Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

April 2012

Fixin’ stuff. *sounds of frenzied typing*

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@Seej500 Before that, it’s not so handy.

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@Seej500 It’s dead handy when you want to start deriving your own custom classes, and need to know what the base classes are doing.

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@BradleyLaw Make sure you pay the “second rotor upgrade supplement” on the Ryanair Chinook.

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@Seej500 Well, maybe you’ll have better luck. Definitely worth it, especially if you can make it easily searchable.

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@Seej500 If you think the Eclipse & SDK install is a bitch, wait until you want to download the source. Took me *days*.

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@nickbrompton @Bristol52 I hope the costume fits. At least the tiara will go with your eyes.

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Found a gap in the rain. Nipped out and jogged 10K :D…

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Heading out. Please make sure it doesn’t rain for the next 90 mins. I’m good for the money if you need to sacrifice a chicken, or anything.

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@mhoulden What would it take to make a second sign that says “Do not poke fun at the pointlessness of the other warning sign”?

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@hayles Dunno. It’s obviously a plus that it’s undercover, but it doesn’t look very inviting from the outside. And it feels a bit isolated.

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@hayles I was going to go in and see if I could get a coffee yesterday, but there was a film crew recording something in the doorway.

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Pretty good turnout yesterday! (Pic by Mark Stone.)…

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benhorsleyco Packing for a photoshoot. Think that’s all I’ll need.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 5:48 PM, Apr 29th, 2012 via Echofon)

@barney @BenPark (Also heard good things about Also heard good things about, but haven’t tried them personally.)

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@barney @BenPark I’m invoicing with (including paper invoices, which arrive fine in UK.)

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I am doing the ironing and watching _Jonathan Creek_. Thought you’d all want to know.

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@Jorence Doh! I *told* it to send a photo. Honest. This photo:

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@Jorence Bacon-free zone here. However:

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Wonder if this rain will be pausing at all today. It’d be nicer to run in the dry.

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@MizzWorthy Netflix for streamy convenience. LoveFilm for actually having more than a quarter of the things I want to watch.

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In other news, BLOODY HELL IT’S COLD. I might some hot food on the way home. So far today I have had a croissant.

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Heading home from the Ostrich after a lovely Bristol Flickr walk :)

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Ooooh. Fiat 500 Abarth. Takes me back to my Cinquecento-owning days :)

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The photographers gather :) @ Pero’s Bridge

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Having had a beer too many with @MissEmmeline last night, I may need to get coffee on the way.

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misterbooof Changing sheets, got trapped inside clean duvet cover. Split second of sheer panic mixed with April freshness.

via Plume for Android (retweeted on 9:55 AM, Apr 28th, 2012 via Echofon)

Will be wandering along to the optimistically-titled Flickr “Early Summer” walk in a bit.…

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@hayles As you can probably tell, we ended up in Las Iguanas instead. BUT COCKTAILS ARE AWESOME.

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Stomping home to the new live version of _Psychonaut_ from Ceromonies. I may be deaf by the time I get in.

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At the Folk House, awaiting Phil King and support :)

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Friday afternoon. Everyone else has gone. I have an entire floor of a medium-sized office to myself. I’m going to juggle the hole punches.

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jackseale Cripes. Hostage situation on Tottenham Court Road in London. Live-tweeted by @hullstephen

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 12:44 PM, Apr 27th, 2012 via TweetCaster for Android)

Ihnatko The prettiest meal I’ve ever eaten: speakers’ dinner ahead of @ullconf. Not food porn…it’s food erotica.…

via Tweetbot for iOS (retweeted on 11:53 AM, Apr 27th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@hayles Yeah, but many people think the odds of finding a moving bus in Bristol are small enough to risk :)

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@MissEmmeline I really hope someone’s taking our conversation out of context ;D

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What should I wear today? *checks weather app* Oh. Right. A house.

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Bristol52 @gothick Keep those coders coding do do do do do do CODE HIDE.

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 9:04 PM, Apr 26th, 2012 via Echofon)

Codin’, codin’, codin’.

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@guriben Good. How’s it feeling, overall? The doc was very positive, right?

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@hayles @stillawake Ironically, I’ve had lunch twice this week with someone who works in Queen Square, but we’ve not been.

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@hayles Yeah. I think the rain and my current two-jobs lifestyle aren’t helping.

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@MissEmmeline What’s that? No, don’t remember you mentioning it… :D

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*Heh* @MissEmmeline just dropped her umbrella on the Lord Mayor :)

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@tsunimee @ahnlak @LodzTBB @MidnightDraven Probably because I’ve only used Windows 7 for about 3 hours :) They’re still on XP at work…

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Hmm. Reminds me of me, snowboarding.

