@wood5y That would be one of myriad reasons I don’t bother reading the thing.
@wood5y I have no idea who that is.

@BristolCouncil So, guessing we’ve still not solved the Case of the Mysterious Belgian Bin? pic.twitter.com/tvRekcqyOm
Odd place, #bristol. instagram.com/p/rHUjTIpC3t/
@ahnlak *points and laughs at the old man*

Not long now to @bristolballoon fiesta. Here’s one of the 2013 mass ascents. flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… #BalloonFiesta pic.twitter.com/NEXpI1rOJf
Oop. Lightroom 5.6 is out.
negrino Glad I read this: ‘Galaxy Quest’: The Oral History. Here’s the untold story of how it got made. mtv.com/news/1873653/g…
@MrGreenGus Leave the quiet carriage. The only thing those signs do is unrealistically raise your expectations.
@sla_shalafi Aha! I thought I must have been missing something. Sorry, it’s before my morning coffee.
@sla_shalafi ? Google’s documentation uses 11 as an example of minSdkVersion. Am I missing something? developers.google.com/tv/android/doc…
@AmyCurtis I have a guitar with a wah-wah pedal if you need a soundtrack for that.
@ahnlak I’ve heard SQL Server people pronounce it both ways, but sequel seems more common. Might also be a left/rightpondian divide, too.
@ahnlak Interestingly, Don Chamberlin pronounces it “sequel”, but guesses that the “official” way would be “S-Q-L”. patorjk.com/blog/2012/01/2…
petapixel This guy’s wife refused to take maternity photos, so he posed for them instead: goo.gl/mhdpUM
@hayles Means it’s not authenticating properly before doing something. Error’s actually from WordPress; added recently and broke some stuff.

Bristol Blue flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… pic.twitter.com/gYL8tHBHzo

MrTimDunn Oh no. no no no. looks like that’s one of the wooden shelters caught fire too. It’s spreading seaward :( pic.twitter.com/xIIZNGBAtZ
Low tide #bristol instagram.com/p/rFJjeHpC6Y/

AhhToots People have mainly been requesting Victoria sponge so here’s mine@stnicksmarket @BristolPound pic.twitter.com/YaofBrtAZP
One, two, threeeeee… Marlenas #singingatwork
@downcastapp Cool, on its way.
Where is Jessica Hyde?

Cracking (and crackling) pulled pork at @ZazusKitchen225 pic.twitter.com/FZNEdvbxQn

@downcastapp Spoke too soon. Mine’s dead again. Hey, @Tam_Lin, do we have any feeds in common? pic.twitter.com/0ablXAz79O
@Tam_Lin @downcastapp Oddly, I tried mine again today without doing anything, and now it’s working. Wonder if it’s a particular feed?
@Shonette I imagine he’ll say “MMMM” to himself.
@faerietalefoody “Frequent/Intense Alcohol, Tobacco, or Drug Use or References”… Sounds like my kind of app :D
@ZinziGraham Yeah, I’ve knocked my usual noon shopping trips back to nearer sunset for the duration. It’s pretty fierce out there…
@guriben Whose?

Ooooh! It’s @meemalee’s Noodle! @Kavey pic.twitter.com/imIvyQsMoJ

RobStewart_ A ‘wor’ of sorts has been declared by Newcastle Brown Ale on Stella Artois judging by this American billboard pic.twitter.com/reuxUQJx99
@bexxi I first came across that word while looking into Kintsugi: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kintsugi
@jamesthomson Glad it’s not just me.
@benjohnbarnes Mine would have a tragic ending, though.
@bighairyattart It wasn’t bad. The olives didn’t really work, mind, but that didn’t spoil the rest of it :)
Imagine the bereft, cobwebbed professionals at railway lost luggage offices, now that everyone just gets things back through retweets.

Thanks @bighairyattart for tweeting something lush with broad beans last week, and prompting me to pick some up :) pic.twitter.com/u5A0C2rE0i
Experimental. instagram.com/p/rAH1sFJC84/
@bbcweather That warning says SE, not SW?
(The only problem with that shot was that the damn flower head is taller than my tripod reaches!)

