Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 2016

@rachel_2407 Likewise. I was at BCWA/Simplyhealth on Victoria Street. Used to pass every day on way to get coffee at Baristas :)

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Despite its odd bulb wattage requirements, I’m quite enjoying the ridiculously oversized lamp.

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@guriben I’ve gone with LED. They’re definitely getting better.

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“Do you sell 54-Watt light bulbs? Yes, it is a very specific requirement. What for? An act of minor rebellion.”

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@dave_ja Not sure. Bit of a surprise for me; used to work on Victoria Street but not walked this way for ages.

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Weird to see this building standing alone now.

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Tired. Doing the morning pages while I await 10am dentist appointment.

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Why yes, I *am* a child of the 1980s. Why do you ask?

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This is the Rocky Road at @AhhToots. And people wonder why I live in Bristol.

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That time of the night. @ Pump House, Bristol

via Instagram from Bristol, England

Sausage roll, Little India IPA, The Secret Agent’s Bedside Reader… @ Pump House, Bristol

via Instagram from Bristol, England

I *think* I can remember what film’s in it.

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pattonoswalt I hope the SETI signal is the new Bowie/Prince collaboration.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:14 AM, Aug 30th, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

When quietly reading a @jephjacques comic turns into spending half an hour looking up ASMR on teh internets.…

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@rstevens I think the packet design does a good job of telling you what you’re in for.

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@ahnlak This is the specific instance (though I was listening to the album version.)…

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@Cookwitch I wasn’t hot. No bloody idea why. *Stares at betrayer-bed harshly*

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The plaintive whalesong of a prog rock guitar break.

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@rstevens @nerdygrrl If you’re ever in the UK you may want to sample pickled onion flavour Monster Munch ;)

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@emmajanehw I get that double if I’ve also just mopped the bathroom floor and therefore can’t walk on it.

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“The piercing sweetness of a real pineapple”…

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@Bristolvor All I have done so far is failed dismally at the Times crossword and had a shower.

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That thing where you wake up at 5am and think you might as well get up.

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@tyronem You may want to adjust that pre-run snack of a hundred anchovies and a pound of caviar.

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📷 A board from Moorish here, with a bonus background of some Upfest art and a stallholder wondering why…

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@saltwateritch @samsneed12 “What the HELL WERE YOU THINKING!?” said the big bad wolf to the little-known fourth piggy.

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I’ve had this little car for eleven years now.

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Salmon and quail’s egg sushi. Cute.

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*”stanchion” trends on Google search*

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Ah. The funny noises and the reallocated sector count of 38,616 would seem to indicate that this disk is a little unhappy.

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theloop Can’t believe this sound comes out of a frog. -

via (retweeted on 12:31 PM, Aug 27th, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

Omelette, gentille omelette/Omelette, je te

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@Bristolvor It really did look like that. Freshly minted reality.

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@_pigeons_ I’ve stuck them in my rucksack. Hit me up when next we meet.

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@_pigeons_ I very definitely have some A76es spare.

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Huh? No, I never see anything odd when walking through .

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WIRED Dear Internet: This is not fine. None of this is fine.

via SocialFlow (retweeted on 8:08 PM, Aug 25th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@domwakeling Thank you! This is my first excursion into buying anything other than bog-standard stuff — will add Deep Dark Blue to my list.

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@UrsulaWJ Quite glad. I was outdoors the last two days and pretty much boiled over.

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Ready to try a few new inks in place of my old faithful Quink.

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ESO Earth-mass planet found in habitable zone around

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I had forgotten that Cordelia named her poltergeist “the phantom Dennis”. Excellent.

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Huh? Why, what’s it meant to say?

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@Kavey My friend Nick made the pod. Temporary installation at Berwick Lodge

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Afternoon tea. @ Berwick Lodge Bristol

via Instagram from South West, England

@Bristolvor I’d say they’re equally professional, but that the briefcase will *look* more professional to a subset of managers over 50.

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@danbarker Does it feel like we’re closer or further away from triggering Article 50?

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@shezza_t I *just* reduced it to stubble. It’ll be back.

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This really is a dispiritingly slow process.

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Yes, planning on freezing a *teensy* bit for the future.

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lukejerram I’m Seeking to employ Bristol based puzzlemaker/codebreaker for new ACE funded arts project. Know anyone? email me

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 4:36 PM, Aug 22nd, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

New specs. Also: time for a shave and a haircut, I think.

