@lukeredpath They’re a little bit Brexcitable, that’s all.
richard_littler I read that highly-educated immigrants in the UK will be poached by the US & EU. Bloody foreigners coming over here stealing our foreigners.
@word_geek *Dejected high five*
@claytoncubitt Ironically, the British call it “French leave”, and the French call it “filer à l’anglaise”. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_le…
This somewhat confirms that I live in a geographical bubble within a geographical bubble; three quarters in my ward voted Remain. #hotwells
Well done Hotwells :D

IainWalker44 Bristol EU referendum result broken down by council ward here pic.twitter.com/IzhpexXMhX

SnoozeInBrief Ada just came in miaowing like crazy. She is very proud that her hunting skills have caught an apple. pic.twitter.com/5J3ncXM6gb
@CharlieEsq_ You should buy an expensive cat hotel so it can properly ignore it and sleep on your favourite cardi.
@saltwateritch Erm. Wasn’t it Jimmy Savile who told us that?
Starting to remember John Major quite fondly.

Executive summary of the Conservative leadership contest so far. gph.is/298ujiG pic.twitter.com/m1VKjVMQ9e
@Uncivil_S @jimwaterson @euanmccolm My exact reaction! I wonder if this puts us in a very small club together.
@jimwaterson Urm. On the one hand, I don’t know where Kettering is. On the other, I don’t know who Lindsay Lohan is.
Think I’d prefer more bread, less circuses.
@feelinglistless @C_J_Fox At least someone’s helping. What’s that, about two solid months before we have to watch the news again?
feelinglistless In case you hadn’t noticed, Netflix UK just uploaded the whole of Star Trek. Enterprise, TOS, Animated, TNG, DS9 AND Voyager. Blimey.
@charlesarthur Indeed. This is not an either-or choice, damn it.

@davidcaolo Well, he has practice. pic.twitter.com/ysyr5ERGk6
@FelicityMorse Christ, I wouldn’t pay *that* much for it.

Helpful signage, Wilco. pic.twitter.com/VgnXBOUUK7
I know nothing about birds, but this is a nice accompaniment to my work this morning. moby.to/gn4gui
@Hit_Delete I have tea.
@OpinionatedGeek Holy moley. The whole YM/YPM set is only £15 on Amazon. *Clicks “buy”*
The UK was very dejected
At a choice to which it was subjected
There’s no room to sway
Between Boris and May
Either way, it’ll be unelected.

@talkie_tim I am only aware of one Hawkeye. pic.twitter.com/YRiE7w4Vtc
@beccamagnus If it’s not called Bot-ticelli I’ll be very disappointed.

bristol247 Councils have decided on historic deal for a new “metro mayor” for the Bristol region: bristol247.com/channel/news-c… pic.twitter.com/au7oYkMRgz
Everything has become political. I was going to “love” this random colour, then thought, “Oh. But it’s a bit UKIP.” twitter.com/everycolorbot/…
@libbymiller Careful. Last time I watched that much TNG I ended up having to tap an imaginary com-badge before I spoke.
@Aiannucci Someone must be terrified, to generate news so bad it could bury that.
@paulwaugh I figured if he was that interested in leading he’d have tried for it last time…

helenlewis We had a hard time deciding the @NewStatesman cover for such a big moment in British politics. But this summed it up pic.twitter.com/aHlV3dv3oF
@hotdogsladies @danbenjamin Wait. You mean you *can’t* hear me screaming at the podcast in your heads?
paulwaugh I’ve never seen a PM ever tell leader of the Opposition to quit. Was that a clever attempt to mobilise Labour members to rally behind JC?

*Peers outside* *Decides against lunchtime walk* pic.twitter.com/lGNd5eX5Ow

Mais oui. pic.twitter.com/dAvdDvSor9
@BabsBat Room for a little one?

bunnnybabe why does my sister look exactly like the pope pic.twitter.com/mE1PcAn1jb
@chubbybannister Gawd. Sorry, am I being rubbish and failing to spot friends again? Snapping takes my brain to a different place.
@hotdogsladies “I changed my *ICON*…” 🔔🔔🔔
Hrm. @BristolPound seems to be getting slower. Worrying four minutes there on @GrainBarge wondering if I’d successfully paid or not!
@RachaelDadd *waves* Lovely to see you all today!
@carl_richards Passed the SQL Server developer exam, now onto the admin exam.

Compassion. #Bristol pic.twitter.com/lLSRLGHbxY
@ismh I have one that won’t mount on my laptop unless the laptop’s plugged into the mains. Gets me every time.

Things I’ve learned about since the referendum but wish I hadn’t, #4782: the Channel 4 News website’s headline font. pic.twitter.com/cm2wdX52gV
@Shonette Surely somewhere in Saint Nicks?

