Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

May 2014

@shezza_t It’s okay. I found the flamethrower and held them off while I made my escape.

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Cleaning out a cellar that has stuff in it from before I moved in, in 1999. Hope that’s an old office chair. If not, the spiders are *big*.

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tomzalt The book Javascript Ninja has a Samurai on the cover. That happens because JS is not strongly typed.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 5:32 PM, May 31st, 2014 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Safely home and away from alcohol before I transform into Mr Hyde. Well, Matt “I LOVES YOU” Hyde, anyway.

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@samsneed12 Thankfully not, but both guest beers are 5% and treating my nervous system like they’re 10…)

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(Waking up at 5am is not conducive to alcohol tolerance.)

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Current status: 1.5 pints down, but already ready to drape my arm around the entire @GrainBarge and slur, “I WUV OOO MATE! YOU’RE BRILL!”

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@LeArtCorner I just read that in the Shipping Forecast voice.

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carltonhimself App permissions lately.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 5:25 PM, May 30th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@ricgalbraith I’ve only read eight of them. Clearly I’m a good guesser :)

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Ten out of ten *victory dance*

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guardian Quiz: Can you identify these classic sci-fi books by their covers? @GuardianBooks

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 4:55 PM, May 30th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

chrisfloyduk The London building boom is a wholesale conspiracy put together by a secret cabal of time lapse photographers.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 4:33 PM, May 30th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

Triathlon shop being put together on the harbourside. Could be

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@chubbybannister Yeah. It’s a bit like they kept the grille of a classic Bentley and riveted a 1970’s Bedford van on the back.

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@charwarz Sounds young to me! You are almost exactly half my age.

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gothdoge much hey
very now
much hey
very now
such corrosion wow

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 8:22 AM, May 30th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

If Netflix doesn’t get more Scrubs, I might have to get a life. And you know something? I’m no Superman…

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Pretty glad I got my “being outdoors” bit out of the way earlier today. As it is, the rain’s just pleasant background noise.

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Spent a couple of my working hours this afternoon at my other office, also know as @BaristasBristol :D

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rik_ferguson If you shopped at your password has been breached IN THE CLEAR. If you reused that password anywhere, change it now.

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Listening to Marillion’s _Grendel_. I may be some time.

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@Cavalorn Jadis, the White Witch of Narnia?

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robinince the other day, someone told me to ‘man up’, so I painted a flag on my face and started crying when someone kicked a thing wrongly.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 8:58 AM, May 29th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@chrisphin Awww. Looks like it’ll hit just before my 65th birthday. It’ll either generate great retirement income or wipe out my pension.

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@OpinionatedGeek Don’t you technically need thruppence *and* a ha’penny to be on the rich list?

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@antimitch Cool. Where *is* your blog, by the way?

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@chubbybannister But yes. My first job in Bristol was for NatWest Insurance Services, before the RBS takeover.

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@chubbybannister The frontage is a lot nicer than the inside.

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@antimitch Go for it. Just link back to flickr; no need for a watermark.

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@Bob_at_BH New, improved null! With 20% extra nothing!

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@hayles You should start a petition against that.

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@run_bristol Any ETA on the missing medals and T-shirts from the 10K? Ta.

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“Goo”, an important ingredient in British cakes.

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@tsunimee …but you should take them out half an hour before you use them to let them warm up.)

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@tsunimee Because it helps sell fridges? (Less cynical answer: you *can* fridge them, and they’ll last longer…

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@tsunimee (Mostly because Delia says they should be room temperature, and I wouldn’t remember to get them out first)…

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@tomroyal Great. I’ll look forward to those if FastMail don’t catch them before they get to me…

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@tomroyal Was it one of the ones lost in the big Adobe hack? ( ?

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@Thehappyfatgirl I hadn’t heard of Abi Titmuss, so my mind went immediately to Alan Titchmarsh. Then very quickly away again.

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@charlie_cat_esq @guriben Luckily I got on the bus before he’d recovered enough to be annoyed.

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@charlie_cat_esq @guriben I clotheslined a big, scary-looking guy once by hailing a bus without looking behind me first.

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FattMernandez I’m posing nude for an art class. No one asked me to. I think they’re making ceramic bowls.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:11 AM, May 28th, 2014 via Echofon)

@randymelder And presumably parking tickets. “Just orbit the block for me, Rover, I’ll be out in six hours.”

