Mental leap.
Wordle 647 3/6

ChrisArnoldInc My Dad has accidentally bought 60 pairs of reading glasses off the internet after misreading the quantity of his order.
How to Decide Whether You Should Upgrade A Device…

cox_tom I go on a lot of eerie walks, but yesterday I went on one which I think I might have been the most unsettling I’ve ever been on. It took place in the northern reaches of the Devon-Cornwall border: a very lonely and forsaken-feeling place…

@OnAmbridge continuing the #freezertips, I use whiteboard markers. These are either Chilli Marrakech or Custard Macaroons.

@MacFinder_UK folks, your IG ads seem to be pointing to broken
JamBase British pop duo Let’s Eat Grandma (@thelegofgrandma) put a new spin on Nick Drake’s “From The Morning.”
Hear the pair’s stirring rendition off the upcoming tribute album, ‘The Endless Coloured Ways - The Songs Of Nick Drake’…
Bit of a turnaround at the end…
Wordle 644 4/6
@csoanes @penfriendrocks Thank you sweetie.

gemmacorrell *dinosaur noises intensify*
Wordle 643 4/6

shed_retro Is this not one of the greatest starship designs ever? I think so! #scifi #80s #blakes7 #retro #space #Starships
Wordle 642 4/6

_BenMyers_ My 94-year-old grandmother has kept a list of every book she ever read since she was 14 years old. Amazing archive of one person’s mind over nearly a century
@BobRushy I seem to watch it about once a decade by accident and I think I’ve enjoyed it more each time.

looksunfamiliar Battle Of The Planets - post-Star Wars reworking of adult Japanese anime as child-friendly Americanised adventures of Phoenix-piloting bird-themed space ninja team G-Force. Despite editing grubby trace elements remained, most notoriously Princess’ pants.…
ememess Don’t open the tank, dudes.…

unmutualwebsite Remembering the late and great Patrick McGoohan, who would have turned 95 today. Put simply, the man was a genius and his unique legacy will live on forever. #theprisoner #genius

dangusset The perfect Fibonacci Spiral photo does not exi…
@chrisphin Wagner. “Don’t worry, there’s a really catchy number coming up. Just got to get through the first two operas.”
@Dru_Marland Grr. Thanks. This is the second bloody one I’ll be replacing on the bath then, probably. I thought the idea was that they lasted decades? #bringbacktuppenyrubberwashers

deathofbuckley This is the worst piece of cutlery I’ve ever used in my entire life and I once ate a yogurt with a biro x
@Dru_Marland You don’t happen to know if that works on disc ceramic tap valves too, do you? Been considering tackling my leaky bathroom trap with some…

genmon I made an AI clock for my bookshelves! It composes a new poem every minute using ChatGPT and mysteriously has this enthusiastic vibe which I am totally into
Hrm. Wordle 636 4/6
@stillawake @ChopsyBristol I really wish that M&S was still there, damn it.
@Kavey Get well soon both!

@WeirdBristol Can’t imagine…
@memizon @sherlockeditor @arkhamlibrarian Twitter needs a scratch-and-sniff option.
@DAvallone @sherlockeditor My local library managed to find one in the county reserve store and it was an experience in itself.…
@sherlockeditor @memizon “Some folk, of course, who talk glibly about the simple life when it is safely out of reach, betray themselves in camp by for ever peering about for the artificial excitements of civilisation which they miss.”
— The Camp of the Dog, 1908#pluscachangee

sherlockeditor Algernon Blackwood (14 March 1869 – 10 December 1951), bor#OTDTD in 1869. Prolific master of the weird tale, with The Wendigo and The Willows likely the best known, and creator of psychic investigator/occult detective Dr. John

My physics teacher told me it was the Bernoulli principle. Turns out it was the Masons all along.
Wow. Turns out if you actually sit down and read for a few hours, your books get read. Who’d’ve thunk it?
gralefrit The BBC has to appease the government. Appeasement is the only way to stop people comparing the situation to 1930s Germany.
Current status: one cookie warning pop-up away from going back to getting all my information from the wireless.
@rbrwr @KinetaHill Er, so does that mean the bus they’re recommending for me won’t actually pick me up?
This confusion of nonsense is one of the reasons people don’t use buses, isn’t it?
bristol247 Bristol Boaters say the fee hikes are “disproportionate and unequitable”…
@KinetaHill @rbrwr @KinetaHill Ta! Quite baffled as to how anyone would work that out if they didn’t already know… So, you can get on the P&R these days without a car? Never used to be able to, really annoyed me!

Bristol bus users! I’m trying to plan a journey, and the First website is telling me I need to take the “Number Port towards Shirehampton”. Can someone translate that into English for me (and why does it say “towards Shirehampton” when I’m going in the opposite direction!?) Ta!
@badamson Given how late this reply is, we may be the only two people who have ever wondered that!
Chinooks are loud. #bristol #helicopter #thwackathwackathwacka
StradlingColl Guided Harbourside Walk with Ed Hall
🌟Saturday 11th March
Entry to all our exhibitions remains free: events such as this help us raise much-needed funds to keep Ken’s vision alive and to assure the future of his delightful collection😊
@Kavey Yes! Dim sum or somewhere not too pricey; my Cambridge trip was expensive, vintage bargains notwithstanding ;)
@Kavey (My determination to stop anywhere *other* than a sodding motorway services continues to pay off!)
@Kavey Stopped in Northampton’s Vintage Retreat on the way back from Cambridge. Not only do they have a lovely art deco tearoom they also provided most of this setup for a very good price 😀

Oh, you know, just chilling out on a Sunday afternoon. (No, *you’ve* been reading too much Jeeves and Wooster and watching too much of the Maury Chaykin Nero Wolfe adaptation and got overexcited.)

philsturgeon Anyone want to see inside the Godzilla rhododendron?…
That’ll do.
Wordle 624 3/6

@KYPBristol It does look suspiciously Demerara-ish, doesn’t it?
@robsmallshire Sounds like we’re heading for a Columbo-style “accident”…
@stillawake @AlexH4rtley @PatDBMcAllister @RachelReevesMP @AniST I was similarly surprised when the hustings for Hotwells & Harbourside were held at Hotwells Primary School, opposite me, and remembered that neither my flat nor Hotwells Primary are in the Hotwells & Harbourside ward…

martr101 look how many trees were lost at #avoncrescent when Metrobus was built. Now the council is applying NOT to replace the £40,000 plus of trees that were obligated by the 2014 Metrobus planning consent. Council remains in breach of conditions 22/05943/X
@martr101 @StephenGibert @Glutenfreescone We applied last year for simple like-for-like permission to *repair* our Grade II* listed house. Not even been assigned to anyone yet. I don’t think they have the resources for the most basic things, let alone enforcement.
Not too bad.
Wordle 622 4/6

irinablok not so fresh start
@monisha_rajesh I’m fairly sure this is a galling discovery that many of us have eventually made. I imagine it’s one of those words that will simply gradually change meaning until it means what everyone expected it to mean in the first place!
@tardis_monkey They were all very generous in person. I particularly remember Gareth Thomas holding court in the bar at the Nexus convention back in 2000 and taking in his stride a request from a fan to sign her boob! 😂
@craigmod M-x doctor