This illness is affecting me mentally a lot more than physically. Completely incapable of focusing on anything.
It is a quarter to two. So far today, I have… Erm… Got up.
@hayles How did the wife get in your PJs in the first place? #oldonesarethebestones #badumtish
…but despite that, Echofon is still the nicest, most me-like and Mac-like Twitter client, I think.
Random thought #2: The new Echofon icon is not growing on me. It looks very drab now next to Skype and iChat. The old one was lovely.
Random thought: I really like chimneys.
@csoanes I admire your attitude, sir, but I’m not sure I can emulate it. We’ll see.
@andybeebristol Yeah. It’s not too bad so far, just drained all my energy. Probably don’t feel too much different from the average Sunday :)
Ugh. Definitely ill. On plus side, just slept for ten hours straight. And looked better when I woke up than I did in my dream of being ill.
@chrismarquardt Dopey buggers. But is the Zi8 any good? I enjoy the Zi6, but want stabilisation & less jerkiness when panning.
@csoanes I’m running tomorrow. Was going to try for 10K, but think I’ll have to see how I feel as I’m going. “Malaise” def. sums it up!
@andybeebristol Mmm. Think I’ll be hitting BTP later. Lovely-looking day for a walk.
RT @hotdogsladies: If an idea hurts, you probably put it in the wrong hole.
@amandapalmer Back off gently. I find green tea a good way of easing myself away from coffee, gradually swapping it in more and more.
@dressjunkie Hmm. Could go either way, I’d guess. If you normally run every other day, I’d not do two in a row. Stretches and nice walk?
Right. Definitely have some kind of illness. Nothing too bad so far, but supplementing my breakfast with a Lemsip.
@stephsteb Yes, indeed, was bloody good. Saw it last week.
@dressjunkie …but everyone’s different!
@dressjunkie Do you normally run two days in a row? I find it doesn’t help much…
@belfastbiker Incidentally, I just rebooted my Mac and the iTunes Store came back. If it’s not back for you, you might want to try that…
No matter how beautiful a piece of music, it will still irritate the hell out of you when looped over a DVD menu.
@Swishrelic If I were that vindictive, I’d be doing it at 7am, not 7pm.
@Swishrelic I am. But I need to wait for my hands to stop vibrating for a while before I do the next one.
The Georgians made their walls out of an alloy of flint and diamonds known as impentrablebastardidium. #factsimadeupwhiledrilling
@chrisphin I know what you mean. But it is bloody good when you need it. And so far I’m definitely up on the deal.
@bananza Enjoy!
Thanks for viewfinder-cleaning suggestions, all. Going for cotton bud & lens cleaner approach.
…it’s enough to make me wished I banked with them.
Wow! According to this mail, Halifax have “a newly established security server in which guarantees your maximum protection”.
@boagworld Because the amount of avocado-colour plastic available doesn’t double every 18 months :)
Think I’ve managed to take some good photos with that L lens. On the down side, if I have, that’ll make me want to buy one. #povertybeckons
@hayles Bah. Just headed down from Clifton. Am muzzy-headed and running a temperature, so probably best avoided anyway :)
@belfastbiker Yeah, it’s been dead for me all morning, and still dead now.
Having lunch in the Thali Cafe in Clifton Village.
How do people clean their viewfinders? The actual bit on the back of the camera, not the internal stuff…
@andybeebristol Noted, ta. And also my contacts, otherwise I do tend to steam up when taking photos in the cold!
@chrismarquardt And of course, for the Zi6, I just carry around a thousand or so spare AA batteries ;)
It also doesn’t help that my job involves reading medical claim descriptions all day long. #hypochondriac #butAtLeastItsNeverLupus
@Playleimagery Yeah. Not sure what it is I’ve got, but it’s definitely something that could turn into Something. Hmm. Hope not.
It is, of course, always a pleasure to see Merlin’s reviews of new Apple technology:
Hmm. Seem to be coming down with something. Ugh.
@richardjfoster …only have desire to add stuff to Stack Overflow about once a month. I’m sure they can live without me for a while!
@richardjfoster At some point, I’ll fix the plugin. Can’t give it my time at the moment; too busy with other stuff.
@richardjfoster I can’t get into my Stack Overflow account. Was using an OpenID server WordPress plugin that isn’t working any more!
Googled my problem. Found nothing. Spent 3 hours figuring out what was going on. Fixed it. Googled with new knowledge. Found answers.
@tsunimee ah! Makes sense now. And I see why they didn’t mention the word in school French lessons :)
@tsunimee I got all of that apart from “chier”, which is, of course, the important bit…
@rabidbee Nothing thrilling so far. Also, my shoulder hurts now.
Hefting some big “L” glass on front of the camera today. How the heck do people carry this stuff? It’s heavier than I am!
