Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

August 2011

@bertyc @Jorence It is now. I declare 31st August Official Pork Belly Day. Put it on your calendar for next year.

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@bertyc @bexxi The smiley is bigger because it has to distract from the increased belly size. :DO<

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@Phooto Black pudding was the starter. This was the pork belly :D

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@bexxi @bertyc Pork belly, mashed potato, various acoutrements :)

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Hmm. Chef appears to have made me a helicopter of bacon.

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@paulahillier Suggest Holland. Tell them you’ll meet them there.

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@lukeredpath Maybe. Or maybe my roller technique just isn’t that good and someone better could get away with one coat of Once. Dunno.

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@archidave That’s what I thought, but these rebels have painted that un-word on the side of their obsolete vehicle.

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@lukeredpath In one go? Yes, probably crazy. I have certainly needed two coats of Once, anyway.

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There’s a bloke parked on the High Street having trouble getting his tractor going. That’ll be a bugger to push-start.

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Woken up a bit unsettled and random. Going for an unsettled random walk through Windermere.

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@RamonYouseph Lamb with courgette & mushroom. With some improv including umami paste (niiiice).

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@paulahillier It was… Er. Well, about how I’d expected a pencil museum to be :)

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@ahnlak Seemed fine today. Busy, but not rammed.

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The world’s longest colour pencil. Really. @ Cumberland Pencil Museum

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Today, I have mostly been walking in the Lake District.

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@RamonYouseph As long as it’s a tasty woeful mess, that sounds win-win to me.

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@andybeebristol Thankfully not. That would’ve been several kilometres of mostly-uphill accident at that point. :)

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@rabidbee I’ve not met any natives yet to calibrate my accent, so I’m defaulting to “comedy northern”.

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Not convinced this is the best weather for a walk.

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@xabl @rabidbee No, it is a bit like that. You up north, then? I’m next to Windermere.

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My weight: 17:12.7 stlb. 0:12.7 stlb to go. Weighin’ in.

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@joshuatopolsky Bah. So, they’ve ended rentals before they even started in the UK, because of the cloud, which isn’t available in UK. :(

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@njj4 I’m not sure that would have stopped me :)

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Thanks to @thenicolabryant and @SawbonesHex for entertaining me for hours on the M6 :)

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Later on, I will play at being Phil, Prince of Insufficient Light.

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Right. Journey over. Time for a cuppa. This looks like a good spot.

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@helsmartin Well, I hope he wasn’t in the Quiet Carriage.

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Taking a break. Shame it’s a bit too rainy to enjoy the duck pond at my favourite M6 services!

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@hayles @BlackDogDays Only with powdered milk. And that stuff’s just wrong.

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G’night everyone.

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Bwa-ha-ha. I just won a Belgian chocolate milk drink @KaveyF @ahnlak

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@jonhickman BREAKING: No. No, they fucking haven’t.

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@Jorence Aw. End of a slightly-preservative-laden-I’m-guessing era :)

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@Jorence Where did you get them?

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Channel4News People are being warned to check packs of Nurofen Plus after it emerged that thousands of them could mistakenly contain anti-psychotic drugs

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 6:10 PM, Aug 25th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@cabanbury Hmm. I just took two Neurofen Plus (really). Presumably I should worry if I become non-psychotic for a while.

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ahnlak Need to take something home, so is there a good beer shop in bath?

via Plume for Android (retweeted on 1:46 PM, Aug 25th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@BenPark I was at an all-boys grammar school. Ironically, it was mostly composed of girly swots :)

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Roast Beef Sandwich (n): Food delivery system that allows you to clumsily eat many slices of roast beef, followed by two empty bread slices.

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@Dichohecho Nice. These days I can only really use it as evidence that I wasn’t thick 22 years ago *sob*

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7 A’s, 2 B’s, 2 C’s, in 1989. It’s all been downhill from there :)

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EugeneByrne I’m sure these newspaper articles about how GCSEs aren’t as hard as they used to be are getting easier to write every year.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:23 AM, Aug 25th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@MrsVeee Good thing is they’re normally bang on time, unlike buses. Worth a go :)

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@MrsVeee @tweeny4 Bristol Ferry and Number 7 will be running up to between 5 and 6 (depending which stop you’re at.)