So nice to have the right weather for my little friend here. flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… pic.twitter.com/EtID2sYU0n
@warriorgrrl @PeteWilliams Enjoy!
@PeteWilliams @warriorgrrl I also thought of Graze when hearing “steak”, “pub” and “Centre”. If you’re venturing uphill, I’d try Cowshed…
warriorgrrl Can any Bristol people recommend a nice place to take parents to for food tonight? Steak / nice pub food sort of place in the centre.
@philcrissman @boblmartens @boagworld “Content-Type: application/fist”

Hrm. Wonder who that could be? ;) #bristol pic.twitter.com/DZEN91kLWl
@word_geek SQL is said ess-queue-ell by those strange heathen folk who don’t pronounce it “sequel”!
“An SQLite database”. “An historic occasion”. “An confused Matt”.
Starting work on @getrunningapp’s Android Backup Service bits, so all your progress is seamlessly transferred when you get a new phone…
@ahnlak “fixed”.
@paulawhite_uk “Because otherwise the tax authorities would have put me in prison by now” :)
@jakepjohnson Just added you to my “internet gossip flirts” list for that.
One thing all these storms tell us: hardly anyone, including newspapers, knows the difference between “lightning” and “lightening”.
Horse_iOS In OS X Yosemite we added translucency to the interface to emphasize what’s important to you: the content you are not currently looking at
@film_girl Shit. They added Kim Kardashian to the Unicode standard? I understand she’s quite a character, but still…
@mattgemmell I like RubyMine best out of everything I’ve tried, and I normally share your dislike of Java-based monstrosities.

@samsneed12 This was best/most motivational thing I read when in that situation. Might help. pic.twitter.com/8x9s5OK5Xm
@samsneed12 Does somewhat help if you’ve got a cellar/loft/box room/storage unit :)
@samsneed12 Holding area. Get box. Put stuff you’re not sure about in it. Write date on. In a year, realise you haven’t needed it & throw.
@BinaryBad I take it you’re frustrated by an app that puts its buttons close to the top of the window? (Pocket irritates me like that.)
@BinaryBad Looks like plenty of people have asked, and not got an answer: apple.stackexchange.com/questions/3524…
@BinaryBad I doubt you can. But if it helps you search, you’re probably looking for the menu bar un-hiding delay.
Necessitea. instagram.com/p/q9dHARJC2L/

MResponsively Kitchen #UX: I never know how much spaghetti to use! Introducing the “I could eat a horse” spaghetti measuring tool. pic.twitter.com/dSgCCKpsEt
@MResponsively @pide2001 My belief is that the revenue drives the problem. I do what I can by close-tabbing those as soon as I see them.
@pide2001 @MResponsively Well, yeah, but it’s not about a good user experience, is it? It’s about pageviews and crowbarring more ads in :(
@archidave @guriben @bristol_citizen Yeah, but you wouldn’t have heard of it, would you? IT’S A SECRET.

@downcastapp Mac version beachball-hanging/UI freeze on initial refresh for me. Anything I can do to help you debug? pic.twitter.com/5ayOfU7Wxb
goosefat101 I just accepted a LinkedIn request from my mum. What. Even. Am. I?
@bexxi (Okay, actually another two. I clearly can’t add up today.)
@bexxi Another kilometre and you’d have walked a half-marathon. Get back out there :D

Looks roasting out again. I hear there may be ice cream in Dowry Square today; might be as far as I go. #hotwells pic.twitter.com/x7uDOOxr5R
@guriben @charlie_cat_esq Yup, that’s a Tanglewood.
@guriben @charlie_cat_esq She didn’t make it with porridge in mind; I just fell into the habit of using it for that.

@charlie_cat_esq They make fab presents. I cherish my friend-carved porridge-stirrer :) pic.twitter.com/TCnfHlRNy4
AnneBillson Lawsuit: “Happy Birthday” is NOT in copyright, and Warner owes the world hundreds of millions. boingboing.net/2013/06/13/law…
On the plus side, even the (not so-) mushy peas at @PumpHseBristol were amazing, and the basil in the cheesecake actually worked. Fab!
@waiyeehong Just off phone with Amazon. Fairly standard “wait 24 hours just in case and then call us back.” I guess we’ll see.
@waiyeehong I checked upstairs, which is the general catch-all.
Damn. @AmazonUK claim that @meemalee’s NOODLE! was “posted through my letterbox”. Barren letterbox and bereft floor give the lie to this.
@libbymiller My most perky recent improvement came from “defrag” by clone to backup drive & clone back.
Single. instagram.com/p/q7IuXjJC-z/
@libbymiller Mavericks is pretty nice, in general. Been running it since pre-beta, let me know if it gives you any gyp.
I nipped out for a short lunchtime walk in the sun. Six hours later I am awaiting dinner at the lovely and local @PumpHseBristol. Summer.
Wow. Just seen the Harbour Master jet past at flank speed. Someone’s in trouble.
Summer. #bristol instagram.com/p/q69NT9JC5r/
@psidnell Any plan that involves getting even slightly hotter first is a no-go.
Pyronaut is doing firefighting demos every half hour. Wonder if I can bribe them to hose me down on the way past.
@guriben Luckily* mine has been camouflaged by joining up with all my other sweat. *Not luckily.
Arrrrrrrr. instagram.com/p/q6yMIwpC2u/
Pyronaut. instagram.com/p/q6s0O5pC-X/
Back to back. instagram.com/p/q6r7u8JC8-/
Do seagulls *really* have that much to talk about? SHUT UP BILLFACES.
almostexact This is how to complain: timsfaces.tumblr.com
@guriben WOLFACE.
@guriben Can you be quick on your plates for 20km, though? I may not be fast, but I get there in the end…
@guriben I bet if I chase you with a tattoo gun you could run 5K. Of course, I can run further, so you’ll get two for the price of one.
Someone just subscribed to my FriendFeed. I didn’t know that was still a thing. Or that I had one.
@danbarker You just made me read Tunnock’s Wikipedia entry, and I’m glad I did, just for the bit about RAF Gaydon. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tunnock’s
Gooooats Parenting Tip: Hahahahahahahaha. Nobody knows what they’re doing.
@liveindetail Your Account->Manage Your Payment Methods->delete buttons.
@Narshada My last writing teacher said that if an idea was good enough, it’d come back. Of course, he might have a better memory than us.
@ChidgChidg Well, there you go.
Argh! *Rushes about getting the washing in from the line* That was sudden.
What’s this I see in the depths of my crystal ball? Oh, yes, it’s an MP wasting fuck-tons of NHS money.

