Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

July 2008

@patricknorton Oh, I just thought you were writing a sed script.

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Aha. Electrician had emergency call-out to Dorset. Looks like I’ll be leaving the house late today…

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Hmm. Electrician who was meant to be here doing a quote is a little late and isn’t answering his phone.

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Dammit. Why is it that I always get around to cleaning out the fish tank pretty much exactly three weeks after I should really have done it?

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Oh, bloody hell. MobileMe seems to have broken Back To My Mac. And it took them two releases to get it working with my router in first place

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Oop. Just had a few Twitter replies from 85 hours ago. Not ignoring you, folks, honest!

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Just walked up the hill to Clifton Village. Damn, it’s got and humid today. May need to stop for cold drink before the barber’s.

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Watching CodeIgniter tutorial videos and trying not to get sucked in to writing another web app for the heck of it.

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On the other hand, if I managed to buy some they might improve my dress-sense.

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Need to watch my typing on the phone keypad. Just discovered I had “gay fever pills” on my shopping list.

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Mind you, the one time I had the runflat indicator come on, I was on my way to the airport in a thunderstorm. Worth every single penny!

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@Phooto Seem to be lucky in that I’ve never needed to change a whole set at once. Pricey on the current car, because they’re runflats.

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Ugh. Hope I’m not coming down with the flu that my colleague kindly brought into work with him this week. Wish ill people would stay at home

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Excellent: The Universal Packing List

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Agh! Delicious Library has moved their backend from XML to SQLite. Just when I was getting the hang of XSL, too. Time to learn another skill

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@DaveHamilton But it works _worse!_ I was expecting it to be just as ropey, not to give me a spinny ball instead of letting me _view_ stuff

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Shaved head and green dress/Patchouli on the warm breeze/Sunny afternoon

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At least with .Mac I could actually view my contacts and calendars. MobileMe’s primary interface seems to be a spinning “wait” graphic.

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Recalibrating my montor. Goodness, I feel geeky.

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@jacintuk cool, isn’t it? Am already using it for submissions at

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@bexxi if they allowed 160, they wouldn’t have space for the username, so you wouldn’t know who the tweet was from!

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@andmel Your “linky” in Smart Car post is broken!

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@jacintuk @bexxi Yay, I saw symbols. Technology win. On other hand, am using Twibble, not SMS.

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@davidpatrick I thought Flickr had their own servers (the “farms”; the API certainly points that way.) Maybe it’s just a Bad Web Day.

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@chrismarquardt @davidpatrick Oh, heck, is _that_ why my website’s not generating? What a time to be changing my Flickr API calls. D’oh.

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Suddenly feeling quite cold. Odd. Hope I’m not coming down with something just before my holiday.

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@Phooto Goodness me. Very glad that (a) I don’t have to drive much, and (b) I have a Mini

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@davidpatrick What on earth do you drive? Some kind of light aircraft?

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Ugh. Woken up with a headache, again. Maybe this is the week I go see the doctor about that.

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Can’t sleep, so have just created a “night owl” themed typographic logo for my Twitter profile page :)

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One for the iPhone-owning photographers from LifeHacker: Take Psychadelic Pictures With Your iPhone:

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Got into a state where I can leave it for a bit & come back to it later for final touches. My first hand-coded site!

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@boagworld Not as dodgy as bunking out in a hangar with a forest of teenagers :)

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Going to try to defeat my afternoon tiredness by the cunning expedient of taking a nap.

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Ahh, UI design. My new DVD player’s remote control has 48 buttons. I wonder how many years it’ll be before I’ve used as many as ten of them.

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Gah! Why do I have so much trouble clicking links in @Twitterrific? I don’t want to select odd combinations of text, just go to a web page.

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Erm. Shedloads of my photos appear to be missing from Flickr. Pages still there, images 404. Hope that’s just a glitch

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Ooh! An Enigma kit! Sure, made of cardboard tube, only simulates three rotors, and no plugboard, but how much security does 7 year old need?

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I love Maplin. Already seen three products I didn’t know existed but now desire.

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Right. Time to stop fiddling with personal website and go get car washed and buy replacement DVD player.

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@spamvictim A first-time graphic novel reader who’s not starting with Watchmen? That’s rare :)

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@Ihnatko Oh, and, yeah, change the DB user/pass in wp-config.php if necessary.

