@robinince Only having read the Telegraph article that Wikipedia links to, which bit(s) of that aren’t true?
@BlackDogDays Not the sort of thing you see around here every day.
@JohannaTC We may never know. Unless it was something particularly nasty, in which case I’d probably prefer blissful ignorance.
@BlackDogDays *giggle*
@BlackDogDays “What, there’s frogmen now? And another two helicopters? And a SWAT team? And Harrison Ford!?”
@BlackDogDays This is the point at which you can start making stuff up and see how far you get before we stop believing you.
@BlackDogDays Sniffer dogs? What on earth is going on?
@BlackDogDays Too late! Mwa-ha-ha. #fullofavocado
@Swishrelic I do actually have Opera installed on the Mac for web testing, but I never saw any big advantage over what I use at the mo.
@Swishrelic I only use the web a couple of times a week on the mobile…
@BlackDogDays This is why I’ll never be a decent investigative reporter.
@BlackDogDays I should probably nip outside with the camera in case anything interesting is happening. But I have half an avocado left.
@JohannaTC Informed sources tell me it’s spotlighting Hotwell Road.
@hayles @BlackDogDays A big boy did it and ran away.
@BlackDogDays Ha! *snap*
Always a little disconcerting when the police helicopter buzzes your house for this long. Should I got out with my hands up?
@danfairs Who knows? Maybe I’ll find my first Oracle UI that doesn’t make me want to repeatedly slam my head in the door of a line printer.
@LegalWeasel (though I have my suspicion that’s related to the Java logo rather than the Oracle logo.)
@LegalWeasel The first thing (literally) I tried to do with it — move its window — revealed a non-standard and annoying interface. Woo!
Is it prejudiced of me to immediately be put off NetBeans because it’s got the Oracle logo on it? #geek
@BlackDogDays You do know it’s Thursday now, right?
@Swishrelic I do not need ANOTHER ONE.
…and then probably never even figure out what new features it has. #ff4
Okay, I changed my mind. Firebug works, so I shall throw Firefox 4 onto all my machines with abandon.
@richardjfoster Good to know. Will probably throw it on the laptop and see how it goes.
@BlackDogDays Great. Now I have to wait till tomorrow to find out whether brazil nuts increase brain power or just induce delusions.
@floyduk @richardjfoster I like Firefox, Chrome and Safari. Haven’t really settled on a “winner”. Each has things I prefer over others.
@floyduk I shall wait another few weeks. Two Firefoxes on one box can be annoying, and the plugin writers probably won’t be done upgrading.
@floyduk Oh, is it finally out?
@getrunningapp May not need much help, but you’ll be handy to have around if I get stuck algorithmically. Can do the Gmap tile stuff okay :)
@getrunningapp On its way :)
@getrunningapp Hah! I’ll swap you for some help I’m going to need projecting the day/night terminator onto a Google map…
@hayles GAAAH!
How *do* my glasses get this filthy? Am I even typing this into a twitter client? All I can see is some smeary things that might be letters.
@ahnlak Still haven’t heard from them. Maybe they just lost *your* account :)
@ahnlak Well, that’s not so bad. My name and email address are all over the web already…
@ahnlak What? They haven’t mailed me. Erm. Yet. What got nicked?
My morning ferry ride is perfect for catching up on @instapaper.
SHUT UP! #seagulls