All hail mighty cthu u.…
nedwards NOW: this is Suze, a traditional Alpine liquor brewed with mountain flowers. How charming!
THEN: I live on a mountain and I need to get blisteringly drunk but all I have are these fucking flowers
dangusset Legoland¹ opens near Bristol²: Everything you need to know, via @BristolLive³
1. It’s a Discovery Centre, not a Legoland
2. It’s in Birmingham, only 10 miles closer than Legoland Windsor
3. Fucking cretins…

New media.
mutablejoe Difficult to see how May can replace the knowledge and wisdom of both David Davis and Boris Johnson unless by some stroke of luck Tesco have got TWO pineapples
Oh crap. Ocado have signed up Paperchase, and now I need to be very careful not to blow the grocery budget on stationery.
I’m just surprised he managed to negotiate his way out of the office.