@iamtheshunt1 Me, returning from Broadmead. pic.twitter.com/lEJbBU2erL

unamccormack “I hope this email finds you well.”
How the email found me: pic.twitter.com/Esw46sCZdD
DrakeGatsby “It takes money to make money” yes thank you I also like to say annoying and unhelpful things

doctorow In 1983, Radio Shack published Forrest M Mims, III’s “Getting Started in Electronics,” which @Frauenfelder calls “probably the most famous and best-selling book about electronics” - famous not just for its outstanding instructional value but for its striking design.
1/ pic.twitter.com/pFiJ0ZPZ8u

Crossing the streams. pic.twitter.com/q3lUAgzKVD
@iamtheshunt1 Only done that once since lockdown started and by handy coincidence it was during a torrential rainstorm so there were bugger-all people about. Was it bad?

Apparently the council has run out of the more standard “parking bay not in use” covers. #Bristol pic.twitter.com/iqd7S18znJ
@craigmod Personally, I’d estimate we’re 99% of the way there.
njj4 @pozorvlak The previous head of maths here once justified the department’s existence by “any other method of looking after this group of people would be more expensive”.
jefflembeck We, as an industry, really like to pretend that coding is the hard part. We do this when we interview. We do this when we plan and work. It’s immensely common and it’s so far from the truth.
@thekarleighshow They’re what my dad used to run in, funnily enough. I have high arches and (back in the days when I did run, at least…) Mizuno worked for me, though the styling was quite variable.

Random Google Photos animation from a recent walk with @Bingo_Little and @Avon_Stories pic.twitter.com/rygwLR3TRC
ctrlshifti this might be the best thing i’ve ever read
@chubbybannister Quite glad I didn’t listen this week, by the sound of it.
@iamtheshunt1 I have also just started a week’s holiday, and this is how my media server started celebrating. Still, at least it’s only one drive of a redundant pair, and I didn’t realise 4TB drives had dropped to the hundred-quid mark…

Story of my morning, really. pic.twitter.com/9JWjXaqXGO
@chubbybannister Looked out my nice woolly hoody this week. Two weeks ago I ditched the quilt in favour of a single sheet because it was too hot to sleep. MAKE YOUR MIND UP WEATHER.
@4r7hr Yup. Though I’m elderly so when I was 13 or 14 it was before I had the internet and I used to meet people from CB radio 😂

@shezza_t @seanddotmedotuk @OpinionatedGeek It seems not. Pretty happy with that, but no idea what I’m doing differently to get something vaguely appropriate. pic.twitter.com/2mcJXp265S
Otto_English Bloody Germans blocking Brexit yet again twitter.com/Kent_Online/st…
@dangusset How is it for glasses-steaming?
@benjohnbarnes Does it happen to you a lot? Can’t recall it happening to me before.
Well, that’s my Wiccan Illuminati Yoga night right out of the window, then… twitter.com/eaton/status/1…
@bdkjones But if you get into that sort of thing these days there are massive, thriving communities of all sorts of makers, a bazillion times more easily-accessible advice and tons of online shops for parts.
@MandinaM Yeah, it wasn’t an email or anything, it was on Amazon’s website when I tried to buy something.
@JKWickss Not just me, then, at least…
Why is Amazon insisting that I change my password? The one I’m using was randomly-generated and isn’t used elsewhere. Did they get hacked?

MarshsLibrary The sound of the 16th century book pic.twitter.com/sOefYwvRqj
@tsunimee Moved house to somewhere with a room I could use as an office.
SoVeryBritish Your washing’s still outside, isn’t it?
@Kavey Purely for the email address.
I just impulse-bought a domain name for the first time in several years. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

PDLComics nice notebook pic.twitter.com/3kpgNv9QUQ
ivortossell I keep seeing this video going around! Some of these water bombers are based in my hometown and I’ve had the chance to tour them and watch them practice, and they are absolutely as cool as they look here. So you, gentle reader, are going to get some PLANE FACTS. twitter.com/RexChapman/sta…
@dangusset I’ve had a car crimp connector tool with little built in bolt cutters that I’ve been using to trim things like since I was 17. Average time between uses: about four years. 😀

unamccormack Admiral Ackbar pic.twitter.com/AblzGrvR4F

se1 Borough tube station has reopened this morning - now open daily 7am-7pm.
Plenty of copies of 18 March Evening Standard still here - the last day the station was open. pic.twitter.com/e8rh9FMfSo

