Have just solved the internet’s storage problems. My new LOL-JPEG compression algorithm is optimised for pictures of cats with lettering.
@ememess Plus, of course, I loved your work on Miami Vice.
@ememess Glad I’ve been influential :) Have been a fan since Only Forward, and The Intruders just dropped through my letterbox…
Yow. Spent four hundred quid on the car.
@stevemarvell Well, am at least on upper deck. Don’t generally get to walk at altitude of ten feet :-)
Ah, Bristol buses. Like walking, in that you stand up and travel at four miles an hour. But without the healthy exercise.
@KaveyF Have a feeling it might be pricey this time. Still, motoring doesn’t cost me much, overall.
Waiting at the garage for a lift into town. MOT day.
@hayles Nervous? Doesn’t sound good. Take a few big deep breaths and then smile, that’s my advice.
Just passed a woman sunbathing in a coat and scarf. The British are an odd bunch.
I fear the growth of web apps because computers in the same fscking _room_ as me often can’t keep up with my typing.
Doing my songwriting homework: find two favourite short songs with different structures to take into the lesson tomorrow.
http://twitpic.com/43kmr - Ahh, Oracle SQL Developer, how I love your helpful, informative error messages.
Installing Windows development tools on new machine. Have rebooted 13 times so far.
@tweeny4 Yeah, it’s a smallish place but absolutely rammed with stuff. First time I went in, I did spend Quite A Long Time Indeed there.
http://twitpic.com/41fvt - Ah, the moment of commitment to a long task ahead
@hayles The antique/bric-a-brac place in Clifton Village (Focus on the Past?) If I could afford it, I’d’ve bought the lot :)
http://twitpic.com/417t1 - Now that’s what I call a font stack!
Ah, libraries. I search for “Modern Interior Design”, and I immediately find a book on modern interior design. From 1971. *sigh*
@iphonefool I’m getting better with it. I just used a damp finger, having been made braver by watching my cousin the builder do it that way!
@talkie_tim Nope. But it’s been there a long time, and it hardly moves. I reckon it’ll be fine. Also, I had to get in the bath to seal it :)
That’s the sealant around the bath successfully replaced. Which is a relief, as silicone sealant is a willful creature, and easily angered.
Hmm. Main UWE/Bristol boat races will start soon, but it appears to be chucking it down. Looks like it’s DIY time for me :(
Weather very changeable. Have prepared for photography or DIY, depending.
@MrsPBoutique I think your pharmacist can prescribe Twitter patches to ease the withdrawal. Or that might be a dream I had.
This morning I have mostly been taking pictures at Underfall Yard. Here’s Matthew: http://cli.gs/5v9gsz
I’m guessing it’s wrong to have brunch when you’ve already had breakfast, right?
@leigh Well, if it worked, it wouldn’t be IE6, would it?
@caffeinebomb Leicester, Bristol confirms Fridayness with confidence level 4. This is not a drill.
@LouisTrapani I was just thinking that. Vague memory of a story starting like that. Maybe on a beach, with Romana.
@hayles Personally, I would never do anything silly in the office. http://cli.gs/46XTgZ
Thanks to @MitchBenn for the pointer to the astounding Danny Mackaskill video! http://is.gd/u1H6
@hlao_roe Hey, if I knew *how* I managed these occasional nights of good sleep, I’d never get so tired that I *needed* 12 hours in a row…
Anyway. Morning all! I’ve just had 12 hours’ sleep, so may be irritatingly chirpy. Usual apathy will be resumed tomorrow, I’m sure.
@bertpalmer Might be worth the temporary pain of seeing if it’s the cause of your crashes. At least you could report it to them…
@bertpalmer Since I removed an old application extension, Safari 4 hasn’t crashed once. Any plugins installed?
Quickly buying the new Jim Bob album.
@stevemarvell Actually, I suppose I could. After all, swearing compresses very well, as shorter is generally ruder :)
(And believe me, if I’d had more than 140 characters for that last tweet, I’d’ve called #Microsoft something very rude.)
Ta for the mail, #Microsoft, but I’m aware my settings don’t allow you to send me promotional info. That’s ‘cos I don’t want you to mail me!
@RavenousRaven I have the first lesson of a songwriting course tonight. Wish me luck!
@MitchBenn Last Man Standin: filmed entirely with stunt doubles.
@kate_day I think you’ll find I said that first.
@Playleimagery A very fine band from Birkenhead. With added sarcasm.
@Pockless Bath Komedia.