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@archidave Probably nothing, if you’re not into Android. This may help explain things:…

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@liveindetail @Thehappyfatgirl I’ve never started a trend in my life. It’s unlikely I’ll start now…

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DanRebellato When you get off a crowded tube train and push through the commuters, does anyone else repeatedly say “no comment”? Checking for a friend.

via Twitter for iPad (retweeted on 8:56 AM, Apr 25th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@Nose_in_a_book @hayles @Jorence Sadly it didn’t last long. Now at work. *sigh*

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@slicknic Not bad for the wallet, either ;) I’m generally quite re-employable, so I must be doing something right.

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@slicknic Kinda. Ten-week contract at my previous place of work.

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On the plus side, the new Doc Martens I bought for work appear to stand up very well to rain.

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@KeithGough1 Ooopsie. Though presumably your station has a roof? I’m bloody soaked.

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@hayles @Jorence I am gently dripping in Baristas. Bah.

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@MissEmmeline Need to do some work before work. And leaving a bit early because I’m seeing Tara at 5 ;)

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Hanging out with the Baristas. @ Baristas Coffee

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Ugh. I am waiting in a bus shelter. Not because I need a bus, but because I need shelter.

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@guriben Your name is in lights! Very, very small lights.

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I love the way my timeline swings wildly between optimism and pessimism.

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@stillawake @BlackDogDays Ta :) Just trying to make up for the rubbish excuse for a run I did while hungover on Sunday!

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Saw this and decided to run there and back. I have some odd whims these days. Now a bit out of breath :)

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@Easybourne Yes, but why make users do fiddly system maintenance when it could handle it for them?

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I wish iTunes Match would just keep stuff in the cloud. I just filled my phone’s memory by playing songs all morning.

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@Mouse_House This is not helping to encourage me to try the buses again.

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Spiderman just passed me going the other way down Baldwin Street. He seems to be more of a morning person than I am.

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@MissEmmeline This is those mugshots I was talking about t’other day:… :D

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@tsunimee Well, I have nobody else to fiddle with…

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Heh. Going back through old photos and random fiddlings.

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@stillawake Bah. I’m out of town. Sounds right up my street, too.

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@Jorence I love it. It’s not entirely fond of me, sadly.

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@libbymiller Often spelled “nybble”; it’s half a byte, generally.

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@chris_j_hughes @benjohnbarnes But I certainly told said accountant I was happy to pay myself a salary and pay NI. We’ll see…

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@chris_j_hughes @benjohnbarnes I’m actually not sure how to manage this morally while handing it all off to an accountant…

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@chris_j_hughes Not for a Limited Company, it seems. Well, not with my bank, anyway.

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via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 4:12 PM, Apr 23rd, 2012 via Echofon)

A twenty-five minute consultation? I want to open a bank account, not get a full medical…

via Echofon

@ollieflips What’s that snapping sound I can hear? Is it the definition of the word “salad” stretching to breaking point?

via Echofon

Just pushed out the first proper beta of Get Running for Android using @Zubhium. Seems to work very nicely!

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@hayles You wouldn’t say that if you could see it. For one thing, you’d be too busy dying of high cholesterol levels.

via Echofon in reply to hayles

@hayles I think it’s just for Saint George’s Day (and let’s face it, George is more entitled than most to celebrate that one…)

via Echofon in reply to hayles

Hrm. @BaristasBristol are selling something George is calling the “Full English Salad”. Never seen a salad with black pudding in it before!

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Bristol52 Good morning everyone! This is @hayles, I’m very excited to be starting off things on this account :) How are you this morning?

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 10:53 AM, Apr 23rd, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@hayles It might explain the timetables.

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@Thehappyfatgirl Hrm. I’m not sure sharing is going to work out. Maybe we need a team.

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Or maybe I’ll just sit here and drink all the cola-flavoured rehydration stuff from my running bottle.

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@Thehappyfatgirl Or a manservant. I’m an equal-opportunities employer.

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Taking my hangover for a short jog. *sigh*.

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@Thehappyfatgirl You too, huh? *stares sadly at ironing pile* Bloody office jobs.

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@OneLouderApps How do I make Tweetcaster use Twitter’s own image service?

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@KaveyF Too late. Apparently they’re quite hard to resist when you’re hung over.

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@rabidbee @Dru_Marland @Dichohecho I would always want my jelly babies on sticks to be historically-accurate.

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@tsunimee My thing often pops up as you’re trying to tweet, dear.

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@tsunimee Ah. Thought I’d missed some huge controversy over Party Rings, which would have been odd. :D

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@tsunimee *looks quizzical*

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@hayles Nope! They are mini ones, but not lacking in components.

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Bonus! Just remembered that I came away from yesterday’s party with a party bag. It has Party Rings in it. And jelly babies on sticks. Win!

