Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 2011

Jesus. Bodie just got a round in, including a pint and a large vodka, for £1.35. This episode of the Professionals must be from 1963.

via Echofon

“67 important updates are available”. And MSN wants to tell me about Eastenders and Cheryl Cole. Oh, Windows. How I’ve missed you.

via Echofon

@thomasvenables If you’re referring to Steve Ballmer, I think you may be doing the devil a disservice.

via Echofon in reply to thomasvenables

@tsunimee Honest. I read it on the internet, so it must be true.

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@tsunimee Moi? Incidentally, had you heard that it’s also “send someone called Matt a naughty picture day” today?

via Echofon in reply to tsunimee

@hayles That’s me. I swing both ways, baby.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

@Squonk …mostly for annoying devices which only have Windows-based firmware update software. Grr.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Squonk

@Squonk Nah. I have a VM specifically for IE testing, but this is boot camp. Sometimes you need a real machine, sadly.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Squonk

@ahnlak @tsunimee Boobies? Who mentioned boobies? *perks up*

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to ahnlak

@talkie_tim Well, I’ll bear it in mind. But really, just planning on getting familiar with the thing for work, really. No media involved.

via Echofon in reply to talkie_tim

@talkie_tim Erm. I can’t think of anything I’d want to do with it that would involve DRM…

via Echofon in reply to talkie_tim

@richardjfoster I’ll bear that in mind. Won’t have 64-bit issues, though, am installing on a first-generation MacBook!

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@Lillput I have yet to experience tellytubby land.

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@Swishrelic No. I don’t think I have ever so much as pressed a single key on a Vista machine.

via Echofon in reply to Swishrelic

@hayles Bad analogy, then. Oh well.

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@hayles Although I take your point. Still haven’t watched _Revenge of the Sith_ despite being assured it’s the least bad new Star Wars film.

via Echofon in reply to hayles

@hayles See! Good things! From a mostly sane person. Ish.

via Echofon in reply to hayles

Also watching last night’s _Masterchef_. I’m really starting to root for Tim, in fact.

via Echofon

@hayles I’ve heard good things about 7, from from people whom I consider mostly sane.

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Installing Windows 7, mostly just to see what it’s like. I’ve never used anything later than XP before.

via Echofon

@nickdonnelly (Sadly only at home, for fun. Work will still be on XP for ages. I was only moved from *IE6* last week — and by accident!)

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@nickdonnelly I am, in fact, just about to install it :)

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I think I shall refer to the feeling as an “out-of-book experience.”

via Twitter for iPhone

Just had odd Kindle experience: read two pages of a Bill Bryson book while under the impression it was a Lovecraft novel.

via Twitter for iPhone

@nickdonnelly Windows 8? Goodness. I’ve still not used anything later than XP yet. Really must try to catch up a bit.

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@csoanes “Five years, 30 million quid. It’ll probably get lower once you start scoping things.”

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@matthew_roach Couldn’t it simply be down to parking fragmentation?

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.@petstourettes The Peak District was actually called the Trough District until 1967, when they hired Max Clifford to represent them.

via Echofon

@guriben Well, it’s not like I didn’t implicitly warn you :)

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@hayles To be fair, though, that means you were 5 when Beetlejuice came out. Not sure I’d show it to a five-year-old!

via Echofon in reply to hayles

@hayles As long as it’s not like Candyman.

via Echofon in reply to hayles

Twitter should just auto-ban anyone after 3 consecutive reply-tweets with the word “iPad” in them. We could live with the false positives.

via Echofon

@codepo8 Clearly they had a hard time snagging one of your used coffee cups to get the required DNA sample…

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Random Safari tip: want to quickly download the contents of a URL? Paste it straight into the “Downloads” window.

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@hannahnicklin Also, everything was in black and white and all the shops closed on Thursdays.