@shezza_t There we go. pic.twitter.com/FxK4ElLkDL
@amyengineer Which of the ports do all the cat videos come out of?
@arobertwebb I’m thinking “Mute the egg-man” to the tune of “Catch the pigeon…”

DickKingSmith “I do what I want.”
- Sincerely, cat. pic.twitter.com/lwMltZKJJW

Leaning station. pic.twitter.com/A4l5PnlOAD

@ahnlak Luckily mine are still very much in the pre-danger stage. pic.twitter.com/05w6yIovr2
@ahnlak I’ll remember that for the future, just in case I become an idiot.
@uliwitness It’s always “before my first cup of coffee” somewhere on the planet :D
mcelhearn FFS, will this hipster crap ever end?
@mcelhearn Don’t pull your punches, Kirk :D
@majicDave As far as I’m concerned getting the fscking camera to point in the right direction qualifies you immeidately.
@chubbybannister I am abstaining on the grounds I have no idea of the answer.
The good news is that we haven’t *really* lost until we invoke UEFA’s article 50.
@malvernrunner yeah.
@spyou Yeah. Afraid I’ve spent the last few months doing exactly the wrong things. Bugger.
@scorpioattackb7 What are you trying to do, pick a lock while you’re pissed?
@spyou There’ll be a real dearth while the dust settles — which could kill a lot of contractors.
@spyou In the medium term the transition will generate a lot of software work. Very, very *dull* work, I’m afraid, but work nonetheless.
AP BREAKING: Ratings agency Standard & Poor’s strips UK of top credit grade in wake of EU vote.
@robsmallshire I shouldn’t really criticise until I’ve walked a furlong in their clogs, I suppose.
BBC News reporting “two and a half dozen” shadow cabinet MPs resigned. Or “thirty”, as we knew it while we were using the decimal system.
On the plus side, all this kerfuffle has me listening to the Today programme again. And apparently my telly has settings other than Netflix.
Magnificent first line. twitter.com/theipaper/stat…
Wondering if I should try to get the jump on things by panic-stockpiling food and water now.
@CharlieEsq_ Not sure I’d blame anyone for that today.
@CharlieEsq_ Presumably she just quit as shadow minister for sonething-or-other, rather than giving up being an MP in general disgust?
@ovationchris Pushed by high sales in the Westminster area?
My plan: we join when it hits exactly 1:1. Saves a hell of a lot of calculations & software changes. twitter.com/dazwright/stat…

arthurmacmillan BBC programming has caught the zeitgeist #EUref pic.twitter.com/Mh0emIO5Ml

Cross-cultural “nodding” dog. Ace. pic.twitter.com/VCiRXGxyiR

chronicleherald This weekend’s Editorial Cartoon by @CH_Cartoon herald.ca/ezg pic.twitter.com/bkxc2dgziV

pourmecoffee I can’t even imagine what the pressure to come up with new BuzzFeed quiz ideas is like pic.twitter.com/1YksqHkH09

Brentrance. #Bristol pic.twitter.com/Nx3cj3feSg
Well, that escalated quickly. twitter.com/guardian/statu…
Just put the phone down on her, Phoebe. #thearchers
@CafeWatcher Thanks. Small St. Espresso makes a good backdrop!
@joobyju Bingo!
Hands. flickr.com/gp/matt_gibson…
@Kavey I think we’ve been there, but perhaps before they started collecting gin.

LewieP Yes Nigel why do other countries get to have an Independence Day? pic.twitter.com/Hf17Aorg92

Well done Pump House. This is what a ploughman’s should be. Simple ingredients, each excellent in their own right. pic.twitter.com/GJQLPMLuWJ

@bexxi RE-DEEMED. pic.twitter.com/zImSNYHb4e
@bexxi I am now in a place that truly respects food. Expecting a great ploughman’s to get me back on track ;)
@bexxi Bread rolls served so hot tearing them open risked burns. Rest of plate mediocre. No butter for bread.
The awful version was a cheese ploughman’s from Tobacco Factory. You should not have to wait for a ploughman’s to cool down before you eat.
About to try redeeming a dish. By which I mean I had a godawful version of a meal recently and now I want a good one to cancel the memory.
@saltwateritch VERY long.

itvlondon Met officer proposes to his partner in the parade at #PrideinLondon
bit.ly/28VyZwp pic.twitter.com/0i8iP9IsRB
@spyou Bien!

@NewBristol Still is! On my second and enjoying it very much. pic.twitter.com/jeH6sNKhNV
The Pump House now has approximately 670 gins. (I am not joking.)
@chubbybannister Pump House.
@chubbybannister Me too. This is unusual in a can’t-quite-figure-it-out-but-it’s-growing-on-me way ;)

“Gin and tonic, please.” “Any particular type of gin?” At the Pump House, that’s something of a loaded question. pic.twitter.com/KHDffgpH9J

Different and interesting. Thanks @NewBristol :) pic.twitter.com/YFqhQRN0yn
@AlasdairStuart We could try putting him under a volcano. No secret base; just under a volcano.

