Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

March 26th, 2011

@rabidbee The whole of an Essex postcode district? Actually, that’s fairly plausible.

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to rabidbee

PennyRed Protesters throwing bits of metal fence. Just got hit by one. Christ this is insane

via Mobile Web (retweeted on 10:49 PM, Mar 26th, 2011 via Twitter for iPhone)

@hbrumleve “Stand back”? Personally, I’m going take a load of tinned food and water and hide in the basement, just in case.

via Echofon in reply to hbrumleve

One more episode of _House_ before bed? Don’t mind if I do!

via Twitter for iPhone

@Thehappyfatgirl You just know Brunel would have made it a swing bridge if he could have done! :)

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@OpinionatedGeek Every time I see that hashtag I have to remember that version of WordPress hasn’t just dropped in here from the future.

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Taking a break from email to do silly things with the Clifton Suspension Bridge.

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@valioinc Aaaah! Thanks, thought I must have been missing something obvious!

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RT @macworld: Oh no! @TheMacalope got into the advil and gin again… Or not: <- “Ubuntu Incontinent Ibex”? *snort*

via Echofon

Of course, the problem with finally responding to loads of emails is that it tends to generate more incoming emails

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.@BlackDogDays I do not know. I do believe I just saw someone being nicked, though.

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@BlackDogDays What *is* it? Did someone open a talcum powder factory in Southville while we weren’t looking?

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RT @KaveyF: @gothick @ahnlak Eeek! That’s not a latte! That’s an espresso playing dress up in mummy’s white frillies! <— *snigger*

via Echofon

Also, I know Clifton is a tad hilly, but surely this is overdoing it?

via Twitter for iPhone

Hmm. Two police cars have sandwiched another car in the middle of York Gardens, and someone’s being searched. Odd.

via Twitter for iPhone

Why is Bristol so hazy today? View over town looks like it’s actually foggy.

via Twitter for iPhone

Okay. Lunch had. Down to 87 emails in my main inbox. Time for a change of venue and task for a bit.

via Echofon

: Apparently, I do not like the new PJ Harvey album. And it doesn’t seem to be growing on me, either. SADFACE.

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@walltowallart Yup, will be doing it for St. Peter’s Hospice. I normally try to raise at least a little something for charity when I run.

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Just put in my entry for the Bristol Half Marathon this year :)

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@benjohnbarnes (Although I am still eyeing up Garageband and being tempted. Mmmmm. Mmmm.)

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RichNeville The police won’t be keen to arrest people, as they’ll have to add them all as guests on the census.

via Osfoora HD (retweeted on 2:11 PM, Mar 26th, 2011 via Echofon)

@benjohnbarnes Yup. That one seemed to be extra-worth making sure you’d seen…

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@shezza_t *tingatingatingatinga* No *ching* *ching* idea. *tingatingatinga*

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@ahnlak Dark-roast beans. Pretty much the opposite of how @KaveyF likes latte :)

via Twitter for iPhone in reply to ahnlak

Boston Tea Party. New Yorker sandwich. Boston Latte. sorted.

via Echofon

@rabidbee Redheads _and_ books? I’d never leave.

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@benjohnbarnes Odd question on Get Satisfaction, by the way, in case you hadn’t seen it.

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@benjohnbarnes It’s bonus month, too. Nevertheless, I should probably save my pennies for a forthcoming time when I may be income-limited.

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@valioinc Think I’m being dopey — where do I find the @upthemes Tumblr themes in the Valio bundle?

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@benjohnbarnes I’m sure I’d enjoy it. It’s just hard to justify compared to other similarly-priced toys.

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Okay. Lunchytime. Think I shall head for Clifton Village.

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Why do I keep on being followed by accounts that are little more than a feed from a dictionary of quotations? Weirdos or bots, I wonder?

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@benjohnbarnes They’re still at the level where if I had that much money kicking around for entertainment gear, I’d buy a guitar instead ;)

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@benjohnbarnes On the other hand, there appear to be waterproof Kindle cases, which could be handy for bathtime reading :)

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@benjohnbarnes Yes, but that would also incur the non-trifling expense of an iPad.

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@KaveyF @tsunimee We are NOT starting

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@rabidbee It’s one of the things I used the now-defunct Spinvox for. I’d leave myself phone messages with ideas and they’d turn up as email.

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Okay. Am bathed, dressed and ready for the day. Two hours late, but moving fast.

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@BlackDogDays Romance isn’t dead. It just needs mouth-to-mouth.

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@KaveyF Audio! Only audio. If I start videoing my baths, @tsunimee will probably demand copies.

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@hayles At which point, how is it “free”, exactly?

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@tsunimee Now I definitely need to lose more weight. There’s not enough room in the bath for two at the moment…

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@KaveyF I should just record all my baths, just in case :)

via Echofon in reply to Kavey

@KaveyF But I’d be using it upside-down, wouldn’t I? One accidental shake and all my work is gone :)

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Why do I always get great ideas for websites when I’m in the bath? *types notes while gently dripping*

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@EyOki Ah. Yes, probably my reaction is only “instinctive” because of the web/search/marketing knowledge I’ve been cramming for years…

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@EyOki I’d never consider doing anything like that, anyway. I mean, basically you’re just gaming Google, aren’t you?

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@ahnlak Naturally. Do you even reply to these? I might set up a snarky boilerplate in TextExpander.

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@hayles I still have a thriving community where I read and comment; I think I’ve been avoiding talking for various reasons.

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@hayles I use Tweetnest for twitter. Shame I didn’t start back I could still grab all my tweets from the early days.

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@hayles Aaah. Mine’s mostly a keeping-up-with-friends thing; the privacy settings are handy for ranting about work :)

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@Dru_Marland Wouldn’t you need French police for that?

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@hayles Now that’s just odd. Gosh, I feel guilty about my LJ. I posted loads there until about six months ago, then it just petered out :(

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I’m starting to get increasing amounts of odd emails about “link exchange”. Does this mean I’ve “made it” as a blogger?

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@cabanbury Well, boo for me hibernating through the winter rather than answering them, really. It’s all self-inflicted. *runs bath*

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@cabanbury You may be right. On the other hand, I need to get through 146 emails to clear my inbox today. And it’s nice out. Gah!

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Damn. @howies have 15% off this weekend. Except for Merino, which was the only stuff I wanted to buy. :(

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Morning all! How are we? Personally I’m balanced on a knife edge between quick-shower-and-on-with-stuff and long-bath-reading-new-Interzone.

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My weight: 17:8.7 stlb. 0:8.7 stlb to go. Weighin’ in.

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