@BlackDogDays @MsMottram Incidentally, as @JonCraig_Photos was saying: Simon’s Cat. simonscat.com/Films/Cat-Man-…
@BlackDogDays Twuntily loud, whatever they were.
@Pockless *ducks behind sofa*
@Pockless Bloody great double-bang.
@johnfbraun Oook *cough* ook.
I must be really ill if I can’t spell “psychosomatically”. It’ll just be easier.
What the hell was that? #bristol
Hrm. Am I feeling psychsomatically rough because I’ve been hanging out with ill people, or am I actually ill?
@paul_clarke I just Googled D60 to find out what the hell it was. Google helpfully provide lots of 60D results.
@tsunimee Yeah. :(
@tsunimee Are the pictures good? ;)
@tsunimee Awww, shucks. Will reciprocate on the reading once I’m dry and dressed!
@tsunimee :D Heh. You just winked at me while I was in the bath.
bbcluther Calling all Luther fans - be part of our show and find your inner Alice! Find out how, here…
bbc.co.uk/programmes/b00… #luther
@MsMottram @JonCraig_Photos @BlackDogDays Yes, indeedy. Might have to go back for some warmer food before the weekend’s out, though! #chilly
So glad we decided to switch off _Step Brothers_ as soon as we figured out it was shit, and watched _Parked_ instead last night. #filmtweet
Coffee toffee fudge #CAKE. YEAH. instagr.am/p/Spxkw7JC-x/
En route to the Galley. #CAKE
@RellyAB Great. Now I’m going to have Transvision Vamp in my head all morning. Could be worse, I suppose…
@BlackDogDays @MsMottram @JonCraig_Photos *Joins cake lambada, conga-stylee*
@OddbinsWine Very well with the curry, ta :)
Mornin’ all. Curry and wine last night. Considering second coffee.
@SourdoughCafe It were lush.
Yay! At the Brunel Raj, awaiting take-out. Sub-team concurrently working on wine issue at Oddbins. The night’s shaping up well ;)
Grain Barge sunset. @ The Grain Barge instagr.am/p/SnvbNxpCzE/
@josephaleo @toodledo Settings -> Fields and Defaults, then drag Context up to top list.
@toodledo Erm. *Fiddles* Where did my contexts go? Am I being dumb? I just want to see one of my contexts easily from home screen… #iOS
Off to lunch, North Street way, I reckon.
@chubbybannister Yes, to be fair, they didn’t look *that* menacing.
Preparations are underway for Bristol’s toughest floating table tennis tournament ever. instagr.am/p/SnHGq1JC7s/
There is a group of school kids boarding the Matthew behind a pirate flag. Prepare to be menaced, Bristol.
Hello boats! instagr.am/p/SnCIRGJC5y/
But! It’s so tempting. What will happen if I risk it!? (Also: you missed some letters out.) instagr.am/p/SnBQYaJC5f/
Out! Hurrah! instagr.am/p/SnBEXZpC5b/
@gallopen484 Heading out the door right now :D
@hayles Oooh! Look! A… pony? chonaporcina.tumblr.com/post/366768882…
@inkedmn My suggestion for the Wi-Fi password: have a crafting friend cross-stitch a sampler for your wall with the SSID and password.
Ah, the joy of having remembered to get a frozen organic croissant out of the fridge the night before… :D
When my parents bought me a ZX81, I apparently started down an inevitable path that led to watching a supermarket wave at a train on Twitter
Looks nice out! Might start my day with a round-the-harbourside walk.

nosugartea Beautiful crisp morning down on Bristol docks pic.twitter.com/IvJpPQoe
Bonsoir, tout le monde…
Oh, so _that’s_ where I recognised Amy Adams from. I saw _Sunshine Cleaning_ earlier on this month…
@jesspants Yowch.
@Indiechops @roonsy Hah! Great minds think alike! instagram.com/p/SiLPxppC8R/
Also: Holy moly, @BrisBeerFactory’s Ultimate Stout really warms the cockles after a chilly walk back from town. Cheers, all!
Just seen _The Master_ at @wshed. Head a bit spinny now. Great stuff. Hints of McGoohan and McKern in last episode of _The Prisoner_, too ;)
nigellegg Nigel Farage ‘comic creation that got out of hand’ thedailymash.co.uk/politics/polit… // brilliant.
peachesanscream New boyfriend is allergic to kitten so can’t keep him :( He’s ginger & named Tom. Friendly. Comes when called. 28yrs-old & works in IT.
@Indiechops Good call.
@hayles I do not pretend to understand. That’s why I have an accountant.

