Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

September 2009

@bexxi I think you have to take suspension of disbelief pretty damn far for either plot!

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@bexxi Craig. Don’t think I’ve ever survived to the end of the Sellers one.

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Right time for bed. Too many late nights already this week.

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Hmm. Probably shouldn’t have chosen Casino Royale as my while-tidying film. Total bollocks, but still too gripping for me to finish tidying.

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Someone appears to have left a dead tree called the “Yellow Pages” on my doorstep. Have they not heard of the web?

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@missmcq I was just thinking earlier on how much I love Billy Bragg. Was listening to The Busy Girl Buys Beauty.

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@shezza_t Yes, well, when I say “sans internet”, clearly I still have rather an overabundance of it. But I’m going to take it as a hint :)

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Anyway. Not like I don’t have several hours of stuff I can do sans internet. “Tidy lounge” on my to-do list, for starters…

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@marklesuk If I’m going to move, I may have to go cable. Would like better upstream speed than ADSL would prob. offer in this area.

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@KaveyF Think they’re averaging less than one failure a year for me, so the inertia factor is still quite strong.

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Hmm. Looks like my Internet has gone away. Demon , I wonder?

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@Whatleydude ah. Because the customer is always wrong.

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@Whatleydude well, was very glad I did it on my old N73… Goodbye, elderly, bug-ridden Vodafone firmware…

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@Narshada goodness! So, we waited years for one and now two are coming along at once? ;)

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@Narshada now I know you’re there I may pop along. Only been in the Bristol Apple Store twice, though; much closer to Western Computers…

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Happy birthday to you/
Happy birthday to you/
Happy birthday dear @KaveyF/
Happy birthday to you!

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@benjohnbarnes Well done, Mr. B! Running in the morning? Now that’s just crazy talk!

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Wow. Blazing sunshine. Thought it was raining when I was getting dressed; turned out to be upstairs neighbour watering windowbox!

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@hayles Also, appear to have come home from trip and emptied a rucksack over my floor every day for the last week. Dealing with that first.

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@hayles No way. Girls’ rooms are too scary, especially after wardrobe explosions.

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Just back from Week 9, Run 2 of the . Now for something improv, involving sticky rice, lamb, and feta.

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Hmm. Either someone’s been giving my letterbox a blowback, or the solicitor upstairs is smoking some serious skunk. Or I’m mistaken.

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@Phooto now I think of it, I may have Parallel Lines in glorious original mono, but it’ll be easier to buy the mp3s than rip the LP!

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Just realised I have no Blondie in my music collection. Should rectify that asap.

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@paulahillier Well, you know me, I’m always considerate.

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@paulahillier Maybe, but at least I’m dying quietly and not taking anyone else with me…

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@paulahillier Wish we had more absenteeism, frankly. Someone’s been hacking away like they’re dying at their desk for the last two days…

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All iPhone users with kids to amuse should download the MouthOff app (there’s a free one), hold it in front of their face, and talk. Now.

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It’s always a little unnerving when the lights flicker in an IT-heavy office.

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Back to work with a bump. And having problems not keeping on eating like I’m on holiday. Still, went for run yesterday, at least.

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Ugh. Back to work. At least I struggled out early enough to get the boat. Now, I imagine, for a day of crises and email.

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@MitchBenn Easiest ways: either a MobileMe subscription, or a Spanning Sync subscription (which will also sync with Google Calendar.)

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@hayles I diagnose Doorway-Related Uncertain Neural Kinesthesia, a disease known more commonly by its acronym.

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Goodness. Bristol Balloons balloon just passed Very Low Indeed over my street.

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Ugh. Back to work tomorrow after two weeks off. Should get ready, but am entirely full of “meh”.

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@stevemarvell What’s that TV recordy software you use, dear?

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Safely installed in Luton.

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Ugh. Recovering from insomnia and subsequent headache.

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@hayles You know that implant’s not meant to be used for Alka-Seltzer, right?

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Dear me, way too much to do, and way too little time to do it in. And much of the resources I need seem to be missing. And is LJ down?

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@stevemarvell on the other hand, now having two replaced at once (both quite worn) and they’re expensive. Worth it, though, I think.

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Now sitting using Mini dealer’s wifi to check mail. Their customer service is pricey, but it rocks.

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Was just saying how nice runflat tyres were to @stevemarvell the other day. Tyre blew on motorway last night. All I noticed was dash light.

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@KaveyF looking very like Friday. Slightly dependent on me getting new tyre tomorrow!

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@stevemarvell Not for quite some time, I’d think. Lots to process, too little time. Will probably throw a couple up, though…

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Home, sweet home. And now for a very long bath.

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Couples gather shells/Slight give of sand under foot/Paignton in Autumn

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Some shots are, of course, obligatory for the seaside photographer.

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Actually on a steam train this morning. Will try getting into the Pullman observation car on way back to post some pics :)

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@tsunimee Bright colours, bad fonts, effects: instant. Muted colours, block sans: average espresso. Stylish hand-chalked: good espresso.

