@Mouse_House Ah, yeah, chai probably isn’t for you, then, even if it’s done properly.
@Mouse_House Done from scratch, or from syrup? Makes a difference.
@tsunimee @hayles My TV is not that small. And… No. I’m going to stop this sentence right here. Work time…
davidpatrick @gothick for an Apple device wouldn’t they be Safari glasses rather than opera glasses?
@hayles Hmph.
@ahnlak Kewl.
@ahnlak What, you’re on 4.1.2?
@hayles Mine’s a 21.
@hayles I suspect you have a bigger telly than me.
@hayles Also: HUSH.
@hayles My eyes have been rubbish since I was a teenager :(
@martingoode Yes. Though over time, I now mostly think, “Oooh! A tenner! I wonder if I might break even this year!”
The text on the Apple TV really is too small for my slightly rubbish eyes. No “make it bigger” option? Bah. Where can I buy opera glasses?
Legally right versus morally right. futilitycloset.com/2012/10/17/ups… #history #lincoln