Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 2013

OK. Pervasive Media Studio may be the most interesting place in Bristol. Just met someone who designs spaceships, among others…

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@Duchamps_Brides <reverb>Noooooooooooooooo!</reverb>

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@Duchamps_Brides Could be. I thought he just wanted us to remember to bring it along… Well, I guess we’ll find out :D

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@Duchamps_Brides Wasn’t that the one we were meant to have finished during the last class?

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Hurrah! Writing homework finished. And with four hours to spare. That’s a new record.

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Light lunch and homework at Watershed.

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Joel_Hughes The stupid cookie law is dead at last

via Zite Personalized Magazine (retweeted on 12:20 PM, Jan 31st, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Going on a tour of @PMStudioUK later. Should be interesting…

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fergieweather Keeping close eye on potential for severe weather first half of Friday in W Country. High winds, heavy rain; poss snow. Detail v uncertain.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 3:57 PM, Jan 30th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

My walk home is rife with danger.

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Hrm. Wine is pricey here. But a glass might help with the caffeine withdrawal. Basically, I’m swapping coffee addiction for alcoholism.

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At the Tobacco Factory, awaiting ciabatta.

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@Thehappyfatgirl No, I’m from Lahndahn. I said “cheers, mate” in my best mockney.

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Ooop. Just in time delivery there. Never handed my bags personally to a binman before.

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Right. Yes. Work. See you in a couple of hours, Twitter.

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benjohnbarnes I love you, Mark Steel —…3b “it’s obvious who caused the economy to collapse – people on benefits with a spare room”

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:43 AM, Jan 30th, 2013 via Echofon)

@markrglover I needed it because I work for financial institutions. Also handy in case anyone sues over an app, or whatever, I suppose.

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@markrglover Quite easy. And it does offer some protection, plus some larger companies will only contract with freelancers through Ltd co’s.

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@markrglover (But I just normally go to my accountant and do what they say. And I needed to be Ltd for a couple of the contracts I did.)

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@markrglover …so the amount of Income Tax should be a lot smaller, so they don’t need any/as much on account. I think.

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@markrglover Dunno. But because you’ll generally be taking most of the money through dividends, it’ll mostly be Corporation Tax…

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@markrglover I think I’m escaping that by transferring to Limited Company.

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@markrglover I have some regular income from the apps, but not enough. Still, it’s good motivation, isn’t it?

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@markrglover I should probably get another contract soon…

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@markrglover I’m in exactly the same position. Think the Limited Company I started this year might be heading that way too.

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Right. More video work, I think.

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@markrglover Yeah, I need to do that today. Arse.

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@WTF4Photography Hah! Love the diver one. In the end I went for (hopefully) sturdy, long-lasting simplicity.…

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WTF4Photography @gothick - Deep Tea Diver Loose Tea Strainer: Home & Kitchen via @Pinterest…

via Pinterest on iOS (retweeted on 10:24 AM, Jan 30th, 2013 via Echofon)

@benjohnbarnes e.g. with Lightroom, Pixelmator, etc., I still find myself reaching for mouse or tablet. Even just to move sliders.

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@benjohnbarnes I’m still waiting for something that has the swooshiness of multitouch but is accurate enough for driving complex interfaces.

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Turning my SAD lamp off due to the surprising appearance in Bristol of ACTUAL DAYLIGHT.

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@benjohnbarnes I think you just invented the terminal.

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Aww. Drowning robot tea infuser.…

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Polishing my pomodoro.

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@guriben :( It sucks how little it takes to knock me away from social things. One bad night’s sleep this time. Bah.

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I will mostly be staying in tonight, despite having ticket for the RWA thing. Tired and grumpy.

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@rabidbee I think more Rocky. Though it’s actually the Get Running “run clock”. So it’s a Runclocky montage, I guess.

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@ahnlak My work here, done, so forth.

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Hmm. I think I need a montage.

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Today I am mostly experimenting with video production.