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@Ihnatko 1) Get copy of files and DB. 2) Grep DB script for old hostname, replace with new one. 3) Shove files and DB at new server. 4) Pray

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@ryancarson “Up pacifying Jackson”? Sounds like a log entry from a steely-eyed New York cop.

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And yet again, I silently thank whoever had the idea of putting a “reopen last-closed window” command in a browser.

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@tholder I’m sure I’ve seen that before, and it was something odd like the case of a button property name. Too long ago *sigh*. Good luck!

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@tholder rings a bell. Validate your form code and see if you have any errors. Don’t think it’s the PHP that’s the problem.

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Chuck Norris’s MIME-type is “application/fist”. And with that thought, off to bed.

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@chrismarquardt It’s depressing when you realise you’ve spent more effort putting stuff off than it would have actually taken to do it…

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@pjakobs My new Twitter design appears to be an error page…

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@liors iDish? Isn’t that the new Apple satellite receiver?

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To centre text, use text-align: center. This works in all browsers except IE5.5, where it sets the font to Comic Sans & wipes your C: drive.

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You have taken a breath. Would you like Firefox 3 to download and install the latest updates for that?

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@hotdogsladies Soon only the computers will be smart enough to leave comments on your blog.

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@foxc absolutely not. Having the right people around you is a great reason for picking a location.

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Oooh, pernickity! Today, it feels like if I lined up my users and shot them, I’d get complaints that I’d used the wrong font on the bullets.

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@Phooto Careful! We don’t want it spreading too virus-like and becoming the next Comic Sans :)

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Lord preserve me from overly-sincere dental hygienists who say my name at the end of every sentence, Matthew.

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Goodness me, I need some more sleep. Unfortunately, got to get going for my appointment with the dentist

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Cool! Just found an online tester that shows you your web pages as a colour-blind person would see them!

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Playing with font stacks on my personal site. Shame American Typewriter isn’t more widespread; I think it’s really very lovely

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Just remembered I’m off to see Richard Herring tonight. Excellent!

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@marklesuk In the end, it might, but how many of our visitors are still using IE6?!

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@Seanabc It’s an excellent book. Is the audio version the one with Arthur Lowe? That was a really good BBC production, I think.

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@Phooto My pages aren’t missing any closing tags because I’m generating them with XSLT, so they won’t even come out if I’ve got that wrong!

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Phooto

@Phooto It’s not too bad, just got to revert my pages from being served as real XHTML (because IE can’t cope with that) and hack some CSS…

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Gah! Now comes the annoying bit of web design: un-standardising everything you’ve done so it work in Internet Explorer.

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@smarvell have you joined Twitter just to be gnomic at us?

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Waiting for the morning ferry.

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@WilHarris I use Spinvox for that. Not as good as humans, but good for automated recognition and works in the UK.

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Ugh. Think I might try to give up caffeing for the day, see if I can get a good night’s sleep tonight. Feel like a zombie.

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@tholder Funny, you’d’ve thought the other lot would be better at stuff involving fires and forks…

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@floyduk The reassuring part is that I only get so annoyed when it doesn’t work, because 90% of the time it works so well I don’t notice it.

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@gothick I remember the level of frustration you feel from the last time I had to re-sync my iDisk from scratch. 1Gb of data took 27 hours.

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@floyduk What, did you not use .Mac before? That’s the only reason I can think of for you having expectations higher than equine testicles!

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@ahnlak Depends… Do you perchance happen to be at home, in your living room, next to a large computer, whilst twittering from your iTouch?

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I was working. Then iTunes shuffled Fish BBC session recording of Fugazi, so I was forced to dance around room singing in dodgy Scots accent

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@Ihnatko Yes, and the Twitterific ads are quite subtle & well-targetted. I’d normally pay to remove ads, but I’m still on free Twitterific.

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I’m tempted to post a link to a MobileMe update package that’s actually a link to a certain Rick Astley video. I’m going to hell, aren’t I?

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@chrismarquardt I’m sure it’ll be soon. We’re in the 21st century. The lawyers are probably sharpening their quill pens at this very moment.

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Odd experience: noticing council have moved your car to other side of road after declaring your parking temporarily illegal due to roadworks

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I think I’m finally “getting” CSS. And I’m being vaguely productive in XSLT, not having to look stuff up all the time. And it’s sunny! Cool!

