Now that’s funny: RT @tweeny4: Don’t leave the office when a large box of mug samples come in!
Morning all!
@missmcq Yes, that can be embarrassing. Until you convince the librarians to join in with the choruses, anyway.
US followers who want to #getrunning: currently, all proceeds from US sales are going to the AIDS Walk & Run Chicago
@mikeotaylor I have been trying to follow the BEP to keep up with local news, but it is really quite terrible, isn’t it?
Big parcel just arrived. Took me a while to work out that it’s a novel I’ve agreed to proof-read. Novel manuscripts are _big_…
Surprising number of police in Clifton Village this morning.
@mikeotaylor Just arrived at BTP. Will grab something & find table ;)
Having what may be last back garden tea of the year in BTP. Still just warm enough for a T-shirt.
Nice to meet @mikeotaylor. Have now moved upstairs in Boston Tea Party; back garden got chilly after I’d finished my tea :)
Running top makers assume all runners are lithe athletic types who want to show off in skintight gear. Skintight is not a good look for me.
@bertpalmer Cool. I can do 4K but it’s my limit at the mo, and I’m slow, too. It’s my massive weight-to-power ratio ;)
Just booked hour and a half of Thai massage. Good way to start a week off, I reckon.
Have just had massage involving diminutive Thai lady walking on me. Wow ;) Feel kabillion times better!
@MitchBenn Yes, and I feel sorry for that one genuine bikini model who truly wants to follow me on Twitter and be my special friend.
@johnfbraun Amen. Cycling gear is exactly what I’d choose if I wanted to look like a series of orange Spandex sausages stuffed with tapioca.
In the middle of my annual Blake’s 7 re-watch. Up to Terminal. The death of the Liberator still brings a tear to my eye after 20 years…
Hey, runners? What would be a good target time for my first 10K? Need something to write on this entry form. I’m slow, if that helps :)
@hayles Tempting, but they might start me so far back I’m in a different county… @bertpalmer the Bristol one, in May.
@bertpalmer Why, you going for it, too?