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Pre-judging the quality of a coffee shop’s coffee by their storefront typography works surprisingly well.

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Taking @ememess’s advice to heart: if you wake up near the sea, it’s a criminal offence not to walk the shore in the morning.

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Well, it wouldn’t be a British seaside holiday without clouds!

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(and, in my defence, this is what I did to deserve it)

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Bwa-ha-ha! Finally, post-walk food!

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@paulahillier Will definitely be buying rock. Think that will be my team pressie.

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@joy_james no, that is not a euphemism!

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Booking into a pink hotel in Paignton :)

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Down & safe. Or as safe as you can be, in Totnes. Which appears to be closed. Pressing on.

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Does anyone else have problems keeping Kate Bush out of their heads when they’re walking wild and windy moors?

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I appear to be in the middle of nowhere.

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@Narshada Amazing how many small steam engines end up painted in Thomas blue :)

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Currently in a hothouse full of butterflies.

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Morning all? How are we today?

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@paulahillier mmm. Been very lucky so far. Never expected weather like this!

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Safely ensconced in private apartment outside Okehampton.

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How did it get to be 1am? This fast-paced Clovelly lifestyle will kill me…

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@joy_james Is that the noise he makes? No, on second thought, I don’t want to know.

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@talkie_tim Pretty nice even from outside Bristol ;)

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Just been chilling on a hill in Boscastle

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@Jorence I’m in Bude right now; last beach was Sandymouth.

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Something I’ve not seen for a while

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@asic69 absolutely peachy, old fruit. Just heading into connectionless hinterlands for a short while.

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May be a bit quiet for next few days.

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Of all the things to lose, a GPS unit is among the most ironic.

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Back from Bristol Festival. Pleasant and chilled, with some very interesting technology on display here and there. Recommended.

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Watching Scottish Falsetto Sockpuppet Theatre ;)

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Walking down to the festival. Travelling faster than most of the cars.

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@hayles *grin* Well, don’t worry; you haven’t gained a psychic stalker :)

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@hayles Heh! Nope, just perk up at the mention of boots. As opposed to Boots, which I’m guessing is where you are?

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@hannahnicklin Parallels? Considered VirtualBox? Won’t cost you anything.

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@joannadelilah I am one of the many modern people who are happy to use food, without understanding how it works :)

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@tsunimee I very rarely eat *that* well. Bell’s Diner really was fantastic.

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@benjohnbarnes Whoohoo! Keep us as informed as you can :)

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Those of you who were wondering about my 2-hour poached egg, @KaveyF has a picture of it in her Bell’s Diner review:

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@bccore Have you read the book? It’s really good if you’ve been listening for years. Lots of behind-scenes stuff.

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Catching up with @sowerbyandluff show. What better way to do sod all?

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@Narshada Aha! Just seen programme for tonight. The Scottish Falsetto Sockpuppet Theatre are playing. Think I will have to go now.

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@hayles http://www.thebristolfes… They’re using a piece or two of my video for some of the AV stuff.

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Wondering whether to go to Bristol Festival tonight. Am on guest list, but not sure if it’s my kind of thing.

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@hayles Diagnosis: there are loose electrical cables under your desk.

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…or maybe I just needed to get plenty of wasted days under my belt so I could de-stress properly.

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@Nose_in_a_book Just how I’m feeling. Think I may have now officially wasted too many days in this week off.

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@rhodri Neighbour of mine renamed his WiFi access point to “GetOffMyLAN” for similar reasons; could you drop a hint that way?

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@Jorence Ah, yes, got my snowboarding boots at snow & rock. Forgot about them.

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@Narshada Cool; they look like pretty serious boots :) Will get back to you if I don’t find anything today/tomorrow — shopping last-minute!

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@geekpop Well, it works in running shops; went to Nomad because their site says they’re experts… ho hum.

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Anyone know a walking shoe store in Bristol who’ll know what “over-pronation” means? Nomad don’t.

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@hayles Tried Often have odd things, and are reliable.

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Wow. The students-to-be look so, so young. Am old, decrepit man.

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Ah. It’s Bristol Uni open day, isn’t it?

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Off to Park Street to buy walking shoes. Just possible I may end up in Boston Tea Party again…

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@archidave It’s not just me, then? Just back from the doc myself.

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@ahnlak They had a Mac client in beta when I was looking around. Nobody else was even close.

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@ahnlak My friend Mike uses Carbonite, and I don’t think he’s ever bumped into a limit. I’ve not bumped into one on Mozy, either.

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Cute sight from my way home from lunch today:

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@shezza_t Oh, I hope so. Not sure I’ve ever been addicted to anything that’s good for me.

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@hayles Possibly wise. Clearly, I left BTP too early. Should have stayed all afternoon :)

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Hmm. Feeling a bit headachey. Think I’ll go for my run anyway.

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@hayles Curses. These things always seem to happen a couple of hours _after_ I’ve walked in another direction with my camera.

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@nja …my favourite had to be the hanging computed tomography scans.

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@nja yes, I really should go more often. It was this year’s membership card dropping through the letterbox that prompted this visit…

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Now poking around the RWA print exhibition.

