- 31082008180 - On the car ferry - Quack!
At nicest motorway services I’ve ever seen. Sitting by duck pond with fountain!
Ooh, so there’s a “filter out lame YouTube comments” Firefox extension now, is there? This may be the one thing the gets me away from Safari
@GuyClapperton What’s in your personal Library/Application Support/iWeb folder? Should be a (probably huge) file called Domain, or similar.
@GuyClapperton Domain is the main file where iWeb stores all its data. Have you tidied anything up recently?
Damn, I really do love Nina Nastasia. Walking down street nearly in tears - the dangers of random shuffle music!
(Finally, putting all my transactions into iBank for analysis starts paying off :) )
Hmm. So, spent £328 with Amazon last year. So, if post & packing was more than about 15% of that, Amazon Prime should definitely be worth it
@spamvictim Go on, it’ll only take a mo to set up. Plus, last time I ranted on a blog, I got a response from the rantee in under 5 minutes!
@johnfbraun OOC, why SuSE? I ran it for years, but I really felt like I was in a minority. Then it got a bit too enterprise-y for me.
The OS X Dashboard: useful widgets right at your fingertips. Assuming your fingers take 30 seconds to start up when you use them, that is.
Reading latest adventures of elderly detectives Bryant and May solving crimes from their Mornington Crescent HQ :)
I have news for you, lady. Pushing a bike down the pavement while smoking does not count as aerobic exercise.
@chrismarquardt But I’ve got to wonder how a hotel hasn’t _already_ put measures in place to stop two different people getting the same key!
Just upgrading to the release version of Lightroom 2 (the free trial, anyway. Giving rip-off-Adobe my money at the last possible minute.)
Had a nap. Headache seems to have cleared up. Just started reading the latest Bryant and May adventure :)
@Phooto Clearly that’s the postal address at Apple that DHCP servers write to to get permission to assign IP addresses to Macs…
another trip to Boots, another No. 7 voucher I’ll never use.
@Phooto ooh, ta! And happy birthday, too!
@KellyJanner I’ll be experimenting a lot this week, will try to include some interesting locally-grown organic fruit & veg.
@prbristolblog Ooh, thanks for mentioning the Bristol Doors Open Day. Good photographic opportunities to be had, I reckon.
Part of my zen diet plan involves really paying attention when I eat. Surprising how little I actually seem to enjoy food now I’m watching.
Meh. Out into the August drizzle.
Oooh! Panic have released Coda 1.5, including Subversion support, about a month after I decided to start using Subversion. Mind-readers!
@JButtitta I use twitterific on the Mac; still looking for the best options for Windows at work and my non-iPhone mobile.
Twhirl has way too many buttons. And even if I could figure out what they did from the little icons, it would _still_ have too many buttons.
watching Stardust, at last.
Sitting under an awesome tree reading Chris Fowler short story collection while my sheets tumble in the launderette.
@Tailwind Congratulations! (PS: The backup freak in me hopes you have it on at least _two_ CDs…)
@Phooto Wonder if it’s just sourcing the word-lists from the listings themselves?
@Phooto did you know there are several eBay misspellings-based search engines, so you can profit from the illiteracy? (I kid you not…)
@Phooto I recommend Marqués de Cáceres, if you’ve not tried it. Can’t remember which years were especially good, though; it’s been too long!
@Phooto Haven’t had a drink since Feb 2007, excepting a couple of sips on the Islay trip with Pete & Kavey :)
In other news, just had my first coffee of the day. Wow. This morning must have been how _normal_ people feel.
Wow. Think I’ll have a day off from photography tomorrow. Think I’ve finally reached saturation point. - 24082008173
I need _real_ home networking. The kind of home networking that pauses iTunes when you turn the hoover on.
Twitter, please let me automatically reject follows from people who have 10x as many follows as followers. That’d cut my webcock spam to nil
@russelldavies Are you planning on spending any time in the _present_ at all? - Healthy Breakfast
Owowowow. Kernel panic on the Mac. Was stressing it to the end of its tether, then a video chat request came in. Bang.
