Still feel wiped out after last night. And I only had three shandies. 1am finishes are clearly not for old me.
@hayles Southern people don’t need a word for it, because we usually get in.
jayrosen_nyu BBC has trained 200 senior managers not to insert ‘false balance’ into stories when the issues are non-contentious.…
@ishcabittle @siracusa Ah well, I figured it was worth checking.

B247Martin Not simply content with extending upstairs, Boston Tea Party on Park Street now almost ready to open extended garden:
@dangusset I bet there’s actually one of those somewhere. Like how every hairdressing pun you can think of is already an actual hairdresser.

@RamonWrites You’re fired.
Don’t suppose any of my followers run a travelling foot massage service, do they?
*Adds @ghostfinder to the Facebook Group “People Who Don’t Like Being Added To Groups Without Asking”*
Odd to think that when the house I live in was built, the USA was a collection of British colonies. Happy Independence Day, Leftpondians!
@ishcabittle @siracusa You guys don’t have the Evernote clipper plugin installed in Safari, do you? I had same issue; killing that cured it.
Ugh. Five hours sleep. COFFEE.
God, my feet are sore. Good gig, though. Quite glad I don’t have to get up too early to start work at 9…