Sleater-Kinney Asked St. Vincent for a Creative Spark. The Trio Blew Up.

men_write_women We don’t get real pockets in pants because we have tiny purses in our vaginas!!! #thanksforthat #menwritingwomen (Stuart Woods, Desperate Measures)
charliejane One of the things driving me away from this website is the new thing where if somebody I follow responds to a dipshit saying something dipshitty, I get to see the dipshit’s original post in my timeline. It’s like, if I wanted to see that, I would be following more dipshits.
lproven «
Finally, after many people working the equivalent of hundreds of days painstakingly monitoring and problem solving, the team identified an astonishingly hard to find issue:
The top layer of meters in the pallet didn’t work.
@GaryDunne I don’t remember anyone mentioning it in History. My memories mostly seem to centre around Mao Zedong and five year plans.

abandonedameric Today on Unsolved Mysteries of Urban Exploration you’ll witness one of the strangest and most terrifying phenomena I’ve encountered in an abandoned building
@jklundell @marcoarment Yes; I imagine a fair few past leaders weren’t the best at written communication, but were at least aware of this and not too proud to accept some help.

Which stupid JavaScript library is it that everyone’s using to suggest my correct email address is wrong, and that I’ve forgotten it somehow? (It ain’t just @thrivahealth that does this…)
There’s something pleasingly extra-self-righteous about the indignation generated by having to queue for a prescription behind hippies buying extortionate snake-oil from my enterprising apothecary.

MakingBlakes7 Fantastic photo of Paul Darrow and Gareth Thomas having a laugh on location for The Web. The pic has never been seen before and it’s too lovely to keep hidden away. #Blakes7
@gary_hustwit PPS: 😂
5G? I’d just like to be able to send an SMS from my living room, O2…
@seb_barrow @garius Depends if Boris is in the programme.

Some snaps from today’s walk. 2/2

Some snaps from today’s walk. 1/2
Give me the $153bn (in today’s money) that the Apollo programme cost and I’ll give it a stab.…
@adamgasson “Also, I did not hear the choir of angels that was so clear in the product video.”
@cattyish Good photos and plenty of ‘em really do seem to help. Plus it’s fun 😀
Who am I to judge? Maybe continuously re-posting other people’s pictures of words to your Instagram story so all your already-left-leaning friends in the choir can drown in a steam of preaching really *is* the best way to effect change in late-stage capitalism. I’m no expert.
(You think that’s bad, wait until the eight people I’ve hired from the Rucksack Modelling Agency turn up…)

Why yes, I suppose it *is* possible that I take my eBay sales photography a little too seriously, now that you
@ArfurSmith My city is therefore doubly-accursed.
jeffnoon Counting bees in flight should be impossible. So what the hell is Carter doing, her eyes alert as the swarm rises from the hive. “9,267”. A smile. “Or thereabouts.”
@chubbybannister It’s not quite that bad; my habit is to think about nothing else in my day until I’ve got through coffee, breakfast and the crossword, so you can subtract an hour for my actual struggling-up time 😅
@chubbybannister Gah! Woke up so late I missed The Archers!

twisteddoodles My Four year old saw this and asked
‘Mammy how did the tree get out?’
@jonathancoe Can I assume they take the stairs away until the book’s finished?

jonathancoe The Michalski Foundation above Lake Geneva offers residencies for writers. You live and work in suspended cabins overlooking the hills and the lake. It’s an amazing place with a beautiful library too. Apply for a 2020 residency here:…
@CastIrony “Have just conquered Europe. Eating a sandwich.”

