Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 2017

…only now it’s two spreadsheets, I think because the first one hit its default size of 2000 rows, 751 songs ago.…At0r

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Just opened up the @IFTTT app and remembered I’d set up a test trigger to add every song I played with Alexa to a Google spreadsheet.

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mcwm This season of The Apprentice is so weird

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 7:43 PM, Jul 31st, 2017 via Tweetbot for Mac)

I’ve had wine gums that lasted longer than White House Communications Directors.

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@wessexbus Is there information on the upcoming changes to the 505 service anywhere on the web please?

via Twitter Web Client

Oh, the extreme joy of waiting for a bus that’s already here.

via iOS

@RedQueenCoder I repainted my entire lounge in a more neutral colour so I didn’t get colour casts in photos when…ir

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@ukscone @charwarz @guru Start practising now; they’ll get round to us all eventually.

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Just seen some trendy hipster company advertising “organize your keys in a slim leather holder”! My grandad had one of those.

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Hope the Balmoral ended up in sunnier weather than it seemed they were heading for…

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@dadge Those take so damn long to see sometimes.

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Home. Long bath. Kindle. Water. 🛀 📚 💦


📷 Cafe on a Bristol Packet boat! How long has that been there?

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I did enjoy these little fellas. By @AngusArt85, I think.


I am actually quite glad I sought shelter when I did.

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One of the most authentically Bristolian pieces of framed art exhibited on North Street today.

via Twitter Lite

FluffSociety “Moist owlette”

via Fluff Society (retweeted on 2:05 PM, Jul 30th, 2017 via Twitter Lite)

@misterbooof It’s not bad, but I preferred the Gloucester Brewery session IPA I had at the Steam Crane!

via Twitter Lite in reply to misterbooof

It started tipping down just as I was passing. I had literally no other options. Neck Oil and the cros……ryMo


Bug. I always think of @porthjess when I snap a vintage car on Instagram 😀


Hurrah! I survived the Great Meter Wrap Around of 2017!


Now this is the kind of true-life crime story I really look for in .

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RellyAB They put coffee creamer in my tea.…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:33 PM, Jul 29th, 2017 via Tweetbot for Mac)

FOLLOWMGWV100 -First jump!! 😍🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆🦆

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 9:29 PM, Jul 29th, 2017 via Tweetbot for Mac)

This means there’s only 10kWh of juice left in my house’s battery, right?

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AFP Aerial shot: 456 hot air balloons take off from France’s Chambley-Bussieres airbase in bid to set world record…lh

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 12:51 PM, Jul 29th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

Hrm. @BristolCouncil are at least making an attempt to include trans in the equal opportunities bit of their RPZ…Uf

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@guriben The way mine ended up, I should have called it “Inextri”.

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MakingBlakes7 The year is 1977. The Liberator is under construction & the cast is being assembled. It’s about to get VERY…hX

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 11:03 AM, Jul 29th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

Unexpected iPod Shuffle in the bagging area.

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Quick tidy of one of the boxes of “Things That May Come In Handy One Day But Almost Certainly Won’t Who Am I…mg

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Should’ve walked it. When will I learn not to get on a bus on a Friday? .

via Twitter for iPhone

@AthanSpod I’m only up to S05E06. It’s a fine show to watch while I’m on the exercise bike :)

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Please tell me there’s going to be a spin-off which is basically just Wu being Wu.

via Twitter for iPhone

@salisbury_matt Yeah. I hear beard oil’s only really good when it’s been squeezed from an Extra Virgin.

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Waiting 276/365… Most of commuting doesn’t involve actually getting anywhere.

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@GarrettZumini @cgpgrey @ismh But you can get synchronised-playback speakers in every room of your house really cheaply.

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GlennKesslerWP @snopes was one of the original fact checkers on the Internet. It needs your help:

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:36 PM, Jul 24th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

exclaimeditor Shoutout to headline writers, making their own fun.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 5:17 PM, Jul 24th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@richardjfoster Yup; probably my school library. They had a lot of Heinlein.

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This BBC “star” “tax dodge” thing the Mail’s going on about. Isn’t that normal for self-employed people? It’s what my account told me to do…

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Going through old photos to work out *exactly* how cool I was during the 1980s.

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@TechCorrect Nostalgia! Here’s my second computer, and some Uni friends playing Lemmings on the fourth, an A410/1!…KP

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@psidnell I’m told they were excellent. Blueberry.

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Much as I respect the stoic people enjoying the harbour festival today, I’m happy enough with my decision.

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BristolHarbFest Rain not stopping play on @RSVPBhangra…

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 5:23 PM, Jul 23rd, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@_pigeons_ Exactly! And the roof actually stows in the luggage compartment at the front where the engine would be in a lesser car :D

via Twitter Web Client in reply to _pigeons_

Completely convinced that wandering around the house making the scissors gesture with your fingers helps you find the scissors faster.

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@_pigeons_ Ah! It hadn’t occurred to me that the X-1/9 is mid-engined. That funny cover is actually the engine…Ze

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“Antics in the changing room”? What did I miss? No, on second thought, I don’t want to know.

