Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 15th, 2010

And what the hell did I do in @echofon to make it want to keep tweeting my location? Have I just started hitting the button accidentally?

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@benjohnbarnes No idea, I’m afraid. Can’t see it from here, and I don’t use it as primary mail.

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@benjohnbarnes The wiki has alternative contact addresses on the main page, though, if you want to ask someone.

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@Narshada it does help to have something specific.

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Forget about efficiency. Someone could make a mint inventing a fluourescent bulb whose default failure mode isn’t “flicker like a bastard”.

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@hannahnicklin can’t do anything about self-hosted (i.e. built using wordpress.ORG code) sites, no.

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Playing with Google suggestions. Thanks to @questsuggest for the idea!

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@lovefilm I’ve got Sigourney Weaver as Hannibal, Angelina Jolie as Face, and Megan Mullally as Murdock. Any suggestions for BA?

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Friend of mine just suggested Oprah as BA, to go with my previous list.

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Oh, screw you, Adobe. Why should updating Reader require a sodding reboot?

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@Ihnatko Cool. Incidentally, I can really see you with a helper monkey. Maybe you should consider it.

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Home, home at last. What an interminable week. Now. To chill.

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The awfulness of a commercial TV station can be metered by counting the number of ad breaks between the start of Columbo and the murder.

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Playing with the Get Running website.

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@richardgould Were they throwing a holy hand grenade at the time?

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