Independent MP David Tredinnick ‘convinced’ astrology could reduce the strain on NHS ind.pn/1pgMDaR pic.twitter.com/q2HWNsJIjT
@SpikyZebra I’ve got one that seems to have judged “just above Matt’s head height” remarkably well on the steps out of my place. Helpful.
@BristolCouncil @wood5y @bristolparks Cool, thanks. If it’s more helpful, it’s pretty much central on this map: goo.gl/maps/8l0lo

@BristolCouncil @wood5y @bristolparks Can we contract a Belgian bin-emptying team, then? It’s here, if that helps: pic.twitter.com/VUCEGm9ODG
@danielpunkass Got it. Will do, thanks!
@MarkSkinner_ I saw a job advert earlier on, and the first question that sprang to mind was, “But does your office have aircon?”
@danielpunkass Sounds like I should probably go check it out. Don’t think I’ve seriously used a sprite since I had an Acorn Archimedes…
@Souterain My main thought was, “Not enough experience to know they won’t fit *that* into the Pump House car park, though…”

Well done, Bristol. You passed today’s spot quality check. Carry on. pic.twitter.com/mQBSYbdNLd
@makeitmentoring Though I do sometimes pop out to Baristas, Ahh Toots, Woodes, Small Street, and others. That’s a lunchtime treat, though!
@makeitmentoring Much as I’d love to, most of them aren’t open at 6:30, and they’re all a fair way away or up a bloody steep hill…
@makeitmentoring @GeorgeFergusonx Mostly by stumbling into my front room via a coffee and a shower. Which still seems to take an hour…
@hayles @jukesie Ah, I see. I mostly have stuff that they then toast, anyway, so I don’t suffer from that one.

Is this an official @BristolCouncil bin or some kind of Dutch art installation? (nr Avon viewpoint, Cumberland Basin) pic.twitter.com/NzvP7YbKfH
Popped out for lunch. There are worse places to be. instagram.com/p/q3_PAOpCxi/

A truckload of experience. #bristol pic.twitter.com/F4rjGYkg8B

WonderfulEngr When an engineer gets bored pic.twitter.com/eDf4fJboDG
@guriben Happy birthday, dear.
@waiyeehong @stnicksmarket That looks lush. Whereabouts are they?
@liveindetail I imagine that being read GUIDs aloud by a robot isn’t the nicest experience in the world.
@shezza_t It’s very nice.
Dear manufacturers of blue LEDs for cheap electronics: thanks, and all, but if I’m getting a tan at night, they may be a tad too bright?

It is this kind of morning in my lounge. pic.twitter.com/eqw5s5TUNC
@mattgemmell I’ve been tempted, but only because if you’re going to be phished, you want to be phished better than *that*, damn it…
@cabalgata Excuse me, I’m just off to invent an entire new “contents” insurance market…

Kavey Like noodles? Buy this! MT @meemalee: Noodle! is now available on Kindle :) amazon.com/Noodle-Amazing… pic.twitter.com/OxflSgcDBQ

TheOtherBBFC Yes, it’s true. We’re showing SHARK ATTACK 3…ON A BOAT. This boat to be precise.
bristolbadfilmclub.co.uk/2014/07/22/sha… pic.twitter.com/m00pkmv5kT
@jukesie Screw the hipsterness if they do food that well. Now drooling and thinking about focaccia, damn you.
@BristolEating My fave is the wall “clock” in Commercial Rooms which is actually a weathervane readout.
@BristolEating Indeed. Love The Commercial Rooms, too; old enough to remember before it was a Wetherspoons and still had booths…
@BristolEating (Probably helps that when I first came to Bristol I worked on Wine Street, then Broad Street. Lots of opportunity!)
@BristolEating I hardly ever get to a Lounge, so that won’t bother me so much. Always enjoyed drinking in Corn Street’s various interiors!
@BristolEating I recognise that! Did that used to be the pub with the ultra-imaginative name of 31 Corn Street?
Triggertrap Why is the F-stop scale so weird? j.mp/1pPZJuv