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@tweeny4 If I pass you on the pavement on the way home, I’ll throw a blanket over you and put some cones around.

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JennaStern Holy… RT”@tvnewser: RT @twcspacewx: The International Space Station is currently passing over .

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 9:04 AM, Aug 25th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Kavey Good god!! RT @AndreDang The peacock poodle is especially priceless RT @dailycandy:»

via Plume for Android (retweeted on 11:17 PM, Aug 24th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@stillawake Well, mostly, I ate it. Gawd, that was good.

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Exploding quail. @ The Pump House

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Hardly anyone who wants to license a photo understands the vaguest points of licensing photos. Or maybe I’m just unlucky.

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Bleedin’ ‘eck. . Hope @KaveyF and @ahnlak remembered to pack their umbrellas.

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@vero I’m not sure there is a way, unless they’ve been archived outside Twitter.

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Bristol really does seem to have developed a rainy season, doesn’t it?

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@seengee …which makes two in a row now, of course. They need a sniper with a potato cannon and nightsight on the Victoria Rooms roof!

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bev13thdisciple @gothick @MrGreenGus Are those bloody gorillas considered to be public art?!? I thought they were just something for the kiddies…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 1:48 PM, Aug 24th, 2011 via Echofon)

@bev13thdisciple @MrGreenGus Is it not possible that they’re public art for the kiddies?

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@DavidJEWood Well, I was thinking of putting it in the lounge.

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So, someone’s stolen one of the gorillas, and someone else has tagged the Damien Hirst sculpture. Way to appreciate public art, :(

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@marcus67 @boagworld Noooo! And I have a long journey to get through at the weekend. I demand you entertain me :)

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lollypopstar RT @lisapr1ce: If PHP were British, what what! // for @bathdrummer

via Echofon (retweeted on 9:16 AM, Aug 24th, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@smalltownmoon @the3rdgirl From what I remember, it wouldn’t have been “statii” in Latin, either. “Status” with a long “u”?

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I am reading about CSS properties. Google ads are trying to sell me property in Portugal.

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@xabl @rabidbee Yeah, you clearly need more practice. There are definitely some you can hate all the time.

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asilentflute Post-earthquake view out my office window

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@tyfn So, from what I’m seeing, @baratunde *was* the epicentre…

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MrJonty My feed is filled with East Coast people saying “omg earthquake!” and West Coast people saying “stfu noobs”.

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@PeteWilliams I thought that was what that petition to bring back the death penalty was about?

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@KaveyF Restaurants really do have shite websites really quite often, don’t they?

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@MartinPemberton …for Posts page. Then it’ll appear in menu, and your blog entries will be in

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@MartinPemberton After that, depends a bit on theme support. Think generally you can, e.g. create blank page called “Blog”, and use that…

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@MartinPemberton Create new page as landing page. Change WordPress Settings/Reading/”Front page displays…” to that page. Fiddle from there

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@mattleys Indeedy. Makes for a cheap break, anyway :)

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@mattleys That reminds me, must book a flight soon (my dad lives in Kalyves!)

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How on earth has _A Dangerous Method_ got two 1-star ratings on @lovefilm? Bearing in mind it apparently premiers *next month*…

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@LegalWeasel @Juggzy I have no interjection here; I just like saying, “flapdoodle.”

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I’d think “Suspension Bridge” if it weren’t in the opposite direction. Maybe there’s a 1980’s Madonna fashion festival?

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damongreenITV CONFIRMED: real life a bit more complicated than it sometimes appears on Twitter.

via Twitter for BlackBerry® (retweeted on 8:13 AM, Aug 23rd, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@r0bb1eh Don’t forget to look down the back of the sofa, too.

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Er… So, what kind of Audiobooks *aren’t* “Spoken Word”, Apple?

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Right. I’m off to bed. Don’t forget to check your sheds for stray North African tyrants, people. He could be anywhere.

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@asic69 @Phooto @KaveyF Well, I noticed they had the scales in my local Apple Store last week. Maybe they’ve started doing the BP mon, too.

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@Phooto @asic69 @KaveyF I’m not sure I want to know exactly how unhealthy I am in many different ways! Will need iAntiDepressant after that.