Ah, North Street. pic.twitter.com/y6cGBmvX
HELLO SQUID. instagr.am/p/SksJ4ApC1P/
Lunchtime. @ Riverstation instagr.am/p/SkooQupCz9/
@chubbybannister If it does, we can coordinate for a new year one :)
The bike course is 10AM Sunday, Jake’s Bikes, Stokes Croft. lifecycleuk.org.uk/civicrm/event/… @chubbybannister
If anyone does want to do that bike maintenance course, please sign up! I’m only person booked at the mo, so they’re cancelling otherwise :(
LifeCycleUKteam We still have space on our December 2nd bike maintenance course - see lifecycleuk.org.uk/bike-maintenan… for details
@EffBeeee Probably as soon as the registrar sobers us up.
@EffBeeee Pretty sure I can’t tell the difference.
@EffBeeee No way. You might drink my gin.
@jamesakadamingo If it’s any help, I got mine from here: freesim.o2.co.uk/freesim/?campa… …in exactly those circumstances. Took three days.
@Thehappyfatgirl @Ninja_lynneja I often have that effect on women in bed.

@Ninja_lynneja @Thehappyfatgirl This is how the photo sequence goes in my mind. pic.twitter.com/LL2BEvGZ
@michaeltorbert Occasionally. I gave someone one as the modern equivalent of a “mix tape” a while back…
mattgemmell This must be a joke, surely. Surely. Or illegal. sponsorascholar.co.uk/scholarships-f…
@waiyeehong It can barely cope with checking the weather or understanding the word “home”; I wouldn’t get your hopes up.
@Ninja_lynneja *snigger*
@Bristolvor For three hours.

That wasn’t bad. pic.twitter.com/8TT3X7rF
@Jorence Er, okay. *Steps outside*. Fuck, it’s cold! *Steps back inside*. *Turns heating up*.
Sometimes, posh nosh just isn’t what you want. #jacketspudcheeznbeenz
@liveindetail Just make sure it’s not the low-calorie variant. #barf
@Thehappyfatgirl At most, I’m metrosexual.
@liveindetail There’s probably one in there somewhere.
@Thehappyfatgirl Sadly, tonight it’s lazy baked potato night, and it’s already been in an hour.
@charlesarthur …though in practice I’ve not noticed much in the way of repeated non-detected spam, so I’ve not had to write much myself.
@charlesarthur I like the “both” option. Fastmail has good auto filters plus manual filtering including regexps…
@Thehappyfatgirl Come on round. I’ll make tea and shout if you put anything too useful on the recycling pile.
@archidave There are strange noises from the back. And I think I saw a Yeti earlier.

I have procrastinated enough. Time to start clearing out the Alcove of Doom. pic.twitter.com/q8E7EAMp
@claireellent Maybe I’m down to just the criminal element. Also have persistent idiot desperate to get me a grant for loft insulation.
@claireellent Most seem to be from call centres in other countries; doubt there’s much British law could do about that :(
@claireellent After the first twenty or so of those, I plumped for simple obscenity and disconnection. Not sure where to take it next…
I should be Doing Stuff. I am not Doing Stuff. It may be time to have a cup of tea.
@hayles What if we all go and be antiwanky together?
brendlewhat tautologists gonna tautologize
Mmmmm. Sharon fruit.

