@JeremyDuns *bows*
@Bristolvor From Somerset Charcuterie stall at Millennium Square market. Think they’ll be there next Saturday, too.
Result. instagram.com/p/wCRrduJC6v/
Preparation. instagram.com/p/wCRSjmpC3C/
@wordsfromluke I didn’t go far. And the Tobacco Factory Market was in the middle :D
@Kavey Ta chuck.

Glad I wandered out before all the mist had gone. #bristol flic.kr/p/pXL5xA pic.twitter.com/Q7FGMF7VZK

Wibbly Wobbly Bondy Wondy #bristol pic.twitter.com/4hpY9uMfog

A perfect day for snapping the Suspension Bridge. #bristol pic.twitter.com/iVjcednVfB
Dew point. instagram.com/p/wBdh7FpCwr/
AhhToots Don’t forget @AhhToots open today till 4!! @stnicksmarket 🍰 cake days
@davidcaolo Niiice.
Snaps from this afternoon’s wander all up in my stream now: flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…

Snappity: Headphones #bristol flic.kr/p/qcipJ7 pic.twitter.com/tXwXduGu5k
One day, I will get used to a British cafe offering full table service.
Yellow. #Bristol instagram.com/p/v_OwZNpC_b/
Thug life. instagram.com/p/v_NC0apCy7/

@liveindetail @chubbybannister Bit late, I know..#millenniumsquarerpic.twitter.com/CGHwWrVh5C5C
Loading. instagram.com/p/v_Idi9JC2R/

Narrow Quay #bristol pic.twitter.com/kuRozqEu47

Brunch! Though actually I may not need dinner now, either. pic.twitter.com/DqG3MnwGR9
@archidave @neilonanhst It’ll display time & distance, record them to a map in app & on website. Pretty reliable. runkeeper.com/user/gothick/a…
@archidave @neilonanhst I use RunKeeper for that sort of thing. (Don’t be put off by the name; it has walking/hiking/cycling categories.)
This morning’s plan: going to sit in peace with a cup of tea and finish off @GreatDismal’s latest novel.

hrtbps Here is a photo of an empty House of Commons next to a photo of a full House of Commons. RT to raise awareness. pic.twitter.com/FH298sd0Jv
@TaraBusch Oooh, yes, re-watched that last year. Brought back scary memories from when I watched it when I was probably a bit too young.
@ahnlak Think they’re owned by Dell.
@ahnlak Alienware have 12% off this weekend..? :D
@ahnlak This is another reason I’m generally happy to just buy pre-built stuff these days. I had time for that shit in my twenties.
@ahnlak Renting appeals more with Macs because they’re harder to upgrade yourself, sadly.
@ahnlak Would they ever have to know?
@ahnlak I’m going to look into renting my Macs; might be better to just pay monthly and get them replaced every couple of years.
@cabalgata …this one at least gave me a chance to make sure I didn’t have a great need for a tablet anywya.
@cabalgata Well, if I actually had more use for a tablet, I’d probably buy a better one…
@ahnlak I take it this is going to be one of those ones where replacing the motherboard means replacing almost everything?
@ahnlak Also: When the hell is your motherboard from? This Mac’s from 2008 and I’m not even sure it’s maxed out.
@ahnlak I have 16 in here and it feels very roomy.
@ahnlak Only if your main machine is a phone.
Patorama Am I ready to love again? I don’t know Star Wars trailer, I’ve been hurt in the past. Let’s keep things casual for now.
@cabalgata Went okay second time :) Been significantly more responsive, without any developer tweaks. Still quite laggy, though.
Door-to-door Christmas card seller. About a month too early for me.
Potting. instagram.com/p/v8qEiTpCxo/
As you do. #Bristol instagram.com/p/v8nBxMJCwE/
@GreatDismal Enjoying Lowbeer’s unending annoyance at “it is what it is.” :)
@ChinaShopBull BUT BUT ALL MY PLANS* ARE RUINED AND MY SHRUB IS STILL IN PLASTIC. *All my plans for the next ten minutes, anyway.
Damn it. Went to pot something, and I’m out of compost.
@guriben (This is for my stones/pounds/kilos converter, which has mostly UK/Eire customer base, and I’m guessing older customers/hardware.)
@guriben Cool, ta. In that case I’ll carry on supporting it.
@guriben Cool, ta. UK perfect. Basically want to know how much I’ll miss if I move app to iPhone 5 and upwards only.
Anyone got a pointer to some stats on how many iPhone 4 and earlier devices are still being used? Ta.
(Also: apparently I really like The Smiths, as long as Morrissey isn’t actually singing.)
Finding this a damn fine playlist for working to. ♫ Indie Instrumentals Spotify spoti.fi/1ni2YK6 #NowPlaying
@chrisphin I’m fine with immigration, but I do want to keep quaint old British cultural traditions like “not rioting in chain stores” alive.
@BaristasBristol *Waves at Kate*
@claireellent @jamesshelley You rock! ;)
@claireellent @jamesshelley Thanks! I figured you could at least rule him out :)
@jamesshelley That sounds like it might be a question for @claireellent… jamesshelley.net/2014/11/have-y…
Bus nutter.
Park House. instagram.com/p/v57hC1pCy5/
Pillion. instagram.com/p/v57g-gpCy3/

