tithenai Now Hugo/Nebula/Locus/BSFA-award-winning! twitter.com/tithenai/statu…
@4r7hr Nice. Glad I spotted the pangram!
Of course, the next question is, given that my chances of re-reading them are very slim (I can barely keep up with the new ones!), what’s best to do with them…

My decluttering work has now reached magazine level, specifically the @TTApress Interzone and Black Static layer. It’s a very spotty IZ collection, but it does stretch back as far as Spring 1998… pic.twitter.com/IcVwUpZClB
Yeah, sex is nice and all, but have you ever had an iCloud photo actually fucking sync when you wanted it to?
@chubbybannister Timeless tweet.
@benjohnbarnes I was doing both, though I only noticed the effect as I was recording. Quite enjoyed my imaginary two-metre monitor :D
@4r7hr Oooh, I have a day off today, maybe I’ll follow up this morning’s Times with the Nutmeg. Used to do both every day, back when I was a gentleman of leisure.
@word_geek I think this probably has more to do with the decline in my reading per se. Also: dear holy Jesus Christ I do not need any more books right now.

Gosh. So, I suppose I now need to find somewhere that’s open for donations… Well, that and mark all these as “sold” in Bookpedia. Glad I bought that USB barcode scanner on a whim back in March! pic.twitter.com/QlXMFBnvdS

Heh. Bookpedia’s publication date graph is a great way of seeing where my reading peaked. pic.twitter.com/Ts03guGzTm

SJDJ Ok, here goes. Taylor Swift as classic physics textbooks, a thread. #ITeachPhysics pic.twitter.com/hCMHPWRYdv
Hrm. So, having boxed up the “get rid of” books, I have now de-double-layered my “incoming, unread” bookshelves. And discovered it’s actually an entire bookcase-worth of them. One hundred and twenty five, all told. Shit.

Taking a break from bookshelf decluttering. It’s a bit humid for manual labour today. pic.twitter.com/Qmgz8TLZtY
@dangusset Fuck.

@dangusset @trevorbaxendale @outonbluesix Yeah, my memory isn’t great for when it really hit the mainstream. The earliest UK reference I can easily find on my bookshelf is this, showing the term quite well-established by 1985, when 1st ed. came out. I def. thought of myself as a hacker before then. pic.twitter.com/D8xQuurXES