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@hannahnicklin Even back when most shops took them, before debit cards existed, you usually needed a “cheque guarantee card”

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hannahnicklin

My initial reaction: “Well, it sounds like an amazing deal. But what would I *say* to them?”

via Twitter for iPhone

@Caremur Are you in a sit-com?! I am both sympathetic and mildly sniggery :)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Caremur

@hayles Sadly, I only have one. And it is particularly sad-looking, too:…

via Echofon in reply to hayles

RT @dawbu: Anyone know of an Apple Store or any retailers in Bristol that have ipad 2 in stock?

via Echofon

RT @Support: Account settings are temporarily unavailable for some users. We’ll restore them shortly. @Kate_Butler

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@ianoxley How?! How can it take so long to DELETE A FILE!

Sorry. I have sat staring at that message a tad too much recently.

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matlock Why is the challenge always for them to cook for posh people? Next week, can they take over a Greggs for the day?

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 9:51 PM, Mar 30th, 2011 via Twitter for iPhone)

@jemimakiss Cool! I was just thinking to myself, “What I need in my life right now is something that rivals Facebook’s ‘Like’ button.”

via Echofon in reply to jemimakiss

@Hicksdesign I don’t know. But in this time of extreme austerity, I’m *sure* they wouldn’t have spent a fortune on it, right?


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@dontruncantrun …so I guess it depends which phone you’ve got and how fast you go :) I had the screen off, but RunKeeper Live on.

via Echofon

@dontruncantrun My 3GS gets me through a *half* marathon if I turn off Wi-Fi and 3G. But I am an extremely slow runner!

via Echofon

@vero I use it. Good for generating running playlists, I find. Don’t remember it doing much in the way of scanning, but set it up ages ago.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to vero

.@ahnlak No. I am not on a midnight run. If I were I’d be smoking cigarettes and being cheerfully aggressive at Charles Grodin, for a start.

via Echofon in reply to ahnlak

Hurrah. Back from my first midweek evening run in quite a long time :D

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@bertpalmer What’s that painted on the side of it? I can’t quite make it out. He has a small… what?

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@christianrt You know me better than you think. I actually *have* run to the chip shop before!

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I have put on my running gear. There’s probably a logical next step here, isn’t there?

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@hayles The funny thing is, I was reading your blog when you said that!

via Echofon in reply to hayles

What is wrong with my internets?

via Echofon

@floyduk I *told* you not to try that “frisbee” app.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to floyduk

@OpinionatedGeek It’s someone’s birthday here. And the empty desk next to me is always the designated “cakes desk” :(. Will need to run 50K.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to OpinionatedGeek

Yay! Pay-day music purchases have arrived. Mary Lorson & Billy Coté; Saint Low; David Sylvian. :D

via Twitter for iPhone

@helsmartin Saw that with Rik Mayall leading once; all I remember is that it was fun and that the Bath Theatre Royal really needs aircon.

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@hayles I am fearing the message, not the messenger.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

@hayles I fear even ironic wedding coverage. But I have subscribed nonetheless.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

@marcwan That is, unfortunately, how these things work out. Now you have to start saving for a bastard-expensive zoom lens.

via Echofon in reply to marcwan

@hayles The royal wedding stand? No, actually, something tells me I don’t want to know.

via Echofon in reply to hayles

@mhoulden All your licence fee are belong to me.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to mhoulden

@hayles The BBC web sites went shopping with you, it seems.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

@codepo8 I do fear that <MARQUEE> 2.0 may be approaching… :)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to codepo8

Who said GoDaddy were crap? I just bought for $1.99.

via Twitter for iPhone

@thomasvenables Nah. Frank Spencer or the Daleks, that’s my bet.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to thomasvenables

@BlackDogDays Yes, good idea. Night!

via Echofon

.@Swishrelic They could have at least played the national anthem before switching it off.

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My current mental image: Frank Spencer in a BBC server room, severed cable in hand.