The crowd don’t seem that bothered, but to be fair, you can see people driving this badly on normal weekdays in
As a Prisoner fan who lives at a certain house number, I exercise a certain amount of restraint every time a delivery person asks me, “Are you Number Six?”
How the hell did that one die out?…
Actually, no, Withings exercise detection, I was playing guitar. I guess the wah pedal fooled you…
Oooh, the LomoChrome Metropolis film looks like exactly my cup of tea. It’s on Kickstarter, so it might be a while arriving, mind, even though they’ve met the goal. (affiliate link)
garius Sod Pepsi’s navy.
Let’s talk about the point after WW2 where the Knights Hospitaller, of medieval crusading fame, ‘accidentally’ became a major European air power.
I shitteth ye not. 🛩️🛩️
@fourfoot Given the satisfaction gained from just slamming the door in many cases, it would probably have to be a hero rather than a villain. Mark Knopfler, maybe, for the cringing moment where I had to explain that despite owning all these guitars, I can barely fucking play.
@TheDaiLlew @fourfoot Christ. I’ve seen The Limey. I’d never open my door again.
@malvernrunner It’s those calming “medicinal cigarettes” you smoke before you head to the airport, isn’t it?
@Bingo_Little And you thought the car batteries was bad.…
Cowboy Junkies - w/ Natalie Merchant Misguided Angel via @YouTube

computermuseum Ahhh… 1996 the time when you needed to buy a software package for your computer to “effortlessly find exactly what you’re searching for on the net” :)
@klangoso @marcoarment I’m just hoping they *can* be Sherlocked. I mean, Dropbox launched when Apple’s iDisk was available, and they only got my subscription because Apple’s version was bloody terrible…

DaveBrownToons Tomorrow’s @Independent cartoon… #BorisJohnson #Kippergate #Kippers #Brexit

WeirdBristol Discovered near Lawrence Weston in 1947 during the construction of a housing estate, Kings Weston Roman Villa was excavated mostly by a small gang of #Bristol teenaged history enthusiasts at weekends and over their summer holidays. It’s thought to date back to the 3rd century.
AvonFireRescue The A4018 (Cribbs Causeway Road) is closed to ALL traffic in BOTH directions between Clifton Rugby Club & Lysander Road. All Bus services are being diverted. This closure will remain in place for some time. Please avoid the area.
MartinSLewis I sued Facebook for defamation over scam ads & settled in return for 2 things that LAUNCH TODAY
-1on1 scam help at new Citizens Advice Scam Action (paid for by Facebook £3m)
-New Facebook scam ad report tool & dedicated team (unique to UK).
Full info… RT
@ahnlak You think that’s bad? I tried to go to the Next site and I just got a 403 error saying I was too tubby to shop there.
@5by5 @danbenjamin …eventually the teensy scratches built up to a point where I just suddenly noticed them one day, and then I had to get new lenses because it was impossible to un-see. Been using any weird cameras/telescopes/anything else recently?
@5by5 @danbenjamin You know, I had exactly the same experience with teensy microscratches fogging an area of my glasses, and it was because I’d been using a vintage camera with no rubber around the viewfinder eyepiece every now and again for months…
@Dru_Marland I got my “hadn’t played for two years” guitar ready for sale six months ago, then thought, “gosh, this is a really nice guitar, why on earth would I sell it?” (No prizes for guessing how many times I’ve played it since then…)

_Barkle Found this while cycling to work yesterday in #BS9 #Bristol says ‘Bristol to Beijing’ on the front and has a lot of detailed writing inside about a proposed cycling trip. I think owner will be gutted they lost it, worth a share Bristol peeps?
hotdogsladies Talk about an unfortunate choice of headline.…

No, *you’re* doing some dangerous late-night browsing after watching a Cowboy Junkies gig.
rclnudson For @thegoods I wrote about how flight attendants are getting sick after they get new uniforms—but no one knows exactly…g
@dangusset *mumble mumble metaphor mumble*

Saraisnotfamous once again, the heterosexual community triumphs with their graphic design capabilities and completely normal and healthy relationship ideas
anne_theriault Depression is equal parts deeply boring and deeply embarrassing. Everyone’s always like, “reach out!” and “you can talk to me any time!” but let me tell you from my wealth of experience that 96% of people don’t want to hear you rehash your unstable self-image for the 371st time

