@benjohnbarnes Technically, he was over two hundred years old at that point 😃
@JHellings @griffinkate Helpfully, the shortcut for that I was suggesting looks like it was removed ages ago. support.mozilla.org/en-US/question…

I had forgotten about Angel’s occasional suboptimal superhero moments. pic.twitter.com/jaoHOUz9zG
@griffinkate Are you clicking on a link to the file? Try alt-click; might force the download immediately. Not 100% sure with Firefox, though
@nfkadam Heh. Listers is the place where I bought a car for the first time.

nfkadam Just found 100s of Victorian plans + documents on Borough High St. No idea what to do. pic.twitter.com/vl61eik0SC
@hayles *imagination runs wild*
*Puts on sunglasses*
@hayles That sounds somewhat… Screwy.
@hayles What gives it away?
roostermustache Me: could i have a pepsi
Waiter: is pepsi ok- OMG *eyes getting watery* finally
Me: *smiling through tears* yeah
*we kiss*

Bunting. pic.twitter.com/WKZqsId14t
📷 Closed for love. tmblr.co/ZD7hNx2B1L7-B
@saltwateritch Crisp, light, intensely flavoured. Deffo worth a try. Though they think you’re a bit strange if you order them to go 😬
@guriben @saltwateritch My thoughts exactly.

Oooh. Rose of Denmark’s homemade pork scratchings. @saltwateritch pic.twitter.com/yl99MpvaFR
@saltwateritch Should I investigate? Am just passing.
@saltwateritch Hrm… Someone told me the Rose of Denmark make their own…

Have come to a pub without a book. God. Might have to contemplate the meaning of existence, or something. pic.twitter.com/61PazUePmv

Ullo dowgs. instagram.com/p/BJXxS0kAiKD/

I went to the Tobacco Factory market and lost my head. pic.twitter.com/GkOfCpVioP