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@SaliWho Luckily I’m in Bristol. The only place I *can* run is the hills.

via Twitter for Mac in reply to SaliWho

RellyAB I know the BBC are trying to ‘free up’ some top-level domains but this might be throwing the baby out with the bathwater, I think.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:59 PM, Mar 29th, 2011 via Twitter for iPhone)

@benjohnbarnes and run on self-hosted WordPress installs. Have no contacts, though. Talk in morning?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to benjohnbarnes

@Jorence If I want to be particularly kind to my feet, my best plan would be to lose 5 stone, sadly :(

via Twitter for iPhone

@Jorence Tried five different ones on treadmill in Moti. Wave Inspire close to Nikes for anticackfootedness effect; Muzunos more comfy.

via Twitter for iPhone

@Lillput @xabl Ooh, controversy. My casting vote is likely to go Adam Ant’s way, though. Will always cut slack for inspiring musicians.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Lillput

@Jorence Being cackfooted (I believe the actual term is “over-pronating”) I rock a Wave Inspire 6 at the mo.

via Twitter for iPhone

@Jorence Oooh. What’ve you got? Probs time for me to buy the next Mizunos along soon…

via Twitter for iPhone

@getrunningapp Well, personally, I’m going to join in! But it seemed like a party you might be able to bring something to ;)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to getrunningapp

@xabl What!? Adam Ant is doing On The Ropes? *dashes to computer*

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RT @brianlayman: Automattic’s Worldwide WP 5k: <— Cool! (Attention @getrunningapp!)

via Twitter for iPhone

@R2UK I still say they’re “iPads 2”. Just as the laptops are “MacBooks Pro”. :)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to therutharnold

@leigh Goodness. Do you know anyone from the eighties? Maybe you can borrow their 286.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to leigh

@BinaryDad If I knew how to stop after two, I’d remember the answer to that question.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to BinaryBad

@BlackDogDays Personally I’m going for beer and an NCIS I’ve seen before.

via Twitter for iPhone

@tsunimee Hmm. Time for a mnemonic, maybe? “FoWl have Wings”?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to tsunimee

bigmediumjosh My favorite city never looked so good. Time-lapse film of Paris, built from 2000 still photos. Gorgeous:

via Hatch (retweeted on 9:05 PM, Mar 29th, 2011 via Twitter for iPhone)

@Dru_Marland @talkie_tim I love the detail these things go into. There’s a small section expounding the futility of banning rollerbladers…

via Echofon in reply to Dru_Marland

@talkie_tim Yes, I generally go with the “steam gives way to sail” rule. I wonder if he does that with everyone?

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@brianlayman And… there we go. Back at a computer, got it within seconds. Although it’s helpful I have a multisite install to hand :)

via Echofon in reply to brianlayman

@BlackDogDays I haven’t achieved such heights of experimentation, though. It’s only recently I found out there are *any* nuts I like.

via Twitter for iPhone

Thanks for the pedestrian/cyclist interaction reassurance, folks. Of course, I’ll go back tomorrow and see the new KEEP LEFT signs now…

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@BlackDogDays Spunds like a good substitute for cashews, which I hate.

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@archidave I’m paranoid anyway, otherwise I wouldn’t have asked. Fully expected to have missed a huge Big Society “Keep Left” campaign.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to archidave

…says, “I’m keeping to the left.” Looks at me like I’m a moron. Am I a moron?

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Q: Walking to extreme right of Pero’s Bridge. Space to left. Cyclist rides directly at me from other direction, stops, blocking me…

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@brianlayman This is the thing about questions like this: in front of the computer, I’d be there in two mins. On “paper”, different story.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to brianlayman

@brianlayman Well, to be fair to myself, the first thing I’d have checked would have been the column type.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to brianlayman

@brianlayman That’s the first question? Well, I’ve failed, then.

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@sazzy *but only in cultures known to have had exposure to David Jason.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to sazzy

@R2UK @ahnlak 3 texted before the last time I incurred extra charges with them. They texted my 3G dongle. Which couldn’t read texts.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to therutharnold

@R2UK @ahnlak …and my default position *before* then was that phone companies are generally shady organisations who are out to clip you.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to therutharnold

@ahnlak @r2uk …bear in mind that I’m probably rather more paranoid since Vodafone charged me £800 extra one month for using data abroad!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to ahnlak

@ahnlak @r2uk I average around 500MB. Just don’t like the worry of suddenly being charged feckloads if I accidentally breach a limit.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to ahnlak

@bexxi Really? *hug*. Did I miss a disturbance in the Tworce?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to bexxi

EBOSS: Unexpected end of lunchtime.