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@ChuckWendig On non-force-touch *iPads* you can do it by sliding around with two fingers instead.

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uliwitness Star Trek: Discovery trailer has dropped from Netflix:…

via Twitter for Windows (retweeted on 12:23 AM, Jul 23rd, 2017 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

davidcaolo I feel like every time Trump appointee is fired or quits, Oompa Loompas should appear and sing a song about gluttony or greed.

via Fenix for Android (retweeted on 10:24 PM, Jul 22nd, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

SourceDuMal The minute a man uses the word “females” he automatically looks like this to me

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 10:02 PM, Jul 22nd, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

@mpseely @MakingBlakes7 You can see it better if you have a perfect replica of the model at home. Oh, hang

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RikerGoogling are starfleet rank pips dangerous to swallow

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:18 PM, Jul 22nd, 2017 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

OpinionatedGeek I thought it would be more of a Safari……

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 8:39 PM, Jul 22nd, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

NetflixUK The war for New York is here. @TheDefenders, August 18th.

via Media Studio (retweeted on 8:31 PM, Jul 22nd, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

B247Martin The future of temporary employment has arrived in Queen Square:

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:29 PM, Jul 22nd, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

That’s @MakingBlakes7 over there, currently describing the genesis of the most beautiful spaceship in the history…3F

via Twitter for iPhone

Avon_Stories If you like ghost stories, weird factoids or true crime, this podcast is for you - thanks @WeirdBristol for your…Xb

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:17 PM, Jul 22nd, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

This episode of ST:TNG features the Ventaxian race. Can’t help but think the writer might’ve been a bit desperate……xN

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@bufferingcast Is it worrying that I had Cordy’s jingle in my head before I read any of the text?

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via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 6:06 PM, Jul 22nd, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@fakebaldur Normally when things are this terrible about considering other countries, it means they’re US-only.

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@fakebaldur Well, I tried to help, but it says exactly the same thing for me, in Britain.

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@hayles Ah! Thanks, I’ll correct it. This is the problem with shooting film: too long a delay between shooting and tagging!

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📷 Can’t go wrong with a sausage-inna-bun.

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It seemed quite a stark welcome. Also, I couldn’t help but wonder which of them was Lisa.

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Always love seeing the curve on these lock gates. Not sure why, other than: engineering.

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Considering the clouds I walked out to, it wasn’t too rainy at the harbour festival, at least.

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Just caught myself thinking of putting the heating on.

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Home! Just as well, given: (a) I cleverly took an anorak and a water bottle in my bag, and (b) I didn’t put the top on the bottle properly.

via Twitter Web Client

lad This is the best video ever

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 3:41 PM, Jul 22nd, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@bexxi So did his level of off-key- and out-of-time-ness.

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There’s a mandolin player needs tuning at t’Underfall. Or possibly shooting.

via Twitter Lite

@misterbooof Yup. Not my favourite tipple, but options were limited.

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The stall was hard to find, but the brownies are beautifully dense.

via iOS

Thanks, postie. (And @FishDerekDick!) Thirty two years. Gosh.

via Twitter Web Client

fatgirlphd I just noticed some chicken was missing from my plate while washing up and found this smug cat I do not own…1K

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:40 AM, Jul 22nd, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

Somewhat disappointed the Echo doesn’t understand “Alexa! Belay that order!” Supplemental: I may have watched too much ST:TNG this week.

via Twitter Lite

HarbMasterBris Had an unexpected guest, when we unlocked @theunderfall this morning, it’s an auspicious sign of a…Cp

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 9:55 PM, Jul 21st, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

Just do it! What? No, I don’t know what. Just do it anyway. ✅


From 2014’s harbour festival. Luckily it wasn’t like that all weekend :D…

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@waiyeehong I like the quieter bits and the fringes. But only because I live so close I know I can escape the crush fairly easily.

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@hayles It took a lot longer to get back to the car than it did to get down…

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At Arnos Vale for an open air Romeo & Juliet. Pretty lucky with the weather considering the week so far!…oD


That worrying moment where your bus driver stops and gets out to have a look in the engine compartment. 🚌 💀…Hv


bilalfarooqui Our D.C. office building got a security robot. It drowned itself.

We were promised flying cars, instead we got…Fq

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:25 PM, Jul 17th, 2017 via Twitter for iPad)

sixteenthCgirl Stuck at Gatwick, waiting for take-off, so I thought I’d share with you this little gem from the in-flight magazine:

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 6:50 PM, Jul 17th, 2017 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@_YouMustChoose @ChuckWendig It’s a horror story all of its own in a non-native Twitter client.

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At least I know there’s definitely a working fan in the new MacBook now.

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ASPBrisCentre Temple Gate closed outbound to all traffic while @AvonFireRescue investigates the cause of a small fire 1/2

via SocialSignIn Application (retweeted on 8:32 PM, Jul 16th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

hijinksensue It’s a Doctor Who special on Christmas Eve, not a Doctor Who special on Christmas Steve.

via Tweetbot for iΟS (retweeted on 6:40 PM, Jul 16th, 2017 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@chubbybannister I reckon this is a fine start to a doomed relationship story. Roy will never develop the self-awareness to make it work.

