Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

January 14th, 2013

@mattgemmell Product idea: dictaphone with built-in reverb, so you sound properly majestic on playback.

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@jacintuk @Kavey Speaking of which, I’d best go to bed, as I should be up at about half six…

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@jacintuk @Kavey I’m in the process of selling up and buying a house.

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@jacintuk @Kavey Living in a basement doesn’t help.

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The camera is a small piece of the jigsaw.

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ruskin147 We need HMV - where else can I film a piece to camera about the impact of downloads on high street CD sales?

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 9:04 PM, Jan 14th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

HMV aren’t actually bankrupt. It’s just that nobody there can remember which genre they filed the money under.

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BenPark So odd. Couldn’t make it up. RT @jayforeman: Best ever opening sentence to a news story!

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@KeithGough1 Yeah. Maybe you’re not that much older. In hexadecimal.

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@word_geek @ahnlak @Kavey What we need is some kind of combination SAD light/tracking micro-helicopter :D

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@word_geek @Kavey Ooopsie. Luckily, the whole working-from-home things will be an advantage for me there :)

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@claireellent Ah, that’s one of the ones I was just eyeing up…

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@hubbs Ta. Yes, Wikipedia very handy for pruning out the glaringly ineffective/charlatanish treatments proposed for many things!

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@claireellent Hrrrrm. Knowing what I’m like, I was thinking it might be something I spend on but then don’t use enough…

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hubbs @gothick Interesting paper on light therapy vs anti-Ds - Looking at Wiki references it seems l.therapy is effective

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@guriben I will summarise if there is anything to summarise!

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@Kavey I have one of those; it’s a nice wake-up but doesn’t do much for my mood, it seems.

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Hands up any of you who finds using a SAD light beneficial? I’m definitely significantly gloomier in winter…

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@KeithGough1 Yeah, but at least I’m not going to be in my sixties, like you :D

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@says_arline Good. Haven’t looked at Jerez yet, will try to catch up on things this week!

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@shezza_t Have you found out how long that takes yet? :D

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@samsneed12 Wonder if that’ll happen again before 2047…

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@slicknic @stillawake @liveindetail @RamonYouseph Thank you for the reassurance, all :D

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Bit dark out. Still, this might help…

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G2Bristol Forget the rain people, Reigning Cats and Dogs @RWABristol to host Bristol Tweet drinks event!

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Bristol52 Are there any food photographers in Bristol?

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(I am not ignoring you, everyone, honest. But I should probably do some work this morning before I reply…)

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Did stuff on Facebook, Twitter and text that prompted flurry of replies, just as fire alarm engineer turned up to service our system.

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samsneed12 @gothick Its not like we never have snow ;)…

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 9:48 AM, Jan 14th, 2013 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@liveindetail People keep on telling me the 40s aren’t that bad…

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This is my last week as a thirtysomething. Bit scary.

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@foxc If any threatens to arrive that would disrupt you, please forward it to Bristol.

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There’s a fire at the George and Dragon pub in Bristol. Shuddering to think what the local news headlines will be like later.

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I see Bristol is living up to my snowy expectations.…

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