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Anyway. Back home. And my car’s dents and scratches are gone. And it only cost £90. DentMagic Bristol are very good at what they do.

via Tweetbot for iΟS from Bristol

lilydoughball Hey @googlemaps I’m pretty sure that’s not where LPL is

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 2:56 PM, Aug 22nd, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@RellyAB I’m a forty three year old bloke and I could probably do with that, too.

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@BonjourBlogger Please may I add a vote for “discrete/discreet”? People always go to pieces when they’re trying to be subtle.

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@ahnlak I’m on one of those retail parks where it looked like the best option because it was nearest and it might rain.

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The music in this McDonalds is stuff I might have enjoyed when I was twelve. Place rammed with middle-aged men, like me, hating it. Odd.

via Tweetbot for iΟS from Bristol, England

@hayles Yeah, it was definitely the direction they were trying to head in. I think I first heard of it on Tomorrow’s World!

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Wondering what Mondo reminded me of I finally remembered the Mondex flop.…

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@hayles (Next time I will also make sure to bring noise-cancelling headphones.)

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@hayles I wish I’d asked in advance. Still, useful to know if my car needs another trip to DentMagic.

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Then again, the music is already making me want to stab plastic knives in my ears. Shazam tells me it’s Leona Lewis. It’s too damn loud.

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It’s not vile. And I’d compare the McMuffin favourably to an alleged Eggs Benedict I was once served in a (now-defunct) Bristol cafe/bar.

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@iamTRA if this is a 100% increase in quality, I’m glad I didn’t try the McMuffin back then. Still, I’ve had worse.

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Probably the first time I’ve set foot in fifteen years…

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@salisbury_matt Here’s hoping you’ll have more call today for the adjective rather than the verb.

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@benjohnbarnes Technically, he was over two hundred years old at that point 😃

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@JHellings @griffinkate Helpfully, the shortcut for that I was suggesting looks like it was removed ages ago.…

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I had forgotten about Angel’s occasional suboptimal superhero moments.

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@griffinkate Are you clicking on a link to the file? Try alt-click; might force the download immediately. Not 100% sure with Firefox, though

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@nfkadam Heh. Listers is the place where I bought a car for the first time.

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nfkadam Just found 100s of Victorian plans + documents on Borough High St. No idea what to do.

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 6:37 PM, Aug 21st, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

*Puts on sunglasses*

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roostermustache Me: could i have a pepsi

Waiter: is pepsi ok- OMG *eyes getting watery* finally

Me: *smiling through tears* yeah

*we kiss*

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 5:31 PM, Aug 21st, 2016 via Tweetbot for Mac)

@saltwateritch Crisp, light, intensely flavoured. Deffo worth a try. Though they think you’re a bit strange if you order them to go 😬

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Oooh. Rose of Denmark’s homemade pork scratchings. @saltwateritch

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@saltwateritch Hrm… Someone told me the Rose of Denmark make their own…

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Have come to a pub without a book. God. Might have to contemplate the meaning of existence, or something.

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I went to the Tobacco Factory market and lost my head.

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@RellyAB Yeah. I did try them for a year, but we didn’t really get on. Can you get a deal on second alternative pair to keep options?

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@amandavin Gravity. Which I did in the end play, and which was very good.

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@Kavey Not this month, but could in Sep?

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@benjohnbarnes Yeah, I’m okay. Always been quite crap at getting around to watching films.

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@Kavey Witherspoon’s very good in Wild; I just seem to need to be in exactly the right mood to watch any new (to me) films at the mo.

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@Kavey Last was _Wild_; this one’s _Gravity_.

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Yet again, I start watching a film at long last, get five minutes in and pause it to decide if I can cope with it. Last one took a month.

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@CharlieEsq_ Wonder if it’s time for my annual re-watch of Sneakers…

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Hurrah! Another @DownAndSafe has arrived, so it’s Blake’s 7 time.

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troyhunt You know how law enforcement is always after more tracking and more personal data? Yeah, that cuts both ways:…

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 2:27 PM, Aug 20th, 2016 via Twitter Web Client)

📷 Nice boardwork from Los Hermanos. (Yes, I am also thinking of Breaking Bad.)

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@benorgan I reckon I could squeeze my car in there, leaving exactly no room at all for them to open their driver’s door…

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@justan0therdave Mm. Only went there once and my flat white was lukewarm. Hate that. Will give them another chance another day.