Lovely to see some proper planters appearing in Cumberland Piazza. pic.twitter.com/rARp2y2lwe
grattonboy All Jay-Z’s problems have been undone by his brother, Ctrl-Z.
@_pigeons_ Too early to say. Only just starting chapter 3 :)

@_pigeons_ Thanks for book tips :) pic.twitter.com/mKTav6f8mt
Chillin’ instagram.com/p/v4TALlJCzR/

cabel 😒 (cc: @car2go) pic.twitter.com/6Fap90weGz
@justindocanto Have you seen Searching for Sugar Man?
@nemof @stillawake Interesting time of year to open an ice cream place…
How long has Sundaes Gelato been open, #Bristol? instagram.com/p/v3SbwrpC6o/

richard_littler 1970s chefs. Drunk on Cinzano, making shit up as they went along. Banana & Ham Hollandaise. pic.twitter.com/ysMlxIOaHO
Surprisingly unhungover, but quite tired. Deploy the emergency recovery juice! instagram.com/p/v2-WpZpC_b/
@claireellent Pleasure, doc :D
@claireellent Hurrah! X
@ahnlak But, yeah, not sure if Gem travels *really* badly, if my taste is screwed, or if Bath Ales have really gone downhill *sadface*
Home. Taxis are fab. The teleport of the drunkard.
Big Jeff’s pitched up. #qualitygig #bristol
@ahnlak That’s sousaphone*!
School night, and main act yet to start. Luckily, being a Pete Doherty fan has trained me to be grateful if the band turns up in same month.
Louie minuses: might need to go to Bath soon to see if Bath Sles actually taste good *anywhere*. Not having much luck in Bristol recently.
@snorewell When you get to my age, the big achievement is remembering your twenties.
LSA good fun. Energy, control, great sound. Nice to see Jesus & Mary Chain tradition of leaving your guitars to finish the set continued :)
Sound. instagram.com/p/v1jFPkJC3z/
In the Louie. Reminds me of the Hen & Chicken of old. Half the crowd football-watching locals, half waiting to go up for the gig.
Ominous. instagram.com/p/v1awm3JC_i/