Alby Why would anyone want to study topology? It’s just—
siracusa This is like when a family of raccoons makes its home in an abandoned car.…

danbarker I just got a nice little shiver when working out whether the binary on the ribbon of the new £50 banknote meant anything.
1010111111110010110011000 is 23061912 in decimal. Alan Turing was born on the 23rd June 1912. What a nice touch.
RIP, Alan.
@sstarr Yes. I in fact saw this happen to my Dad, who spent a frustrating time trying to do something with his new printer that he would never actually need to do himself in order to try to answer one of these questions. It’s really not done well.

Ah, the ever-helpful resource of Amazon’s “Customer questions & answers” section.
@AmazonHelp Say, is there any chance that *you* could try streaming an episode of “The Complete Guide to Beginner’s Yoga” on a UK Fire TV stick? Thanks!
@AmazonHelp Thanks, I’m a half-hour into a chat. So far we have rebooted everything that I’d already rebooted, but I know that’s fairly normal for tech support :D

Damn it. The yoga class I was watching on @primevideouk has stopped working. #firstworldproblems.
Madisonkanna Me: Wow I work remote now. I’m going to travel the whole world.
Me six months later: Hi I’d like to cancel my co-working membership I’m finding it difficult to leave my house and drive the ten minutes it takes to get here. Also putting on shoes seems like a lot of effort.
simonblackwell Exquisite writing from @MarinaHyde. The less/fewer joke in the first paragraph is alone worth the price of admission.…

brightcardigans Waiter: Any how is everything?

rhodri “So, now all we need is a catchy, memorable email address for the poster.”
“Don’t worry, I’ve got that all sorted.”
@kingduncan42 @HelenMcClory Seconded. Amazing atmosphere, and a leavening of hope for the post-apocalyptic darkness.
That’s me, the under-traveller/over-thinker, flummoxed by yet another hotel check-in. I just Googled turn-down service and frankly I’d rather be able to choose the “just don’t cover the bed with an unaccountable number of pillows and cushions in the first place” option…
“Would you like to take advantage of our complimentary turn-down service, sir?”
“Er, no thanks.”
Thinks: Wait. *Did* I just take advantage of their complimentary turn-down service?
@mightymur Screw the productivity guru. Find someone who’ll help you forgive yourself for doing that.
@ememess I. SAID. DON’T. ASK. (Yes.)
@ememess Mine was “paradigm”. Don’t ask.
“We were seeing an unprecedented CPU exhaustion event, which was novel for us as we had not experienced global CPU exhaustion before.” <— how I feel most days.… via @Cloudflare
@tsunimee Anker deals email just came through; might help :D…
quellist1 When I was (much) younger, I used to entertain vague fantasies of heading of to live and write in a small banana republic somewhere.
Guess I should have been careful what I wished for……..
@RanLearns @soffes Odd. I’d assumed that it would work for the actual Enter key if it worked for fn+Return (which is how you simulate a real Enter key on my keyboard.) Not much I can do to help, I’m afraid: I don’t have any keyboards with a numeric keypad in the house!

harrisonlowman Another often missed historical gem: the #Toronto city archives. Formed in 1960 they now have 1.25 million photos dating back to 1856. Some of this stuff used to be stored in a leaky attic. The public is welcome inside. Right now @TorontoArchives has an exhibit on the suburbs.
@RanLearns @soffes (Properly, my selector should actually be called “enterPressed” there, I’m just fiddling with old code 😀)
@RanLearns @soffes That works for me if I use fn+Return on a “normal” wireless Magic keyboard, which lacks the numeric keypad. I think it kinda makes sense because the only place you can ever really press an “Enter” key properly is on the numeric keypad.
@RanLearns @soffes I think it does actually need the numeric keypad flag, e.g. “UIKeyCommand(input: “\r”, modifierFlags: [.numericPad], action: #selector(backspacePressed))”
BristolLive ‘Little French is big news for the Bristol restaurant scene’…