@petapixel Your website seems down from here, folks: pic.twitter.com/6KchTLWdVe
@antimitch Woah. Think you can train him to fetch a stick?
@garycasamojo it may be worth looking into. But my God, I hate using Calibre.
@tinkslovesj Cool, just thought I’d check!
@tinkslovesj Erm. Did you see: twitter.com/secretcinema/s…
It’s never good when a flight number trends on Twitter.
Back home in my cool, cool basement. Ahhhhhhhh. *steams gently* *does very little*
@waiyeehong I will trade life expectancy for enjoying summers.
“Working” #netmag instagram.com/p/q1YgULJC8g/
@guriben No, just passed an elderly gent wearing long trousers & winter coat to walk his dog. They always seem immune.
I can’t wait to be a proper old man, so I can go out in this heat and still think it’s cold enough to warrant a coat.
Damn you, Apple, publish The Swift Programming Language in some way I can easily get it onto my Kindle. #neverhappen #sigh
@jakepjohnson Still pretty safe compared to getting in a car.
@G2Bristol @coffeenumber1 God damn, I remember how nice those little cheesecakes are. Sadly I am too lardy to justify one right now.
Still constantly surprised by people failing to work out that the basement flat is likely to be down the really obvious steps.
@OpinionatedGeek They will turn your screams into a ringtone.
@OpinionatedGeek Gopher FTW.
@OpinionatedGeek Animated pitchforks with scrolling marquee protest signs.
@OpinionatedGeek I love the way images are really important in it, too. Wonder how long it’ll be before it’s plastered in ads, mind.
@OpinionatedGeek I generally use Pocket for long-form stuff anyway. Though there are a few sites I prefer reading native. I like Medium.
@OpinionatedGeek Well, yeah, but if it’s done with CSS rather than JS trickery, at least it can easily be stripped out by Readability, etc.
@njj4 Yeah. I didn’t think I remembered any of that until I watched it. Faceless man brought it all back.

@bigade1665 @Bristol52 That just makes it more atmospheric :D pic.twitter.com/EQaYudiE8w

@bigade1665 @Bristol52 #goldneygardenparty is fab. The grounds are great and the grotto is just… Indescribable. pic.twitter.com/6QuH1jEA1u

TomJPKnight There’s a statue of a person crying in #Bristol — anyone know exactly where in town it is? Would like to see it! pic.twitter.com/d4KVI9vQz3
Re-watched Sapphire and Steel. Quite surprised I didn’t have more nightmares as a child.
@Mouse_House I’m surprised you didn’t. I hear angry mums-to-be have pretty fierce superpowers.

LisaMcIntire Why is this happening WORDS HAVE MEANINGS pic.twitter.com/qMeiie6tRO
Yodel driver clearly bemused that I’m not a walking directory of who lives in each flat of street I’m walking down.
Not really selling it today. instagram.com/p/qzB6W3pCzU/
@imyke Oh, for Christ’s sake. “totododo.com” is already taken.
@imyke Perhaps I should write an app which is just a checklist of “todo” apps to try…
@Dru_Marland God, the photo opportunities here are amazing. Do you know any small, brave Chinese men?
@thoshughes @danjamesceo The first sticker I ever put on a Mac: flickr.com/photos/matt_gi… :)
@ahnlak Water doesn’t tend to linger on this hill!
@ahnlak I have the JOY OF BASEMENTNESS which is never more joyful that on days like this.
I have had ten hours sleep and a coffee. Does anyone have any buildings they need lifting up?
@Phooto I’m doing similar, though I just use the fact of a sunken basement backyard as my “tree” :)
@ahnlak High of 28, apparently.
Hrm. Think I’ll mostly be staying indoors today. Sadly not really built for this weather.
@BabsBat You could probably do quite well in the rental business, too…
@mattgemmell It’s lush. Nice to have some family continuity in the flat, too, breaking up the preponderance of IKEA stuff!

@mattgemmell I took delivery of my late Grandad Jim’s bureau recently. Having it restored to go fully old-school. pic.twitter.com/4BznPUhZiK
@adamgasson Royal Crescent? Or is that just barrel distortion? :)
Enticing. instagram.com/p/qtwzRUpC1W/
If you were wondering what that foghorn was, #bristol, the steamer Brocklebank was just saying goodbye..instagram.com/p/qtumexJCyf/iH
@talithahg “Always point your child at the neighbour’s house when putting her on a trampoline”?