Cafe camera. pic.twitter.com/z81k2lkqNz

Pick-me-up. @ Small St. Espresso instagram.com/p/BHFYVVVjUOn/

Beer good. instagram.com/p/BHFE23tjo_c/

Wow! Standing room only on Emily. pic.twitter.com/ZM1pZBnk98
Waiting for t’@BristolFerry.
LordHyperbole Rare birds of prey stealing underwear from skinny dippers, Shocking stuff! telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/06/2…
@danbarker Which is pleasingly circular, as of course that’s why people did that, thus making it true.
@Truman_Black @stuvlog They’re building a third entrance. The British will all have to limbo-dance under a low sign that says “Idiots.”
@djelibeybi_meg Damn it! I was trying to cheer people up! :D

mattround You’d perhaps assume that an otter would eat like a cat or dog? THINK AGAIN pic.twitter.com/fy52bV6Qva
@djelibeybi_meg I was just trying to work that out. Passport valid to 1993, and I *think* it was a five-year one, which would make me 15.
@anna_c_smart It’s the fringe that really brings the whole look together.

*Might* need to update the photo, too :D pic.twitter.com/0sdFUNAz9P

nxthompson Our cover this week. newyorker.com/culture/cultur… pic.twitter.com/uhBWw5HHQ2

So, what’s the drill? Did they save all the cut off corners from the old ones? pic.twitter.com/WbaQentdYd
@TechCorrect Will you be doing an EU referendum special? I know it’s not very tech; I’m just imagining that you may have some things to say…
@BinaryBad …though it might help me, as I already own a house, and am saving for a bigger one. Depends how screwed my savings are, though.
@BinaryBad Can’t quite see how that helps the right people…
ChrisMasonBBC BREAKING: a motion of no confidence in Leader of the Parliamentary Labour Party, Jeremy Corbyn has been tabled
SoVeryBritish Pub?
@floyduk Step 5: Realise you can’t move to the moon as your passport isn’t good for European Space Agency shuttles.
Aww. *Waves at Larry* en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_(ca… twitter.com/starbex/status…
@ShaneHudson Strange. Both have been staunchly “remain” for me. I suppose most of my Facebook friends are London and Bristol…
bskipper27 NOT NOW DOROTHY PERKINS twitter.com/Dorothy_Perkin…
@BinaryBad But wouldn’t the only reason for a house price crash be that people can no longer afford to buy them?
@_pigeons_ @Bingo_Little Home safe ;) Hopefully we’ll all be safe tomorrow too! Xx

Expanding my lounge wall gallery but the actual prints haven’t arrived yet! One day my prints will come. pic.twitter.com/KzlCXuLyyk

paulwaugh Westminster tube pic.twitter.com/RfvPqYJmPL
@beccamagnus My modesty is second to none. Tell your friends.

Garden break. pic.twitter.com/6McV1oKVlw
Ah. That would explain the buzzing phone. That bamboo photo got Explore-d #flickr flic.kr/p/JmzqvN
adamgasson Bristol roads spookily quiet, I’m guessing everyone’s off to Glastonbury. #middleclasshalfterm
@bexxi @CharlieEsq_ …I suspect the owners of the other flats in the same building may have waited for the first guy to leave this AM!
@bexxi @CharlieEsq_ PS: This morning I went to vote and the big “leave” poster had been replaced with 3 “remain”s…
Spaced_Cowboy00 I caught two kids smoking pot outside my office. Fifteen minutes later my boss caught me and two kids smoking pot outside my office.
@adamgasson (PS: flic.kr/p/mLjiDx !)
@adamgasson *Buys hat* *Shaves scrubby beard into goatee* *Becomes baddest basil dealer on the west side*
Law_and_policy Sets up #dogsatpollingstations column on Tweetdeck
Clicks “images only”
Enjoys rest of referendum day.