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@adamgasson Aww. No “while you were out” cards? They were sent signed-for. Postie said they’d been given hundreds today…

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Today: my first weekly review for three weeks. Unusually, I actually have a decent reason for that this time, having been on holiday.

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@benjohnbarnes You know one thing it should have? Audio samples.

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@benjohnbarnes (Cue Craig listing ALL OF THE THINGS that are wrong.)

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@benjohnbarnes Normally when I look back at a page I’ve written after this long, I spot tons of things I’d change. No so much with that one.

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via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:33 AM, May 28th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@RpzCwood Got permit this morning! Delivered by cheery postie with 94 others to deliver. @adamgasson, guess yours might have been in stack?

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Right. Morning pages time. See you all in a bit.

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@Malarkey Hey, at least you did it. Nice one.

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@Bristol_Culture Holy moley. That’s quite a change.

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@teacakeuk Sorry, that was more of an in-joke for fellow LiveJournal users :)

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@hayles Given that the templates look like they’ve not been updated since 1998, I’m sure it’s been well-tested.

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I’m so up to date with the latest tech. I just upgraded to the S2 style system on LJ.

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@hayles You’re on a bus. You’ll never make it here before I can crawl to safety.

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Now I need a coffee.

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Urgh. RPS Parking permit just delivered. Postie apologised, but he’s been given 95 to deliver today so he’s trying to get through ‘em early.

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Ihnatko If the things you write aren’t as good as “Babylon 5,” you sure can’t blame the desk you bought on eBay.…

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@adamgasson Tracked it down in the end. It’s at Alldaybreakfast gallery.

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Anyone know anything about a temporary photographic exhibition on the top floor of the Galleries? Derelict factory photos? Ta.

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@guriben @VolunteerTavern Wow. They’re so focused. Everywhere! On everything! FOCUS!

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@chris_j_hughes If only I could remember if I used to do it when I was young, too.

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@guriben That’s an anagram of “one bleating intern”.

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When you walk to the kitchen to make a cup of tea, and find the cold cup of tea there from the last time you did that.

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RT @gothick: Should I know who this is? <— Ah! Ron Burgundy. That’s why he’s been stencilled on a huge anchor!

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@Marnova Yeah, I’ve lived next to it since 1999; I’ve seen it empty, but never seen it in the middle of *being* emptied before…

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@Marnova Every now and again. Not sure of all the reasons. Think they did it once to make the water cleaner for triathlon swimmers!

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@speechdebelle I ordered a WiFi router once and they delivered me someone else’s Porche Cayenne exhaust instead. It’s a lottery!

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jakepjohnson Here’s a handy gif should you be blind enough to struggle to see the difference between the new and old Google logos

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Looks just like a willow garden.

via Instagram

The pivot point of Brunel’s “other” bridge, exposed.

via Instagram

When they pull the plug on Cumberland basin it causes logistical issues for pedestrians and cyclists…

via Vine - Make a Scene

Testing new version of Meditation timer. Current status: waiting for a ping. One ping only. (Who heard that in a Scottish accent, then?)

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@RpzCwood (Plus it’s harder to judge here outside of term-time, anyway! Will have to wait till June to see differences…)

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@RpzCwood So the Post is lying/spinning, then? (Haven’t seen any difference round here, but Hotwells always had more probs in evening…)

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@ahnlak I’ll let you off the slap, seeing as it’s your birthday. Don’t say I never get you anything :) (And happy birthday!)

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Kavey Do you know @petedrinks’ blog on beer, whisky and coffee?
Find a post you like a and leave him a comment — it’s his birthday today!

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 10:00 AM, May 27th, 2014 via Echofon)

@RpzCwood The Post are saying it’s been delayed further, but not sure where they’re getting their facts from:…

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Note to self: You should have written a note-to-self about where you were with this project before you took two weeks off.

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I really dislike having to visit the Bristol Post’s ad-plastered site to get information on the RPS. Can @BristolCouncil not update website?

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@RpzCwood The RPZ is live now? So, probably time to tell the council I’ve still not had my permit, then…

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GSofA Pictured this afternoon: @GSofA alumnus Kenny Hunter’s Citizen Firefighter statue. Addition by anonymous.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 3:48 PM, May 26th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

No, autocorrect, I really do want Gaviscon. Putting a favicon on my shopping list won’t help my indigestion.

