Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 2008

@davidpatrick Thanks! Will do my best. Currently halfway there :)

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@ahnlak Heh. Glad someone was paying attention :) Will be leaving soon, by the way!

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Wow. Think it’s going to be a cold one. Where’s my hat?

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Nearly at the end of Andrew Collins’ “That’s Me In The Corner”. Awesome autobiography; have been laughing lots.

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If I set off now, with a research team and a torch, how long do you think it would take me to find a mobile phone company that isn’t shit?

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Hmm. Pretty sure I asked Lightroom to start up some minutes ago. I wonder where it’s got to?

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@pjakobs Not unless the top search was for “brown stylish technology”…

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@talkie_tim Ah! Good point. Sure I would’ve noticed if I’d decided to go *grin*. Will try to make time for next week!

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On morning ferry talking to Tom about subversive cross-stitch. I love my life!

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Oooh, bed. That’s what I need.

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Gah. Just finished homework. That too way too long. Probably won’t be making Flickr meet tomorrow night, too much to do!

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Damn. Did you ever start what should be a simple homework exercise and end up two hours later thinking you’re doing the wrong course?

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@talkie_tim Quite right; I’d probably just get distracted and end up learning Ruby by accident.

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@ryancarson At some point I might use my gmail address for mail, as well as all the other stuff :)

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Home. Now time for exercise, Greek homework, and some web design practice. Maybe I should write a Greek web app to track exercise progress.

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Vodafone’s website really is appallingly dreadfu.

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Back from Jeremy Hardy. Great gig. Never seen him live before.

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What the heck? There’s no parking spaces south of the river. Either there’s something else going on, or Jeremy Hardy’s very popular indeed!

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Right. Exercise bike. Dinner. Greek practice. Jeremy Hardy. That’s the evening planned, then.

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@bobbyllew When I get my savings back, I’m buying the book :) Think I might need a psychological hand in cutting my spending…

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Also, my new fitness regime is in its second week, yet I’m still fat. Exercise bike must be faulty.

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@pjakobs clearly all this Apple gear is faulty. Either that or the women are faulty. Can’t be me :-)

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@pjakobs what, you have to be young and hip to use Apple gear? Someone fetch me a Tardis and a personal shopper!

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@talkie_tim huzzah! So, it’ll all be over by Christmas…

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@talkie_tim you’re just getting old. Those weren’t kids, that was a stag party.

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Early night for me, I think. Seeing Jeremy Hardy tomorrow night, need to make sure I’m awake for it!

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@foxc isn’t it just? This is my first get-home-ow-can’t-feel-my-fingers cold day of the winter.

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Listening to Nat Johnson.

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@bobbyllew Looking at the global climate, do you ever think you picked the wrong year not to buy anything?

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@talkie_tim Surely there must be other places you can get cocaine?

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So, they pulled another body out of the harbour today. Ferry regulars grow to understand Bristol harbour’s surprising body count.

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@pjakobs I like Flash in its place, I just like that quote, too :) I can’t slag it off too much, as one of my friends is a Flash developer.

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Listening to Nat Johnson live on Radio Humberside. I love the internet.

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@pjakobs “Flash is the curse of the internet-it’s like trying to watch television while some idiot keeps standing up in front of you”

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@MelKirk What, someone challenged you to a duel? Wow, you must be a pretty bad singer…

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Breaking my economy drive again for a Boston Tea Party lunch. You can’t give up _all_ your vices at once!

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@chrismarquardt baking muffins? I’ll send you my address!

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Photos selected and ready. Which is handy, as I’m hungry and there’s a gap in the rain. Lunchtime!

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Processing photos. Hopefully will get this photoshoot sorted and on the web for the band before I head for lunch.

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@Artoo_UK I’d forgotten about it too, but for me it came as a pleasant surprise, as I was running an hour behind schedule!

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Hmm. Our IT Support team leader went away on Friday to seek out a relaxed week in good weather. In the Lake District. Hmm.

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Right. Officially knackered. Band photos and weekly review will have to wait until tomorrow

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Hmm. iMac now back. Wonder if I’ll manage to figure out what went wrong. May be related to Rosetta Stone CD’s copy protection…

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Great. Installed WiFi software update, rebooted, and my Mac — that doesn’t use WiFi — won’t restart at all.

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@floyduk and that’s a good thing? Sounds like an Italian toilet soap.

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Finishing coffee by Victoria Rooms before heading in to private view at RWA.

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Aha. Looks like I and other Icesave customers now have more information on getting their money back.…

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@bertpalmer Yeah, I’ve tried it myself, but it’s tough when you don’t actually have a polaroid to model things on!

