@Bufty_Grifter I love a story with a happy ending.
@robot_tiger *sympathy*
@chrisbrogan You probably just got randomly sampled for “ham” to disguise their spam with.

Also a little fountain action: pic.twitter.com/dl9gl49vMS
Sheesh. CCTV. “Do you know this single giant pixel? Police want to talk to it.”
@robot_tiger Hope you got home in the end!

Evening walk snappity: Hampton Road Cyclist pic.twitter.com/BWQNKfiqL3
@robot_tiger No idea. I just parked up to go for photo walk on way home because I didn’t fancy chances of getting out again before sunset!
@shezza_t My guess would be that they don’t opt existing people into new bollocks, at least, and you joined early enough to avoid.
@boagworld Solution: have your drugs delivered by DHL.
@ahnlak To be fair, that actually works pretty well: google.com/search?client=…
Fahrenheit!? I’m not David sodding Cameron, you know.
Okay, so “2:54” is arguably a cool band name. But it’s really hard to add one of your gigs with Fantastical text parsing, you bastards.
@evilrobotbill @D_Hollingsworth @Andydrewz Gah. Well, they took my money, and they’ve not given it back yet… :(

@psidnell The patient has already made a full recovery :) pic.twitter.com/5WWiTZEKKE
Deploy the “I have nothing in” emergency lunch. instagram.com/p/tkUEZqpC25/
@anna_debenham Aww! You wield the +1 Aubergine of Head-Patting.
Incidentally, hardware hacker types, guitar plectra are cheap, come in a variety of thicknesses and bendinesses and make excellent spudgers.

Performing a little Kindle surgery. pic.twitter.com/lmVfPIWztm

JonCG In WW1 the British Army included 500,000 cats…? Via @jeffsonstein @AnneBillson Also, priceonomics.com/the-most-decor… pic.twitter.com/EuqOI7Pk4l
@G2Bristol Thank you.

It’s lovely out, so I took some time from the start of my day to do some microgardening. Now on with programming… pic.twitter.com/wBzb1xyzsY
robmanuel The internet of things will mostly consist of leaving the house then panicking that you’ve left the oven on Facebook

mynameischrisd .@sainsburys not sure this is supposed to be in your window… pic.twitter.com/Zk9GCliIWO
@floyduk Ooof.
@floyduk Glad to hear it.
@floyduk Bash update out for OS X: support.apple.com/kb/DL1769?view…

Thank you, developers who write more than “bug fixes” in their updates. I’m a detail fan. @bohemiancoding pic.twitter.com/KU3BsuJYB8
Ooof. Think I saved some money on dinner by having lunch at Rubicon. Pretty sure I won’t be hungry again until tomorrow.
@Knight_cider I shall bear that in mind.
@Pockless @Kavey @petedrinks *Stares quizzically at empty drinks mat* *Looks at ceiling* *Raises eyebrow*
@shezza_t Hopefully I won’t see one again, either. I have just unticked all of the things in the preferences.
@shezza_t Hard to list; it feels like I’ve had about ninety. Latest was “Guess how many people have seen your review?”
tetsell Just put a bookmark in my Kindle. I might be tired.
I thought LinkedIn sent me a lot of pointless, over-chatty emails until I added a review on TripAdvisor. Sensor recalibrated.
Rock on! instagram.com/p/th6yUpJCz1/
Apparently it’s national coffee day. Oops. #doingitwrong instagram.com/p/th5Ug7pCx-/
When you walk all the way to a shop, and find out that they’re closed on Mondays.

RPZ anguish. pic.twitter.com/faKt5T7vJG
Proving Fermat’s last theorem. World peace. Opening these things with wet hands. instagram.com/p/thMVrzJC7u/
@Marnova Thanks!

Autumn colours in the War Memorial Park in Coventry today. flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… pic.twitter.com/r1qv3RNmND
@floyduk This one: flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
@floyduk Thanks.
@tomasmcguinness Not all of us. I don’t live in London, so I imagine we’ll get Oyster just after we get iTunes Radio :D
@tomasmcguinness Heh. Can you get one of those stick-on ones? Think Barclays do them…
Ah. 20,000 views on that photo today. Guess I hit Explore. That would explain all the beeping devices…
@tomasmcguinness Well, indeed. I mean, we don’t even have iTunes Radio, so I wouldn’t hold your breath for pay. Just get an NFC bank card?
@tomasmcguinness …and it’s mostly Touch ID and the M7/8 chip that I feel are lacking in what I’ve got.
@tomasmcguinness Mostly form factor/feel in hand/no great need to upgrade. I’m on an iPhone 5 right now, so I have the 5S as an option…
@liveindetail Oh! I’d forgotten about that. Probably not the best way to head for the M32, then?
@ahnlak Wasn’t a bad place to start looking for recommendations, though. And their website works, for extra points. I went with them, ta :)
@ahnlak Thanks. Did you ever claim?