Well, that escalated quickly. pic.twitter.com/UceEUYm1M4
rothgar Someone asked me today what it takes to successfully onboard someone remotely. Here’s my wish list as an employee who has been onboarded 100% remote a couple of times
@saltwateritch No wonder Ocado have been out of stock…

@dangusset Must’ve felt just like George Cowley when he had it fitted. pic.twitter.com/GDbQDdDOyQ
@CharlTaylorPage I find myself comforted by how much of my “emergency kit” overlaps, right down to the little glasses-repair screwdriver :D

colintempleton St Enoch Square, Glasgow pic.twitter.com/ax2dOBCOh8
Dear God, but _The Tree of Life_ is a very, very boring film. Just given up.

AI6MS Really sad to see this radio site destroyed by the fires tonight. I spent many hours helping install antennas and radios on this 180ft tower. This is the last image from the @AlertWildfire camera that was mounted there. 😥🔥 Stay safe everyone. @CAL_FIRE @calfireSCU pic.twitter.com/fOcycyfMhz
Feeling a teensy bit seen. twitter.com/fususalhikam/s…
@aptshadow I think you should rebrand it as “being very dashing.”
Finding it hard to be arsed today so I’m going to have a cuppa and watch Groundhog Day on Netflix.
I had no idea my perfect cable TV channel existed until today. twitter.com/MLE_Online/sta…
@chubbybannister I’m wilting.
@Nick_Pettigrew WarGames.
@Catreia I had one for years, and I can’t even remember why I switched back to a traditional chair. Might just’ve felt like a change. Right now I just want some variation!
Personally I’m thinking of buying one of those kneeling chairs, so at least I’m not sitting in exactly the same chair for weekday work and evening/weekend geekery.
@Bristolvor *hug*
GaryDelaney I once went trophy hunting and accidentally shot the man in Timpsons.
@benjohnbarnes Solid choices. I’ve had mine since 2015 and they’re still going strong and I still enjoy using them.
@jukesie Nice! Hope you find something you like!
jukesie @gothick I’m taking this to the extreme… looking at a studio/solo office tomorrow so I can escape 😂
It’s been a while since you hurriedly scraped together that work-from-home setup. Maybe take another look now and see if there’s any way you can make things more pleasant for yourself?
Jesus Christ, #thearchers, I’m alone on lockdown in 2020 during a global pandemic. If I want to hear an anxious interior monologue I don’t have to turn the radio on.

JennyGaschke Tristram Paul Hillier, The Inner Pool, Bristol, 1960 - Hillier was born in Beijing in 1905. His artistic training took him from London to Paris. He spent time in the south of France & Spain. Hillier was influenced by Dalí & French Neo-Romanticism… pic.twitter.com/Yow0BYSqjq
@jukesie Cool, yeah, should be nicer for buses now, as they’ve got some more roads to themselves :)
@jukesie Good luck! (You’re not driving, are you? I spent about half an hour finding my way home yesterday as I was completely bamboozled by the road changes since I last drove through the centre!)
@ScarredForLife2 Oddly I found the tumours far less creepy than the completely faceless man from Assignment Four.
MarcSnetiker lol who called it The Crucible and not Subpoena the Teenage Witch
SimonLandmine From the chat in tonight’s virtual Sacrilege club night …
“Remember, when a goth dies, they join the chorus of ‘This Corrosion’.”
@Bristolvor @CountessPidders @chrise17 I had a few episodes on DVD a while back. It has dated fairly badly. Often the way with groundbreaking shows that everybody rushes to emulate. Still some good one-liners and a pleasant feeling of nostalgia, but I wouldn’t rush to find it.
@chubbybannister I upgraded some forum software, nearly killed @_pigeons_ by subjecting her to the vagaries of Paul’s prize cryptic in today’s guardian, and watched @covid_comedy. On the whole, surprisingly good.
@SergeyBiryukov I know it was only a typo, but that’s got to be the shortest elapsed time between raising a bug and seeing it fixed I’ve in years 😅

xkcdComic COVID Risk Comfort Zone xkcd.com/2346/ m.xkcd.com/2346/ pic.twitter.com/RWQJK2Tlxe
JonathanLHoward Isn’t it adorable? Early models used a jet engine called the Halford Goblin. I always love British names for military hardware.
UK name: Mr Murgatroyd’s Pixie Bomb Bus
I digress.

