@majicDave As long as we can also pretend you have good recent backups.
@sitepointdotcom Tutorial. It’s much harder to find a decent tutorial on the web than it is to find a recipe-style solution to a problem.
@bexxi Yup! Congrats, @KellyJanner & hubby!
@tsunimee @KaveyF Sometimes, to understand colloquial use of a word, I’ll do a Google image search. HINT: DO *NOT* DO THIS FOR “emoustillé”.
@Jorence <Nelson>Haaa haa!</Nelson>
@tsunimee I am slightly disturbed that you know that, bearing in mind I haven’t tweeted any photos. But thank you nonetheless, sexy.
I think someone at Rownham Mead is hosting a meeting of the Dull Silver Car Owners’ Club.
@fdr106 That’s a slur on overpriced shopping malls, which have better signage and cheaper parking.
@benjohnbarnes I am, sadly, getting image of mechanic staring at burning car while holding his one remaining screwdriver and a cup of water.
@benjohnbarnes …that involves not using the right kit and de-ionised water could lead to more Shit Happening.
@benjohnbarnes Reading between the lines, virtually all the (quite specialised) equipment is completely buggered. Anything they do…
@talkie_tim @nickbrompton Great minds think alike! I saw my colleague come up with name yesterday, and his acting skills aren’t that good :)
*giggles at today’s QC* http://bit.ly/h865a4
Of the suggested team names for our works quiz this week, my favourite so far is “Quizteam Aguilera”.
arlinelyons Quality reporting: http://www.mediaite.com/…
(You know, back when he was funny.)
New “showcase route” ads show shiny happy people in designer shoes sitting on buses. Think this is what Ben Elton called the “reality gap.”
@Crackerwax Especially when they let him out and tell him they weren’t broadcasting.