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@bertpalmer Yeah, it’s very cute. And it’s still being developed, by the looks of it, but it’s off to a good start, I think!

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Twenty minute break to play with the highly funky Poladroid, a free polaroid-style-photo-maker for Mac

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Right. Now: Breakfast. Shower. Laundry. Tax return. Tidy up. Lunch. RWA Exhibition launch. Process band photos. Weekly review. Bed.

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Having a night off tonight. Bath running: check. Good book on standby: check.

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@talkie_tim Curses! You just forced me to go onto YouTube and find the Eddie Izzard Achilles bit!

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Another Thursday, another Greek class. Depressed at how little vocabulary seems to be sticking to my brain.

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@Nose_in_a_book never trust an umbrella that’s stronger than you are.

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@pjakobs tell the record companies; they’ll probably sue the phone spammers for copyright breach!

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Oh, thanks, Oracle, for installing your own Java 1.4 at the beginning of my path, and thus breaking all my programs from _this_ century.

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@ahnlak Oooh, is it out that soon over here? And is it T-mobile (as in no-bloody-T-mobile-reception-in-my-flat) exclusive?

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@pjakobs He must have pretty good grip, too :)

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@MelKirk Well, I slightly prefer it to lipgloss on boys, but it’s not my cup of tea. On the other hand, I’m not exactly a style guru.

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@chriswebb That’s fantastic! Retweeting Chris Webb: “Scotch Tape emits X-rays”

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Just finished watching an episode of Airwolf. Perfect exercise-bike entertainment.

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@Artoo_UK you need to replace the switches with those cool missile-launch buttons with flip-up safety catches!

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@D4L I have my name & mobile number on a sticker just above the keyboard in anticipation of a moment like that!

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And… we’re back up, with a new router. Although the wireless seems to work better than the wired. Hopefully a reboot will cure that…

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@Ihnatko Have you tried starting a Skype call with, “In the name of the Father, the Son…”? Might be worth a try…

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Hands up anyone who, when presented with a choice of RSS 2, RSS 1.1 or Atom for a feed subscription, actually gives a toss?

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@johnfbraun Are you sure you don’t just have a crick in your neck?

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Ugh. In Baristas on way to work. Feeling sluggish.

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Ugh. At least this head-cold is letting me catch-up on much-needed sleep without guilt. Downloading Round Ireland with a Fridge from Audible

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@Nose_in_a_book Composers and Steel Bands United Against Investment Bankers?

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Huzzah! WarGames is on Film4 at quarter to seven. At last something worth watching.

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What, I’m at home, sick, and Colombo _isn’t_ on TV? There ain’t no justice.

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On plus side, amused by loan-words in message from Greek teacher. “Eucharisto yia to email sas…”

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Ugh. Throat feels like bottom of a birdcage that’s been left in a desert. Phoned in sick and boss didn’t recognise me.

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Ahh, that was fantastic. The amazing characterisation in WarGames keeps it as #1 geek film for me, despite strong competition from Sneakers.

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Anyone else having problems accessing Site seems almost there, but not quite.

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Just realised that an HTML table was the appropriate design solution for my problem. So used to avoiding them I’d forgotten they existed!

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@johnfbraun Alpha? You’re saying @RandomMaccess is highly unstable and should only be released to a limited audience?

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Upgraded Mediawiki and Wordpress to latest versions. Good day for low-energy chores that involve lots of tea-break (ftp-ing) time.

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@hackery all computer costs are higher in Ireland because of the extra work needed to escape the apostrophes in the surnames.

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@JockotheRocks Feeling very random today. Often do when I’m ill. I’m quite scattered at the best of times…

via Twitter Web Client - Somerfield are selling “Perfect for Christmas” cupcakes at 50% off. Because the best-before date is _today_.

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@DaveHamilton In some areas, they’re better investments than high-interest savings accounts :(

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Finally have the energy to drag myself up the hill to eat. May also buy chicken soup for dinner.

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@boagworld Curse you for putting cheese & chutney in my head just before lunch. Maybe sore throat will still put me off the calories…

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Enjoying @russelldavies’ thoughts on urban spam: “living in Bladerunner brought to you by Cillit Bang would be horrible”

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Time for lemsip and a bath. Then I might feel good enough to go buy some lunch. Should have prepared for sick day last night!

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Heh. “Microsoft announces 20 editions of Windows 7”

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Gah. Just sent “sorry, I won’t be coming to the lesson today” email to my Greek teacher (in Greek.) Took half an hour.

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Ill. Taking day off work. Doubt I’ll be well enough for Greek lesson tonight. Bugger.