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@hayles Everyone? Who else is here? I appear to be sitting next to someone famous, but am too unhip to know who she is?

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Back in the garden at BTP. Wearing one more layer than last time.

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Playing Starship Command on a BBC Emulator :)

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@hayles May have to buy an album (yes, I’m old-fashioned) at some point — any recommendations?

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@hayles Don’t really know her stuff, but her live shows are so good that friends tend to post enthusiastic links. Her Glasto set was amazing

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@hayles What’s wrong with that? Someone pointed me at the MTV vid awards live version of Paparazzi earlier on. She certainly puts on a show!

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Loved this sign in St. Nicholas Market earlier on:

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@tsunimee Nope, just had the latte. Did, however, bring a slice of cake home with me for dessert :)

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Oh, yes, I should probably have lunch, shouldn’t I?

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@joannadelilah Cool! Well, go see my friend Emmeline for tea/bagel/cake and we may bump into each other sometime ;) [end shameless plug]

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Chilling with my friend Emmeline in her cafe/bakery in St. Nick’s Market

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In town for Alexander Technique lesson.

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@stevemarvell Ah, was just thinking about you. You free at all this weekend?

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Speech Debelle album so good I may listen to whole thing again during my run today.

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@benjohnbarnes - @philmonger sounds interested, too. @philmonger should involve some pretty simple testing & reporting results.

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@ianmcshane cool - I’ll point @benjohnbarnes in your direction. Warning: last time I beta-tested something for him I ended up running 5K ;)

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@realbillbailey In terms of cholesterol, or martial-arts ability?

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Any iPhone-toting photographers among my followers want to beta-test something sun-related for my friend @benjohnbarnes?

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@benjohnbarnes I’d wait until it’s more polished before throwing a AR iPhone app at @alexlindsay. Also, charge him $700 for it ;)

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@Jorence Oh, it’s a beautiful lens, no doubt. But you’ll want something wider for the general devastation and big wrecked stained glass :)

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Having a Greek salad in Papa Costas on the Triangle.

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@Jorence Cool. The natives are friendly, but prefer no identifiable photos of people. Take tripod if you can. Only had handheld 50mm myself.

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Just spent some time poking around the Cathedral co-munity/squat. Fabulous derelict building. Recommended for Bristol photogs. Low light!

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Listening to Speech Therapy. In Clifton Village. I iz not exackly down wid da kids, man. Enjoying it anyway.

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@benjohnbarnes Where I run there’s lots of trees. GPS just doesn’t work in a pocket… Maybe I should just put it on a helicopter beanie :)

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@benjohnbarnes And yes, I did just sign up for a 10K. But it’s not for more than six months, so I think I have plenty of training time…

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@benjohnbarnes There’s that, and also the chance of using the GPS — it can’t see the sky in a bum-bag!

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@av_uk Scary, and interesting. But I need shoes that correct for over-pronation, and my new Mizunos are really comfy anyway…

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@benjohnbarnes Well, now you mention it… :) Actually, no, I really don’t want to be clock-watching while I’m running!

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And I find myself with another bit of running gear.

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Spooky turn of phrase on Floyd: “BBC news reported that his ghost writer announced his death this morning.”

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@bertpalmer I got mine in Moti on Whiteladies Video analysis & helpful sales guy. Or try Easy Runner

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@hayles Thank you for that, dear. Do bear in mind I’m elderly; it’s probably safer for my heart to stick to hug-based imagery :)

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…figuratively speaking, of course ;)

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@hayles Sorry, did you say something? Hard to hear stuff with my legs around my ears like this.

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@hayles Oh, I see. Hmm, have list of people who _aren’t_ allowed to hug me, but generally default to “allow”. Am hug-tart, I guess.

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@jacrats It’d drive regular viewers insane with tension.

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@jacrats Always wanted to write a Casualty script where people start doing DIY, driving petrol tankers, etc, and then _nothing goes wrong_

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@KaveyF Well, I could do that, but my Zi6 might have an existential crisis.

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@technex I’m getting pretty fast at it now. My rules are pretty simple: I follow humans, block obvious spammers, and leave everything else.

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@KaveyF Not officially — they’ve put me on the guest list because they’re using some of my video :)

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And so begins the daily five minutes where I block all the robots, link spammers and RSS feeds who have decided to follow me on Twitter.

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@bertpalmer Only slight problem was weight of the iPhone, but nothing anyone can do about that. Didn’t slip around, just felt a bit heavy…

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@bertpalmer Have just tried out that armband. Worked a treat, seems well put together.

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@Nose_in_a_book Some days, I know what you mean. Other days, it’s quite fun. And the sense of accomplishment kicks in earlier for me now!

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Sorry, I should have noted that the iPhone app testing requires a 3GS — app needs compass. Does that leave anyone on the interested list?

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Hmm. Looks like I just made the guestlist for the Bristol Festival on Friday…

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@benjohnbarnes Ah, so it’s a 3GS-only beta? I suppose it needs the compass, of course…

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