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Ugh. Woke up tired and headachey. Went back to bed for a bit. Now dunking chocolate biscuits in a cuppatea. Seems to be helping.

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wilw Hey, @twitter, will you verify my friend @jonathansfrakes? I can assure you that he used to be cool.

via Echofon (retweeted on 12:48 AM, Jan 29th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Gizmodo Lucasfilm kills 3D Star Wars re-releases after realizing it’s horrible and everyone hates it

via SocialFlow (retweeted on 11:36 PM, Jan 28th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Ouch. Note to self: fooling around on guitar for an hour is much easier on the fingers if you do it more than once a month.

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@maureenjohnson Well, at least you don’t have to watch it now.

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raubrey Ever seen a whale photobomb a juvenile gull? You have now.

via Photos on iOS (retweeted on 9:24 PM, Jan 28th, 2013 via Echofon)

@waiyeehong @_dibdib Lap cheongs are so in awe of Chuck’s tough skin that they simply melt if brought into the same room.

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@waiyeehong @_dibdib We were once a whole person, but we watched Chuck Norris demonstrate a karate chop on TV and it split us in half.

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@waiyeehong Chuck Norris doesn’t age. Every day that tries to pass him gets punched back into the middle of next week.

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betty_watson Know of anywhere in bristol that would definitely sell wheat and dairy-free puddings / cakes of an evening?

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 8:00 PM, Jan 28th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

I appear to be flame-grilling some lamb chops. Shame it’s an electric grill.

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I keep seeing gurt big posters for @gurtlushchoir’s Gurt Mikado.…

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@archidave If I could summon up that much enthusiasm I wouldn’t have needed those inverted commas…

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My cousin Nick is running the Bath Half to support research into causes of miscarriage, premature birth and stillbirth:…

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O2 Last night, Chris left his phone with me for five minutes. Now I am a cow.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:56 PM, Jan 28th, 2013 via Echofon)

Doing my “weekly” review.

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mocost Fisher-Price Synesthesia 11 cases traced back to the same set of alphabet magnets

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 5:14 PM, Jan 28th, 2013 via Echofon)

@R2UK Thanks. On balance, I think a new Wii-U seems the sensible choice for me, given that I’ve *nearly* bought a Wii about three times now!

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@ahnlak @R2UK @word_geek @2grummpy Ah! Well, an iPlayer/LoveFilm box that also happens to play games might be worth considering…

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@ahnlak @R2UK Plus, let’s face it, half my TV consumption is shows from before things were recorded in HD anyway!

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@ahnlak @R2UK I don’t normally bother with HD anyway. I can’t really tell the difference on my old, small telly.

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@GrainBarge Thank you. And thank you for the festival, too :D

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@R2UK (& thanks for Wii offer. It’s the only console I’ve ever considered buying; maybe I should buy a working one and get games as bonus!)

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@R2UK @word_geek @2grummpy Can any of them do iPlayer, too? That’s pretty much the only other thing I’m missing on my TV.

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@R2UK @word_geek @2grummpy Most of my needs are met by the Apple TV. Old console not a bad idea, though seems overkill just for LoveFilm.

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@njj4 Mmmmm. Diana Rigg. An entire standalone reason for buying that boxset…

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@word_geek @2grummpy Ta! Damn it, maybe I should have bid for the Mac Mini I saw at that auction last week…

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KatyEvansBush I need to speak to a woman who self-published an e-book with no previous experience in publishing. For an article. Are you out there…?

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 4:21 PM, Jan 28th, 2013 via Echofon)

@njj4 Now *that* is an awesome claim to fame.

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@word_geek Hoping that Amazon and Apple do some deal at some point to bring LoveFilm to the Apple TV, which would solve that problem.

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@word_geek I still haven’t successfully found a way of putting streamed LoveFilm stuff on my TV, which is my preferred place to watch.

