Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 2012

I don’t know whether the beans in this grinder are straight or decaf.

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@bertpalmer Well, that’s what it looks like from a search, anyway. I don’t use gmail…

via Echofon in reply to bertpalmer

Have to say, I’m quite surprised anyone noticed that Google+ is down.

via Echofon

@LordHyperbole The beer really is very good. Was a bit quiet at lunchtime, but it doesn’t need many people in there to create atmosphere.

via Echofon in reply to LordHyperbole

pennockd it’s actually trick XOR treat

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 6:02 PM, Oct 31st, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@rossoh “Would you like to see the ‘Picard Manoeuvre’?”

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@tsunimee @ahnlak There’s a sit-com in the making here…

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@tsunimee Is he eager to see you in costume?

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@doctorow You don’t buy four breezeblocks in London. You just find them in your garage.

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Can’t quite believe I was just served a web page by a ZX81.

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@guriben Just as well, given what I drank at Brewdog. Think I’ll be doing marketing rather than programming this afternoon…

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waiyeehong I asked very nicely for removal of stolen image. RT @justseaweed: @waiyeehong will do and will allso remove product for sale

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 2:39 PM, Oct 31st, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@justseaweed Wow. You’re quite unpleasant, aren’t you?

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cluedont RT @paulj85: That moment when you’re dressed like an Oyster card (via @danbeames)

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 2:33 PM, Oct 31st, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@stillawake Yur. Warren’s. Though I’d be happy to try Dan’s, too, if you fancy it?

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.@claireellent I’m told - and I’m now a bit queasy - that no squirrels were actively harmed in the bottling, as… they used roadkill. :/

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“The End of History” bottle. @ Brewdog Bristol

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Brewdog AB:10. Wow. @ Brew Dog

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Someone fetch me a clipboard and a lack of empathy.

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Standing around on Bristol Bridge. For some reason this makes me want to assail complete strangers and ask for their bank details.

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@gilescoren I was convinced I could drive really well on the way home, though. Wonder if there’s increase in accidents in Bond release week?

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gilescoren Decent bog-standard Bond film, I thought. Left me feeling, as usual, flabby, under-travelled, sexually naive and pathetically undangerous.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:06 AM, Oct 31st, 2012 via Echofon)

FogCreekStatus Hauling 55 gallon drums of diesel fuel up 17 flights of stairs for generators - Yep, we’re still up and running! More:

via Hootsuite (retweeted on 10:01 PM, Oct 30th, 2012 via Echofon)

@guriben That’s not even happened for me yet, and I’ve been self employed for a year…

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@meemalee @ahnlak @KaveyF I AM NOT TOO H… Oh. Sorry. See what you mean.

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TwopTwips TOO busy to check Facebook? Your friends have babies, cats, cupcakes and dubious politics. You’re welcome.
(via @BigRedTone)

via Tweetbot for iOS (retweeted on 3:54 PM, Oct 30th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Peculiar Nick Griffin has announced that he finds gay people ‘creepy’. Funny, I feel the same about fat fascists without necks.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 12:22 PM, Oct 30th, 2012 via Echofon)

Aww. Got postcard from @KaveyF and @ahnlak from Japan. Thanks!

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Nation shocked by Savile revelations. In other news, nation prepares their slutty schoolgirl costumes for Hallowe’en.

via Echofon

@betty_watson Well, at least it’s a good morning for a coffee by the harbourside. Looks lovely out there… *sighs* *goes back to work*

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@benjohnbarnes I’m guessing Cook had never been inside a Dixons, much less made the lifelong appraisal of them that you or I have…

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@benjohnbarnes Especially as everyone would be able to see them, because of the glass back on your house.

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@Bristol_Culture I’ve only been there once, but it’s a lovely place. Must process those pictures I took…

via Echofon in reply to B247Martin

Heh. Okay, so *some* people on the east coast were doing okay, then? Boston was mostly drinking, it seems……

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Good morning, everyone. Hope everyone’s fine and dandy, especially those of you on the east coast of Leftpondia. *hug*

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edyong209 The inconsistent shadows clearly mark this out to be a fake.

via Tweetbot for iOS (retweeted on 11:10 PM, Oct 29th, 2012 via Echofon)

@rtbh Ah, yes, @waiyeehong — Bristol’s Half-Term Rollercoaster Ride.