Playing with tonight’s gorgeous clouds in Lightroom
@spamvictim Splendid, ta.
Anyone got a good template “model release” form, for use in the UK?
Walking over Pero’s bridge, saxophonist busking ‘Summertime’, hot air balloon hanging in the sky. Awesome.
@Phooto Hey, if you didn’t know Windows and had to manually configure COM3 port and run an elderly terminal emulator under Vista…
@Phooto That would make sense — Unix numbers from zero, so you’ll probably have ttyS0, ttyS1 and ttyS2 if you have three serial ports.
@Phooto Oh, and PS: the 1980s called, and they want their technology back.
@Phooto If it’s standard minicom, try running (as root) “minicom -s” to do the initial setup (“man minicom” should give you options, too.)
@Phooto erm, apart from typing “minicom”?
@talkie_tim bearing in mind my sleep patterns recently, I don’t guarantee to be in the same timezone even if I’m in the same city :-)
Don’t worry, recent followers (excluding all those spammy webcocks I just blocked, anyway…) I don’t whine about MobileMe _all_ the time…
Address format wrong in MobileMe. So, my choices are: United States, France, Germany, or Japan. Guess most of my friends will have to move.
Wonder if MobileMe will display my address book before the sun becomes a cold lump of charcoal? May be quicker to walk home and use the Mac.
@ahnlak Have a great time!
@johnfbraun Front panel? Wusses. All I use is a small magnet and a good sense of timing.
I’ve seen two kernel panics in about 12 months. One just after a short-lived OS update. All platforms vastly better these days, at least
@jacintuk I couldn’t be bothered to change lenses! - Mark’s 99p aviator shades ;-)
I’m not saying this hard drive is noisy, but I found two Terminal Four protestors on my doorstep this morning.
Off out with as many lenses as I can carry
Heard report of scientific study showing that bagpipes can recognise themselves in mirrors. Bemused until realised I’d misheard “magpies”…
@johnfbraun hey, their computers might be slow, but their collision alarms have a rich, warm tone and excellent overdrive.
Greenhouse bar on fire in Bristol. Park St. closed. And I have wrong lens, dammit. Noone hurt, apparently.
@Azhure *sympathy* Couldn’t get it together to finish a 20-minute meditation last night. Not sure I’ve got attention span to finish this twe
Meh. Finally recovered from today’s headache. Must be time to go to bed, then.
Meh. Just quietened a server down to a whisper, then installed a hard drive that turned out to sound like a 747 taking off.
@Phooto I’m glad that I left the only person I know who flies a light plane in Coventry on his way to a barbecue by _car_ this morning!
Who invented the button fly? That’s another five cumulative hours of my life I won’t get back.
Damn. Made special trip to the bank, but they’re closed. Forgot about the special relationship banks have with their customers.
@rstein My first guess is that you’d like to make a nice dress for yourself. Or may, just maybe, you’re going to experiment with chromakey.
@aedison Yeah. I think what we need is some kind of comparison site for them.
Unconsciously, the real reason I’m building this Linux box is so I can complete my collection of toys named after computers from Blake’s 7.
Gah! Have a photo that seems to look best in black & white, but I need it in colour.
Choosing lenses for the morning
Oh, now I see why people were complaining earlier. The @Lightroom download instructions appear to be (1) turn around, (2) bend over…
˙ɟʃǝsʎɯ ʇɐɥʇ pɐǝɹ oʇ uʍop ǝpısdn uɹnʇ oʇ pɐɥ I ‘@Phooto ‘ǝɯ ssǝupoo⅁
Yay! Just got my first paid photography commission
Yow. Long evening installing Debian and getting VNC working. Linux: it’s a nice place to live, but you don’t want to visit there.
Ooop. Looks like the MobileMe mail servers have fallen over.