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@libbymiller Thanks :) Will get back to you if I manage to override my little “you’ve got no free time, idiot!” voice…

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@libbymiller I seem to have amassed quite a few DVDs over the last decade, and I pretty much only re-watch the Blake’s 7 :D

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@libbymiller I do want to see Buffy again. But I’m thinking maybe I should just rent them.

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@ahnlak You’d also have to throw in a VHS player. Besides, I can get B5 on iTunes…

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It comes on 39 DVDs. Which is a tad scary.…

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(Not *that* Avengers, those people who are confused. The real, *proper* Avengers.… )

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@ahnlak Thank you. I’m thinking that as soon as I push the button, sod’s law says Netflix UK will announce its arrival anyway…

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Wonder how long it’ll be before I can afford to add £100 to that and buy the Complete Avengers 50th Anniversary Edition box set instead…

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Hrm. The Gift Certificate balance on my Amazon account pretty much equal to the cost of the complete Buffy box set…

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@word_geek It was. And quite improbably-angled, to make it down do the basement fireplace of quite a tall house…

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sizemore 7 hour Star Wars fan documentary: Take lunch halfway through and that’s your working day done. Your boss says its okay.

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 11:18 AM, Jan 28th, 2013 via Echofon)

And this is why it can be tough to provide a graphic that scales nicely to many devices (source: )

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haveigotnews It is a truth universally acknowledged, that journalists don’t know any other lines from Pride and Prejudice.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:25 AM, Jan 28th, 2013 via Echofon)

@teacherdude Okay. Question one: what is the correct response to the call “Oggy, oggy, oggy!”?

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Hail stopped. Thunder stopped. Fan heater cut out. Scared to look out of the window in case there’s nothing there any more.

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@BlackDogDays Favourite hashtag of the week award goes to…

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Hrm. There is hail bouncing out of my fireplace. Quite glad this weather waited until I’d finished my cycle home.

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@Thehappyfatgirl You’re safe for now. I’ve got to eat first.

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Just done @LifeCycleUKteam intermediate bike maintenance course Adjusted lots of things, changed brake & gear cables. Bike still works! Win.

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@Thehappyfatgirl I am *so* there. If you see what I mean.

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The definition of optimism: Cadbury’s sell Giant Buttons in a reclosable pack.

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@guriben Nipped out for lunchtime coffee & bacon sarnie from the workshop at Jake’s Bikes :)

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One of the younger members of the bike maintenance course demonstrates parkour skills during lun @ Mayflower

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Great name for second hand furniture store.

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Shiny new brake cables fitted. Looking forward to gear maintenance next… @ Jake’s Bikes

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Off to a bike maintenance course. Hopefully I’lll be riding the bike back, rather than walking it home in a carrier bag…

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Bloggity: Artist Date #3, my first auction. From Forklifts to Ferraris:…

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Writing my morning pages, occasionally pausing to sing along to _Raingods with Zippos_ (thanks, @FishDerekDick!)

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@rem And that’s just the bloody seagulls.

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Not a bad day. 7K jog and a beer festival. Now an earlyish night to make sure I’m awake for tomorrow’s bike maintenance course.

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@stillawake @guriben Yeah, the biscuits taste pretty good, too. Hit me again, Ben.

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From the @GrainBarge, earlier. One of the nicer views of the beer festivals I’ve been to.

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Drinking on t’@GrainBarge with @andybeebristol. Lots of good beers here. And a man on the decks playing spaghetti western music. ;)

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.@libbymiller They say they’re only allowed to do round trips so far; can’t just pick random people up at the stages. It’s a start!

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Heading for @GrainBarge. Going slightly long way round in hopes of spotting a particular ferry company’s boats working…

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Right. Shower. Lunch. Beer.

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That thing where you don’t turn around at the halfway point on your jog, because it might look like you’re following someone.

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Simple pleasures. Using cute birthday key ring for my jogging keys.

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@chocablog Apparently if you leave a chocolate bar underneath them it makes it taste sharper.