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Ah! Yes, as @chubbybannister points out, it’s Hanoi Coffee Company. Good flat white.

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Okay, good coffee was not far away. Thanks, Vietnamese Coffee Co.

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.@hayles a) awesome. b) place is pop-up smokehouse actually called Low & Slow, @HarbourMarket

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Trying to perfect one of my hobbies. Also: pulled pork and chipotle peach sauce in brioche from Low & Slo.

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Might have lunch at the @HarbourMarket but need to find a decent coffee somewhere first… Tough on the Centre!

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@AlasdairStuart I hope they went and discussed short fiction somewhere.

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@AlasdairStuart Did anyone walk out? I can’t quite imagine myself wanting to stay and watch.

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danbarker It’s important to share experiences & have things in common with your partner.

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BBCRadio4 🎺 Recorded at 30th Street Studios in NYC in two sessions in 1959. The story of Kind of Blue

via SocialFlow (retweeted on 8:40 PM, Aug 19th, 2016 via Twitter for iPad)

@labfoo …so now I’m doing a secure erase on a 4TB drive over USB 2. I’d take a hammer to it it wasn’t going back for warranty replacement!

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@labfoo Yeah, most of mine are encrypted but I didn’t think to look at the options when I set up the Synology…

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24 hours and counting. I should probably buy a newer external drive caddy, but I only use it about twice a year.

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That’s quite impressive in a 20mph zone.…

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RexRizzo Wired: “Machine learning will TAKE OVER THE WORLD!”

Amazon: “We see you bought a wallet. Would you like to buy ANOTHER WALLET?”

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 4:49 PM, Aug 19th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

On today’s Twitter you’re never more than one tap away from a gibbering bigot. I don’t think the quality filter will help with that problem.

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Are they taking the clingfilm off the Leigh tower?

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jdawsey1 NYC parks department on naked Trump statue: “NYC Parks stands firmly against any unpermitted erection in city parks, no matter how small.”

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 10:03 PM, Aug 18th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@Kavey Feels like you need to experiment along these

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@GrinandBarrick When I did that someone explained the rules to me and then I wrote a random player picker. Came third, I seem to remember.

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@CharlieEsq_ This may be the case. Been a few months since I worked up that way.

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Now to generate an RMA for this WD drive. Still, that’s what RAIDs are for.

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@ahnlak @Bristolvor It was. Though I will admit to cheating and using a quick BBC recipe that called for pre-made curry paste.

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@siracusa Oh, I see. Yes, agreed; immediate keel-hauling is called for.

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@RellyAB Ulysses? Christ. I only just finished Three Men in a Boat, and that was hard enough on my summer attention span.

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@jbrownridge …will definitely artificially inflate the reviews. Hard to know what to believeal

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@jbrownridge …but I do think that some of those good Amazon reviews may be genuine. But that sending out free stuff to review…

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@jbrownridge …that many of those reviews were complaining that the user was forced to leave a 5* review to unlock an app feature. Sigh.

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@jbrownridge I bought an app on iTunes the other day on the basis of lots of 5* reviews. Turned out…

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@jbrownridge Interesting. Not on Amazon, but I do get sent things for free a few times a year and review them as impartially as I can…

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LegacyFilmUK Don’t miss documentary-style queer feminist science fiction film Born in Flames on 7 Sept!…

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 11:21 AM, Aug 18th, 2016 via Tweetbot for iΟS)

@CharlieEsq_ I know what you mean. Generally settled on Latimers when in that mood, but they’re much more sarnie-type stuff.

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@B247Martin Ooh, I do love a milk stout. And the Three Tuns.

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@lilydoughball Hermes, the Greek God who used to transport souls to the afterlife two streets over from the one they were meant to go to.

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@mhoulden I need to work on my beard-trimming, but I got fairly

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Film4 Later tonight at 11.15pm, we’re going back to the 80s for John Hughes’s classic teen movie The Breakfast Club.

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I’d retweet that if it didn’t have a spelling mistake.

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@Bristolvor You’ll have to fight Nicki for it. This is not a course of action I’d recommend.

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@FelicityMorse This sounds like an excellent way to validly claim expenses for booze. For weeks. 👏

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That’s actually more random than I was expecting. Glad I won’t be typing that one.

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@FelipeAzucares No, but thank you for the tip! Forgotten how much I like Steve Reich. (Not minimalist, but I like Niklas Aman for writing)

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