@domwakeling I am actually quite stunned to find that there are services who’ll convert graphics files into wax seal stamps. But so far I am resisting.
c0mmunicants I saw a bumper sticker that said “Make tea, not war”, and what a wild ride they are in for when they learn literally any fact about tea.

Something of an odd purchase in 2018, I’ll grant you, but nevertheless irresistible. #stationery #vintage ift.tt/2E9noDd pic.twitter.com/EF4630Dyuk
This cold I’ve come down with arrived pretty much in the same hour I started this long weekend of freedom from work. Bugger.

Safari/Nakimi/Rhodia. #penaddict ift.tt/2J44t0x pic.twitter.com/IxKtvBkJeX
gcluley United Kingdom company with an .eu domain name? We have some bad news ec.europa.eu/info/publicati…
aaprocter Look. Whatever they tell you, all museum people got into this field cos they want to touch the art. It’s not about “preserving” or “inspiring people”. We’d lick it if we could.

alexkealy at least click “maybe attending”, mate pic.twitter.com/Ii7xnlHXoF

Sunburst. ift.tt/2pN17WI pic.twitter.com/GdWLrsqRJf
@bufferingcast My hellmath tells me that the slayers are sleeping on the floor because the cat wants the bad, and nobody fucks with a cat.

If you never hear from me again, know that I withered and died while trying to leave the Rupert Street car park. #bristol ift.tt/2GygZ9V pic.twitter.com/xxBr5mJsV5

Tulmesh In the paper today. #DnD pic.twitter.com/jPaE7tqkAZ
@thomasvenables I think it retains a certain Soviet-era-Zil-like grandeur.
@MarkSkinner_ Yup.

Bondosaur. ift.tt/2Gaivf2 pic.twitter.com/SUD7gKtxZV

Remind me, when was the start date of the Metrobus meant to be? pic.twitter.com/a4tKkmhJlf
@thomasvenables I’m going to watch it this evening. If you never hear from me again, assume I’ve been caught in some kind of temporal loop.
@_pigeons_ They’re actually *deliberate* car traps! bristolpost.co.uk/news/bristol-n…

Brunostril. ift.tt/2uiIsr9 pic.twitter.com/WRhPckMu4i

Bookmark. ift.tt/2pDkq5x pic.twitter.com/mt6hCfdPig
Foone Basic test for anyone writing an infinitely scrolling web page:
1. Scroll down a few pages, enough that it has to load more content
2. click a link
3. hit the back button

Quite some choice to be made from my Cinema Paradiso delivery. 😆 ift.tt/2DQ7iy8 pic.twitter.com/o9fzawEsvf
@PhilSlippe Eww.

Wonder how Things manages to beat OmniFocus 2 in App Store search results for the phrase “OmniFocus 2”..pic.twitter.com/zF7Mnj4qmYmY
These Photo Tiles Transform Walls Into Soviet Apartment Blocks petapixel.com/2018/03/20/the…

snazdoll that banksy blokes been at it in our street again pic.twitter.com/12Q9z8YNL0

DannyDutch I’m afraid this may hurt your head a little. pic.twitter.com/1NPju6chSx

I’d go out into the garden, but apparently it’s brass* monkeys out there. *Okay, they’re steel, but I never let the facts get in the way of a pun. ift.tt/2IBnZBi pic.twitter.com/tCnbgTgspi

silentmoviegifs Buster Keaton in The Bell Boy, which was released 100 years ago today, on March 18, 1918. Still a brilliant gag a century later pic.twitter.com/3lkpRfKOsS

…though the Windows in question is actually running on this box over here. ift.tt/2G0X9np pic.twitter.com/gCZLX6xMMV

Always a bit disconcerting seeing a Windows desktop on a Mac… ift.tt/2tRPJOM pic.twitter.com/bdMIU92Vf0
@cheque_balances I’m prepared to take risks for my art.

Breakfast chaser ☕️ #bialetti #mokapot ift.tt/2phaYUu pic.twitter.com/6NnQ91OKqu

LondonConcrete I don’t know who did this, but I would like to thank them. pic.twitter.com/KxFgC1mPpQ

That’ll do. ift.tt/2pj3wcf pic.twitter.com/L00QUhMd5S
Wait, the UK National Lottery are emailing *every user* to ask them to change their passwords? *side eye*

Plus ça change… ift.tt/2pkffGC pic.twitter.com/5EhLSkb5yR

You know it’s a good album when it comes with a stick of rock. #theindelicates ift.tt/2p3oOtF pic.twitter.com/Lg6FfRHbeG
Just got a electricity smart meter sales call. Given the tactics, I imagine in ten years’ time I’ll be bombarded with PPI-level “Were you mis-sold a smart meter?” calls…

Came home to find my cacti looking like an advert for male enhancement pills. 🌵 🍆 ift.tt/2HaMxzm pic.twitter.com/ON08ZrDnMJ
kapowaz My wife’s iPhone X was snatched out of her hand in Clerkenwell just over a week ago. It obviously immediately went offline and wasn’t trackable, so we put it in Lost Mode with my mobile number.

A moment from yesterday’s snowball fight. ift.tt/2FgCLP3 pic.twitter.com/sa3lDRe1qo

PTdavelewis No sled? Not a problem for the locals here. I give you a Lilo, mattress and a LG flat screen TV!! pic.twitter.com/1tgPgbHN7N

So, yeah, there was a wee barney on the Downs earlier :D #bristol #snow pic.twitter.com/yOEqGJes7s

WeirdBristol Stay warm today #Bristol. You know it’s cold when even the cormorants are staying out of the water pic.twitter.com/8JqGcj5OXo
OwensDamien Everyone’s posting adorable videos of their pets frolicking in the snow. From his station at the fireside, our cat briefly looked out over the top of his glasses, shuddered, and returned to his Proust.

Seen a couple of people driving in Hotwells and Clifton this morning. Or attempting to. I really wouldn’t advise it. #granbyhill #hotwells #bristol ift.tt/2oBlXsh pic.twitter.com/lPmLW3sp72

CountrysideBen Our road this morning. Suffice to say I’m not expecting the postman today. #Fife pic.twitter.com/EHJ4MB42Eb
@captainsafia As people mature, some of them will realise that frankness about a lack of knowledge is a hallmark of a quick learner. Sadly some of them will—ironically—never figure this out.

ASPolice Please don’t use the region’s roads this morning as conditions are still dangerous. More #snow & #ice is expected today.
Last night, a major incident was declared and an operation was launched to rescue people stranded in vehicles. socsi.in/ylnz4
#StormEmma pic.twitter.com/wQWwhp8MQG

Okay. Quite impressed. Well done, Bristol, for once. ift.tt/2HVeJaE pic.twitter.com/8okUwrQeBb
xxjadey_x My gran works in Asda and was told last night to take essentials home incase she couldn’t get out today/tomorrow n she brought home 3 bottles of wine n a 40 fags talk about bear grylls

#throwbackthursday to January 2010 and the company snowball fight in Temple Park. Seems appropriate today! ift.tt/2HUII2v pic.twitter.com/VihZG0tLni

Eleven. Years. Bloody hell. #MyTwitterAnniversary pic.twitter.com/W3n0tGD8lP
I don’t recommend trying Granby Hill, drivers. Just passed two cars at the top getting wheelspin and not much else. #bristol #hotwells #clifton

The (careful) walk home. #igersbristol ift.tt/2GWFnyO pic.twitter.com/EUHnn9XKM3