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@mattgemmell Yeah. That was a major downside of “upgrading” from my old iPod Nano/Shuffle; I find media devices better with control buttons.

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@hayles think that was pulled. See my RT from @MrGreenGus for the Sustrans link; seems to be the place to get them now.

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Time enough for latte. @ The Tobacco Factory

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@guriben Sorry. I’m slacking today, so someone had to do extra to make up.

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@MsMottram It has been known. Need an easy little project next to get me into iPhone stuff…

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@cargowire Oh, is *that* what that noise is?

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BristolFawcett “The Right Man for Bristol” - today Bristol Fawcett launch our shocking report into who holds power in Bristol…

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:38 AM, Oct 29th, 2012 via Echofon)

@MrGreenGus …and has since been removed :( Thanks!

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@MrGreenGus Aha! Gawd, you’d think I’d have thought of that, being a member and all. Though it looks like it *was* on the Council site…

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MrGreenGus @gothick When in doubt, check @sustrans :)…

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 10:28 AM, Oct 29th, 2012 via Echofon)

@claireellent Before I forget: “Safety Not Guaranteed” & “Gambit” were the ones we thought looked interesting last night.

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@Thehappyfatgirl Of course I would. The detail! The fine penstrokes!

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@claireellent At the very least you could have unfolded it and sheltered under it :D

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Sure you used to be able to order nice paper cycling maps of Bristol from the council website. Can’t find them any more…

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@MrGreenGus 19:45 (at the Orpheus.) Yes, really not bad. Though the technobabble a bit much to take for a geek…

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@claireellent Oh. And “Eve”? Also “Selena”, from _28 Days Later_.

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@claireellent Short of taking the back off and poking around, I think you’ve probably tried all you can.

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@jonhickman It’s a great deal better than The Phantom Menace. Then again, so is slamming your fingers in a car door.

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@claireellent I could bring my hammer around? Erm. Is the TV running off a digital box? Try unplugging/replugging/otherwise waggling cables.

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@claireellent Oh! Just realised, you never showed me the blue people on the telly :D

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Well, Skyfall was fun :)

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@redlegoman Just the Bristol Zombie Walk. Er. Not quite sure how to explain it any better than that!

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benhorsleyco You never forget your first love.

via Camera on iOS (retweeted on 2:39 PM, Oct 28th, 2012 via Echofon)

@MarkSkinner_ @BrewDogBristol Peered through window yesterday, but friend’s poorly hip means we need to wait until there are seats free :)

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Japanese tourist asks for photo with zombies yesterday. Gets perhaps a little more than he expected :D…

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@thenicolabryant Try printing the document. Should be a “PDF” option somewhere on the print screen that will let you “print” to PDF.

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@domwakeling Well, obviously, if I could afford the XL tub, I’d just swim in the stuff.

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@Picklechu You must’ve been *really* clean by the end of the day.

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@dangusset @thekarleighshow I think for a Pot Noodle you just add monosodium glutamate and stir.

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@thekarleighshow Yeah, it’s fab. I just shouldn’t have read the ingredients :)

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@KellySibson Nope. Very minimal this morning. Just egg and sausage.

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liveindetail @gothick It’s amazing stuff, smells nice and is delicious on a slice of toast

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 12:02 PM, Oct 28th, 2012 via Echofon)

@shleyWard Not recently. I’d try a local tiny hardware store, a bike shop, mail order from Amazon, or a Halfords, in that order :D

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Swarfega has the scariest ingredients list of anything I’d voluntarily smear on my body.

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Excuse me, I’m just going to spend five minutes greasing my bicycle.

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It may be time to Get On With Stuff. Sigh.

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@hayles NOBODY is getting THAT out of me.

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@hayles Three random people have told me I should do Movember now. The most they’re getting out of me is a Goateeuesday.

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@theshinythings …so I had time to build up the collection gradually!

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@theshinythings I have matching side-plates, mugs and a sugarbowl :D Luckily, Evolution in the Galleries has been selling them for years…

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@KaveyF No. I made me brekkie, out of bed.

