@davidwalshblog If you disable Javascript on your page, it works. Something odd with a script? (Also: you have two <body> elements!?)
*Sniffs the air* Guess they weren’t scented, then.

itvwestcountry Lorry that caught fire in #bristol believed to have been carrying candles itv.com/news/west/upda… pic.twitter.com/axxysgwQVA
parliamentedits This Twitter bot will show whenever someone edits Wikipedia from within the British Parliament. It was set up by @tomscott using @IFTTT.

RT @JonCraig_Photos: Lorry #fire pic.twitter.com/lzd2XF36z7 Ah, *that’s* where it is. See why I was worried that CREATE Centre might be aflame.
@JonCraig_Photos Oh, so *that’s* where it is. Ta.
liveindetail @gothick But it could be. Beautiful flames, dancing around the curvaceous frame of a charred Iveco flatbed
Home. Considering going out for a walk with the camera, but I’m not sure a truck fire is really my kind of subject.
Though they have apparently moved the lorry to somewhere around CREATE, as that’s what I thought was on fire, initially…
Avoid the area, folks. I wouldn’t be tweeting while “driving” without the handbrake on & engine off.

pete_dalby Huge truck fire on Cumberland Basin flyover #Bristol pic.twitter.com/ozHK9sTaWv
ChinaShopBull @gothick see @pete_dalby for lorry fire pic
@ChinaShopBull @pete_dalby @SaharaNutter Thanks all.
What’s on fire, #bristol?
Playing. instagram.com/p/qOrmnSJCzv/

kaihattendorf This is why you need to test edge use cases in your designs. pic.twitter.com/cE9RRSGoVX #dexperty #BRAGER
@ahnlak I still have one, though I don’t wear it much. I like idea of the quartz self-winders, but never seem to like the *looks* of them
@ahnlak It’s exceptionally over-designered, isn’t it? But the watch looks fucking cool.
@ahnlak Battery life is why the Activité (withings.com/activite/en-US) is the only wearable I might be tempted by…)
HilaryCarden Can you recommend someone in Bristol who can help me with the design of an info-graphic type thingy please?
@ahnlak (Though you can make that choice with iOS, as the hardware is standard enough for “juice packs” to be worth making.)
@ahnlak Yeah. Problem seems to be that they’ve gone for increasing the other two dimensions, thus sucking proportionally more battery.
@ahnlak Was an Italian team, I think, who had battery that lasted as long as current ones, but fully charged from flat in couple of minutes.
@ahnlak Yeah. Batteries really need to f’ing evolve. Though I saw an interesting take on fixing that recently…
@ahnlak Yeah. Rince was on his pre-war Nokia at the weekend, on his seventh day without charging… :)
@ahnlak I had to debug someone’s Android phone recently because they’d installed a “battery saving” app that was killing other things. Sigh.
AstroKatie Proposed as official “you just finished your PhD!!” emoticon:
@ahnlak Let’s work on the internet licence scheme first.
@ahnlak (In that you’re much more likely to find battery-sucking Android apps in general use, as they’re just much more prevalent/allowed.)
@ahnlak I’d say this is one of those areas where iOS is better for people who don’t know what they’re doing.
As a complement to that, here’s a less geeky, but still excellent, article on how to solve iOS battery drain issues: overthought.org/blog/2014/the-…
@G2Bristol I just saw someone doing it, so I figured it bore repeating.
#geek Why “killing” your “running” iOS apps doesn’t actually do what you think: speirs.org/blog/2012/1/2/… (by @fraserspeirs)