Matt Gibson (@gothick)

Hotwells, Bristol

The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @gothick ever

October 17th, 2012

@KellySibson Maybe we should make it unisex: Decembhair.

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charlesarthur We have empirically proved you can make a roomful of people laugh again and again at this guy and the ice pond:…

via Twitter for Websites (retweeted on 10:19 PM, Oct 17th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

KateOfHysteria Movember is well and good, but I would like to propose Decembeard. For charity but mainly to benefit ladies who enjoy beardy festive loving.

via Echofon (retweeted on 10:13 PM, Oct 17th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@RamonYouseph Goodness. You know what that means, don’t you? Yes. You’re ageing. Linearly.

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@DrHairbear Too late. Also: there’s a reason the photo starts above the tummy. Decidedly too small for public consumption.

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@Mouse_House Thank you. Every time I grow a beard, people say they like it. But I still like varying back to clean-shaven occasionally.

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BBCBristol Long delays after motorway closed

via twitterfeed (retweeted on 4:14 PM, Oct 17th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

@curtismark M4 closed/severe delays between M4 J20 and J22. Eastbound and westbound, by looks of it.

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.@Bingo_Little Think the wrong person may have been issued with the white stick in that story…

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Bingo_Little cos hell white sticks and samuri swords look so similar…… Really???

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A shed load of grain closing the M4? They do know those frozen chickens from yesterday don’t need feeding, right?

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bexxi Hahaha - so cute! RT @subedited: A rail-replacement bus service in Glasgow raises a smile:

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@hayles There’s a kneading joke in there somewhere. Might be breast avoided, though v

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@guriben I was just coming to that conclusion…

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@guriben Cool. I was just googling for “what’s new”. Landscape home deffo a bonus.

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Oooh. Jellybean update for the Nexus just arrived.

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@liveindetail If you want a cheap bike, that Life Cycle stall is expecting more supplies at 12:30 ;)

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Margit11 The difference between English and German :-)RT @talendblog: Het verschil tussen Engels en Duits. Bitte!

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 11:53 AM, Oct 17th, 2012 via Tweetbot for iOS)

It’s amazing how fast these bikes are selling :)

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Oooh. Brewdog (opening soon) seems to be taking on beer ;)

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@LifeCycleUKteam I’m not surprised. Took me about an hour to fit new brake pads last night! Think I need to take that intermediate course ;)

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@markrglover Learning iPhone development, doing some marketing, and helping out with @getrunningapp. Among other things!

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@NNpme You’ll have to ask @LifeCycleUKteam! I only know about the sale because I was on their maintenance course on Saturday ;)

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MT @LifeCycleUKteam: Need an affordable bike? Come along to our refurbished bike sale, bikes from just £40+:

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Aaah, Wednesday. Halfway through the last week of the office job I’m currently doing. Hurrah!

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