defnotscifi Today’s pointlesss obsession is this Japanese hotel that looks like a UFO landing on a block of council flats.
This view faces north, across the Sea of Japan, towards Siberia. For reasons I will not attempt to understand, it has a German name ‘Hotel Neuschloss’. pic.twitter.com/kUgwm0TLLB

Expect thunderstorms early in the morning at 5 PM? Go home, Siri, you’re drunk. pic.twitter.com/CfCfqMACoz

A somewhat ironic choice for this evening’s Zoom get-together. pic.twitter.com/ekYLiIifBR
unamccormack JUST. FUCKING. RAIN.

Who else got a Terrahawks image? twitter.com/techinsider/st… pic.twitter.com/5ToFkQjO6v
@chubbybannister My guess would be the heat.
JonathanLHoward “God preserve us,” I cried. “Shoggoths!”
“Worse,” said Armitage grimly. “Shaggoths.” twitter.com/NiamhAWalsh/st…
“We are happy! We are merry! We got a rhyming dictionary!” twitter.com/hehewaitwhut/s…
(Excuse the wobble. My other tip is that an ironing board makes a great padded, adjustable-height table for changing your strings, but they aren’t that stable 😃)

String winder. One of those £3 plastic tools that really makes life easier. pic.twitter.com/fgKH9A0obk
Oooh, it’s @yumhoneyblood on BBC Scotland…
I see we’re now through my “goldilocks zone”, i.e. the three days of the year in between me feeling so cold I’m thinking of sticking the heating on again and me feeling too bloody hot.
@barnoid Aww. I remember running Gem desktop on my 80186 board.
What has he done with George and Zippy? twitter.com/bethanyrutter/…

Seriously, though, would anyone who can collect from Bristol (Hotwells) like a stack of Interzones? A spotty, incomplete collection in very average condition, but stretching back to the 1980s and including hundreds of great SF stories… twitter.com/gothick/status… pic.twitter.com/WnN6XZpMul
*Waves from behind curtains* twitter.com/andreajordan66…

swanseastones Yes, yes, we know - Twitter Guy goes on about these authors all the time. All. The. Time.
But he’s allowed to because he’s a bookseller and he has the keys to the Twitter.
Buy all four for the best week ever. Best. Week. Ever.
Go on, dare you. pic.twitter.com/ywlo3HLINT
@benwhiting @dayoneapp All of that, plus I recently asked an oddball support question about a relatively obscure feature of the Mac app and got a live chat reply from someone who really knew what they were talking about within minutes.
benwhiting When you pay a recurring #subscription for an app, you fear the developer will get complacent and stop improving the app.
Not the case with @dayoneapp. They are never satisfied, continually improving—and I continue to be a happy subscriber.#journalingg

briscoepark Photos about loneliness pic.twitter.com/C71ItcqIvk
Scientists rename human genes to stop Microsoft Excel from misreading them as dates theverge.com/2020/8/6/21355… via @verge
@njj4 I really must watch that at some point.
tithenai Now Hugo/Nebula/Locus/BSFA-award-winning! twitter.com/tithenai/statu…
@4r7hr Nice. Glad I spotted the pangram!
Of course, the next question is, given that my chances of re-reading them are very slim (I can barely keep up with the new ones!), what’s best to do with them…

My decluttering work has now reached magazine level, specifically the @TTApress Interzone and Black Static layer. It’s a very spotty IZ collection, but it does stretch back as far as Spring 1998… pic.twitter.com/IcVwUpZClB
Yeah, sex is nice and all, but have you ever had an iCloud photo actually fucking sync when you wanted it to?
@chubbybannister Timeless tweet.
@benjohnbarnes I was doing both, though I only noticed the effect as I was recording. Quite enjoyed my imaginary two-metre monitor :D
@4r7hr Oooh, I have a day off today, maybe I’ll follow up this morning’s Times with the Nutmeg. Used to do both every day, back when I was a gentleman of leisure.
@word_geek I think this probably has more to do with the decline in my reading per se. Also: dear holy Jesus Christ I do not need any more books right now.