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@Phooto @asic69 @KaveyF Odd, given that the scale came first, and is standalone. I guess relying on the phone makes it cheaper.

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@asic69 @KaveyF Well, Withings do make a Wi-Fi blood-pressure monitor if you fancy splashing out. You can even tweet your BP :)

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@asic69 @KaveyF But surely that’s contraindicated for a geek, whose heart-rate might increase at the sight of technology?

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*That’s* what it reminds me of. A frame of a Calvin and Hobbes cartoon.…

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@Lithosfear @martingoode Ah, I don’t have a tablet at all, which is why I want to play with one on the cheap.

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@martingoode @Lithosfear Nope. Not available for home delivery, and not available at any Bristol store. Ah well, was just a passing fancy!

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@PTdavelewis @lizwebster Archangel! Just the image that popped into my head, too.

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@BinaryDad And that’s without the demographic that’ve wandered out to the kitchen while voting and are now wondering why they’re there.

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@hayles Luckily he mostly turns up for me on Radio 4, so I don’t have to deal with the face. Or the pullovers.

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Christ. Gyles Brandreth is basically Jedward for the middle classes, isn’t he?

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@morgan_murphy I don’t know, but we definitely need to get a charity set up.

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morgan_murphy What’s the name of the mental illness that causes you to watch commercials during something you TiVo’d?

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 6:01 PM, Aug 22nd, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@Lithosfear There is, now. Check recent tweets re Dixons, Currys, etc.

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@chris_j_hughes I like Apple kit, but don’t have enough need for a tablet to justify the cash. $99 tablet would be interesting plaything!

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@stuartcw I’d’ve thought that would’ve been a pain. Being stopped at every corner by pairs of identical twins asking awkward questions…

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@scalzi Well, at least he wasn’t asking for a priest.

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@chris_j_hughes Yup. Which is why I’m surprised Amazon aren’t giving them away with Corn Flakes, rather than charging £300+ for ‘em…

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@ricgalbraith Even with the same director, has there ever been a remake that was better than an original great film?

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Hmm. Amazon UK appears to have reduced the TouchPad to a mere £312.07. Not exactly the $99 bargain the US are getting…

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@bexxi It’s true! They used to wear sheets and jump out from behind the caviar.

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hcoverlambda My coworker was showing off his facial recognition login for win. Went to my desk and printed a pic that had him in it and used it to login.

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 11:21 AM, Aug 22nd, 2011 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@asic69 I warned you not to go on Oblivion. <seriousface>You all right?</seriousface>

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@slicknic Is it, perchance, sharpened only using a Stanley knife?

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@Jorence @stillawake You can still pretty much tell it’s brown!

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@stillawake Yes; be nice if it were blue, but the only way that’ll happen is if a dye factory has an industrial accident :)

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@stillawake Thank you! All done in a single sweep with my little Sony TX1 :)

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@r0bb1eh @stillawake That’s two “no” votes and no “yes” votes for the _Precinct_ remake. I shall save my time. Thank you.

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@r0bb1eh I would, were it actually on telly. Bah.

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Assault on Precinct 13! Oh. It’s the remake. Is that any good?

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@Narshada Just wait until the AA van breaks down. You’ll need a punchline, after all.

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@hayles Yes. Clearly it is All Their Fault. Maybe I should sue.

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@Jorence @StJamesPT Just realised that if I do just 5K between now and the Bristol Half, finishing will break through 1,000km on RunKeeper!

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@hayles And Boston Tea Party cakes. And lattes. Otherwise I’d have lost some weight by now :(

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Goodness. According to RunKeeper, I have just passed 100,000 calories burned off with my jogging.…

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@inkyhands D’oh. Well, it was worth a try.

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@Jorence Next time I’m going to try the (apparently quite good) trick of sleeping in my running gear so I can get out as early as possible!

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@inkyhands Cruise control and a willing passenger. Problem solved.

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@Jorence Yeah, but on a day like today you’d want to start early on the Downs, then head for the woods to catch some shade before the heat!

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@Jorence Ooops! I mean 21-kilometre-er, of course.

