Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 2015

@anna_debenham @RellyAB It has a non-lady problem too. I AM NOT FIFTY FOUR. *cries*

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(And the photo it analysed was carefully selected to be the vaguely young-looking one, too :( #54

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guessed my age at 54. Swearing ensued.

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Not convinced I agree with Apple’s percentage calculation for the progress bar here.

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@vowe I use both because I find them very different, and complementary. But I also don’t like either very much! Annoying.

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@kissane I think it’s one of those cases where it’s hard to tell which effects are from “it’s 2015!” and which are “I’m 42 years old.”.

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@kissane I can’t figure it out. I am reading much, much less. But if a new book from a favourite author comes out, I devour it.

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Tobacco Factoryin’.

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hayles Er, alright Twitter.

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Just in case you need a reason to visit St. Nick’s…

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Floating pile driver. Don’t see that every day.

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Don’t let your business name restrict you.

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Annoying bloke in cafe has finally shut up, just before I ironically started listening to cafe noises on my headphones to block him out.

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@archidave @SimpleLampoon I do like it very much in there. Don’t get along there enough.

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Is there something very French happening in Bristol today, or am I just passing many statistical clumps of French people?

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My menu bar may be spiralling out of control again.

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Love this stall at Tobacco Factory Market

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Nice to see a splash of colour going up on the Cumberland Piazza pillars

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@stillawake I scaled mine down from A4 pages to A3 pages when I realised that doing a short version was better than not doing them at all!

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@thomas__ @charlie_cat_esq Still more Jimmy Somerville to my eyes.

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@corylus Yup. Went along with three other people and every one of us thought it was really, really good.

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@caseypurkiss @SimpleLampoon @Shonette The owner cut out the bit that had “HELP! AM PRISONER IN KITCHEN HERE” burned into it.

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@JonCraig_Photos @pumphousetoby I personally confirmed that they have 440-ish, but not by trying them :)

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@corylus But best new place I’ve tried recently was Bento Boss above Clifton Down shops. Really nice, but not really Park Street :)

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@corylus Tried the Nepalese place on Colston Street? (Kathmandu?) Also, every time I pass Toro, people in windows look very happy.

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@benjohnbarnes My second-best fountain pen, for use on the road :)

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@SimpleLampoon (reminded me that it’s been far too long since I’ve been to San Carlos, and that I still need to try Guiseppe’s, though :) )

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@SimpleLampoon Odd. Only been there once, for lunch. You’re not increasing my chances of trying again.

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SimpleLampoon Ordered a chicken Kiev. I have no words. What did happen to that triangle of toast? WHY?!

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@LauG66 WHA? It’s next weekend!? *scribbles in diary* @_SpikeIsland

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The Punp House has a not inconsiderable amount of gin.

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@LegalWeasel “I was just cleaning the angostura bitters and they went off!”

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I’ve come to a gin joint by accident. Kindly barman is making me a Woodford Reserve old

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@UrsulaWJ As is “Greek” delight, annoyingly. I normally fly from Xania and they at least have a bit of local stock post-security.

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Sweet. Found out the other day that my old 2006 MacBook is still going strong for the person I gave it to :)

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@hayles I only saw you just after you left. Must’ve just missed each other; I moved from the garden to avoid a chain-smoker :(

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*Waves at @hayles from BTP window*

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Tracey the tractor. Surprised, yet friendly.

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@igersBristol @RamonWrites *waves* Might’ve missed you because I stopped at the Watershed for a nice risotto…

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So, that’s three people I’ve bumped into walking around the harbourside tonight. Four if you count @RamonWrites jogging past twice!

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@jamesakadamingo Haven’t opened the box yet. But for £7 had to be worth a try.

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Waiting for haddock. (Beckett’s less- successful followup)

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That @RachaelDadd just cycled around in Spotify’s “New Music Commute” playlist :)

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Spring ❤️️ @ Brew Coffee Company

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@bitchwhocodes Yeah, but somewhere there’s a lightning progress bar that’s been stuck at 100% for a while…

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@garycasamojo It might have a snazzy logo, but it’s not radio controlled :)

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When you look at magnifying glasses on Amazon.

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