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SoVeryBritish How to write someone’s name in their birthday card:
-Double-check spelling
-Check again
-Deep breath
-Test pen
-Here we go…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 6:11 PM, Jul 15th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@jukesie That Sierra Nevada is becoming a staple at my place. Lovely and crisp.

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SoundCloud sinks as leaks say layoffs buy little time via @TechCrunch

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MakingBlakes7 July 1977: Paul Darrow is now under consideration for the role of Avon, having been ruled out for the part of…Uz

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Avon_Stories More tiny Harbour fish - on the slipway next to the Nova Scotia

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:50 PM, Jul 14th, 2017 via Twitter for iPad)

Kelso just turned up in this ST:TNG episode and now I want to switch to Scrubs ;)

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“Anchovies, anchovies, you’re so delicious/I love you more than all the other fishes…”

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“Of course I’d never steal your beer, Matt!” @_pigeons_

via iOS

Avon_Stories And @gothick & I have been sitting & lying on the jetty, hunting fish

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:15 PM, Jul 14th, 2017 via Twitter Lite)

Here we see @_pigeons_, interviewing some fish for @Avon_Stories

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@RellyAB Somewhere halfway up an alp there’s a goat with a devastating backhand.

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Ooops. Murray staggering around like I do first thing in the morning.

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@KevinCPLdn Bizarrely, my Echo said “OK” along with yours. And I don’t have an aquarium. I wonder what I just rebooted.

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@shezza_t My guess is that egg sales are up, but mince sales remain flat.

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@DomUtton “But only when the swallows fly high.”

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@DomUtton I assume he is carrying last week’s Pravda, upside-down. Remember, comrade, when you leave with each…XN

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WeirdBristol Built in 1878, the Clifton Arcade was built as an experimental shopping outlet. The concept behind it birthed the…GX

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:57 AM, Jul 12th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@PortiaSC I did consider it, but it seemed like more of a plain morning.

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petapixel Adobe admits Lightroom is slow, says speeding it up is top priority:…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:44 PM, Jul 11th, 2017 via Tweetbot for Mac)

CaptainMarrow_ Twitter has been magnificent this week. + have forced us to return to the Twitter we all knew before 2016 happened.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:07 PM, Jul 11th, 2017 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@hayles @antimitch It’s pretty nice. Been way too hot for Matts.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

@benjohnbarnes Ah, no, this is an old one I’m giving away so I’m doing a clean install. Been running Sierra since it came out.

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Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

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@RealDramRob Things went downhill sharply from there, and that’s saying a lot, from a pub outside Swindon station.

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@RealDramRob It started with a tall, genial hippie asking me if I’d ever tried the stuff in the better(!) of the…p4

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@RealDramRob “In case of emergency break glass,” then manhandle the sliding doors open-style break out.

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@RealDramRob …by which I mean, “Careful now!” 😀

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@RealDramRob Jeepers. No, because the only time I tried it I ended up with memory loss and had to break out of a…Bo

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Home! YoBikes are less good than they used to be, but at least they cut some time off my journey.

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@Eater If Sherlock Holmes & Miss Marple donned their tweeds & searched the UK for a fortnight with an OS map they…Lw

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Samuellificatio @Eater The most British thing about this is that a deadpan British person once told someone this was absolutely a British thing to eat.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 4:58 PM, Jul 10th, 2017 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Er. No it’s not. Is this some kind of spoof site?…

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📷 Roll for the Soul, Nelson Street, Bristol. Kodak 400TX/Leidolf Lordomat.

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Amazon are now trying to sell me stuff where I don’t even know what it is. Is this carefully designed clickbait?

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Current status: listening to a Damned album because its name came up in a crossword this morning.

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Avon_Stories Who lived in Medieval Bristol? Inc Icelandic slaves, Knights Templars, Jewish communities, & how Bristolians had fun…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:11 AM, Jul 10th, 2017 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@shezza_t I was trying to figure out who he reminded me of, and……

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evanmcmurry Photo on the left is making the rounds on social media. Photo on the right is the original Getty Image.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 8:07 PM, Jul 9th, 2017 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

mwichary #1,726:
I got a chance to hold an old core memory, hand-made, with a capacity of 140 characters… or, a physical…ZNzl

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:58 PM, Jul 9th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

brian_bilston The ad said
so he thought
he would respond;

he painted them
in the changing light,
like waterlilies
in a pond.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 1:53 PM, Jul 9th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

Oh. I always assumed “monkey glans” was Lillian’s pet name for Matt.

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@danbarker Well, there’s a role coming up for a new Master on Doctor Who…

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Wil_Anderson English people really are the best in the world at singing in unison as a crowd:…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 9:33 PM, Jul 8th, 2017 via Twitter for iPhone)

@AdamBienkov @robmanuel You’d think the Turing test would be a fairly low bar to pass to become a world leader.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to AdamBienkov

@nothe See also: Would you like to change your PIN? Because that’s clearly what most people do most times they go to an ATM.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to nothe

@danielpunkass Damn. I bought one two weeks ago. Is yours the current keyboard design? I haven’t kept track of the changes.

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