Just booked a Half Man Half Biscuit ticket :)
@Whatleydude Thanks for chili recipe! Went down a storm!
http://twitpic.com/3l8xc - Yesterday, me and Zach made sandcastles :)
Finding @zenhabits’ advice to pick three of your projects and batter away at them until all done to be the missing magic in my GTD.
@Playleimagery I’m mostly using ZenPhoto to learn a bit more about web programming/design. But it’s very good; simple but powerful.
@Playleimagery Birthday food will probably be @Whatleydude’s chocolate chili! Not sure, though, need to talk to host about veggie numbers…
@Playleimagery I nearly did mine through Lightroom, but I ended up using ZenPhoto instead (just getting it together at http://is.gd/t1uB)
@Playleimagery Great photos! One thing: is there a way to get titles displayed on the gallery? Would make them easier to talk about :)
Have wrapped pressies for tomorrow’s birthday gathering and bought ingredients. Now to see if host has big pan and two free oven hours…
@Lillput They can be recalcitrant little buggers, taps.
@Lillput Mole grips are your friend.
@johnfbraun Yeah, but only if (programmer->balls->get_material() == Materials::steel)
@Whatleydude Ta! Been invited to potluck dinner party tomorrow. Should work really well!
@Whatleydude Was it you who posted a chili recipe the other day?
How did I manage to uninstall Flash Player in the same minute that Adobe’s download site died?
@talkie_tim So wear a dirty shirt! You’re paying them to rent you money, right?
@DavidSGI Yes, but did you find the golden ticket?
Think I’m coming down with a cold. Am going to try ploughing on with my to-do list regardless.
@talkie_tim For next time, have a shirt made up with “gizza mortgage” on it in 96pt Helvetica.
tempted to set up elegant web app for blocking people on Twitter just so I can call it ‘Twatter’.
@paulahillier The little cafe? Good food, but staff seem to vary from lovely to surly…
Historical Injury: talented, loud, vehement. Next up: Violet Violet.
Always feel a bit awkward at gigs so small you’re sharing the tiny bar area with the acts before they in on.
Gah. Suddenly very sneezy. Think I’ll take an antihistamine before heading out to the gig.
Hint for those who only post links and re-tweets: if you can be replaced with a Yahoo Pipe, you’re probably not adding value.
@hayles Well, it might; depends on the wardrobe. But do you really want to go to work in a Mr. Tumnus costume?
At some point tonight I’ll stop listening to Last of the English Roses on repeat and go to bed.
@Narshada Cool. Did you hoot? Thought I heard someone, but I could only see a random furniture van!
@archidave “Gleep!”
@MelKirk It was this version that blew me away recently :) http://tinyurl.com/8yxsay
Ugh. Have headache and am tired. Might turn in very early tonight.
Just remembered I’m going to see Nat Johnson tomorrow night. Cool.
@Nomme1 Yes, that probably explains it!
@Nomme1 that was never 1990, was it? Sure I was still at school…
@mistymaria *giggle* Yes, well, nice day though it is, it’s not _that_ hot. And I’ve not been lying, either.
Crap. Think that last coffee had caffeine in it.
@MitchBenn Why did we swing towards instant? I’m guessing it was a war thing; UK history is replete with (real) coffee houses…
@KaveyF Haloumi, mushrooms, chilies, occasional olive :)
Sitting in the upstairs window of Cafe Gusto on Park Street, watching the world go by while my panini cools down.
Back on t’internets. Had nice day off yesterday. Breakfast, walk in woods, lunch in cafe, nap, watched Run, Lola, Run (good), snack, bed.
Addicted to Twitter? Away from a computer? Phone out of charge? Introducing Tweetpad, a paper-based Twitter interface: http://cli.gs/SMgW3U
@Lillput Fair point. Mind you, he’s also an illegal alien carrying fake ID…
Man jumps onto London bus carrying suspicious device with wires, followed by police. Amazed the Doctor didn’t get shot in the head.
Of course, if I do take a day off from technology tomorrow, I’m going to have to carry around a notepad with 140-character sized pages.
Considering having a day off technology tomorrow.
@hayles The search on those things was rubbish anyway. The actual humans at the enquiry desk normally walk me right to the book I want…
Also have a craving for chocolate.
Hmm. Just had an idea for a story.
@Nose_in_a_book Buh?
As @martingoode points out — new Red Dwarf in a half-hour on Dave!
Okay, that’s a wrap! Here’s the song I just recorded: http://tinyurl.com/dybxq6. Some may recognise it from the rough cut I did last year.
@Lillput I am not, unfortunately, Tom Waits.