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JamieRoss7 Worth pointing out that the BBC’s UKIP coverage stepped up this year due to OFCOM rules, not because of a conspiracy.…

via Twitter for Android Tablets (retweeted on 9:06 AM, May 26th, 2014 via Echofon)

At a British barbecue. You can tell by the gazebo and the rain.

via Instagram

egg_dog i really hate it when my housemates put the toilet roll on the wrong way

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 5:18 PM, May 24th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

SoVeryBritish “Sorry, I think you might have dropped something” - Meaning: “You have definitely dropped that specific item”

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:45 PM, May 24th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Bear in mind that’s a well-known spoof website, people.

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(And yet it’s *still* not available on Netflix…)

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BadAstronomer Holy wow. “All Good Things…” aired 20 years ago…Kq

via Tweetbot for Mac (retweeted on 10:56 AM, May 24th, 2014 via Echofon)

@shezza_t Thank you. I think the motorbikes in the alley is my favourite, but maybe that’s just my post-holiday mood talking :D

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@BenGatewood Sorry, can’t; I’m washing my hair.

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No, English writers. The reason “afficionado” is underlined in red isn’t because it’s Spanish, it’s because you spelled it wrong. One “f”.

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Sweet. Yahoo!’s Weather app will be using one of my photos as a background for Bristol. I’m guessing for “cloudy”:…

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Fixing rsync. *fetches hammer*

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Damn it. Stayed near School of Art when I was in Glasgow for first time, last year. They were between exhibitions, so didn’t go in.

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“Oh, the rain seems to have stopped. I’ll just nip out and get my lunch now, then.” — Every drenched Bristolian for five mile radius.

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@DocLovelly Some good things come from Essex, you know. *looks down, buffs fingernails*

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The strong correlation between one-star reviews and people who can’t spell the word “disappointed”.

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@OpinionatedGeek I had pretty low expectations, to be fair.

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@anna_debenham (I paint my postcode on the back of the pot. Haven’t had any nicked since, but don’t know if anyone’s actually been deterred)

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@anna_debenham Ah. Sounds rather more organised than when mine have gone :/ Don’t let them get you down. Mark/subtly chain up new ones?

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@anna_debenham (And have you checked the local streets? Sometimes plant thieves are drunk and on foot and give up after a while.)

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@anna_debenham That sucks. I’ve had the occasional pot carried off. Generally things stay where they are, though.

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@asic69 @ahnlak Sadly, this may be the year I decide the renewal fee for is too pricey to maintain the joke :D

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TypeTasting Reminiscence Packs for seniors: such a brilliant idea to prompt memories from @MuseumofBrands…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:03 AM, May 23rd, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@guriben Can you use your superpower to benefit mankind? Keep Farage off the telly, maybe?

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@Mouse_House Ah! Yes, that’ll be my RSS reader. I didn’t know it did that!

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@Mouse_House Hrm. “gothick” is pretty unusual. Got an example link?

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@Mouse_House Referrals? I subscribed, and read everything but that’s about it…

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petapixel Cinematic Kansas supercell time-lapse will leave you in awe of nature:

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 5:57 PM, May 22nd, 2014 via Echofon)

@adamgasson You’d be okay anyway. I checked by email before I went on hols — “soft” enforcement (no fine) for first two weeks.

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FleeceBristol The Fleece faced with closure if new flats are approved!!

Please sign and share our petition now to save…

via Facebook (retweeted on 5:01 PM, May 22nd, 2014 via Echofon)

Wanted: printer driver clever enough to figure out when the last page of a job is going to be a single line of crap you didn’t want anyway.

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@BenPark Yur. Other people probably only see about 10% of my photos. Misfires, bad shots, multi-attempts, record shots, experiments…

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I travelled very light, for me; I only took the 40mm lens along. Next time I’ll probably drag the 17-55; I missed the versatility.

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@antimitch That cat was walking off with a tidbit tossed to it by an unloading fisherman in Kalyves harbour, northern Crete.

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(Great thing about the web is that you can show everyone your holiday snaps, but nobody has to sit through it if they don’t want to!)