@Towergate Feedback: you just lost my business as your website did this after I carefully entered my quote request: pic.twitter.com/rA3VJ0brnA
Photographers: who do you insure your gear with? Recommend them?
Mornin’ all.
@tomasmcguinness I’m a “nay”, myself.
That new theme’s never going to grow on me, is it? #DoctorWho
AshleyEsqueda I am over the age of 30 and still pretend I have rabies when I brush my teeth sometimes
@benjohnbarnes Yup. Solid and simple.

Ah, sod it. Maybe I’ll just stick it on the window ledge as it is. pic.twitter.com/dPBNGieSHj
BBCEngland Up to 10,000 homes are still without water after a main burst near Bristol bbc.in/1rqtHHV

Morning snappity: Practika MTL3 flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… pic.twitter.com/sUECvu9lyn
@whalemonster Ah! I’ve learned a new phrase. (My initial thought: “A second screening of what? The Phantom Menace, perhaps…”)
@archidave *Waves*
@chubbybannister Yo.
Morning all.

vahidaidun Female scientists celebrate putting a satellite into Mars orbit while others debate if women can drive or not. pic.twitter.com/6ccGQDGuX5
petapixel M-Magazine: A new publication that only features photos taken with Leica M-Series cameras: goo.gl/0eoKUg
EdFelten In the future it won’t be enough for a bug to have a cute name like Heartbleed or Shellshock. You’ll need a theme song too.

ClassicDrWho247 Tom Baker, the unemployed actor working on a building site when he was cast as the Fourth Doctor in 1974! #DoctorWho pic.twitter.com/VxZFq8Z29k
@mattgemmell Hover. They now handle transfer-in of UK domains with IPS tags without you needing to call them up, too, if that’s a factor.
@viticci Think I might just stay here on old 8.0 until next month…

Ashton Avenue Angles pic.twitter.com/XfL4rN9mAE

Much as I liked the cat that was there before, this is a fine replacement. #bristol #northstreet pic.twitter.com/oIpH9spmBf
How productivity advice often works: dilbert.com/strips/comic/2… #dilbert

Mmm. Blue cheese in a burger. From Blur. It worked very well. pic.twitter.com/lAZ4pQiRao
With great power… petapixel.com/2014/09/25/its…
@ashfurrow “Siri, tell Ash he’s wrong”. …
… *beepbeep* “Selling your chaise longue.”
Home! After an evening in BrewDog and Spyglass and then BrewDog again. Weary*.
* As a newt.
@wordsfromluke Pretty sure they’re actually eight-dimensional. Also: the creatures from their universe hate us.
@netmag That’s a good slogan, actually: Net Magazine: Putting the “mmm” into “tommmorrow”.
Afternoon snap: Lloyds Cobbles flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
Odd noises over Hotwells. Either a toddler trying to do an impression of someone playing a saw, or the mating call of a scaffolder.

Grinder pic.twitter.com/khyCwQPIu4
@JonCraig_Photos Damn it! What’s with the light today? Very uninspiring walk…
Don’t they know it’s residents-only parking in Hotwells now? instagram.com/p/tXwHqTpC7Q/
Small Street. instagram.com/p/tXq_jXJCzz/
@seandcmorley In that case, I second the Cabot Tower recommendation. Go *all* the way to the top. It’s lovely.
Ah, those apps that aren’t quite clever enough to remember their Full Screen status on a reboot in OS X. *Looks sternly at @Spotify*
Looks like a nice day for a morning walk to clear my tired head, but I’ve got to wait in for a delivery. Bah.
@seandcmorley It’s a lovely day for a @BristolFerry ride.
evilrobotbill This is an absolute bargain - The complete Avengers (the sexy, creepy 60s show, not yer Marvel thing) for a tenner. moviemail.com/film/dvd/The-A…
@evilrobotbill Holy moley! *Buys*
marcoarment Administer a Linux server? Update for CVE-2014-6271 NOW: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8361574
Updated bash is available in most major distros’ repos.