My voice is a bit rough tonight. Think I’ll stop now and see if I can re-record the vocals in the morning.
Gah. MobileMe renewal due. Do I pay £60 for a well-integrated, yet crap service, or try managing the same stuff with several other services?
@ahnlak That’s because Windows is repeating its annoyances.
“You have moved the mouse. You must restart Windows for this change to take effect.”
Today’s shopping accident: went out for cling film, came back with a pair of new shoes. Still, did actually remember the cling film, too.
@hayles Before you do, remember to make up some good fake appointments. “Wednesday, 8:00am: breakfast with David Tennant”, etc.
@Glinner God, I feel unhip. What the hell’s “playa bling”? Sounds like a PG Wodehouse character to me. What ho, Playa Bing!
@hayles If you’re buying over the weekend, these might be handy: http://is.gd/rsEA http://is.gd/rsEN :)
@hayles You should have said that fifteen minutes ago; I just walked past them…
@hlao_roe For why they suddenly appear when you put the kettle on!
My theory is that the mating call of the female electrician is very similar to the sound of a boiling kettle. It’s the only explanation.
@DavidSGI Recording a new incarnation of a rough cut of a song I wrote last year. Unfortunately my bass guitar skills are highly lacking :)
Waiting in for an electrician. This time I am prepared. Have taken whole day off, bought lunch, and have a bassline to edit on the laptop.
Great. Can buy nine different types of soy sauce in Waitrose. Can’t buy broccoli to put it on, though.
Just reverted back to IE7. 8 just too crashy.
I’d just like to say how much I love PJ Harvey’s “Stories from the City, Stories from the Sea.” Definitely one of my desert island discs.
@johnfbraun Oh yes. And if we think it’s bad now, imagine the problem in three years’ time, when all our tech is smaller than pocket lint.
http://twitpic.com/2x2w5 - Edgy lips
@voog Patisserie?
As a labour-saving device, the Apple Remote is a con. I spend more time searching for the damn thing than I ever did walking to the computer
@brownstudies Ah, I find This Mess We’re In my least favourite track; I just don’t get along with Thom Yorke’s voice, sadly. Love Rid of Me.
@bertyc No, it means you’ll wake up in an envelope.
I haven’t got as far as watching the film yet. I got so irritated by loading the DVD that I made this instead: http://tinyurl.com/cvdjhl
Now tired and lacking in energy. Think I’ll watch a film. Got Stranger Than Fiction around here somewhere…
@vero Can you compromise and sit somewhere sunny with your accounting?
Drinking ginger beer on the Downs.
Morning all! Lots to do today, and luckily I seem to have some energy to go with that. Let’s see how long it lasts!
@chrismarquardt Don’t think I’m not considering it (TWITTER USER IN MONETISATION MIRACLE!) But my life is busy enough!
Okay, that’s the end of Tabloid Headline Saturday. Thank you for the encouragement, all! (Next: MAN HEADBUTTS PILLOW.)
FOREIGN FOOD CAUSES SUDDEN UNCONSCIOUSNESS IN TEST SUBJECT (I had to nap after I mis-judged the quantities trying out my new rice cooker.)
MAN AMBUSHED BY CULT VIGILANTE IN LIVING ROOM (how *did* I end up watching The Equaliser again, anyway?)
In related news, I need a Twitter service that will turn my tweets into a tabloid headline, for added drama.
For those of you who can smell burning croissants in West Bristol: sorry.
@missmcq (insert witty riposte here)
Playing with OAuth.
@hayles Mystery solved. Someone at the BBC booked someone else’s hire car to the wrong address. So, that’s our licence fee wisely spent!
…the name on the documents is “Miranda”. Odd. Anyone fancy a cruise?
http://twitpic.com/2rs69 - Hertz have posted the keys of this nice car through my door. Only I didn’t order it, and the name on the docu …
@hayles Well, that’s fairly normal for a bank :(
Ah, acupuncture. Finally, a chance to nap.
@hayles Bet you they have.
@MitchBenn Is an unhealthy obsession with grammar ‘subjunctivitis’?
Things I need #348: a Twitter client with a regex killfile.
@opendns Sure everything’s okay? I just lost my DNS, too…
@JockotheRocks Wow! That must be a downer for you climbers :) Much easier over here!
Considering buying Gravity just so I’ll have one shiny corner of the N73 that doesn’t make me want to kill things when I use it.
Just made a Wordle cloud of @stephenfry’s last 100 tweets. Pretty. http://is.gd/qbcG
At last, an iPhone app that’s really frackin’ useful. http://iProfane.info