Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 30th, 2015

@anna_debenham @RellyAB It has a non-lady problem too. I AM NOT FIFTY FOUR. *cries*

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(And the photo it analysed was carefully selected to be the vaguely young-looking one, too :( #54

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guessed my age at 54. Swearing ensued.

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Not convinced I agree with Apple’s percentage calculation for the progress bar here.

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@vowe I use both because I find them very different, and complementary. But I also don’t like either very much! Annoying.

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@kissane I think it’s one of those cases where it’s hard to tell which effects are from “it’s 2015!” and which are “I’m 42 years old.”.

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@kissane I can’t figure it out. I am reading much, much less. But if a new book from a favourite author comes out, I devour it.

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Tobacco Factoryin’.

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