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Here is a brief photo-summary of what I did last week:…

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mehdirhasan Will Self takes apart Rod Liddle. Superb stuff.…

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:52 PM, May 22nd, 2014 via Echofon)

@adamgasson Seems they’re meant to be coming this week. Nothing for me yet…

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@MsMottram …the houses on the start of the Portway are in the RPS, but the council forgot about them when it sent out the forms, I’m told!

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@MsMottram I’m thinking that might explain delay. There was a batch of people who didn’t even get application forms until last week…

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@UrsulaWJ Yeah, the proportion of “might possibly vote for in a million years” seems to be shrinking.

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@MsMottram Last I heard was 27th:… Have you had a permit through?

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@MsMottram Plus it seems that a lot of the local commuters are for the school, and they’ll know that the scheme’s not running yet.

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@MsMottram Well, I’ve only been back a couple of days. And the parking today might be because of the polling station in Hope Chapel.

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@MsMottram Doesn’t seem to have made a noticeable difference to the number of cars down this end.

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Seems not many know about the delay to the CH RPS. Signs in car windscreens; people trying to buy tickets from (switched on) machines…

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@Bristol52 Ooh. Might have to dig out my gatefold Exorcising Ghosts later.

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@AndyCouncil The local bloke from Action Aerials was very good.

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@AndyCarolan there’s certainly a problem with the size of my fundament.

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Plus: polling station has moved to the end of my road. Minus: now don’t have good excuse to pop to Galley for cake.

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@BenPark Nor me. Don’t know whether that’s because it was more popular in London or more popular when I was young, though :)

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@BenPark Selling stuff by driving a Toyota pickup full of potatoes through town while using a loudhailer is still regular thing in Crete :)

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@BenPark They used to do that a lot in the 1970s. I was reminded of them when one went past in Greece last week.

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simon_price01 Apparently it’s World Goth Day, but I’m just gonna hide away indoors, shut the curtains, sit around feeling sorry for myself, and ignore it.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:57 AM, May 22nd, 2014 via Echofon)

Just took this quiz:… and I appear to be a Plaid Cymru supporter. Time to move to Wales… (via @MitchBenn)

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@tsunimee @ahnlak *Checks email inbox* *Looks disappointed*

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@RpzCwood Aha. Thanks for info. I’ve been on holiday; before I went the scheme was due to be live before I came back, so was a bit worried!

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@archidave …but at least that means I can stop worrying about my car being towed away today. Ta.

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@archidave Ah. I presume the council are still assuming everyone reads the Post rather than actually telling people directly…

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@BenPark Yeah, but a vote for him is pretty much paying him to go on holiday and be on telly. My party would shun the media and stay home.

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I wonder how many votes I’d get with a party just called “We won’t do anything; we’re just not UKIP”.

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Speaking of which, has anyone else got their Cliftonwood and Hotwells RPS permit yet? Because mine still hasn’t arrived.

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Morning all. Back from holiday. Having one of those “catch up with everything” days today, I think.

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I think it’s “bring a random musical instrument to school” day in Hotwells today. Fantastic noises from outside :D

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JonnyGeller This cover is near perfect via @katieheart

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Queen_UK Voting day, people. Make sure you do. One always takes your views into account when making a decision.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 8:19 AM, May 22nd, 2014 via Echofon)

Teletext is alive and well and delivering football scores in Greek bars :)

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steveklabnik “Write someone a program and you’ll solve their problems today. Teach someone to program, and they’ll have problems the rest of their life.”

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:40 PM, May 21st, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Lush lunch in @No12Easton. Thanks folks! Don’t polish that award too much, you’ll wear it out :)

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scottdylan What a great use of social media

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:50 PM, May 20th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Last night here. Now moved on to that well-known Cretan after-dinner tipple Glen Garioch.

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This morning, life in Crete appears to be about rain, buses that can’t get through town, and F16s from the local base roaring overhead.

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@salisbury_matt Not in the local council election in Crete :)

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@Juggzy Don’t look at me. I’m in Greece, riveted to the final quarter of the European Basketball Championship.

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gillinghamjoe I miss the days when if you had a tattoo you were a nutter, not a dental receptionist.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:43 PM, May 17th, 2014 via Tweetbot for iOS)

My parents are debating who to vote for in the local election. I don’t have a vote, so simpler pleasures

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There’s more tweets in this month! Go up and select a date to see more ↑