*shoop* *shoop* *shoop* *de-lang-a-lang*/*shoop shoop* *shoop* *de-lang-a-lang*… Yes, it’s a song-stuck-in-my-head morning.
@peter_hood nice one! Keep up the good work! #getrunning
@hannahnicklin my Twitter client just favourited that because he liked it so much.
Will someone reboot the internet for me? It’s got those cats on it again.
@tsunimee I never really started. Should do, as sometimes I just want to see “Bristol”, or “photographers”, or whatever.
@benjohnbarnes I still think there might be an ipad-shaped hole in my computing, it’s just not the one I was hoping to fill in :)
@benjohnbarnes Oh, I’m not demeaning it; it’s just that a cheaper, lighter device that still ran Coda and Scrivener would have made my day.
@philsherry Well, I would, but you appear to be wearing a vest made of impenetrable inline styling.
@teacherdude …but seems unlikely. So, if I can’t get the apps I normally use in cafés anyway, might as well get a netbook.
@teacherdude Thinking now the apps will decide it. Use two killer apps on Mac for writing and coding. If on iPad, will compel me more.
@teacherdude yup, but of course that decreases portability and ups the cost. Looks like a lovely device, but not sure it’s for me.
Hmm. @O2 data seems very flaky this morning. No data at all for last twenty mins, though connection looks fine… Maybe just Bristol?
@teacherdude No, especially if you’re a typing-mad idiot like me and want a real keyboard.
@pjakobs Guten Morgen!
@lizzclare And I am still… 16 stone, 12-and-a-half. But hey, that’s still a half-stone down from when I started running. *sigh*.
Some of my faith in Google was just restored. Try searching for “recursion” and check the “Did you mean…?” result… (via @Doener)
*Yawn* *Stretch* Right, Morning Pages out of the way, and time to get moving. Suppose if I’m only doing a half-day, should get in early!
Up nice and early. Afternoon off work (hurrah!) during which I shall probably be productive, around bursts of _Dexter_.
@sean_robbins Well, I think we can all be grateful for that :) Personally, it’s pyjamas for me. This flat’s too bloody draughty for nudity!
@jcroft GPS tracking apps. I want to do other stuff while logging my journey.
@joy_james Ahh, so it’s All Your Fault. Good.
Damn it, @lovefilm, I am a customer trying to rent a DVD. This advertising is offensively intrusive. I hate it.
@benparkatbjs Can’t comment on Virgin as it’s not the post-TeleWest bit (had uniformly awful TeleWest experience.)
@benparkatbjs Well, my experience is that BT have variable customer service, but generally awesome engineers.
Huzzah! Finally cleaned the bathroom. Before all the little dustbunnies joined into a single dustmonster and ambushed me.
Understand objections, but think if women feel safe enough to go to Tesco in their nightwear at 2am, that reflects quite well on community.
Listening to Radio 4 report on people, especially women, shopping in their pyjamas. Newsagent said it reflects badly on the local community.
@ScrivenerApp As is often the case, it’s the content owners and the legalities that are causing the gyp, not the actual technology. *sigh*
@ScrivenerApp Is the Kindle still in its half-arsed UK launch where you’ve got to use the US store and pay in dollars, too?
@DrHairbear Possible. But in that case, would have expected a small accompanying explanation along with the complete name & gender change :)
@chris_j_hughes It does, but “co-educational” sounds very British to me, oddly. Sadly constrained by Twitter in this case.
…and, yes, gender is more fluid nowadays. But it’s co-ed now, and I think it’s more likely there’s been more than one Matt Gibson there :)
Just got a Facebook friend request from a girl I don’t know who went to my school. Someone’s confused. It was boys-only when I was there!
@floyduk How did you manage that? Still amazed after Windows that this iMac hasn’t been reinstalled since I got it, in Jan 2006…
@benparkatbjs But then that is a bit like saying that something is less bad a film than The Phantom Menace.
@benparkatbjs Hmm. Is this Virgin as in used-to-be-TeleWest Virgin? Because if so, I’d definitely say BT.
@nja I would call it the Rincewind of software wizards, but it lacks the honesty and charm.
@benjohnbarnes …but in the end, may just be gloss that distracts me from actually bloody writing ;)
@benjohnbarnes I’ll still need to try/see keyboard options. Scrivener would be awesome with touch-drag corkboard.
@AndyCarolan I love it to bits. Don’t think I could watch it while doing something else though, would just keep standing and staring at it.
Starting my afternoon off in Boston Tea Party, getting slightly high on dark-roast latte. Bzzzzzzzz!