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@liveindetail How much? Goodness. Funny; reading your tweets I didn’t imagine you as a 17-year-old Impreza-driver.

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@StJamesPT I need a hangover-curing nap first, though.

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@StJamesPT Yes, it’s not the most encouraging weather out there at the mo, is it?

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madeupstats Quite coincidentally, there are 26 men named Miles running in today’s .

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:37 PM, Apr 22nd, 2012 via TweetCaster for Android)

I am a teensy bit hanging. *drinks coffee*

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I’m back from deepest Gloucestershire. It is nice to see a mobile data signal again.

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I am at my oldest friend’s mum’s “when I’m 64” party. It is ACE.

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@RamonYouseph @theshinythings What’s that? I can barely hear you over the “ook”ing noises.

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@utterben Hrm. The internet: blood transfusions and Selfridges…

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Gosh, I’m really not cut out for sending mass emails. *writes TextExpander macros* *fiddles with MailChimp*

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@MsMottram @liveindetail Excellent idea. I plan to use “with pleasant shade at no extra cost” to describe my basement flat :)

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@MsMottram @liveindetail Yes, I am also the owner of a rather jaunty house. Whether it was jaunty originally, in 1763, I’m not sure…

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@RamonYouseph It tasted too good to be *that* healthy.

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Duck! (Oh ye of little faith, @Dru_Marland. Cheap tat is universal!)

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@MissEmmeline @SourdoughCafe Much as I would love to grab a shalalalalala I need to save time by staying local today :(

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@csoanes Oopsie. So, you’ll mostly be testing out its “slow and careful” features, then?

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@MissEmmeline Plus I’ve got a bit of work to do after lunch.

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@MissEmmeline Not leaving until around 3pm. Afternoon party.

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@RamonYouseph Yup. Which is why I’m also trying to lose a few pounds over the next month. Which is hard, when everyone talks of bacon :)

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@Dru_Marland You may be right. But it’s my nearest source of good coffee, so it’s where I’m going. *struggles up hill*

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@RamonYouseph I have extreme breakfast jealousy this morning. Right. I’m off for an early lunch.

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@OpinionatedGeek I was mostly being held prisoner first by my bed, and then by my bath. I seem to have escaped now, though.

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Right. I am going out for coffee. And to buy a birthday card, and maybe a pressie. If I can find something duck-related in Clifton Village.

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My timeline is full of bacon (or sausage) sarnies. I had gluten-free corn flakes. I feel somewhat shortchanged.

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@MissEmmeline Well, so far all I’ve done is read a magazine while having a Very Hot Bath, so I can hardly talk.

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@Mouse_House Oopsie. I think you may need to borrow a sonic screwdriver and some Elastoplast.

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@Mouse_House Is it a good idea to keep the Angel at the back, where nobody can see it?

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Phew. Home after a very busy week in the office. Plus social stuff. Plus getting Get Running for Android ready for beta. *collapses*

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Ah. The “Eat Drink Bristol Fashion” popup restaurant/festival. Ta @seengee, @Lillput, @SpikyZebra et al :)

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Teepees going up in Queen Square. No idea why.

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@DarrenGriffin @getrunningapp Ta! Should start rolling out beta versions sometime in the next five days, depending on the response we get.

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What’s that? A beta programme for @getrunningapp for Android? Might be…

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@matt_fwyalchen Fairly normal old-fashioned usage, based on “none” being “not one”. Either is fine, I’d say.

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@Souterain You have to choose three security questions from a fixed list of quite odd questions. Can’t set your own.

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@RamonYouseph Heh! We could both get in trouble here…

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I wonder if the barrister would still be a cheap alternative to a professional roofer if he was charging his standard rate…

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Heh. House flood status: There is currently a barrister poking in the guttering through an upstairs window with a long pole.

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@AndyCarolan I’m fairly sure the answers to many of these will change by the time I need to answer them again. I gave up.

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@hayles @tsunimee Unfortunately, Apple don’t have that as a question.

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@hayles I’m fairly sure that @tsunimee is not my least-favourite car.

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Erm. I was going to buy an app, but I can’t figure out what answers to give for these new Apple security questions.

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@KellySibson In the UK there’s extra price factor: the steel-capped are classed as safety boots, so zero-rated for VAT :)

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D’oh. Apparently our house is suffering from quite a large leak. Heading home to see if my little basement is affected :(

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@bexxi Heh. No, though I do have DMs. Needed some new practical shoes for work that I could also walk a few miles a day in…

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@KaveyF @bexxi There is a CK shop just up the hill from here. Pretty, but not really my kind of thing :)

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I now have two pairs of new shoes. Sheltering in BTP until this shower lightens.

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