“Has this thing got a card in it?” test shot came out nicely today. pic.twitter.com/KnWKdJlRLe
@m4tt @danbarker Christ, I’ll be halfway through my pension before I manage to get through the backlog of books I’ve actually *bought*…
@FastMailFM Cool, no problem.
Oh, yes. xkcd.com/1425/
@oxfordtim Only thing I ever found that worked was codeine. But people say rinsing around them with salty water can help.
@chris_j_hughes Are you sure? It means learning to play :D
The Minnesota mention in that song, by the way, is a hat tip to my friend @galfriday612, whose birthday is today. Happy birthday, Jess :)
@chris_j_hughes Ta. Now I’ve got to see if I can make it better without breaking it…
@Adamy323 Thank you.
@tomcoates Well, for me it’s because when I was looking, Illustrator was literally ten times the price of Sketch. Just couldn’t afford it.
Rough cut of a song I’m working on: soundcloud.com/gothick_matt/t…
@FastMail Got a couple of phishing emails that look to be specifically targeting FM users. Should I forward them somewhere? Cheers!
@simplebits Pretty sure they’ve already got one.
@chrismarquardt Ah, thanks anyway. Maybe I can find somewhere I can rent it first to give it a try…
@ahnlak *Hefts a sharp cloning brush at you*
@stevenchapple Damn it. I’m trying to write a song, now I’ve got Billy Bragg in my head.
@chrismarquardt Morning! Do you have any opinions on the Tamron 24-70 f/2.8? Thanks.
I’m going to have to swap my lunchtime walk for a “golden hour” walk for autumn. Can’t get photos like this at noon. flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
@MarketingLiz Thank you.
Right. Need to try to hammer out another verse of a song while it’s still sunny and optimistic in my living room. Then work.
fay_fay_fay Bristol / photography people - tickets going fast for this (free) talk with Mark Carwardine on 16th Oct bristolmuseums.org.uk/bristol-museum…
@Malarkey (Do you miss the Visual Voicemail?)
@Malarkey I might follow you soon. Have had data dongle with 3 for years and they’ve always been good. O2 increasingly rubbish for my phone.
@libbymiller Only if they can’t find any cold pizza.
@libbyheighway Really? *Does 30-second double-take*
petapixel Neil Armstrong’s spacesuit served as a reflector for bounce lighting moon photos: goo.gl/RhNvE2
maureenjohnson Sometimes when I get the mail I throw it down on the kitchen table and say, “Ballistics report is in. It’s a match.” #iworkalone #soalone
@ef060372 Berghaus is on main bit of Broadmead, from what I remember. On left as you walk toward Cabot from middle bit w/ ring of benches.
@ef060372 @liveindetail Alternatively, Marcruss Stores near me on Hotwell Road often good for cheap-but-decent.
@ef060372 @liveindetail There’s a Berghaus shop in Broadmead. Most of my decent but not extortionate stuff is Berghaus.
@Bristolvor Thank you. I really must move my daily walk from lunchtime to one or other end of the day for the season. Much better light.

It was a nice evening on the Chocolate Path. Shame it didn’t involve any actual chocolate. Ah well. pic.twitter.com/f1Vk9c0SNf
@antimitch @MsMottram @Bristolvor Thanks all :)

Sunset over Vauxhall Bridge this evening. #bristol pic.twitter.com/F631ctoxKv
Still, fantastic chips.
…and you could, you know, just pick them up and eat them.
That *was* nice. But I miss the simplicity of the 90s, when burgers came on plates rather than skewered to chopping boards with breadknives.
On the plus side. @ Adam and Eve instagram.com/p/tQp0DnpC9U/
Hmph. Have swapped secondary smoking outdoors for awful dance music indoors. One day I’ll find an autumn pub that fits.
@guriben I had that plan but got distracted by the Adam & Eve. Will be trying to hold to two as my max ;)
@guriben Me too. Only had the one….
@charwarz In my experience, this is a feeling that only grows with the years. I think most programmers have Stockholm syndrome.
@benjohnbarnes @chris_j_hughes I suspect user error. Try turning your thumb off and on again.
@jdriscoll Pre-Mavericks, hold down Shift while you adjust the sound and it’ll do it silently.
@jdriscoll Well, yeah, but there was a shortcut for silencing it. (Presumably just works the other way around now?)
@jdriscoll What is this strange obsession with taking useful stuff away? Can you turn it back on, like the scrollbars?