Holy molybdenum! Actually, forget my original point. I’d now just like to applaud my iPhone for correcting “holy moly” in such a fab way :)
@richardgould Heh. Have lots of friends there. They threw me a party. Worked there for two or three years, so got to know a few people ;)
@richardgould Well, it got cold again. And it was my birthday. And I went to Swindon for the weekend. Apart from that, no :)
@DrHairbear Erm. Well, hang on: the world can’t end today. I’ve still got stuff to do!
@teacherdude …because if nothing else, it might lower some prices.
@teacherdude Yes, am thinking of a netbook myself. Did seem slightly foolhardy to buy one before I knew what Apple are up to, though.
@talkie_tim Unusually, though, I didn’t feel like staying home and playing guitar until I got here.
Damn it. Am at work. And all I really want to do today is sit at home playing the guitar.
It strikes me that I should get in an anguished tweet about Twitter being down today _before_ Twitter goes down. I’ll be busy later.
@Phooto Yes, seems to have recovered. Just wasn’t loading at all for about five minutes.
I mean, I was expecting Twitter to die today, but not Flickr…
Morning all! Is Flickr unhappy? Where’s my early morning dose of pretty?
@hannahnicklin Hard for me, too. Does vary a lot, though. Luckily I’ve mostly done people who are used to being interviewed, which helps!
@hannahnicklin nah. Most important things about interviewing people are preparation, and keeping your mouth shut as much as you can.
@hayles Oooh! Although: just remembered I have a physio appointment at the gym up there on Thursday lunchtime. Followed by afternoon off!
@hayles Still not been there. Maybe this weekend.
@hayles Yup, sure:
How I spent my lunchtime: writing a random Bristol location generator, on a whim:…
Quite hoping that Steve Jobs goes on stage tomorrow, announces a new iPod shuffle, giggles, and leaves.
Today’s Sinfest comic particularly resonates:
@tsunimee “Jokily insouciant, especially in a context where being jokily insouciant would be seen as inapproprate or even offensive”.
@tsunimee yeah, think it’s both, but @ahnlak is right that it’s most often used in a negative context. Can I alter my answer, to:
@tsunimee Hmmm. Erm, “jokily insouciant”, maybe?
@tsunimee Me too. But at least I’ve had some sleep. And have massage booked after work. :D. Got to make the best of it somehow!
Morning early birds! Everybody happy?
I am a photographist, not a terrorer.
@csoanes And I bet they do it with “high” importance, too.
What’s a good resource for beginner’s info on fartlek training? Possibly including list of jokes about its silly name…
@dktom Well, it’s bad enough they have to handle bank robbers without giving them a terrorist to deal with, too…
@pouss It doesn’t help that half the people at Uni used nicknames…
What the hell _is_ it that’s injecting a floating iframe into Wikipedia? Odd Wikipedian javascript, or something more sinister?
@talkie_tim Ah, clearly you are more advanced than we are :)
@hannahnicklin It’s possible that you’ve spent just a smidge too much time on the internet.
How come whenever someone sends a 25Mb “All Staff” email, it always turns out to be a small, crap looking JPEG that’s the culprit?
Erm — do I know a Darren Brown? Just had FB friend request, but I didn’t think I knew any Darrens…
@leigh Have heard good things about those sonic repellant thingies, but no personal experience.
@chris_j_hughes Yup, watching the pilot.
@shezza_t Is it the good looks, the money, or the DVD?
@technex sorry, looks like you’re a robot to me.
About to watch Dexter, for the first time.
@l080100 Hmm. If it were me, I’d keep a photo of them, but not keep the actual shoes. But I don’t have much space!
@technex I’ll tell you, but only if you type the following word in your reply: ʍAʌD0Liʌ.
While dado rails were designed for furniture, I find they also work for protecting wallpaper from dirty trainers while stretching ;)
@getrunningapp Looks like my ADSL is back. Planning on running Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and coding Tuesday and Thursday this week :)
@getrunningapp Rather stymied by my birthday and BT’s killing my phone and ADSL. Hopefully back on track this week!
@benjohnbarnes Ah, no, now I see what you did there! Sorry, am reading bass-ackwards at the moment.
@Sam_Currie Ah, right. Never heard of ‘em. Suppose the only time I bought a Mac in a shop I was in a hurry, & it was a couple of years ago.
@Sam_Currie Erm… What’s a one to one?
@Jorence I kept to 5K during the week, and stretched distance at the weekends. After stretching the distance, be nice to yourself next run!
@Jorence Think I did 6K, then 8K, then 10K. Mostly going out on a route that was easy to add bits to, and adding when I felt good, on a whim
@Jorence I can certainly keep my “cruising” 5k pace up for 10k, so yeah, double your time for today should be reasonable guess.
@Jorence well, at the moment I’m aiming for one hour ten, maybe? But am lardy & quite slow.
Oh, and as @kshack22 asked — here’s the platoon of partially piratical party people:
On the way home today I spent my Christmas John Lewis vouchers on a rug: and a clock:
Facebook definitely needs both “Sympathise” and “Point and Laugh” buttons in addition to “Like”.