Oooh, a little gadget has arrived in the post from @LumsingTM. Reviewing soon… pic.twitter.com/YEdnHfJYhe
matthew_d_green I woke this morning to find my 7 y/o levering my finger onto the TouchID sensor of my phone. Maybe time to go back to passwords.
@alexjcraven @claireellent Hurrah! Sure it’ll go swimmingly :)
@LeeH_webdesign There’s a market here for a web service for people without printers…
@LeeH_webdesign Yeah, but sadly their ombudsman only accepts complaints sent by carrier pigeon.
Anyway. Late start to work today. Having been infected in a card shop earlier, my soundtrack will be Kate Nash.
@ahnlak I can’t complain, really, the car’s not cost me *that* much in the last decade. And the garage are good.
@ahnlak Which doesn’t sound terrible, but means (a) interior light on, (b) driver’s window going up and down a bit by itself, (c) alarm.
@ahnlak Door sensor or some computer module, probably. It *intermittently* (*sigh*) thinks the driver’s door is open when it’s closed.
On the plus side, when they actually turn up, I do enjoy being at the front of the top deck on a bus.
Bah. Just dropped the car off at the garage. And they might not be able to look at it until December.
@Bristol52 Hrm. I’d *imagine* it’s good in Guiseppe’s (between Baldwin Street & St. Nicholas Street), but I’ve not tried it personally.
The Bad Presentation cube-drone.com//2014_11_23-10…
Rhalou Mum-of-five plans to set world record by running London Marathon in stilettos. I shit you not. runnersworld.co.uk/news/mum-of-fi…
@OpinionatedGeek Ah, yeah, that’s a good reason. Yes, only recently had the leasing idea—there’s a local Apple reseller who specialises.
@OpinionatedGeek (32GB of RAM should last a while, though. Are you bumping into limits? Only max out my 16GB when something goes wrong…)
@OpinionatedGeek What this probably means is that my company should *lease* my iMac from a firm that just trucks round a new one every year.
@OpinionatedGeek …which is the iMac problem. They didn’t start very upgradeable, and they’ve got worse and worse.
@OpinionatedGeek I care less about the display than non-upgradeable RAM, £60/hr labour charge for swapping disks out, etc. *sigh*
@OpinionatedGeek But I agree the Retina is shiny. Was eyeing one up a couple of weeks back.
@OpinionatedGeek I want the *old* Power Mac with new bits in it. :(
@OpinionatedGeek Two minds? (I mostly have one mind that wants a product Apple doesn’t sell :( )
Tip, even! @youmakemeswoon
Bought my first ball of @Marks_Bread pizza dough this morning. Thanks for the time, @youmakemeswoon :)
Distant Court. instagram.com/p/vyEgViJC0v/
So, apparently being five minutes into a meditation is still an excellent way to trigger those return phone calls you were waiting for.
LeighWoodsNT oooh the first frosts have arrived at Leigh Woods. It’s all looking very fresh and glistening in the #Bristol winter sun
@punksmurf @FozzTexx Thanks, I’ll check them out. Looked earlier this year but didn’t find a service with good regional info.
@Cookwitch !?
@FozzTexx These days there are six video rental stores all in your house, and you *still* don’t know if the film you want is in any of them.
@Kavey Not sure I’m going to go that far, unless I can rent the room/gear. Might try a develop/scan myself, though!
@Kavey Oh, yeah, it’s not like I’m going to switch to film on a permanent basis :). But I might have to develop a roll myself just for fun!
@Kavey Though these days good, old film cameras are so affordable that I’ve got 50, 100 and 400 ISO on the go simultaneously :D
In and out. instagram.com/p/vvuVyZJC5y/
EssexEating Bristol! I’m looking for a new place to live. Either a one bed flat or a cracking house share. Pref. Montpelier/Redland. Hook me up! 🏠 Ta!
@liveindetail (But there is no digital camera that does anything as sexy as that bellows lens folding out the front of the Zeiss!)
@liveindetail Sure I’ll be back on the 6D at some point soon…
@liveindetail Did you see the parcel I got from my dad? It was somewhat distracting… flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… :D
@BristolFerry One of Simon & Matilda from the bellows camera :) flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
@liveindetail I’m getting over that stage, because I’ve mostly been shooting film for a few weeks now. Helps if camera is very different!

Another snap from the Zeiss Icon. Lucy’s flower stall, St. Nick’s. #bristol flic.kr/p/pcRkKY pic.twitter.com/w6WUY4tYbc
That was my stepmother’s father’s camera, so it’s been in the family a while…

A picture from last week, and a picture of the camera I used to take it :) #bristol pic.twitter.com/wbHc2n6RqC
Sentinel. instagram.com/p/vtY7zMpC5n/
Heading home. instagram.com/p/vtXMOwpC83/
Russian Caravan tea. @ The Birdcage Bristol instagram.com/p/vtULeEJC0t/
@talkie_tim Sounds lush. Glad I’ve just eaten :)
@talkie_tim Cool! Never tried it at home. How’re you finding it?
@talkie_tim Nice! I had the six-hour (I think) poached eggs from Bell’s Diner once. Lush.
@Bristolvor @chubbybannister “Are you in trouble, No 9?”
@chubbybannister Sounds like a bad plan, especially in run-up to Christmas. I’ve spent a half hour getting round Centre on bus in December.
@thelawns Sorry, I only started using it when it went to Creative Cloud. Could never convince myself to stump up the money before that.
technicalfault Just brilliant: hipsterbusiness.name (nice work @Namecheap!)
@thelawns (I mention it because Adobe’s website is notoriously hard to figure out prices from, and it’s a good deal for trying it out.)
@thelawns Considered the Photographer’s Creative Cloud plan? It’s about £100 for a year, for Photoshop and Lightroom.
@thelawns (i.e. if you learn Elements inside out, it’s not going to be an amazing help if you then migrate to Photoshop.)
@thelawns It’s actually pretty different, in terms of user interface. But yeah, cut-down in features, certainly.
@jbrownridge Local paper website? I find that’s far and away the worst one for me…
Okaaaay. Updated a single WordPress plugin, and now none of my websites are working. *rolls up sleeves*(
Trying to work while next door’s front door is being attacked with a power sander. *Turns Spotify up*
@MResponsively What are you using for deployment to staging? I’m still on a hacked-about Capistrano 2 setup.
@garycasamojo Thank you. That makes a lot more sense than anything else I’ve seen.
@_pigeons_ @WTF4Photography You should check out the ladies’ if you visit anyway :)
@thebuffington If I’d had to spend that much time mulling it over, I’d have gone for something that sounded more natural.
@thebuffington I’m reasonably familiar with the subjunctive; I’m just not entirely convinced that that sentence has that mood… Ah well.
@thebuffington And does this count as a suggestion?
Yes, OS X, clearly I’m the kind of person who’s more likely to use “metope” in conversation than “meetup”.
That odd feeling when someone favourites a photo you took in 2006.
@corylus *Looks at phone* *Peers down nose suspiciously*
@maureenjohnson You missed a spot. Over there, behind Reddit. No, down a bit.
Nice design touch. If dragged over Area 51, Google Maps’ “Pegman” appears in a flying saucer. littlebigdetails.com/post/103203632…
(And yet still manages to sound wrong…)
store.apple.com/us —> “From one gift come many.” Does somebody want to explain why that’s grammatically correct?
All righty. instagram.com/p/vq_BcGJC3z/
@cabalgata *Tries to find “slap” button in Windows 8* *Gives up*