DarthMeerkat And the winner of the ‘Modest Job title’ goes to this chap. pic.twitter.com/0QJk9WAIiE
@davidcaolo It’s under the crop feature.
wilshipley Sure, this seems idiotic, but look how sharp this suit looks! Not at all schlubby.
@Kavey Heh.
@Padraig @irace I came to same conclusion, but luckily in a shop before I bought. Also, I have plain 5, so upgrade joy still available ;)
@benjohnbarnes On the other hand, it’s asked me about Weather Line three times so far, despite me telling it I’m fine with that…

It was quite a warm day to run #bristolhalfmarathon in normal gear, let alone… pic.twitter.com/j2jORk1l0K
I know who I have more time for. #subtweet

Hah! Runoceros! #BristolHalfMarathon pic.twitter.com/3fniFD7giq

Hey! It’s @brislordmayor looking resplendent in his finery! #BristolHalfMarathon ;) pic.twitter.com/jew02ZwuyU
Sunny but still cool for #BristolHalfMarathon. Portway mostly in shadow with cool breeze. Enjoy!
I will not be running the #bristolhalfmarathon today as I’m still ill and slightly under-trained :( Still, will be out snapping & cheering.

avreed12 Good luck to everyone taking part in @run_bristol especially @brislordmayor running in robes & chain #HopeItsStaysDry pic.twitter.com/mZBryWVa7U
@waiyeehong Agreed. Little buggers.
@corylus Have you tweeted the results of just pressing one of the choices again and again yet?
@antimitch I make apps for iOS too. And have a couple of Nexuses. I think they’re both good platforms.
@antimitch Straight 5.
@antimitch Your mileage may vary. Maybe I was just in the wrong mood. But I think if I upgrade it’ll be to a 5S.
@antimitch Felt less… Solid, perhaps. And if I hadn’t known it was aluminium I’d have thought it was plastic. And doesn’t lie flat.
@antimitch Already thought it a bit big. Hoping to be wowed in person. Just felt a bit plasticky. And I don’t like the protruding camera.

FacesPics These chairs actually look really menacing.. pic.twitter.com/rqjI3lfols
@JannerTM I think I might set Dr Who for recording and send myself to bed.
On the plus side for my wallet, now I’ve played around with an iPhone 6 in person, I want one even less than I did before.
@Narshada Luckily will only need a couple of upgrades. Probably still not got the budget to go “full L” though :D
@charwarz Amen. Can’t quite believe the shops are filling up with chocolate Santas already. *cries*
@JannerTM Nope. Very, very tired right here.
@6sync Cool, thanks. If I see it happen again I’ll try to grab some info.
@6sync Things seem to be fine now, thanks—did you poke something? Maybe just something transient…
@Narshada Problem is, they both tempt me, but if I go up to full frame, it means a couple of new lenses, too. £££
@6sync Any connectivity problems at the mo? Seem to be seeing very slow network in/out. Ta!
@psidnell My mum was a fan!
@Narshada Looking at a Canon 6D and a Fuji X-T1.
Just spent a long time in @jessops (thanks! Bristol store very helpful & knowledgeable!) checking out a couple of cameras. Tempted.
@talkie_tim Great! Now I’ve got to remember how to drive the admin interface well enough to approve sentences :) *blows dust off*
@johnfbraun I hadn’t actually made the Buffy connection there…
nickisellars Still places left on my Tobacco Factory Creative Writing course. Starts Mon 29 September at 7 - 9 pm nicolasellars.com/courses/ #Bristol
@lgladdy How many of those things did they make? Three?
@Souterain Thanks, all sorted. Shiny new Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 here now :)

Geared up. pic.twitter.com/3aAGUEPmao
@andywade Hrm. But those Typhoons didn’t enter UK airspace? This thing was definitely in UK airspace. It was virtually overhead…
@andywade Ooooh. Thanks. (But: sonic boom? Really? That would have been significantly more window-shattering, I’d’ve thought…)
andywade @gothick “On Thursday evening the RAF said its fighter jets were scrambled to intercept two Russian planes…”
andywade @gothick Here you go: bristolpost.co.uk/Mysterious-ban…
Home. It’s a tad humid out there. *Collapses*
@dangusset @liveindetail PMT did the job, thanks :)
Truck and a car just had minor altercation on Centre. Down from three lanes to one. Prepare for small delay, #Bristol.
@liveindetail Ta. Boycotting Maplin’s actual shops because of the hideous blaring ad-TVs. RS possible, but wanting more music specialist.
Where in Bristol would I be able to shop for a USB audio interface (xlr; phantom power)? Heading for PMT but looking for other options…) Ta!
@hatsandbikes But later, Mr. Murray forgave you?
Making spaghetti. instagram.com/p/tIQhJvJC4g/
@stroughtonsmith Does it? Can you not use simulator? (I’ve not looked into it much yet; recorded Play Store video for app from Android emus)

There’s still space in my life for long-lived devices that do one job well. flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… pic.twitter.com/kaZfJxRZOs
@mattgemmell Good call. I had a backup from 2009 in there…