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@bobbyllew I was at Glastonbury the year they accidentally turned one of those poo-sucker trucks to “blow”. Beware!

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@brownstudies Because you’re acting like you’re their mother? Try acting like their ruthless totalitarian dictator instead; might help…

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@hotdogsladies Hey, it’s Merlin! Loving the recent change of focus, even if I’m missing the Mannerisms. You look… _better_ today.

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Right. Greek homework done. Am getting the hang of the genitive, at least. But I really need to learn more vocabulary.

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“I am writing to advise that, due to an isolated error identified within our billing system…” Yes, it’s my monthly apology from Demon/THUS

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…on the plus side, I got home about ten minutes before it started raining.

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Ugh. At home nursing sore throat and contemplating Greek homework. At least it’s easy this week.

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Walking to work. Have sore throat, but apart from that am suprisingly chipper for the hour.

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@brownstudies No, it was the no. 8. I got to the building society before it closed, at least. Ho hum.

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Forgot this bus changed drivers halfway. Should have brought a novel.

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@chrismarquardt starting to notice that myself, and I imagine you get order of magnitude more mail than me…

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@chrismarquardt C’mon! You can do it! I got to Inbox Zero on Monday, and it’s a great place to be, however transiently…

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@Whatleydude Oooh, ta, I’ve been meaning to try Spinvox Voicemail for a while. Very happy with my occasional use of Spinvox Memo so far!

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@JButtitta And I’m listening to Leadbelly as I eat, which is unfortunately appropriate only as far as weight, rather than solidity :)

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@bexxi Really? Will have to look out for that. When I realised that not even Gwen Stefani couldn’t make it work for me, I stopped looking :)

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Is there anyone on the planet who actually manages to make the shorts-with-tights look look good?

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Yow. Back to work. With a bruised leg from slipping on railway sleepers on ‘location’ yesterday. How I suffer for my art.

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Holy moly. Took 616 photos today. Now to whittle it down to about twenty good ones.

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@JockotheRocks I wasn’t in the “proper” BTP — they’ve opened one in Clifton Village, too. Coffee just as good, but café far less funky.

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Yum. Now in Boston Tea Party demolishing first food since breakfast. Ginger cake WIN!

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What a fantastic day. Band photoshoot over, so can now relax.

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Hi, I’m an admin for a group called 50m Photos of Squirrels taken in Forests With Three-Syllable Names and we’d love to have this added…

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Back from a nice day with friends, including trip to Westonbirt Arboretum. Now preparing for rock band photoshoot tomorrow!

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Thanks, Netgear. No idea if this firmware, eight months in the making, fixes the IM issues in the last one, as this one totally breaks ADSL.

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Found out that parcel was left for me in the busy Bristol street outside our closed office today. Amazon Prime? Amazon Sub-Prime, methinks.

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@JockotheRocks just solid traffic on its way somewhere unknown. Mostly big cars with one passenger, or I’d suspect football…

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@talkie_tim looks like we’ll get it back in the end. Not much news so far anyway, or not any you can do anything about.

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What the hell’s going on in Bristol tonight?!

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Really not looking forward to the first Greek lesson of term. Tired & unconfident :-(

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@bexxi Hey, I’d probably only have spent it on lenses. Maybe this is the universe’s way of telling me to get into Lomography :)

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For all the personal trouble it’s caused me, the bit of this crisis I’m least looking forward to is the frozen assets gags on The News Quiz.

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@bobbyllew Really? Okay, upgrading my anger level to “furious”. And trying to avoid “Are you sure? It means changing the lightbulb” gags :)

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In Cabot Circus, shopping for presents. Budget suddenly tighter since loss of savings.

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@bobbyllew It’s not as bad as that for me, luckily. And (takes pinch of salt) if we can believe Alistair Darling, we’ll get the money back.

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@bobbyllew I’ve got to say, as an Icesave customer, your strategy of not having any savings is looking pretty smart right now.

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@bertpalmer @Artoo_UK I have good chance of getting it back, but my liquidity’s hurt. I was about to withdraw some for sharedealing, too!

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Arse. My savings bank is about to be declared insolvent and they’ve stopped withdrawals.

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Arranging a photoshoot for a band on Sunday. Rock and roll!

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Having a chilled evening followed by an early night. The rest of the week is going to be manic.

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Radio 4: “European governments are becoming very good at rescuing failing banks. Unfortunately, that’s like being a good undertaker…”

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Been listening to Galaxie 500 since Carrie Brownstein (ex-Sleater-Kinney) mentioned them on her blog today. Such amazing understated sound.

