@curtismark Just the annual Zombie Walk. As you do…
@sciencewitch @Mouse_House He was pretty ace.
waiyeehong If I remember tomorrow morning, I may skip back an hour on cctv to see how many of you try to crash into the doors an hour early. Fools.
Having Sunday roast a day early on a whim. instagr.am/p/RTDSSGJC6e/
Just passed the amusing sight of fifty zombies queueing for the portaloos. :)
Zombie Lego man. instagr.am/p/RShwwuJC4Z/
Zombie. Castle Park. Standard. instagr.am/p/RSfWZQJC2K/
@thomasvenables thanks. I’m not too familiar with zetiquette.
thomasvenables @gothick don’t call them that. Just refer to them as ‘those things out there’
Hurrah! Been for a jog. Might now wander into town to see if I can see any zombies.
Portway tree. instagr.am/p/RSWlsgpC_B/
Lone watchtower. instagr.am/p/RSV2n4JC-W/
@hayles Er. Mine’s never kernel panicked. And I already use three alarms ;) Guess I may be somewhat safer from desire.
@benjohnbarnes Have you phoned anyone at the other end to confirm?
@andybeebristol I shall dress accordingly.
Pleasingly blazing sun coming in through the window. Might have to get out for a jog once my breakfast is a instagr.am/p/RR9KV-pCyq/