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@Jorence This is a 21-miler including that route, plus a couple of loops of purple path, plus the Downs. Was nice!…

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@Jorence Hrm. Loads for me.

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@Jorence @StJamesPT If you want to extend it, you can add a loop or two of the “Purple Path” starting opposite the car park in the woods.

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@Jorence @StJamesPT And, assuming this has worked, this should be the same map with my run marked with arrows.…

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@Jorence @StJamesPT Right, here we go, he said, breaking all sorts of copyright laws. Original map:…

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@Jorence @StJamesPT With my route, you head into woods at far entrance, just past little steps, then fold back and follow less steep route.

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@Jorence @StJamesPT Was thinking earlier on I should blog the route. Might see if I can find a map of Leigh Woods to mark it on for folk.

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@Jorence @StJamesPT It’s still a fairly steep climb in one place, but I used to jog up it, albeit slowly.

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@Jorence @StJamesPT Still, on the plus side, at least we all got out for a run today!

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@libbymiller I suggest locking yourself in the kitchen , and drinking two cups of tea yourself while selling the last bag to highest bidder.

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@Narshada Is Gordano Services some kind of Bermuda Triangle for cars?

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@Narshada *scans back through timeline* Ooof. Yes, there comes a time to cease being philosophical and start being at least mildly miffed.

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@NeilCrosby Think I just saw that advert. “Get closer to the laughs with higher resolution!” Personally, think I’d prefer better scripts.

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@jacintuk You’ve not got the hang of this Twitter thing yet, have you? :) @KaveyF @Debbiegreeneyes

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Tired bunny.

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@malvernrunner That sounds like a good idea. Wish I’d had it about three hours ago…

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@MandinaM Thanks :) Yes, I rather liked it, too. Think I won’t treat it as an actual “out-take”, so it’ll get onto Flickr at some point…

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@rabidbee To be fair, I’d prefer that to the other way around.

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@Jorence 17.8 miles! Bloody hot day to go that far, dude! Niiiice.

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Wow! Hot day for a run. Glad I went through Leigh Woods. Nice and shady, for the most part.

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RT @Jorence: Did see @gothick on his run, looking strong there Matt! <— Likewise! :)

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Control Panel, Junction Lock. @ Junction Lock

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Hah! Morning jog temporarily stymied by lock gate opening & bridge

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@jukesie Bandwagon jumpers or no, it’s still worth going :)

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Hah! Out-take from yesterday’s trip to Bristol Zoo.

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@ajith_bibin Nope. I just looked at their website after seeing Ben’s blog. I imagine they’re just con artists of some kind or another.

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I am going to try to avoid watching _Die Hard_ yet again, classic though it is, and watch something I’ve not seen before instead.

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@vero Me too. I’m just thinking about things that might be intercepting/examining/slowing keystrokes that I’ve updated recently.

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@vero You don’t happen to have Textexpander, do you? Trying to eliminate things here.

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@vero Weird. Only seen it on my desktop, not on the laptop. And — I *think* — only since 10.7.1.

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@BenPark It’s a weasel, I believe. The sign’s for Taxi Studio. Who seem to be a bit weird.

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@meemalee Apparently it’s National Treasure 2.

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@Narshada No, this is significantly worse than anything else I’ve seen him in. Really.

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@jonhickman Apparently so. Though the last two Cage films I’ve watched were Con Air and Raising Arizona, so this is a very big step down.

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Wow. This Nicholas Cage thing on BBC 1 is one of the worst films I’ve ever seen.

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@alfredapp Any reports of letters turning up in the wrong order when typing into Alfred? (e.g. type Alfred, get flAred)?

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@charlie_cat_esq I think we got change from a thousand, at least.

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Having an alleged coffee at the zoo.

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@BenPark We probably passed each other… Currently in zoo in company of friends and their two small monkeys :)

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Off to meet some friends at the zoo.

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@Jorence It’s not the eating out I mind so much; it’s having to remember to put out a new book to defrost before I read it.

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@Jorence I think it’s not classified as an illness until you start throwing out good food as your books overflow into the kitchen cupboards.

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@slicknic Well done! I’ve sadly gone up recently. Getting on the scales is my first step in facing the facts and doing something about it.

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