo of the Platonic ideal of a police car. Shame you can’t say the same for the Volvo.

If you were thinking of heading up the ramp from the Portway (inbound) to Brunel Way/Plimsoll Bridge, I’d leave it a while. And maybe avoid the whole #hotwells area. #bristol #traffic pic.twitter.com/ao9g74SNXg
Still true. twitter.com/gothick/status…
iamdevloper Browsing the web in 2018 is just clicking “I Agree” in a bunch of different ways.

Attenboroughs_D Penguins have been on earth for around 50 million years. After watching this, I’m not quite sure how they managed it. 🐧 pic.twitter.com/qedardh57K

Catching up on admin. pic.twitter.com/dSZRUvJCXa
KameronHurley Great thread on how we’re made of imperfect meat. twitter.com/Foone/status/1…
@UrsulaWJ Personally, in this weather I’d keep it in the fridge just so that when I sneaked a bit for a salty hit in the middle of the day, sans fish, it would be extra-nice. Not sure about the actual practicalities of storage, though :D
Bit late to my spring cleaning, but it might be time..xkcd.com/1077/sN

BBCJonSopel Penalty taking line up please #ENGCOL pic.twitter.com/sD7HAXYGYX

OttawaCitizen High winds damage secure records storage building ottawacitizen.com/news/local-new… pic.twitter.com/dwA2odzo8l

marklanebiz This is incredibly satisfying…watch til the end 😆

Raphaelite_Girl We’re in high Marshmallow Harvesting season in Kent. pic.twitter.com/ltraUu9RiM
@RellyAB Definite Ghostbusters overtones. How’s your Sigourney Weaver impersonation?
@kayliemansfield I like mine, but I got it discounted because I used to work with someone who could get hold of factory returns!
KathyBurke Bins are done twitter.com/daily_star/sta…
silverpebble Last night I went to the cinema. Oceans 8 was 👌& I now have a bit of a crush on Cate Blanchette.
I was making my way to the carpark when I noticed a commotion in front of Nando’s. Several people were gathered round something on the floor. One or two saying ‘Its a cockroach!’…
I am also using my “nutri”bullet to make iced coffee. Oh, those good intentions…
@jbrownridge Dunno. I ordered one of Elon Musk’s flamethrowers, but I think the warehouse got confused.
@Dru_Marland @dangusset Seems fair to me. They’re just all-round gambrels, the lot of them.

Yes, I did just stop reading a book on procrastination to take a photo of my reading corner. And your point would be..? What? Yes, that clutter on the desk *does* include a book on decluttering. Shut up. pic.twitter.com/70atUfJjkM
wood5y #Broadmead: useful cycle parking removed to make may for yet more useless corporate graffiti bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-n…
@Mantia Adding people to a late software project makes it later.

DaveThroupEA Dry and hot weather beginning to have widespread effect on rivers.
All these locations now have levels below normal for this time of year. pic.twitter.com/2nHcWPN9Hv
Feet up, iced cold-brew coffee in hand, Dyson fan on max, #bramex on the telly. There are worse ways to spend an afternoon.

Clifton mansards. pic.twitter.com/f7SMtp4DfR

Sightseers. ift.tt/2MEuPHe pic.twitter.com/5Pd0iJCeor

Tough morning. ift.tt/2KEZIhk pic.twitter.com/JAmrwIyRvx
hownottodraw hello welcome to the cool hipster cafe
we have 150 types of home-roasted organic coffee brewed with steamed angel milk and served at the perfect 95 degree temperature, wi-
you want tea?
yeah we got this bag I found in a drawer and a mug that’s way too big