Gosh. So, I suppose I now need to find somewhere that’s open for donations… Well, that and mark all these as “sold” in Bookpedia. Glad I bought that USB barcode scanner on a whim back in March! pic.twitter.com/QlXMFBnvdS

Heh. Bookpedia’s publication date graph is a great way of seeing where my reading peaked. pic.twitter.com/Ts03guGzTm

SJDJ Ok, here goes. Taylor Swift as classic physics textbooks, a thread. #ITeachPhysics pic.twitter.com/hCMHPWRYdv
Hrm. So, having boxed up the “get rid of” books, I have now de-double-layered my “incoming, unread” bookshelves. And discovered it’s actually an entire bookcase-worth of them. One hundred and twenty five, all told. Shit.

Taking a break from bookshelf decluttering. It’s a bit humid for manual labour today. pic.twitter.com/Qmgz8TLZtY
@dangusset Fuck.

@dangusset @trevorbaxendale @outonbluesix Yeah, my memory isn’t great for when it really hit the mainstream. The earliest UK reference I can easily find on my bookshelf is this, showing the term quite well-established by 1985, when 1st ed. came out. I def. thought of myself as a hacker before then. pic.twitter.com/D8xQuurXES
@bexxi It’s all very dimmable and I’ve got lots of lights in there—just nice to have the option of big bright lighting when I’m doing something like the hoovering or whatever…

New Philips #Hue White A67 1600lm versus my old Hue White & Colour Ambiance 806lm. Not exactly night and day, but a very useful difference. pic.twitter.com/ugNUtVW0jP

1600lm #hue bulbs. Hurrah! pic.twitter.com/Oamz5cCZ9g

One if the best Microsoft products ever made but I feel like it’s only still on my shelf for nostalgia. #decluttering pic.twitter.com/igl03odp9I

CarlGottlieb In case you didn’t know, you can get a crayon Visio stencil, for epic network diagrams like this pic.twitter.com/MnQNmHWhFd
RikerGoogling how to throw a surprise party for a betazoid
Doubt it. I was getting too much spam so comments are disabled on posts older than a certain number of days. If you let me know which post I can turn them back on!
@craznar @BradyHaran Yeah.
(That’s an RMZ-04 “Gurantula”, Zoids fans.)

I have not changed very much, in some ways. pic.twitter.com/XljMgT3Pka
@tyronem TikTok is the new Tumblr, pass it on.
Going to cheer myself up by watching a documentary about the Windscale disaster. #2020 #research

I have just spotted this. I have used this chair virtually every day since I bought it in March 2010. I hope a case of loose nuts isn’t terminal. pic.twitter.com/UyYiBMbVud

MakingBlakes7 This stunning photograph of the Liberator was taken during model filming at Bray Studios.
#Blakes7 pic.twitter.com/Zd4KmyuNVS
Moved my web server to the latest Ubuntu LTS this week. Farewell, Soolin, hello Dayna. The good think about the long-term-support editions of Ubuntu is that it’s going to take me a while to run out of Blake’s 7 character names.

Today’s nature walk with @Avon_Stories and @Bingo_Little featured more nature than usual. 2/2 pic.twitter.com/zYHkHUiiBN

Today’s nature walk with @Avon_Stories and @Bingo_Little featured more nature than usual. 1/2 pic.twitter.com/4hHHOuDOfT

It’s a trap. pic.twitter.com/YobLumoJFb

Bit of T-Cut and it’ll be fine. pic.twitter.com/NsvmZJKYfd

@unamccormack Just got my first pair this very morning.

Avon_Stories Sea Mills - where the Roman port, Abona, was, and the harbour walls from the Napoleonic Wars pic.twitter.com/DdmBJjwlCp

@Bingo_Little @_pigeons_ Influencers. pic.twitter.com/72Mq5e96iw