@MrGreenGus 19:45 (at the Orpheus.) Yes, really not bad. Though the technobabble a bit much to take for a geek…
@claireellent Oh. And “Eve”? Also “Selena”, from _28 Days Later_.
@claireellent Short of taking the back off and poking around, I think you’ve probably tried all you can.
@jonhickman It’s a great deal better than The Phantom Menace. Then again, so is slamming your fingers in a car door.
@claireellent I could bring my hammer around? Erm. Is the TV running off a digital box? Try unplugging/replugging/otherwise waggling cables.
@claireellent Oh! Just realised, you never showed me the blue people on the telly :D
Well, Skyfall was fun :)
@redlegoman Just the Bristol Zombie Walk. Er. Not quite sure how to explain it any better than that!

benhorsleyco You never forget your first love. pic.twitter.com/Vbf3LQ9B
@MarkSkinner_ @BrewDogBristol Peered through window yesterday, but friend’s poorly hip means we need to wait until there are seats free :)
Japanese tourist asks for photo with zombies yesterday. Gets perhaps a little more than he expected :D flickr.com/photos/matt_gi…
@talkie_tim Happy birthday!
@thenicolabryant Try printing the document. Should be a “PDF” option somewhere on the print screen that will let you “print” to PDF.
@domwakeling Well, obviously, if I could afford the XL tub, I’d just swim in the stuff.
@Picklechu You must’ve been *really* clean by the end of the day.
@dangusset @thekarleighshow I think for a Pot Noodle you just add monosodium glutamate and stir.
@thekarleighshow Yeah, it’s fab. I just shouldn’t have read the ingredients :)
@KellySibson Nope. Very minimal this morning. Just egg and sausage.
liveindetail @gothick It’s amazing stuff, smells nice and is delicious on a slice of toast
@shleyWard Not recently. I’d try a local tiny hardware store, a bike shop, mail order from Amazon, or a Halfords, in that order :D

.@thekarleighshow Swarfega ingredients: pic.twitter.com/okP5xoqN
Swarfega has the scariest ingredients list of anything I’d voluntarily smear on my body.
Excuse me, I’m just going to spend five minutes greasing my bicycle. #notaeuphemism
It may be time to Get On With Stuff. Sigh.
@hayles NOBODY is getting THAT out of me.
@hayles Three random people have told me I should do Movember now. The most they’re getting out of me is a Goateeuesday.
@theshinythings …so I had time to build up the collection gradually!
@theshinythings I have matching side-plates, mugs and a sugarbowl :D Luckily, Evolution in the Galleries has been selling them for years…
@KaveyF Nope. Am gossip-free zone.
@KaveyF No. I made me brekkie, out of bed.
So far, my day is going well. Extra hour in bed, plus… instagr.am/p/RUg3G3JC_y/
Morning all.