m4tt My wife went straight savage in Waitrose. Fuck you, Doris, and your hatred of tattooed millennials.
ChuckWendig TUESDAY. Life can feel like a sunk cost fallacy: we get in a rut, and think we’ve paid our dues in this rut and so in this rut we must remain. But every day is a new start. A day to build wings and escape. Into the sky like a bird. Where you can poop on the cars of stupid people
@Kavey Aha! Thanks. It might also be eryngium giganteum, but I think I may just label it “eryngium” and be done with it :D

@Kavey Can you remember what these ones were called?
anne_theriault Tell me a line in a book that changed how you see the world or shifted your understanding of how language can be used or just haunts you for reasons you don’t quite understand and maybe never will. A line that just pops into your mind unbidden, like some weird internal narration.

Kavey The boys in the pool…
@petedrinks @gothick @jacintuk

That @Kavey is eyeing me up.

laurenfrench I asked my housemate to look after my plants whilst I’m away for the next couple of weeks. He sent me these.
@dangusset If it helps any, I bought some of these a few months back and they’re very comfy.…
@atpfm @siracusa I wonder if LoveFrom’s first Apple commission was to come up with the name “Find My”?
Behold, the most (intentionally) poorly designed website ever created…
@danbri I once dreamed of a developer mode for apps where every error message had a clickable GutHub link to the line of code that raised the error.

mattleys Late capitalism, a guide
Ah, the avant-garde chromaticism of the primary school’s music evening. I think this may be a reimagining of a Harrison Birtwistle number.
There are hot air balloons coming your way, Bristol harbourside…

ABC7Annalysa Blocking negative vibes all Summer ’19 😂

Lovely little bit of @AceroneUK just around the corner from me. #hotwells #bristol

Photobombing corvid.

ChrisGPackham Good Morning @DailyMailUK In your piece today about crows/sheep/lambs - littered with inaccuracies - you have used this image . In fact they are Jackdaws , not attacking but removing loose fleece as nesting material and also parasites much to the benefit of the sheep …
garethlpowell Portal, or escape hatch?…
Apple’s MacBook Pro Battery Recall is No Joke, Here’s What Could Happen…
Watching The Rules of Attraction. Not sure why. The soundtrack seems to be the sole redeeming feature.
@StateOfLinkedIn Second prize: two dinners.
@Si_Hart Being exactly as charitable, the Cray twins were misunderstood lovable rogues.
@hatsandbikes Ooh. Is that UK-localised or has it been adopted for the US English version?
MikeDrucker Twitter is fun because you get to be like, “Ducks are good” and someone in your mentions will go, “Um, I’m sorry but my brother is married to a duck scientist and this is a harmful view” and then someone else pops up going, “Your silence about horses is extremely telling”
kottke Watching people trip on a subway step that’s juuust a little taller than the rest is kind of mesmerizing.…
@christianrt Deep, controlled breaths, hug the left wall, and don’t drink from any of the water spigots. Wednesdays it’s LSD.
@Shonette Tip: if you reach a dead end and someone in a white coat offers you a pellet of food, DON’T TAKE IT.

So, episode 2, my nemesis, we meet again…
Day 637 of the Temple Circus roadworks. In today’s plan to troll the city at an even higher level, the pedestrian walkways have been set out in the exact pattern of Hampton Court maze. How many will find their way to Temple Meads today?
indiaknight That’s a short story in cake form.…
GreatDismal Cayce makes the list. Now there’s an odd feeling, however minor!…

An @ArborAles kind of evening.
@JoeTortuga @holly That’s all right; it’ll be hidden behind the newsletter pop-up anyway.
@Bristolvor I recently learned that there is a recognised syndrome of “white coat hypertension”.…
@jayforeman I see you’re valiantly trying to educate him about the correct categorisation. Presumably this makes you a Woking class hero.