Plants-to-be. pic.twitter.com/JBWKD3v7xQ

“Vote early, vote often.” pic.twitter.com/BhuNQpX5k2
j_c_fitz The ’90s Web Site for New Restaurant Salazar Is So Bad It’s Pure Gold - Los Angeles - lamag.com/digestblog/90s…
@labfoo @skattyadz I try not to store anything important in Apple’s cloud, but even trivia is a pain to lose if there’s lots of it :(
@labfoo I had to change my password last year. Took about six weeks before everything was working again :(
@AlongsideWild @shezza_t Probably better for their backs in the long run, too.
@danvesma There’s probably a workaround. Are they the same height?
@ismh Serial? I was hoping for Centronics.
@ccMick We told you not to download the beta version of carOS.
@RevRichardColes I’m thinking “Reverend Fustyniff”.
@CharlieEsq_ Still, twitter.com/bexxi/status/7… :D
@CharlieEsq_ I can’t see anything that rules it out. Probably is in/on the station itself, but this is house railings opposite.
@CharlieEsq_ I don’t think so.
FrogAvalanche Baby Lawyer: Did you steal the victim’s nose?
Accused: No. *cries into palms
Baby Judge: O, great, he’s disappeared again.
Hmm. Guy down the end of the road fixing a big VOTE LEAVE sign just opposite the polling station entrance.
@docbones43 Hi! Feel free to get in touch—I’m gothick@gothick.org.uk—but I’m quite pressed for time at the mo!
Law_and_policy Referendum Banning Act 2016
1. The holding of a referendum is hereby prohibited.
2. This Act can only be repealed by referendum.

everycolorbot 0x650769 pic.twitter.com/G1LcNnJKPX

Erm. This brilliant “new” crime thriller was published in 2004, and Reginald Hill died in 2012, @AmazonUK :( pic.twitter.com/026an1fbOA

Backyard bamboo. pic.twitter.com/DOat2UEOfk
@toddmotto But I can’t stretch one over the course of an hour while I do the crossword! Like a nice slow start, me :)
@RellyAB I think “Catering forensics investigator Dr Harold Tabbouleh” was the point I started doubting the veracity.
@jephjacques Woo! The first time where Twitter got to me before RSS :D

StephanieChan Well played, Miniature Calendar, well played. #pistachios #eggs #aliens #gameover #xenomorphs #alien pic.twitter.com/RY5GbJTNew
@benorgan I’m going to sign up again and see how it goes. Thanks for mentioning it!
@ClaudiaLives You know, I think that’s a very worthy cause and I’d be happy to do that. What’s the best way of making that happen?
benhorsleyco Left for work in thermals, woolly hat, scarf, and emergency foil blanket. Came home in Speedos and flip-flops, sipping on a cocktail.

Chuuurs. pic.twitter.com/9Vg7cp93R3

@adambanksdotcom I think I found some :D pic.twitter.com/Au1HpvCx7y
Factory Girl flic.kr/p/HVbkU3

@RealDramRob @petedrinks Now starting a Very Scientific Experiment by taking advantage of Oddbins’ beer fridge! pic.twitter.com/VJvwUSMz75
@RealDramRob @petedrinks No way I’m drinking Bristol Beer Factory Milk Stout at room temp! Lacking a wine fridge, I’ll take 5C over 20C!
@petedrinks @RealDramRob See, there’s a sensible compromise — my favourite solution to most debate ;)
@petedrinks @RealDramRob …certainly seems to suit the Southville Hop, say.
@petedrinks @RealDramRob I’m guessing my favourites may have been brewed with cold serving in mind…
@RealDramRob The beer I drink from the fridge seems to have bucketloads of flavour.
@warriorgrrl Take the opportunity to improve the world by inventing a combination crutch/biscuit tin.
@petedrinks Any preference? twitter.com/RealDramRob/st…
@RealDramRob I like a cold stout, personally. I generally fridge my beer.
@adambanksdotcom I was very lucky to have chosen and generally loved Lightroom from the start.
@beccamagnus Wrap the phone in silver foil.
@janinedoggett @bristolgp Pleasure! flic.kr/p/Jb3t7C @paulawhite_uk

Getting closer to have a @BetterFoodCo branch I can walk to on the flat — or take a ferry to! :Dpic.twitter.com/498g1Z36a66

Today’s test shot suggests I may have a few too many Dock icons. pic.twitter.com/FY2LpzRx2t
@extractcoffee No problem! Didn’t cause me any issues, and I’m very sure I will :)
Amazing how Lightroom manages to always sort newly-imported photos in a different order, yet never the one I want.

Scenic. #Bristol instagram.com/p/BG4RLKxpC8h/
@Cookwitch Well, it’s like they had much room to go further down in my estimation.

Alain_Tolhurst MPs on all sides decked out in white roses as Corbyn pays tribute to Jo Cox pic.twitter.com/r9FbCOrqV2

Well, if you *insist*. pic.twitter.com/VxlbcCbESJ
Very British. Sorry, person who just drove past with a cheery beep and wave of recognition. No idea who you were, but I waved back anyway.
liveindetail @gothick It’s EVERYWHERE. I found part of my kitchen had been closed off yesterday so an unnecessary lane could be put next to the fridge
All this bloody Metrobus work now seems like the interminable, muddy noisy background to my every outside moment in #bristol.
@benjohnbarnes I AM A MAN NOW.