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@Phooto A few third-party solutions will probably lose popularity. I doubt I’ll need Spanning Sync now I can create iCal events through .Mac

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*Yawn* Okay, so my plan of going to bed, sleeping while Apple engineers Did Stuff and rebooting seems to have paid off. iDisk contents back.

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So, I logged off and on again. Plus side: my iDisk icon is now a pretty purple disk with a cloud on it. Minus side: all my files are gone.

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Damn you, Apple! I was using that!

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Oh, heck. Where did all the data on my iDisk go?

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Still waiting for MobileMe software update for the MacBook. Hope syncing between machines on MobileMe and machines on .Mac doesn’t hurt ‘em.

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Mixing telcos with Apple is mixing sewage with wine. Even if it’s just a drop of telco you add, you still end up with a barrel of sewage.

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Hey, @bexxi, if you do get double the number of hours in your day, then I’ve got some jobs here that you could give me a hand with :-)

via Twitter Web Client - All the client-side stuff is there! That’s one of the reasons I’m impatient for the servers to be back up :)

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@Phooto I came home to find a funky little dialogue box open on my iMac with a MobileMe logo announcing the change and telling me to update!

via Twitter Web Client in reply to Phooto

@boagworld Never mind, just put that on your “to do” list for later :)

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@Phooto Hey,they didn’t tell me that… They just pushed a software update to my Mac that told me .Mac was now MobileMe and I should update!

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Tired of sitting there reloading your page until Twitter is back up? Try sitting there reloading your page until MobileMe is back up instead

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Hmm. So, on my iMac, Software Update sees a new iTunes and MobileMe. On the MacBook, it just sees iTunes. And the .Mac website is down. Joy.

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Uh oh. .Mac is now MobileMe. Bearing in mind how much .Mac sometimes made me want to cry and throw Macs out of windows, I’m scared of change

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Finding a Javascript lightbox that works well with XHTML is like trying to find a unicorn that matches the sofa in your fortress of solitude

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@russelldavies yes, you’re almost certainly roaming in the gloaming, given your probable geographic location and the time of day & weather!

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@hotdogsladies’ seems to be broken from here, making IE die with an error halfway through loading the page. Or is it just me?

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Oh, goodness, how much web development do I have to do before I finally get fixed in my head the difference between “border” and “padding”!?

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Oh, so _that’s_ why I’ve not had any cryptic .Mac sync failures recently — the last cryptic .Mac sync failure turned off all the syncing…

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@chrismarquardt I guess what I mean is that I want one, but I can’t write myself an internal business case for spending that much for one :(

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@chrismarquardt so, still too breathtakingly expensive for ordinary mortals, then! I like the idea of Drobo, but ouch! that pricetag hurts.

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@Azhure yeah, I watched Who, then saw another drama right afterwards with much braver scriptwriting. Sigh. Still, better than no Who at all.

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@davidpatrick heh. Last time a bus driver got lost on me I was really tempted to ‘guide’ him on his route right to my front door. Try it :)

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Yay! Feeling awake on a Monday morning. Maybe that ‘sleep’ stuff isn’t as overrated as I thought. Let’s hope it lasts :-)

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Gah! In my favourite music cafe to do some coding, and instead of the normal funky ambient, they’re playing awful commercial radio station.

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Ugh. Trying to figure out how I declare 400 quid’s worth of income on tax return. Might be cheaper, time versus money, just to give it back.

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Heading off to Bristol Zoo to meet up with some friends. May take pictures of the zoo’s little monkeys, and the friends’ own little monkey!

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Dropping off Twitter and email and Facebook and Skype and iChat and Bob knows what else for an hour or so so I can get my weekly review done

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How do I know I stayed up too late? ‘Matt, would you like an extra shot?’ asks Kelly in the cafe, unprompted. I must look pretty terrible :(

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Recorded rough cut of a new song: Very ropey timing; will get better once I’ve memorised the lyrics I just wrote!

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Writing a song, rather unexpectedly. Why thinking about web development should inspire such a musical interlude, I have absolutely no idea.

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@ryancarson you know, many of your Tweets are quite disturbing reading for people who are actually called Matt! I don’t want to be launched!

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Up early, figured out bits of the Flickr API, coded some XSLT, written makefile, got lightbox2 working. You know, it might be breakfast now!

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Ugh. Just walking home from work after pig of a long day. Been helping dba wrestle with recalcitrant SQL Server cluster. If in doubt, reboot

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@spamvictim no problems so far on MacBook or iMac. Haven’t been really thrashing it though.

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