@bexxi Heh. They might be _timetabled_ that frequently; often the reality is sadly very different.
Bleuuurgchh! How many horses, I wonder, did they boil down to make the adhesive on the envelope flap I just licked? Yerghh *spit*
@pjakobs Also, don’t forget that only XHTML 2.0 will let you nest <irony /> and <sarcasm /> elements ;)
@Phooto @pjakobs Will be considering a few different options, so ta for input. May just quieten down this old PC, then software RAID it
@Phooto Am I missing a cheaper option, or is ReadyNAS about twice the price even of Drobo? (USB vs. net not so important in one-room flat!)
I just read some of the instructions on setting up Linux RAID. Then a publisher told me cheque was in post. Think I may buy a Drobo.
@WilHarris can you investigate somewhere to get it from in the UK with a realistic price?
@boagworld ooh! Have been debating a Drobo. Which one did you go for?
…then I realise I must have seen Horatio Caine do something similar one time too many.
As I stand on the prow of the boat, hands in pockets as we pull into the centre, I feel an urge to dramatically take off my sunglasses…
At balloon fiesta. Awash with mud. Lots of people, but traders pretty unhappy with low turnovers. Still overcast with sudden downpours :-(
Argh! More rain. Poor balloon fiesta. Wonder if Red Arrows will still fly later. No point if you can’t see them for clouds, I suppose :-(
*Yawn* Electrician due at 10am hasn’t turned up. Think I’ll assume he’s not coming and settle down for a nap following my 4:45am start…
Clouding over at balloon fiesta now. Still great fun though. - 09082008157 - 09082008156
Problem: no will to do anything productive today. Problem: 145 films on my LoveFilm “to watch” list. Hmm. Think I see a single solution here
Just back from Flickr Meet
Off to join a local Flick Meet
@chriswebb See if ShoZu works for you; doesn’t host stuff itself, but has good upload interface & very configurable.
Quick morning ferry photo:
So, the guy responsible for .Mac and MobileMe has been replaced
. Will that help, I wonder?
@Phooto believe tradition is to buy gold, then move it to Switzerland before your own government bans private ownership of it.
Unexpected joy of implementing a Mediawiki-based wiki at work: it’s hard for the boss to tell when you’re just slacking & reading Wikipedia
@Phooto I did seriously try Eclipse once, but I’ve had far fewer problems installing entire operating systems from source…
@Phooto Dear God, you got Eclipse running on Windows? I tried once, but I only had 4GB of RAM, so I couldn’t load any plugins…
Limping to work.
@Phooto Stretching out my @Lightroom trial as far as I can, and given Adobe’s evil $100 “being not American” tax, looking at Aperture, too.
@bexxi Reassuring to hear the same condition talked about in the past tense! Thanks!
Oooh, just spelled “plantar fasciitis” right first time. Hmm. Could have diagnosed myself with Wikipedia search, by looks of it.
hmm. Just had injection in heel. Apparently some pain to come once local has worn off, but hopefully will be long term cure for problem.
@jacintuk it’s the higher cost of UK electrons. Ours spin faster.
@bexxi you too, huh? Am on early ferry to work for first time in months…
@hotdogsladies So, you’re at that counterproductive stage where the main thing wearing down your disk platters is all the backup processes?
In Borders. The sheer blandness of the easy-listening jazz is making my ears bleed.
@pjakobs Virtual or real?
@KellyJanner DRNKNTXTNG, surely?
@foxc Can you find another six hundred thousand of them? I need to back up this Blu-Ray disk.
Hmm. It strikes me that the number of things I’ve got scanning my disk for backup may be significantly shortening the lifespan of the disk. - Apple’s Time Machine: it just doesn’t add up
Gah! Bastard Adobe. US price for Lightroom 2: $300. UK price for Lightroom 2: £200. So, that’s $100 “being English” tax, by my calculations
Ahh. Back home in Bristol after a nice week off in Wales. Hope everyone else got/is getting home okay :)