Just been to see @Bingo_Little’s art here on Park Row! Go pop in :) pic.twitter.com/y0zXbsJDAx
_pigeons_ If you’re in Bristol 10-6 today or tomorrow, and 11-4 Sunday, come to @Bingo_Little’s photography show! Details: flickr.com/photos/knautia…
@cabalgata I have 4GB free. I think the only thing that’ll fix this thing is buying a new one from a different manufacturer.
@cabalgata Well, here goes nothing. Currently rebooting. *crosses fingers*. Might just have to start saving up for a new tablet.
@C_J_Fox Not this time. Nexus 4 and 7 here were still saying “no update available” this morning.
@cabalgata You see, my Nexus 7 already *has* hideous, laggy performance just running KitKat… Seems common in 2012 7s…
@C_J_Fox I got bored waiting. Android rollouts can take weeks to get to everyone.
@guriben @libbymiller I was at Uni with their technical operations director, too :D
Patching. instagram.com/p/vqPHHNpC2U/
Sideloading Lollipop on my Nexus 7. I decided to be brave, as there’s not much you can do to make a 2012 Nexus 7 worse.
@seb_ly “Do these installations look more like (a) fighter hangars, (b) a friendly village, or (c) a fast-breeder reactor?” #futurecaptchas
@wood5y I’d rather just not read the Post, but I recognised the tree and I know John so I broke my usual rule!
@wood5y Oh, cool, is that John’s tree? I tried to read the article, but the advertising wouldn’t let me.
We’re experiencing an unusually high level of tweets at the moment. Your tweet is number 807 in the queue. Your tweet is important to us.
@Kavey I do, but not sure what’s going to be going on over the next month; still looking for a contract…
@_pigeons_ Sorry, prior engagement. When else is it on?
@C_J_Fox Do you need to? It’s on Netflix…

Snappity: Tobacco Tree. In-camera double-exposure, North Street, #Bristol. flic.kr/p/pbqRDF pic.twitter.com/Rg4ObqlM7A

Ihnatko “It’s terrific promotion,” the media director said. “Our brand, right next to Twitter’s most talked-about topics…” pic.twitter.com/gfWG9IsrEy
@mckelvaney @sstarr Oddly, I’ve gone the other way around!
@sstarr @mckelvaney (Some low-res examples of their scans here: gothick.org.uk/2014/11/07/ret… )
@sstarr @mckelvaney Yup. Photographique, Clare Street. Know what they’re doing. Offer 1hr service for extra £1, even for 120 film.
@EffBeeee Ah well. Another decluttering photography tip, though: it can be easier to part with something if you take a snap of it first.

Digging back into my old photos. Nestling in the bay in the middle there is @Bunnahabhain distillery… #islay pic.twitter.com/5nZAKWDrUm
servicejunkie Apple’s first major typeface in 20 years now available for public consumption. Article by @DrCrypt bit.ly/AppleSanFranci… #typography #font
@technicalfault *Gets cleavage out* *Clickthrough numbers mysteriously fall*
@johnfbraun Funnily enough…
@ahnlak @Kavey I added one of Google’s DNS servers to the end of my list and things seem to have improved.
@laurarawlings @NeilJamesB Yes indeedy. Took a very similar photo myself earlier on, but on 120 film, so it’ll be a while before I see mine!
@Kavey You using OpenDNS? Might just be a problem with them…
Um. Odd. My DNS is resolving many things, but not google.com. *Starts poking things with a stick*
@emma_cossey I’ve stayed in the Glasgow one. Enjoyed controlling light colours from TV remote.
@EffBeeee Sounds about right. (Incidentally, did you take “before” photos? Wish I’d done that before my decluttering this year.)
@EffBeeee Decluttering is always horrible in the middle. The only way out is through.