@chrisphin Dunno. Lemmy think about that for a minute. pic.twitter.com/oQeHjwPr
Might be time to head for @BaristasBristol…
@BlackDogDays @Bristol_Culture @stillawake I plan on challenging him to single combat in the hopes of inheriting his lifestyle.
engadget Google hustles Android 4.2.1 onto Nexus devices to give you December back - engt.co/SqMAIN
@BlackDogDays Hotwell Road. If you think some odd bloke leered uncertainly at you from a mini, that was me. Didn’t look too harassed…
ahnlak @gothick very disappointed to find that this is, in fact, a biscuit and not an iced euphemism
Lady Biscuit. instagr.am/p/SiLPxppC8R/
Just passed a @BlackDogDays :)
@KaveyF Given that, I’d certainly leave it unapproved. Might be worth getting in touch with reviewed place, warn them?
@KaveyF What country is the originating IP address in? And can you send an “automated” email to address to see if it bounces?
@BlackDogDays @JonCraig_Photos @MsMottram Okay, you’re in the diary.
@johnfbraun Steak pie. Specifically, local firm Pieminister’s “Moo Pie” :D pieminister.co.uk/pies/pm-range/
@johnfbraun Steak and Ale.
Pie! #pie
@MsMottram @JonCraig_Photos @BlackDogDays I can do pretty much any time.
@Thehappyfatgirl ;D
@BlackDogDays @MsMottram @JonCraig_Photos Friday’s about the only lunchtime I’m free :) Yes please!
@Thehappyfatgirl Where?
So far, I have only seen the sarcastic backlash against the stupid Facebook privacy status updates, not the stupid updates themselves.
@andybeebristol As long as your chest cavity was vibrating in resonance with the voice, it was probably them.
@andybeebristol It certainly is. One of my favourite bands. Finally got around to seeing them* live in 2007… *well, sort of “them”…
B247Martin Labour cllr Mark Bradshaw writes open letter to Mayor George declining, “with a heavy heart”, offer of joining cabinet: bristolculture.wordpress.com/mark-bradshaws…
Ooops. #cooking #garlicexplosion #clumsy
@chubbybannister @RamonYouseph We should have a Sneakers evening. Fab film. #setecastronomy
@Phooto Well, it has been known…
This is not my optimal working environment :/
The builders on the scaffolding next door are drowning out the primary school playground opposite. I am drowning both out with the Nephilim.
@currybet 12 January 2011, according to this blog entry I just found.
@Phooto That’s from Preview on the Mac.

Computers have definitely improved since my Acorn Electron days. Corrupt screen memory is much higher res now, for one. pic.twitter.com/cNHBBFT2
@weirdoldhattie Saw some very nice looking cranes on the wall at Southmead Hospital, visiting a friend who just had his hip replaced :D
@scalzi Maybe he moved to Canada.
Installed in the @wshed, awaiting tagine.
@chubbybannister @Bristol52 (Also: one thing I like about JL is that their delivery guys are great, which is handy for big mattresses.)
@chubbybannister @Bristol52 Mine was from John Lewis. Lasted ages, bloody comfy. Can’t remember how much it was, though.
Seems to be a two-coffee morning.
Cardiffbus We currently have delays on services 1,2,13,17,18,23,27,28,30,33,38,39,44,49,57,61,62,92,94,95,96. Sorry for any inconvenience.
@bexxi “A+++++++++ employee! Would use again!”
@tsunimee It’s always useful to differentiate between your bumps and your butts.
ZakiDogliani Very misleading advertising from a distance! @ Kingsland Road instagr.am/p/SdvCZ2A76o/
@guriben @Bristolvor It’s only the second time I’ve been here. Great taste combinations. Really friendly, too.
@Ninja_lynneja It was bloody lovely. Really tasty.
At the Lion. instagr.am/p/SdBLTkJC70/
@tsunimee Never heard that one myself. Northern word, maybe? I also like “todger”.
Morning, Bristol. instagr.am/p/Sc5ByzpC3Y/
@KaveyF I am just planning on eating them, personally.

