Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

December 2007

Hurrah! Finally reached my destination

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Hmm. 12 cancelled flights on the board before mine. Could be an interesting night.

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Bloody wrapping! Next year I shall be buying only cuboid gifts.

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Typical train experience. Forward-facing seat booked in coach E. There’s no coach E. Now facing backwards in coach D.

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@philcampbell Be careful not to get sued by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Sounds suspiciously close to his new Eau de Pious.

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Yum. Just eaten sausage-inna-bun.

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Off to shop in St Nicholas Markets

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Taking 15 mins out from Christmas shopping to check out Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition

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@philcampbell That could be just the beginning. Check out my article on WiTricity:

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