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@tsunimee I know when I’m too heavy because I have to go to Marks and Spencer rather than Debenhams!

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@archidave *cries* Actually, that’s probably better than some of the offers I’ve had.

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FFS. It’s getting so I can’t say anything on Twitter without some sodding spambot flinging its excrement at me.

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@tsunimee Yes. That (hopefully) temporary phase…

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@tsunimee I’m dieting at the mo, but I’m going to have to buy a few new clothes in the meantime :(

via Echofon in reply to tsunimee

@R2UK Good to know, ta. My 3GS is definitely getting a bit ragged around the edges :)

via Echofon in reply to therutharnold

@R2UK But now I’m crippled with fear that if I do anything at all to my plan (including anything involving buying an iPhone 4) I’ll lose it.

via Echofon in reply to therutharnold

@R2UK Seems bloody expensive, bearing in mind I can get 5GB for £15/month with a Mi-Fi. Hrm. I want my unlimited plan to carry on, damn it!

via Echofon in reply to therutharnold

@archidave I was starting with rough. I like rough.

via Echofon in reply to archidave

@archidave I was in fantasy-land, making a playlist of singers sorted by voice roughness :)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to archidave

@archidave Mornin’! *waves belatedly*

via Twitter for iPhone

After a productive weekend, tonight I have barely got the energy to veg out.

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If _Joanna Lumley’s Nile_ was both “unmissable” _and_ “unforgettable”, why are you repeating it?

via Twitter for iPhone

madeupstats Drinking a glass of red wine every day is proven to reduce your risk of dying in a gangland turf war.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 7:43 PM, Mar 28th, 2011 via Twitter for iPhone)

@KaveyF @bexxi Even if it did, it doesn’t do that! Don’t know much about Blackberry. Just checked the app I use; it’s iPhone/Android only :(

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

wowser ‘Yours sincerely’ sounds a bit old-fashioned, so I now sign off formal letters *Sincereface*

via Seesmic Web (retweeted on 3:50 PM, Mar 28th, 2011 via Twitter for iPhone)

@philipletts Take number of people arrested. Multiply by 1,000 under a Labour government, 2,500 under a Conservative government. Simple!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to philipletts

Oh, gawd. This is feeling less like hay fever and more like another bloody cold with every passing minute.

via Twitter for iPhone

@bertpalmer To be fair, I have roughly as much in the ability of either to deliver.

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@sizemore <waa>Bwa-da dah-*da*-dah!</waa>

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Hmm. Interesting product, but marketing it to me by shouting things at me on Twitter is just going to put me off a bit.

via Twitter for iPhone

Have you ever noticed how all the people who recommend computer dictation programs sound like speech synthesisers when they talk?

via Twitter for iPhone

Okay, I guess it’s iTunes. On the plus side, using Radioshift to tune in has reminded me that there’s other @somafm stations to listen to :D

via Echofon

@rabidbee @talkie_tim @Nose_in_a_book Cool. And it its very likely that it was @iphonefool (plural!) who recommended it.

via Echofon in reply to rabidbee

Damn it. Is it my route to @somafm that’s breaking my streaming, or this new version of bloody iTunes, where I can’t set the buffer size?

via Echofon

@almuddaththir This does not strike me as necessarily a bad thing, when it comes to entertainment.

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Bloody hell, Wycliffe is in _Waking the Dead_. Now I don’t know if the crime will be solved by angry shouting or chronic depression.

via Twitter for iPhone

@hayles Yes, Miss.

Hey, this corner’s rounded!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

@hayles Maybe you don’t need a sidebar!