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@talkie_tim The Belly of an Architect (awesome Greenaway film) starts with a train rushing through Italian countryside. Must watch again…

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@Phooto I have put my name down. Looks like I’ll only know for sure a few days beforehand, but I’m on the list now, at least…

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@KellyJanner We collect for lots of charities at my work, plus we donate a fair chunk of our corporate income to charity.

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@bertpalmer It won’t be too tricky; she’ll be moored at Canary Wharf. And I’m planning on getting off before she goes anywhere dangerous!

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@bertpalmer I’m going to put myself down for two tickets, and see if anyone staying for the GTG wants to come along on the Sunday.

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Hmm. Greenpeace are inviting me on board the Rainbow Warrior. On the day after the TFTTF GTG in London. Hmm. Hmmmmm.

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With Flickr, I find it’s not so much “streaming video” as “jerking video”.

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Morning off. Up late, now to pick a cafe for lunch before work.

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Damn! Sold out. Looks like I’m walking home again.

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Gah. In big queue. Probably should have got advance ticket.

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Off to the Cube Microplex for an album launch

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@talkie_tim Je suis vert avec le jealousy, tu as beaucoup de chance, ou dans autres mots, tu es un git lucké.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to talkie_tim - Now that’s some well constructed latte art :-)

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I’ve just remembered I don’t have to go to work tomorrow morning! Result!

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@jacintuk For, I use XSL to generate static pages from a list of images. But it’s harder work than using Lightbox2 gallery!

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@jacintuk Ah, the lightbox? That’s JS/CSS/HTML. Was the easiest way to do the gallery quickly. May make it static pages in the end.

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Mind you, it probably doesn’t work in IE.

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Cool. Now have a basic photo portfolio site with the images stored in the S3 cloud. http://mattgibsonphoto.c…

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Experimenting with using Amazon S3 to store some of my images

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Have finished first working version of the website. Now to spend as much time again getting it working in IE6.

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Gah! Why isn’t Safari caching any images on the site I just created? FF and even IE are caching them fine…

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@johnfbraun 222,000-mile service? Isn’t that the one where they jack up the roof-rack, then drive a new car underneath and bolt it back on?

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@ryancarson what did you think of Cabot Circus? I had low expectations, but was pleasantly surprised by the architecture, at least.

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Damn. Came to garden centre for lunch in garden. Is now raining.

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Trying to finish a basic photo portfolio website in an hour!

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It might have said “exercise ball” on the box, but I’m already thinking of him as “Rover”.

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@Ihnatko Holy crap — and VisualHub is gone *too*? Gah.

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@chrismarquardt *giggle* No, I got ripped off; the shop sold me a black-and-white CF card badged as colour :)

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@foxc ah, so that explains my waistline. Clearly I’ve been ill for the last 35 years!

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D’oh. Came out without memory card. Going to buy a cheap spare to keep in my bag.

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Good-if-slightly-chilly morning, all!

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@johnfbraun *You* can stop yourself. Have some pride, man.

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Too much stuff to do tonight to go to Flickr meet, unfortunately. Plus, only just got _home_ from Victoria Street!

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@floyduk okay, you’re officially the kabillionth person to recommend 1passwd to me. Will try it right now.

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Considering feigning death as a meeting-avoidance strategy.

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Just off to dire two-hour business briefing. Wake me up at 4.

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@russelldavies Ta for blong on patina t’other day. Just chatting about design to a cafe owner; have pointed him in your general direction :)

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@bobscape the finest defence against hackers: more coffee.

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My pic of the increasingly well-known Bristol FAILBOAT:

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@talkie_tim Aww. I did want to come. But at least I’ve finished a ton of paperwork and caught up on my email (again!) *sigh*

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@ryanCoates Word couldn’t even spell “liaise” right until later versions. Not surprised it has trouble with “hyperthermic”

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Ow! Who redesigned the new BT website? It’s awful. And they can’t spell. I actually double-checked to make sure it wasn’t a phishing site.

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@johnfbraun And I believe that every aeroplane should have an emergency chute. I just don’t want to use it.

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You know that woken-up-not-sleepy feeling you get after a nap? I’ve got it. Only without the nap, and it’s quarter to one in the morning.

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@Nose_in_a_book Definitely not. I am also pleased, and not just because there seems to be less rain in autumn than summer these days…

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gorgeous huge skies tonight. Not taking photos, just looking :-)

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@talkie_tim only if you’re prepared to buy one when you get back!

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Looks like a fantastic day again! Think I’ll take out the 300mm lens I’m borrowing; there may be enough light for it today…

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