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So far, my day is going well. Extra hour in bed, plus…

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Morning all.

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@curtismark Just the annual Zombie Walk. As you do…

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@sciencewitch @Mouse_House He was pretty ace.

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waiyeehong If I remember tomorrow morning, I may skip back an hour on cctv to see how many of you try to crash into the doors an hour early. Fools.

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 11:06 PM, Oct 27th, 2012 via Echofon)

Having Sunday roast a day early on a whim.

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Just passed the amusing sight of fifty zombies queueing for the portaloos. :)

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Zombie. Castle Park. Standard.

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@thomasvenables thanks. I’m not too familiar with zetiquette.

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thomasvenables @gothick don’t call them that. Just refer to them as ‘those things out there’

via Twidere for Android (retweeted on 2:32 PM, Oct 27th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Hurrah! Been for a jog. Might now wander into town to see if I can see any zombies.

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@hayles Er. Mine’s never kernel panicked. And I already use three alarms ;) Guess I may be somewhat safer from desire.

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@benjohnbarnes Have you phoned anyone at the other end to confirm?

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Pleasingly blazing sun coming in through the window. Might have to get out for a jog once my breakfast is a

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garethlpowell Forget Nukes, Maybe We Can Block Asteroids with Paintballs… via @motherboard

via Twitter for Websites (retweeted on 8:27 PM, Oct 26th, 2012 via Echofon)

BrewDogBristol *clears throat* WE’RE OPEN!!!

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 6:20 PM, Oct 26th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@Mouse_House Sadly, Mouse, I have no space for a slightly damp adoptee polar bear.

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@jimmckeown No, it was BTP’s copy of the Guardian. Cakes may be nice but I had so much awesome cake last night I need to cool it for a bit!

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bexxi @gothick I hope that’s organic soya milk in your fairtrade latte! ;)

via Tweetbot for iOS (retweeted on 1:00 PM, Oct 26th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Sitting in BTP reading the Guardian and drinking a latte. Temped to find houmous-based lunch to complete the picture.

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@mhoulden Well, I hear the armbands are a little chunky.

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@liveindetail This is the first fridge i’ve owned where it might be big enough to check from inside…

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@stillawake @hayles Three more hours of high-tension will-it-won’t-it anticipation to go. What a life.

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@hayles I’m waiting for a fridge delivery. It’s not as exciting as it sounds.

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@DomUtton Part of my new kitchen joy is finally having somewhere to put a proper fridge/freezer. Could only fit under-counter before.

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Damn it. Got as far as painting the kitchen door/frame. Probably not sensible to start that until the new fridge turns up…

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@RinSimpson …other apps like Bing have decent enough “search for stuff on a map” and are free.

via Echofon in reply to RinHamburgh

@RinSimpson The Apple maps isn’t great for search, but it’s still okay for directions if you give it an address. Plus…

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@RinSimpson (Check your current version by going to Settings App->General->About, and looking for Version.)

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@RinSimpson …but includes the new Maps. Your iPhone 3 probably can’t even run it; a new 4, 4S or 5 will come with it by default.

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@RinSimpson No, they don’t sell Google Maps. It’s a bit political. iOS 6 is latest operating system for iPhones. It’s nice…

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@RinSimpson But apart from that, pretty much everything else should be better/faster/higher quality.

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@RinSimpson …you’ll get the new, not-so-good Apple Maps app instead of the Google Maps app.

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@RinSimpson Yes, it will be faster. Only downside I can think of is that if you jump up to iOS 6 (which you probably will) then…

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@RinSimpson Yes. The 4 or 4S are much better, especially the camera.

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@tyronem Oh. I wondered what that clunking noise was.

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@BenPark Yeah. I’m like, “Is that the best thing you could think of? Jesus…”

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thedancingflea No. Have you ever tattooed a unicorn? RT @HuffPostUK: Have you ever photographed a ghost?

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 1:50 PM, Oct 24th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

Lunch at last. @ Baristas Coffee Collective

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Naughty lunchtime beer. Oops. @ The Knights Templar (Wetherspoon)

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Window painted. Walking into town to diffuse the smell of gloss paint and get some fresh air…

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Is this really going to sell the Galaxy Note II to passing motorists? Odd.