@hayles One of those nice, minimalist, “this is me, go here for X, Y Z” always appealed to me. But I never got around to it.
I have not been running since Wednesday. And I don’t think I’m going today, either. Still, have birthday-related excuses. Will go tomorrow.
@tsunimee Yah, me too, actually. V. tired. Long day, followed by sleeping on someone else’s sofa. Which wasn’t bad, but wasn’t bed.
@chris_j_hughes @scottejames give Vera a chorus of Happy Birthday from me!
Ahh, young Zach. Was _I_ ever this happy and enthusiastic about the world in general?
Friends have thrown pirate party for me! Arrrr!
@Phooto Must be v. dangerous there, bearing in mind the dopiness of one’s actions is directly related to the number of cameras around.
@gary8345 @asic69 A deserved break, people :) Would be there if it didn’t clash with plans today. Hope it’s going well.
@Playleimagery I can absolutely see the appeal. Just doesn’t seem to work for me, even the best stuff. More Morrissey than Marmite, for me!
@BTCare Thanks, done.
I’m going to have to stop having lunch at lunchtime. Far too many damn people. #misanthropy
@TaraBusch So, that’s basically a commando-style neti pot? A few people I know swear by those things…
Ooooohoooh. A shell prompt for your browser, basically. Quix.
@Playleimagery I think I may have seen it. But I never got the hang of anime, unfortunately.
@serafinowicz Depends. Are my other options paying more or building my own plane?
On the plus side, one of my photos has just been used in a French book on the motorcycle in society, apparently. Strange, but true.
Oh, fab. Have no phone/ADSL at home. Not even a dial tone. BT say problem at exchange and an engineer will be allocated on Monday.
@talkie_tim “Are we there yet, Dad?”
“Don’t make me fetch the sky marshall again, Master Navigator.”
@paulahillier Good question. Just wasn’t paying enough attention, and it crept up on me before I noticed. Still, was a good day.
@scottejames In that case, you were probably carrying the poles wrong.
When am I going to learn that when I eat at my desk, sandwiches consisting mainly of grated cheese are a really bad choice? #squishykeyboard
@dressjunkie Hurrah!
@Infadels *giggle*
@laurashav Search for them wisely/In both Spring coat and Winter/The seasons confuse.
@mistymaria *hug* it is heading in the right direction now, at least.
@Infadels Oh, come on. Who _doesn’t_ have a thing for @caitlinmoran?
Bleh. Headachey. Running late. Firefox being rubbish. Bleh.
@ahnlak Never even considered calling my ISP. Not the first thing I think of when I don’t even have a dialling tone…
@chris_j_hughes …and we have a winner! Geodefense it is!
Right. Going to take advantage of lack of phone & broadband, and watch _Moon_. Hurrah for ol’ fashioned DVDs!
@Playleimagery If you say so!
…or at the right times. I’ll see if my memory kicks in. My memory is much rubbisher without a broadband connection to help it out :)
@hayles Love dropbox because the stuff is still there locally when the cloud goes away, but yeah, doesn’t help if it’s not online at all…
RT @hayles: is there some sort of free software that will sync certain folders, etc to a memory stick, working on Mac and Windows?
@hayles Sorry, my memory seems to have failed.
@hayles Hrm. So, like only with physical media? Think I saw a stick that came with something like that bundled, once. Erm.
@shezza_t @OpinionatedGeek Ta. Never understood Sudoku appeal but will have shufti at Risk.
@hayles Yeah, no idea how I missed that entire promo. Christmas stresses me too much, I guess.
@hayles But yes, will have to get that when I’m better connected. Ta!
@hayles gah! Great idea, but apparently it’s more than 10Mb. No ADSL, no download. Damn.
Can anyone recommend an iPhone game you can play while lying on your back? Seriously!
@hayles Not a chance. It might be infectious.
@scottejames @chris_j_hughes Hey, I didn’t say I suspected _bad_ high jinks :) Thanks sweeties! Love you all! May your snow be plentiful!
Have just been tagged in a Facebook photo from this year’s snowboarding holiday… Which I’m not on. Have suspicion of high jinks occurring!
@Jorence Applied pie sounds like a class at Clown University. Applied Pie 101: Trajectory Basics.
Thanks for birthday wishes, all. Would reply more personally, but foolishly didn’t think of taking today off work!
@dressjunkie Isn’t any seasonal flu jab a similarly new vaccine? (Honest question; I don’t know.)
On my favourite boat today. Small and wooden, that’s how I like my ferries. <insert your own joke here>.
@benjohnbarnes Nooooooooo! Sucky McSuck. Well, enjoy the view, and get well quick!
@gary8345 Merci bien, monsieur!