@JeremyDuns *bows*
@Bristolvor From Somerset Charcuterie stall at Millennium Square market. Think they’ll be there next Saturday, too.
Result. instagram.com/p/wCRrduJC6v/
Preparation. instagram.com/p/wCRSjmpC3C/
@wordsfromluke I didn’t go far. And the Tobacco Factory Market was in the middle :D
@Kavey Ta chuck.

Glad I wandered out before all the mist had gone. #bristol flic.kr/p/pXL5xA pic.twitter.com/Q7FGMF7VZK

Wibbly Wobbly Bondy Wondy #bristol pic.twitter.com/4hpY9uMfog

A perfect day for snapping the Suspension Bridge. #bristol pic.twitter.com/iVjcednVfB
Dew point. instagram.com/p/wBdh7FpCwr/
AhhToots Don’t forget @AhhToots open today till 4!! @stnicksmarket 🍰 cake days