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@lilibaloo It will be gloss work. And particularly annoying gloss work, too. Bah.

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Right. I should, er… Do stuff. Yes. Do stuff. It’s possible I’m procrastinating because task #1 today is “paint sash window”.

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B247Martin The Cube in Kingsdown needs to raise £185,000 by end of next year to secure their future in their current building:…

via Windows Phone (retweeted on 9:25 AM, Oct 24th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@DocLovelly You are cursed with the disillusion of anyone not currently eating bacon.

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@hayles @stillawake (You need to get there pretty early and have a good idea of what you want, mind…)

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@hayles @stillawake Next Life Cycle refurb sale is 12 December. Last one had a few light road bikes.

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@andybeebristol It still needs a network. Even with a repeater I don’t get decent wifi coverage here. Bloody Georgian basement walls!

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@KellySibson (Main problem here is that this place was built in 1760s, and the walls are very, very thick…)

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@KellySibson That’s what I normally use, but just moved kitchen radio too far from router to get a decent signal…

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@richardjfoster TMBG is the one I know, but I’ve seen _Mona Lisa Smile_ so recently that the version from that was mostly in my head.

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Sod 4G. Does the analogue TV switchoff mean they can turn up DAB power enough for me to get Radio 4 in my flat at last?

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My parents are spending Christmas in Istanbul. Since my stepmum told me, my brain has put “Istanbul Not Constantinople” on loop.

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@rhodri Ooooh, I had one of those, too. “Spycraft”?

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@tsunimee I’m *fairly* certain you’re female.

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Today was mostly devoted to getting this label officially removed. Luckily that went well…

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@Thehappyfatgirl No, I’m straight. Though it’s all very theoretical at the moment, anyway.

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@Thehappyfatgirl I was just about to start my riposte with “Now then…” Perhaps I should give up while I’m behind :D

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@hayles I believe my friend @KellySibson recently suggested “Januhairy” as a unisex excess hair celebration month.

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@Thehappyfatgirl Though I should, of course, have said “women”, there, not girls, lest someone mistake me for Jimmy Savile.

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@Thehappyfatgirl No, I like girls. Well, if we’re talking “LIKE” like :D

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Suggested hashtag:

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@benjohnbarnes What the heck is “de-shnizled”?

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@Thehappyfatgirl Apparently not. Oh well. Wrong sex for me, anyway :D

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@AlexHamlin Ah! That would explain it. Sorry, didn’t recognise your name — was more thinking about the office jobs I’ve done!

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Hrm. Why has someone I don’t think I know endorsed me on LinkedIn?

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parryphernalia @gothick it’s going to be OK. We still have this!

via Twitter for iPhone (retweeted on 12:47 PM, Oct 23rd, 2012 via Echofon)

@guriben @stillawake Also: I predict Amazon PR will soon finally wake up and do something to explain/fix the latest debacle, at least.

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@guriben @stillawake I probably would if I could be arsed. But I can’t.

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@stillawake @guriben I think comparing Calibre with chips is terribly unfair on chips.

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@guriben @stillawake I’m actually tempted to write my own “do some of the simple things people want to do” UI for the command-line stuff.

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@guriben @stillawake The re-deliver/auto-archive will only work as long as Amazon don’t just close your account for no apparent reason :/

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@stillawake @guriben …which has possibly the worst user interface of anything I’ve used in the last decade.

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@stillawake @guriben There are Ways, all of which are technically illegal, of course. More to the point, I believe they involve Calibre…

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@guriben Did it sound like the future arriving?

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@mattgemmell Well, it’s all right for some. You wouldn’t believe the problems I’m having trying to get a Kindle edition of _Amish Monthly_.

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Hurrah! Gas fitter en route. Might have a working hob again in a couple of hours.

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@Jorence Oh. Goodness. Sorry to hear about your mum.

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brianblessed I’m launching my new @audioBoo channel on Friday. If you’ve got suggestions for boos let’s hear them

via TweetCaster for Android (retweeted on 10:49 AM, Oct 23rd, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

There’s more tweets in this month! Go up and select a date to see more ↑