Hoooooome. And my tired, tired feet are very grateful for that. *climbs into bed*
@waiyeehong Chin! Chin! On St Michael’s Hill. Awesomely good porks.
Healthy carrots. instagr.am/p/RBQ1JtpC6-/

PORKS! pic.twitter.com/SmXtuYIR
@Bingo_Little *snigger*
@Bingo_Little Yup. Though I’m on the Sunrise.
@Thehappyfatgirl Yur. But it’ll be a while before I end another contract and feel flush and celebratey ;)
@nineweeks Not quite. Down from the coffee roasters and Tiffins.
Gah! Think I just got suckered into Fool’s Mate. On Connect 4. @ The White Bear instagr.am/p/RBEz0HJC9t/
Change of plan. Killing time in White Bear before Chin Chin :) instagr.am/p/RBCkdApC7A/
I may have had too many cocktails. Tara is out of focus. #onlyactuallyhadone @ Goldbrick House instagr.am/p/RA9JOKJC0e/
Zoo, RWA Autumn Exhibition preview, now in Goldbrick House for Happy Hour, then onto Jamie’s. Celebrating no more office for a while :)
@Thehappyfatgirl Yup. Now in Goldbrick House on the happy hour cocktails. :)
@Thehappyfatgirl Nope. I am a girlie-free zone.
Us. @ Royal West of England Academy instagr.am/p/RA3S6LJC-F/
Doing art. instagr.am/p/RA1J1CJC7q/

Pillar talk. pic.twitter.com/2arzG7H1

Quick post-zoo BTP with Tara. pic.twitter.com/inM8C9WC
Life size. instagr.am/p/RAhlWHJC5Q/
Erm. @ Bristol Zoo & Gardens instagr.am/p/RAgWNjJC4O/

You, sir, just failed your reading comprehension test. pic.twitter.com/3GgodSsw
@Phooto @ahnlak The engineer had already cleared me to turn kettle on for tea above the leak, so I figured LED phone flash was OK :)
@ahnlak The leaky bit was isolated and shut off last night.
Mornin’ all. This morning I need to get a spoke replaced, pick up a parcel, and arrange for a gas leak to be fixed. So much for my lie-in.