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Think I might go for a jog. And then to a beer festival. Probably best that way around, I think.

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Harkaway I’m no biologist, but if the mushrooms are ‘fauna’, I’d say the radiation was a serious effing problem.… (@Independent)

via Tweetbot for iOS (retweeted on 10:26 AM, Jan 26th, 2013 via Echofon)

Anyway. Yes, morning pages are generally best done in the morning, right? *gets on it*

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@Jorence @Ninja_lynneja It’s good fun. If you want something deeper, try _Boxing Day_ or _The Master_, if they’re still on where you are.

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@Jorence @stillawake @emmafurious @HartsBakery On the plus side, Ten Ton José is an excellent nom de guerre.

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@Ninja_lynneja I enjoyed _Safety Not Guaranteed_, if that’s one of your options.

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DeathStarPR I like my coffee like I like my Jedi: more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:58 PM, Jan 25th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@waiyeehong I knew the Greek for “It’s all Greek to me” was “It’s all Chinese to me”. Didn’t know that was so widespread, though!

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Thinking of wandering down to t’@GrainBarge tomorrow afternoon for their winter beer fest…

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@csoanes I’d post you a slice if it wasn’t all gone. And I knew the postcode for your train.

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Simple Pieminister fare tonight.

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Hah! Best thing evah: parents sent me 40th card, cross-stitched by stepmum. Even has the @getrunningapp logo & my car!

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@hayles Sorry. That was meant to be a cake, but now I’m 40 I’ve forgotten how to use technology.

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Heh. Some lovely knitted and TARDIS figures……

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@adamgasson (Sorry, hadn’t noticed you follow me; too busy turning forty to catch up with my emails this week!)

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Hiring an e-contractor. *crosses fingers*

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@Duchamps_Brides @BinkysBoudoir But: Seventeen pound fifty? I got a tax bill this morning that says I probably shouldn’t afford it.

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@Duchamps_Brides @BinkysBoudoir I’ve never seen them. Was introduced to their music by the then-keyboard player for Bark Psychosis(!)

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.@BinkysBoudoir @Duchamps_Brides My timeline runneth over with love for The House of Love. For other Lovers out there:…

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Hrm. _The House of Love_? Playing The Fleece? *considers*

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@benpratershow Either that or, “It was the time of the switchover from Orange to EE…”

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Much as I’m enjoying listening to lots of David Bowie in @BirdcageBristol, it’s probably time to head home…

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@VeraR2010 Happy birthday! And thank you for my card! And apologies for being too disorganised to reciprocate :(

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“this is in excellent condition apart I can not seem to get it switched on” - eBay item description for a phone. Quite a big “except” there!

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@Duchamps_Brides (Though the walk in the sun was just part of my daily exercise routine, and I’m back working now. Erm. In The Birdcage :D )

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@Duchamps_Brides Glad it wasn’t just me!

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@EffBeeee I believe the technical term is “half-cut”.

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Back to some healthy food after birthday overindulgence.

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@bexxi I’m now glad I tagged the photo with “doppelgänger” at the time. Guess that’s how they found it :D

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@bexxi Nah, looks like they’re respecting the licence perfectly. I’m even mentioned in the video credits…

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.@bexxi Hah! The joy of Creative Commons licensing…

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bexxi Some students just showed this video in class - was gobsmacked to see @gothick (& his doppelgänger) appear!

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 1:02 PM, Jan 23rd, 2013 via Echofon)

@Thehappyfatgirl Yeah. Sure when the hotty was glancing down at your chest, it was the biscuit crumb he was checking out.

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@redeye Acceptable or not, it shows astounding dedication to one of the worst keyboard experiences I’ve ever encountered…

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@stevebattle “And in the strangest Doctor Who crossover episode to date, companion Dorothy finally defeats the Wicked Dalek of the West.”

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Theory: The Cylon Raider ship was designed by a Cylon who’d just had breakfast.

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