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

In the end, my timeline was exactly split on _Juno_. My vote: good.

via Twitter for iPhone

Okay, that’s two people in my timeline who didn’t like _Juno_ and one who did. I will now see if I’m with Twitter or the Academy people.

via Twitter for iPhone

@hayles I didn’t even know it was meant to be a comedy. That may help.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to hayles

I am about to watch _Juno_. Wish I could remember who recommended it.

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@jonhickman *phew*. I really should have double-checked the bloody thing before I sealed it. I’m easily worried.

via Echofon in reply to jonhickman

@jonhickman I don’t want to have to open up the envelope!

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@jonhickman It’s not one of those that only applies if you’ve answered a previous question a certain way, is it?

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@jonhickman I don’t remember answering that one. Don’t tell me I skipped a page!

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@matthew_roach @rabidbee @LBQblog Mmm. I remember that. Might’ve been the Evening Post website.

via Echofon in reply to matthew_roach

I have cold feet. This is not a metaphor.

via Echofon

@hayles Oh. Odd. Erm. Maybe she just wants her zip to be really speedily available. For some reason.

via Echofon in reply to hayles

@hayles I get an “unavailable photo” message on that one.

via Echofon in reply to hayles

@ParkBen Yes, that was my toughest question, too. Even “Look, not even my boss actually knows *that*” is more than 34 characters.

via Echofon in reply to BenPark

@nickdonnelly Good to know. And to solve mystery of how anyone could be seeing FF work slower than it does on my creaky old work PC :)

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@nickdonnelly What speed’s your box? Slowest thing I can try on is a 1.83GHz Core Duo.

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@nickdonnelly Erm… Not seeing any noticeable slowdown in tab switching or typing into Facebook here. FF4.0/Mac.

via Echofon in reply to nickdonnelly

@BradleyLaw I think you missed the “” tag off that one.

via Echofon in reply to BradleyLaw

Okay, that census form was actually not much work, despite its intimidating size. I still managed to fill it in wrong in about 5 places!

via Echofon

RT @LBQblog Any Bristonians out there? Can you recommend a good place for a mani/pedi in town on a wknd? <— Suggestions, Bristol peeps? Ta!

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@tsunimee @LBQblog Unfortunately, I’ve never had a mani or a pedi. However, perhaps my followers can help!

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@Narshada On the other hand, if they cock up like that every day, that’s £45 a month extra income for you…

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to Narshada

@tsunimee I think peeling it off would be quite painful on the beard ;)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to tsunimee

@robinince Did you? I read “scientific endeavour’s” as “scientific endeavour has”…

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7.5K run. Now a bit of telly with lunch, and on to the census form.

via Echofon

It’s another hazy day out here! @ Cumberland Basin…

via Instagram

.@ahnlak @r2uk What, no news stories about Apple being crap at DST changes? How am I going to remember to reset my clocks _now_?

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to ahnlak

@tsunimee It’s Sunday tomorrow. Who cares? Get out of bed when you feel like it and set your clock to whatever time the BBC says it is :)

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Ridiculously awake. And it’s almost 1am. And also almost 2am. D’oh.

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@boagworld Grumpy. Honestly, it’s like you got into the wrong side of bed this evening.

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@rabidbee The whole of an Essex postcode district? Actually, that’s fairly plausible.

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PennyRed Protesters throwing bits of metal fence. Just got hit by one. Christ this is insane

via Mobile Web (retweeted on 10:49 PM, Mar 26th, 2011 via Twitter for iPhone)

@hbrumleve “Stand back”? Personally, I’m going take a load of tinned food and water and hide in the basement, just in case.

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One more episode of _House_ before bed? Don’t mind if I do!

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@Thehappyfatgirl You just know Brunel would have made it a swing bridge if he could have done! :)

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@OpinionatedGeek Every time I see that hashtag I have to remember that version of WordPress hasn’t just dropped in here from the future.

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Taking a break from email to do silly things with the Clifton Suspension Bridge.

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@valioinc Aaaah! Thanks, thought I must have been missing something obvious!

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