MrBikferd I have a question and possibly a follow up question pic.twitter.com/OfTomfAj1o

OrinKerr From @PaulNoth in the @NewYorker. pic.twitter.com/hKtMtUSJoi
@UrsulaWJ I was just wondering the same thing.
Does it really say “who’s streets?” on that flag? Let’s hope some of the refugees are English teachers.
@DelroyHibbert I wouldn’t want my house *that* full.

Oop. Some thinning out required, perhaps. Still: seedlings. pic.twitter.com/YBMMVlgLlK
@GreatGeorgeWMB You could say they’re the ends of a bell curve…

bristol247 The start of the World Naked Bike Ride, currently winding around the centre of Bristol: pic.twitter.com/yaWjQ7GdUE

louisjemanuel Police rushing the anti-fascists on Howells Road. #BristolDemos pic.twitter.com/U3KWppTbuB
@chubbybannister I think I’ll just avoid town today. Seems simplest.
@chubbybannister Yeah, but I think I have to ride a bike naked up the steps if I go in from that side :D
Perhaps I won’t go to the library today. twitter.com/DelroyHibbert/…

greeneyedlens Passed a lady on my walk today. Noticing my camera she said “You poor thing, what an awful morning for photography”. pic.twitter.com/QJ3OeUf9si