Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 15th, 2013

Emmingott Guy spends 1/5th of his 6 figure salary outsourcing his job to China and it doesn’t get noticed for years. Amazing…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 11:53 PM, Jan 15th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

iTunes 11 in full-screen mode is really annoying to use. All the buttons I want to click in a row are at extreme opposite corners/edges.

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@clareellent PS: Utopia, 10pm, Channel 4.

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@hayles @guriben @skeddy “Your command reduces to an order to self-destruct.”

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WelshDalaiLama It gets worse. The French just found out that traces of Tesco value burgers have been found in their horse meat.

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weirdoldhattie BBC News - Horsemeat found in beef burgers on sale in UK and Ireland

via Twitter for Websites (retweeted on 8:35 PM, Jan 15th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@claireellent Excellent! *switches light on and off repeatedly, disco-stylee*

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@hayles @guriben S’alright. Big plastic thing with a couple of bastard bright fluorescents in, basically.

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@claireellent Ta! Guess what I bought this morning. *bathes in strong white light*

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@hayles @guriben 10,000 lux, even. This is what I got today:… and there were a stack of them left in Gloucester Road.

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@MatStace Heh. That’s more than ten times my monthly download limit. And I’ve only hit that twice.

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@hayles @guriben (Make sure you get one that provides 10,000 lumens. That seems like the standard for decent results.)

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@hayles @guriben This one from Maplin was on special, so I don’t feel too bad that I’ve already bought it :) Wasn’t £40 though.

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@hayles You know what I’m doing right now? Moaning on LJ about the youths of Twitter. :D

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Hurrah! Fixed a bug in Get Running for Android. New version should be on the Play store in a few hours.

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@hayles Surely that’s what Livejournal was designed for?

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I’d also try it as a hair light, if I had hair.

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In other news, this new SAD lamp could come in handy as studio lighting for product shots…

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Don’t mess with me today. I have a headache. And new clamps.

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@FussFreeHelen @Kavey Yup, turned it off now. I’ll be trying to use it in the first hour at my desk in the mornings… Ta!

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@FussFreeHelen @Kavey Well, I’m sitting in front of my shiny* new SAD lamp, so we’ll see how it goes…

*It’s not often this is o literal.

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@guriben I’m not convinced I’ve got the hang of this. I’ll write you a whimsical indie number about it, though.

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@guriben See the rapper MG/All up in my window/Defending my lamp/Against some Guriben ho. Get out of my light, motherfo.

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Teensy bit bright then, these SAD lamps…

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@guriben I am now giggling at my desk, visible to all for miles through now-ineffective voiles in the glare that is my shiny new SAD lamp.

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@guriben That’s the first line of a whimsical rap number if ever I heard it.

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@guriben They’d been suspended by twitter before I could even hit the “block” button…

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rtenews A woman has stolen an empty commuter train from a depot and drove it into an apartment building in Stockholm

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 2:54 PM, Jan 15th, 2013 via Echofon)

@johnfbraun Same here, with this one. Guess Twitter is just about keeping up in the arms race.

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Wow. I bet *they’re* a real human being.

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@rabidbee @DrHairbear That’s probably because some fool is telling them that they need a spare body. :D

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@rabidbee @DrHairbear I’d rather sell the 400D and the lenses I don’t use, put the money towards a 70-200L, and worry about weddings later.

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@Bristol52 But it was open a week or so ago when I walked past.

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@Bristol52 It’s always been rather random in its opening. Like that random brasserie along the way that’s in a prime spot but never open.

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@rabidbee @DrHairbear Also: please do so. The more people buy the mk3, the more affordable the mk2 will be, secondhand…

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@rabidbee @DrHairbear If I did a wedding again, I’d take along a whole spare photographer, not just a body.

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@Indiechops Still never been to @flintyred…

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OpinionatedGeek ‘Excuse me sir, is that an unsupervised orange on your desk?’…

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I can highly recommend the brie, bacon and cranberry panini at Rubicon Too on Cotham Hill. But not if you’re on a diet.

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@DrHairbear @rabidbee That’s exactly what I did last time. The 400D still needs cleaning. Or, in fact, selling…

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@Lillput @rabidbee @DrHairbear Maybe I didn’t sound like a great baker on the phone.

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@guriben “Do you have any myrrh resin? I’m asking for a friend.” was not high on my list of expected sentences today… I’ll try.

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Trying a new lunch place. @ Rubicon Too

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@rabidbee @DrHairbear If he was just round the corner from anywhere I normally am, I’d probably try him. Calumet v. non-grumpy, though!

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@rabidbee @DrHairbear …last time I was looking, for some reason. Can’t recall why, though. Something said on Bristol Flickr discussion?

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@rabidbee @DrHairbear Calumet. Was passing them anyway, today and tomorrow. Vague memory of BW being knocked off my list of possibles…

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@DrHairbear Thirty quid + VAT, normally next day. Only danger is risk of BUYING ALL THE THINGS when in there.

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@simondebrux Just discovering that you actually need eight pounds to park in Bath was enough to do it for me the last time…

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@currybet Maybe they’re hoping an assassin at the next table will offer to undercut their current deal?

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(The temptation to add false ones into that list must have been strong. “485: Trying to open heat-sealed plastic product packaging.”)

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cameronMstewart A great, complete list of everything that provoked David Banner to turn into the Hulk in the old TV show:…

via Twitter for Mac (retweeted on 10:27 AM, Jan 15th, 2013 via Echofon)

Right. I came here and sat down to do my Morning Pages about an hour ago. Think I should turn the internet off and get started with them!

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@xabl I think I used to not notice as much as I was generally shooting wider apertures, so the dust spots weren’t so obvious.

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@xabl Heh. When I got to that stage last time I bought a new camera. Reminds me, should probably get the 400D cleaned at the same time…

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@guriben …and from what I can see, seems to be decent amount of peer-reviewed studies & metastudies to support it.

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@guriben Incidentally, had a few “yes, I use it and it seems to help to some degree” SAD responses, no negative responses.

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@stillawake Probably more likely to affect people who change lenses a lot, especially in dusty environments.

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@stillawake I’m guessing people usually hear about it first when crap starts appearing in their pictures!

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Dear Facebook advertiser: Thanks, but I have no wish to look like The Hulk, even if it would win me a mini-me boyfriend

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@archidave I think it’s only since I started using a tripod & shooting at smaller apertures that I’ve started to notice minor crud more.

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@marklovell Given how rarely I have it done, might as well pay someone who knows what they’re doing! Taking it to Calumet.

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Taking my camera in for a sensor clean today. This is the first time I’ve ever bothered. How often do you get it done, DSLR users?

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@hayles I’m going to be 40 on Monday. Hush, child.

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(Hey, cool, the original’s still there: )

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Four years on to the day, and I’m still yet to see a more astounding picture posted to Twitter.……

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