segphault I don’t condone Wikipedia vandalism, but this is really, really funny: i.imgur.com/nCo4p.jpg (via reddit)
G’night, Twitter.
@RamonYouseph Ugh. Yes. And tonight, too. Really shouldn’t be doing two nights in a row these days, though…
@Mouse_House it was Quite Wet. I am now in bed in warm dry jimjams, though.
Walking home from Whiteladies. Wettest I’ve been while outdoors since I went wild swimming back in August.
@BristolSprite Pleasure.
Hung. Over.
@polly_lop28 I’m just glad I don’t work in an office any more.
Unusually for me, I’m heading townwards on a Friday night.
OldRoberts953 Happy birthday Roj Blake.
coulls Good news for all Brits! Supermarket giant Tesco already has a placeholder up for Easter 2013.
@chubbybannister They have *everything* in St. Nick’s Market.
@polly_lop28 I had to look that up. I feel enriched now.
@BabsBat I could pick some up for you while I’m here. “Fun size” okay?
Just found “willies” on my shopping list. Pretty sure I meant “wellies”.
@RamonYouseph Cool. I have scored a table.
Flood. @ Queen Square instagr.am/p/SX3ZxKJC-B/
Fierce. instagr.am/p/SX2_JbpC92/
charlesarthur What you always suspected about USB cables (SMBC.com) smbc-comics.com/?db=comics&id=…
Home, after an entertaining diversion around the bottom of Whiteladies Road, currently closed due to flooding…
Oof. Full of food from Thai Edge.
Sweet Lips. Apparently. instagr.am/p/SWC9KipC6A/
This is Bristol. instagr.am/p/SV_4oapC2A/
@ratsass if you see Princess Victoria Street passing by later…
Not sure this Is the best time to *put up* the big sail-like advertising canvas on your scaffolding, Premier. #bristol
@Thehappyfatgirl Always welcome to pop in for a cuppa :D
@Thehappyfatgirl *keeps very quiet*
@DrHairbear So far the worst I’ve experienced is extremely frenetic wind chimes in Clifton Village. Have full waterproofs with me in case…
Hrm. Might be time to head out for lunch before the weather gets any worse…
@Easybourne Novel!
@R2UK @ahnlak :D
@ahnlak Aww, sweet. Wave “hi” to Bungle for me.
Coding to Fairport Convention. I could get used to this.
@doctorow Surely that’s a temporary redirect…
Morning all. I am standing to attention. No, no, because the Queen’s visiting Bristol. Filthy minds, the lot of you.
@Easybourne Morning! Hope your journey’s better today. If you see the Queen at Temple Meads, give her a wave from me.
This might be a good morning for battening down hatches in Bristol, if you happen to have either hatches or battens.
fergieweather W COUNTRY Heaviest rain, torrential in places for a (limited) time, expected M5 corridor & Bristol into eve rush-hour with squally winds…
@Easybourne Kewl. Enjoy! The green curry is pretty good, from what I remember.
@Easybourne …Thai at the Old Fish Market for surprisingly-good. But I’d probably still eat somewhere more waterfronty, personally.
@Easybourne Oh, and don’t eat there. If you want to eat nearby, cross the street and go Hotcha for dirt-cheap-OK, or…
@Easybourne Eees very nice. But don’t try the 18% Tokyo. Tastes like cough mixture, I’m told.
Breading some chicken…
@Easybourne (If desired, drop into the swanky new Brewdog pub as you do so :D )
@Easybourne You probably just passed my old workplace :D To head for the Centre, cross Bristol Bridge, then go down Baldwin Street.
@Easybourne (Which is also near the Watershed, if you want to take in a decent film…) goo.gl/maps/80MbL
@Easybourne @PbnowD Yep. Bristol’s great for an evening stroll. If you want refreshment, try No. 1 Harbourside.
It’s National Freelancers Day in the UK. I celebrated by working from the Folk House cafe, with a flapjack. A blow for freedom!
@hatsandbikes Arse. I shall delay my cooking by a half-hour lest I accidentally turn on my kitchen radio out of habit.
@guriben Nor I. I lost a fair bit more when Oolite became my preferred Christmas-avoidance tactic a couple of years back, too…

Heh. @drewwagar’s Kickstarter just prompted me to dig out a little part of my childhood. #elitedangerous pic.twitter.com/KSxRp0ZQ
And this is why I should do my weekly review more often. Who recommended The Asteroids Galaxy Tour to me on Hallowe’en, I wonder…
@Phooto And I’m already tempted to use a hand gesture when people ask me for a reward card. Bonus!
@Phooto I’m pretty sure it would even out. I think reward cards are just an annoying net loss all round…
@benjohnbarnes I still have mine.
@Phooto But, if stuff was cheaper, you’d have more money to spend on Amazon…
@benjohnbarnes It’s only the meta that has my pledge so far :)
And there was hayles assuming I was going to Instagram my coffee. Ha! It’s TEA! instagr.am/p/SS57EFpC3E/
Wouldn’t it be amazing if there were some kind of loyalty card amnesty where all stores withdrew them and just made stuff a bit cheaper…
(Farmers only?) instagr.am/p/SS1i4NpC0r/
@hayles I can see why you’re in finance and I’m in poverty.