@waiyeehong @EffBeeee Thank you. I should clearly eat out more, and in more varied places…
@EffBeeee I know what poussin is. If it helps calibrate, I *don’t* know what lardo, bay ice, bisque or kimchi are.
@sla_shalafi Where did they announce it, by the way?
@sla_shalafi Oh, okay. I know I looked for it within the last week, but presumably before the announcement. I’ll have another poke around.
That turned out quite nicely. Probably worth getting mud on the camera bag for :D flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
@sla_shalafi I thought it was only rolled out to “top developers” so far?
Kavey Bristolians: Recos for lovely Bristol restaurant for a Saturday lunch, bit special for a holiday visit, for my sister? Pls RT.
@tsunimee Thanks! :D
Queue. instagr.am/p/UZBM_JpC0C/
One for @Ninja_lynneja :D @ Portishead Lake Grounds instagr.am/p/UY9PP6JCwI/
@Paulw4321 Only mildly. Used the 400D in loads worse, and that’s still working…
Just posted a photo instagr.am/p/UY8jMppC_U/
On the rocks. instagr.am/p/UY6gdupC9X/
Esplanade Road. instagr.am/p/UY4NPRJC7M/
@katejerrold @Bristol52 @wood5y I used to *love* driving over that!
@hatsandbikes Wonder if there’s scope for replacing some parking with some bike stands in Boyce’s Avenue, now it’s often pedestrians-only.
@hatsandbikes No. Mostly full. The stands at the Library used to be good ones, but were replaced with ones I now wouldn’t trust. Grr.
@hatsandbikes (Apart from stupid bike stands at the library where you can only lock your front wheel, I’m struggling to think of many…)
@hatsandbikes There are cycling facilities in Clifton Village? @BristolCouncil
@KBromptonThorne Probably a bit more corporate than I was thinking anyway.
@Thehappyfatgirl It lives!
@hayles Yur. But it’s quite kid-friendly, from what I remember (which is another factor.) Gosh, I should plan these things more in advance.
@BlackDogDays @ilsoigneur That’s the chap!
@FluffyMFC Mornin’!
@Narshada You don’t look like the withdrawal hit *too* hard.
@hayles I’m thinking more traditional-but-funky. Harvey Nicks probably too mainstream/posh.
@hayles Cool, I’ll put them on the list. Need to be careful with distance & parkability, as one attendee is 8 months preggers with bad hip!
Is there a good place I can book for afternoon tea in Bristol next weekend?
Good morning all.
I’ve been bumping into @ilsoigneur in Baristas for years. Turns out he makes these cool (and customisable) bags: ilsoigneur.cc
@KBromptonThorne Are you alive?
@KBromptonThorne Well done!
charlesarthur Sad: cruciverbalist Araucaria tells readers he ‘has 18 down of the 19, which is being treated with 13 15’ gu.com/p/3d328/tw via @guardian